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File: 298 KB, 935x935, lovecraft-and-felis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6889405 No.6889405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people cream themselves over this racist hack?

>> No.6889419

If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences.
-Hack Pedo Lovemake

>> No.6889434

Lovecraft's fiction would be 10 times larger if he were a hack.

>> No.6889439

why did lovecraft become such a popular b8 topic

no, not 'why do trolls post it', obviously they post it because it makes people respond and get mad

but why do people get so mad, that's what I want to know

>> No.6889445

is that lovecraft or mishima?
i cant tell

>> No.6889447
File: 88 KB, 288x408, Gramsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed, my comrade. He was truly bourgeoisie.

>> No.6889457
File: 83 KB, 256x192, phoenixthink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is unique and good--pretty much the anti-hack. He's worthy of defense.

>> No.6889477

I actually lost free pussy when i was dating this "alternative" girl i met off okcupid. over this

she claimed that he was only racist because of the times. then I brought up "On the Creation of Niggers"

we broke up then she went on a long rant on fb on how I ruined lovecraft for her ^.^

>> No.6889489
File: 76 KB, 960x505, black on white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not anti-racist, you're anti-white.

How many blacks have you excused for saying "eviscerate whitey and hang him up by his entrails?"

This guy is a celebrated professional, and you're going to throw him under the bus for some entirely excusable views?

>> No.6889497

What's being racist got to do with anything? Why would you automatically not enjoy a writer and his work if he were racist, especially in a time when it was far more common to be racist?

And how is he a hack? Are you calling him a hack because he's racist?

>> No.6889532


Personally, I think
if it's trolling I don't think 'Lovecraft was racist OMG' is worth responding to

And if it's serious I don't think it's worth responding to either, because people who judge art based on the author don't seem to be worth talking to on when there are presumably anons online who AREN'T incredibly pleb

>> No.6889533

but no blacks actually say that
Not to make this /pol/ but could link me a story of 1 black kid shooting 9 white people at a church?

>> No.6889543

Lovecraft didn't suck because he was a racist. He sucked because he was anti-business, anti-religion and anti-money.

>> No.6889550

It's that other racist writers get a pass for their racism like Jack London does because muh animals.

>> No.6889555

>This guy is a celebrated professional,
Lovecraft loathed the term professional. Too swamped in commercialism. A true gentleman writes as an amateur.

>> No.6889558



But anon

all of those are good things

>> No.6889560

>He sucked because he was anti-business, anti-religion and anti-money
these are good views tho

>> No.6889562

Nothing wrong with those.

Understandable if the sentiment concerns the negative aspects of organized institutions specifically.

>> No.6889574


>believing in things that have no true empirical, rational, or philosophical basis

Why don't you stop believing in a 2000 year old sand nigger and actually get on with your life?

>> No.6889886



>> No.6889944

He named his dog "Nigger-man"


>> No.6890372

Better that then a fucking red.

>> No.6890403

Religion I can understand, but you have to be a NEET to think the other two is bad.

>> No.6890420

You got it wrong. Anti business and anti money are alright but anti theism reeks of absent fatherhood and insecurity

>> No.6890453

How is anti business and anti money alright, but not religion?

>> No.6890467


>> No.6890475


Hey; see


Reminder that literally your entire belief structure is based off "muh feelings".

>> No.6890480

he liked the puritans that were around better than most people though, he just wasn't religious himself

>> No.6890493

Ah phooey.

>> No.6891355
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He was shut-in who liked cats and wanted to live back in good old days when the world totally wasn't as corrupt and chaotic. I don't think his views on human society or species have that much grounding on reality.
But he did write pretty damn good romanticized horror fantasy, and can be considered one of the major figures in history of horror genre.

>> No.6891381
File: 61 KB, 525x694, 1437968594280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was not racist. He never published racist material.

If i found your troll post about whatever race/gender/social group you did once, thinking it never would come back up, then presented that as indicative of how you lived your life you would say I'm misrepresenting you.

He has friends of many ethnicities.
He didn't publish racist works.
When he describes groups in stories he is speaking about groups who have been changed by their environment, or something wicked that has moved in amongst them.
He describes whites blacks middle eastern and asian people in the same tone when they are the group his character is viewing.
He never supported any racist ideology in his life.
He was more forward on women than many male writers of the time were.
HP did nothing wrong.

>> No.6891383


This is what being contrarian against contrarians does to your brain.

>> No.6891393

To piss of overly PC crowd of people who lose their minds whenever someone dares to think differently, even if that someone is long dead.
Also, I like his stories. He's no master of prose, but it works and it's atmospheric.

>> No.6891405

he's intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humour

>> No.6891508

Lovecraft is a hack and this is just academic fact ever since Edmund destroyed him and his little band of followers.

