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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.98 MB, 1800x3250, thequillpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6888930 No.6888930 [Reply] [Original]

a chart lads, i made a chart

also /poetrygeneral/ although these things never live because nobody here cares about poetry and we have nothing to talk about

>> No.6888979

Pretty good, pretty good
I think you might be biased for metaphysical poetry over romantic poetry though

>> No.6888987

Do you read the other languages, such as Dante in Italian, homer in Greek, etc.?
If not, I don't think you should include them in this chart

>> No.6888995

Why is Whitman in two different tiers?

>> No.6888997
File: 797 KB, 668x837, perry'spenstemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read greek yes but the point in including them is that they're foundational even as translated works.

>> No.6889006
File: 468 KB, 587x752, oxeyedaisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's both entry level and levelled up. What you get out of him depends on your level as a reader

>> No.6889009

Saved. Thanks girl.

>> No.6889010

Oh, just saw the note in upper right

>> No.6889012

this... you should just stick to English... Having an chart of all English poets with just the greatest non English ones sprinkled in seemingly randomly is shit

>> No.6889020

Can you upload to mega your flower folder? I have strange sexual attraction to small flowers.

>> No.6889022

What makes you think you're qualified to create this ranking, OP? Why should we listen to you?

>> No.6889023

My favourite poem is Ozymandias by Shelley.
But I haven't read too many poems.

>> No.6889025

T.S. Eliot can be moved down a tier, as can Chaucer. Also, putting Dante and Ovid above Homer is actually insane.

>> No.6889030

/mu/ has convinced me that extensive charts can only do harm to a board. And maybe even charts in general.

Also, when you do tiers like this you shouldn't conflate increase in difficulty and quality, else people won't want to read anything outside of the bottom two-tiers.

>> No.6889033
File: 454 KB, 720x514, longspur violet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not arbitrarily chosen, or else I'd have sprinkled in Goethe, Lorca, Baudelaire, etc. The ones I did include are there because of their influence on the english poets that HAVE been included

>> No.6889046
File: 431 KB, 720x531, whorledloosestrife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just based on "quality" of verse, or else Pound wouldn't be in the highest tier. It's based on difficulty as well.

>> No.6889061

I see. Fair enough, stick to your guns and all. I downloaded it anyway - it's still a pretty good list. I have a slight issue with Melville being so low if this list is to do with difficulty. His poems are sometimes pretty experimental and difficult to get a grasp on.

>> No.6889065

But why?

>> No.6889067

Eliot should be in his own tier below the nigger one, but most of this is acceptable.

>> No.6889070

This is just fucked. I can't begin to imagine how you justify any of these,
The most difficult tier is all poets most people can read by 13. The lowest tier has a lot of important poets. The second tier has much more difficult poetry than what should be called entry level. Spencer is entry level tbh, he's good but he's not difficult. This chart basically shows you don't understand half the poetry you read.

>> No.6889084

I am not joking here. It's hard to find downloadable folders of flowers on the internet. I could be satisfied even by a subfolder, or a part of the whole folder if you keep all flowers uncategorized.

>> No.6889088
File: 429 KB, 720x528, canadaviolet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

some hot opinions lad, where do you find these 13 year olds reading Pound and Crane and understanding Ashbery? Even Auden didn't have a clue as to what Ashbery was saying. I don't like the cut of your jib, boyo, and Spenser being easy to read is a good laugh. Also, i don't appreciate your attitude.

>> No.6889100

>I don't appreciate your attitude.
Hhhoooooooooo. Let's mud wrestle girl.

>> No.6889108

I'm sorry I said this actually. The dubs redeem me though.

>> No.6889112

this chart is fucking cancer.

>> No.6889124

>why not?
I think the chart should be either by quality or by difficulty. By having some weird mixture of the two, it makes it difficult to use.

>> No.6889126

Well, I was one of those 13 year olds. I was friends with those 13 year olds. It was fking public school. God is this even Lit? Learn to read.

>> No.6889129

I have a wiener, mein freund. I just like flowers.

>> No.6889131

Like a cute little one?

>> No.6889132

Liar. Say something manly then.

>> No.6889136

Why is Pound in 'Mama's proud tier' but Elliot is in the top tier. Elliot was in awe of Pound's brilliance.