>> No.6892644
File: 12 KB, 212x232, 1438025522796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading into his personal life rather than his writing
>Annoyed because he was racist, times were different
>Not taking his work for what it is

>> No.6892850

Is race the most repressed idea of our time?
Was this concept ever this stigmatized in the history of humanity?
Not even gender and sexuality have this much negative charge in the sum of all of their respective associations
I don't hate niggers, I don't hate chinks. Race established itself as an integral element of the development of my identity in my family, in my society, in the world, somehow both with and without my will, and I embrace every of its connotations. Do you genuinely believe your standard 19th/20th century writer had beliefs that were much far-off this basis?
Why Lovecraft cared that much for dindus I don't know, most simply didn't care

>> No.6892875

Yep, it definitely is. When you look at the human history, we've always had some big taboo. Not so long ago, it was unacceptable for women to show some skin, but throwing around words like nigger was perfectly okay. They tore down this taboo because they felt the need to rebel, but they needed a new one; they needed something to get offended at. Why? I guess it's in human nature. Anyway, racism ended up being the big deal.
I wonder what will be next.

>> No.6892877

>implying racism is bad

>> No.6892912

I don't think it's about having your "taboo of the era" in different forms: there are specific reasons to why and when something happens
Self-preservation of a people has always existed in human history, so in 'that' sense racism has always been a 'big deal'. I guess race ideologies of the last century spiced things up a bit

>> No.6892937

>He never supported any racist ideology in his life.
>"We really face the same problem in America-where the city of New York is virtually lost to the national fabric through its tragic & all-pervasive Semitisation. Our literature & drama, selected by Jewish producers &: great Jewish publishing houses like Knopf, & feeling the pressure of Jewish finance & mercantile advertising, are daily getting farther & farther from the real feelings of the plain American in New England or Virginia or Kansas; whilst the profound Semitism of New York is affecting the "intellectuals" who flock there & creating a flimsy & synthetic body of culture & ideology radically hostile to the virile American attitude.

>The trouble with the Jew is not his blood-which can mix with ours without disastrous results but his persistent & antagonistic culture-tradition. On the other hand, the negro represents a vastly inferior biological variant...The absolute colour-line as applied to negroes is both necessary & sensible, whereas a similar deadline against Jews (though attempted by Hitler) is ridiculous."

>> No.6893085

Hating the anglo and his eternal friend the Jew is not racist.

>> No.6893372

Like his takedown of Kafka? And Raymond Chandler? Wilson is remembered more for his missteps than what he did right.

>> No.6893403

Because business and money reinforce attitudes that disenfranchise large swathes of people often arbitrarily, or due to the circumstances of their birth. Both are social constructs that could be done without, but the transitionary phase is widely feared by the world leaders it threatens and the mindless drones who find comfort in the status quo.

>> No.6894562

>disenfranchise large swathes of people often arbitrarily

Well a long look at the Gaza strip shows religion does this quite often, often in conjunction with the other two previously mentioned.

>> No.6894571

>writes stories about the fear of the unknown
>is afraid of fish, women, cold, water, jews, black people etc.


>> No.6894581

>The trouble with the Jew is not his blood-which can mix with ours without disastrous results but his persistent & antagonistic culture-tradition.

he's right about the culture thing. the blood thing is also true because modern day jews are not semetic but wholly caucasian. european adoptees of the semitic language and religion

>> No.6894591


Because he wasn't a hack, and because racism isn't a serious fault where art is concerned.

>> No.6894594


> semetic

Why do people make this mistake so often? It's SEMITIC, not 'semetic'. I've heard many people say this. Why does it happen?

>> No.6894595

Tbh it is a serious fault, but faults in art aren't categorically a negative thing.

>> No.6894601


No, it's not a serious fault. I'm not using Humpty Dumpty's dictionary here, a fault is a negative thing, that's what the word means.

>> No.6894609

Are you a robot?

>> No.6894688


No, I'm using English in a normal way rather than trying to scheme a way to pretend to care about racism while reading and enjoying a racist writer. I'm happy to say the life of every living black person isn't worth a page of Lovecraft to me. Let them go to purging fire if they can't know their place.

>> No.6894691


I don't really mean this of course, but I do when they annoy me in the slightest. Racism is a complex issue.

>> No.6894700

Lmao what.

>> No.6894713


The idea that racism can be a fault without being negative is doublethink. In my own home, reading my own books, I don't have to pretend to give a fuck about racism, so why would I pretend it's a fault?

>> No.6894718

Retards used to writing 'Semen'

What I wonder is why everyone writes

>Edgar Allen Poe

>> No.6894720

Implying contradictions can't be meaningful. Language is a game, lrn2 dialectics.

>> No.6894727


Why pretend there's a contradiction where there isn't one? I mean, you're not in a seminar here, you're anon, you can admit that you don't mind or care about racism, no spades are going to pop out of the woodwork and gyrate their prolapsed lips at you.

>> No.6894730

>you can admit that you don't mind or care about racism

ok Dude, I won't though because I do.

>> No.6894736


That's ridiculous. Even if you're black, it's a lousy way to live, permanently on a dole from the grievance industry.

>> No.6895018


Oh cool, I killed the thread.

>> No.6895064

He was merely a product of his environment.

>> No.6895078