Needs revision.

>> No.6889141

Quality is a difficult thing to measure. It usually just boils down to the author of the chart's favorite poets.

And my IQ is 286 and I have a six foot dick. Also I own the Boston Celtics and have four wives.
I don't buy that a thirteen year old has the reading experience to decipher Ashbery when a grown man who has spent his life reading and writing and publishing poetry has difficulty doing so, and the others are difficult even for men with experience. Nice bait though, I replied

>> No.6889145

Where were you the day when /lit/ became /mu/ tier?

>> No.6889148

This is a good catch. Because even if she is a guy she can't prove it 'cause males on /lit/ aren't manly. Kazam!

>> No.6889152
File: 285 KB, 889x1126, pepe_de_aquino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had no idea St. Edmund Campion was a poet.
My cursory googling yields no results.
Am I being rused?

St. Ignatius Pepe when?

>> No.6889154

Mama's proud tier is the top

>> No.6889159

>Elliot was in awe of Pound's brilliance.
wouldnt this b why pound is higher than eliot? i think ur misreading the chart m8

>> No.6889161

God are you serious?
Maybe I was just lucky to have those friends and a teacher that could read english? Goodluck, maybe one day you can get through a whole Judy Blume book.

>> No.6889166

Girl please don't abondon the pretty flowers. What have you away anyway was your opening post, I have an eye for these things.

>> No.6889167
File: 292 KB, 720x457, noddingonion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an alcoholic coke dealer and I enjoy boxing. This is the truth


Thomas Campion, amigo

>> No.6889216
File: 888 KB, 1600x1237, 1422391652179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Campion, amigo

Best change your image.
That pic is indubitably St. Edmund Campion, SJ, viz. cassock, noose and knife in his breast.

>> No.6889221

You're right, but I want theologyfags to suffer

>> No.6889237

There was a poet mentioned in one of these threads with the first name John and possibly a last name beginning with an H? He appeared by his poetry devoutly religious. Definitely English. Anybody know?

>> No.6889246
File: 1.00 MB, 2382x1393, PrinceJamesFrancisEdwardStuart_AlexisSimonBelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And so you don't just think I'm a salty pedantic fuck, let me add that, on the whole, you have excellent taste.
'Levelled Up Tier' is topnotch.

>> No.6889247

Jesus Christ I'm an idiot. He's in the chart. Gerard Manley Hopkins. Sorry.

>> No.6889265
File: 109 KB, 500x466, 1425001598976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In which case I retract >>6889246

Pox on you.

>> No.6889268
File: 515 KB, 720x483, carolinaspringbeauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hard feelings lad, someone might change it or I might eventually but I like having a little flavor eh so I'm gonna leave it for now

>> No.6889289

completely arbitrary

/lit/ sure has gone down the toilet

>> No.6889292


>> No.6889295

Give me a moderator partridge-plump,
Short in the leg and broad in the rump,
An endomorph with gentle hands
Who'll never make absurd demands
That I abandon all my vices
Nor pull a long face in a crisis,
But's gonna tell straightly & offhand:
"OP's a faggot, also the OP is b&"

>> No.6889310

Whenever somebody doesn't put Milton at the top of the foodchain, you know they haven't a clue.

>> No.6889314

OP hasn't read 90% of the poets in the chart, so that's to be expected. He's "ranking" them based on the reputation he gathers from the opinions of others. It's complete trash.

>> No.6889318


>> No.6889327

Rate the poets you've read. I would but that would get me doxxed in no time. So I'd rather rank poets, if I had the time, by extraction: kings on top, then courtiers, then nobles, then the clergymen followed by the moneyed plebs etc. all the way down to the gutter.

>> No.6889338

Am I a retard or is Rimbaud not even mentioned in the chart?

>> No.6889348

you are a retard. that you can tell by clinging to old europe still although all genes worth something have long left to seek their fortunes in america.

>> No.6889353

You realize that's a critique that holds true of the chart, right?

>> No.6889370
File: 442 KB, 436x968, dwarflarkspur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you I've never even read a book in my entire life.

Maybe you should read the thread lad


Wasn't my reply

>> No.6889515

OP, I really suggest that you read the Paris Review's interview with Ashbery. His approach to poetry is surprising and refreshing, and I think it might help put you off from participating in this board's toxic culture (e.g., treating literature as a competition to which rankings can be applied). He never intended to be especially difficult, and there is no mystical knowledge to be decoded by "making sense of" his poems. They say what they mean, and convey feelings and experiences directly.

>> No.6889525

I've read the interview already. I've read the interviews of all the poets from paris review

>> No.6889556

Yeah they seem to be quite good, the only ones I've read are Ashbery and Gaddis, but I plan on seeking out more. But anyway, how do you read that and, in seeing that such an acclaimed and skilled poet is so humble and unassuming, not become humbled yourself? How do you retain the hubris necessary to present your opinions as universal truths?

>> No.6889568

He explains it as just being shitposting

>> No.6889592

Tier 4: Merwin
Based chart

>> No.6889613


>Bishop low tier
>Williams low tier
>Shakespeare, Milton anything but Mama's proud
>Ashberry Mama's proud and not wtf are you doing
>Swinburne seriously
>Whitman not entry
>Crane so high up
>Stevens so low

You're that hart crane thread faggot aren't you?

>> No.6889618

Why is O'Hara the same tier as Bukowski?

>> No.6889622
File: 679 KB, 720x974, springbeauty-narrowleafspringbeauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a chart that's based mostly on difficulty. Nothing universal about it amigo, you don't like it then don't read it.

Their interviews are grand, I love the Faulkner interview. You should check it out if you haven't.

>> No.6889628

>dur my taste should be the chart
Ur dumb, boy. It's not an image about our favorite posts

>> No.6889726

yes, read a bunch of Renaissance and romantic poetry before Shakespeare, Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and Dante.

Great Idea.

>> No.6889730

yeah this chart is all about the order u should read them in, it says so right there in red ink

>> No.6889740

That's not really the case for all poets though. Didn't Elliot argue poetry should be only for the bourgeoisie?

>> No.6889759

I hate charts. Charts are the ultimate in discussing a thing without actually discussing anything. There is no need to have read a single book in your life to make or discuss a chart, these threads are cheap masturbatory conflict hiding as a discussion of literature.

>> No.6889761

Try-hard pedestrian-tier.

>> No.6889776

I love charts tbh fam

>> No.6889778


>> No.6889780

They're nice to look at

>> No.6889784

How do you mean?

>> No.6889788

My eyes are happy when they are pointed at a chart

>> No.6889789

How's that?

>> No.6889830

wats good about ezra pound

>> No.6889834

utter shite tbh

>> No.6889851

Bishop shouldn't be this low.

>> No.6889865

Yeah this is shit

who would you recommend if I love:
Wordsworth, Byron, Donne, Eliot, Pound
and hate:
Milton, Pope, Keats

>> No.6889870

>only black poets in the chart are in the lowest tier

>> No.6889881

>sole criticism is over the quantity of poets of a particular race

>> No.6889889

I'd recommend suicide

dunno but this chart doesn't say he's good

>> No.6889892

Hate Keats? I'd recommend you to get some fucking taste.

>> No.6889893

there's hundreds of reasons why the chart isn't any good. that one hasn't been mentioned so I posted it. quit projecting

>> No.6889899

name some

>> No.6889904

Nobody ITT is, people who make those charts are just trogoldytes inflating themselves

>> No.6889908

bet I'm more qualified than you

>> No.6889928

There is no authority or explanation behind any choice whatsoever. There's no point why it should exist. There isn't even the glimmer of guiding someone who is interested in poetry as something like the /mu/ essentials chart does, or an attempt at categorization such as "here are good Renaissance poets, here are good Romantic poets." It's presenting poetry as a contest and a dick-waving competition over who is superior and better-read than you are. It's just a a vague collection of some anonymous 4chan user's opinions on the validity of reading poets, not their poetry. In other words, it's the worst of /lit/ distilled into a jpg concerning the topic least deserving of this shit.

Anything beyond that is just useless nitpicking. Like how all the black poets are in the lowest category.

>> No.6889947

>There is no authority or explanation behind any choice whatsoever.
There's no authority behind anything on this website. If you want authority why are you here?
>There's no point why it should exist.
Where's your authority for such a claim
>There isn't even the glimmer of guiding someone who is interested in poetry as something like the /mu/ essentials chart does,
"Here's some albums lol listen to em"?? Very helpful.
>or an attempt at categorization
They're categorized based on difficulty. You're a retard nonce who thought the chart was ranking poets based on quality when it wasn't.
You're a silly guy.

>> No.6890004

>There's no authority behind anything on this website. If you want authority why are you here?
Begging the question, good job.
>Where's your authority for such a claim
If it is to be an "introduction to verse" and introduce someone to verse, it should do that. introduce someone to verse. Does this chart do that? No. Where is my authority? You just said we're on 4chan so I am not beholden to such a question either.
>"Here's some albums lol listen to em"?? Very helpful.
That chart was made over months of collaborative effort and is sorted into different umbrella genres of music. And it is intended to introduce someone to music popular on /mu/. Can you honestly not see why it is a similar idea with superior results?
>They're categorized based on difficulty. You're a retard nonce who thought the chart was ranking poets based on quality when it wasn't.
Sorry, I thought someone new to poetry would want to read what was quality or what they were interested in based on some sort of description, not on what is most difficult and best shows how smart you are. Furthermore,
>They're categorized based on difficulty.
Assuming you aren't the creator of the chart, how did you know that? It says "introduction to verse" and lists a bunch of poets' faces in a vague hierarchy. Sounds like you're validating your own choices in poetry via their difficulty. And assuming that was the point of the chart, what is the point in doing such a thing?

ad hominem and so on and so on, fuck off flowerposter

>> No.6890022

>That chart...results?
What does the method of composition have to do with anything? The end result is still "here's some albums lol take a listen"
Because you could easily read the thread and find out but you're too excited to make a fool of yourself to do so. Back to your kpop board.

>> No.6890089

True, but that's the statement of a misanthrope whose value was in the aesthetic and emotional aspects of his work, not in his thoughts.

>> No.6890595

>reading poetry in english

>> No.6890605

Bishop in lowest tier, hilarious troll

>> No.6890630

>whitman with hat

>> No.6890632

putting Melville in entry level is a distillation of ignorance. Read Clarel then get back to me.

>> No.6890667

I agree that the chart is FUBAR, but I'm amused by your exchanges here on the top level.

Reading Spenser right now, bull-fucking-shit that a 13yo could read that and get anything out of it or that it is 'entry level'. Even an educated adult would frequently miss the allusions to Latin/ecclesiastic poetry and legends without footnotes (not to mention if they were unfamiliar with EME). For reference, opening to a random page:

>Ah gentle knight (said then Sir Satyrane)
>Thy labour all is lost, I greatly dread,
>That hast a thanklesse seruice on thee ta'ne,
>And offrest sacrifice vnto the dead:
>For dead, I surely doubt, thou maist aread
>Henceforth for euer Florimell to bee,
>That all the noble knights of Maydenhead,
>With her ador'd, may sore repent with mee,
>And all fair Ladies may for euer sory bee.

>> No.6890685


Melville has an epic longer than Homer and brutally hard

>> No.6890733

>Dante this low

>> No.6890782

No Pablo Neruda? You're missing out and you're dragging people down with you.

>> No.6890930
File: 108 KB, 400x381, pepe_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently reading 'The Aeneid' and I can barely pay attention unless I carefully read each line out loud. I like it, but something about the way the verse sits on the page makes it impossible to concentrate on. Is there any hope for my future poetry appreciation?

>> No.6890947

So is this like the Pritchard Scale from Dead Poets Society?

>> No.6890958

Assuming you're decently smart, just keep working at it and you'll eventually adjust. I remember first trying to read Paradise Lost when I was 13 and I didn't understand shit, but after rereading Book I maybe 5 times over the year, I finally got the feel for Milton's style and structure and breezed through it.

>> No.6890976

Are you reading it in Latin, English, or both? I had to read part in Latin and part in English for AP Latin, and it was somewhat fulfilling.

>> No.6890997

Did you keep reading poetry after you were 13, or were you done with all of it by your 14th birthday?

>> No.6891391

>Eliot in Leveled Up-tier
I haven't laughed this hard in a while

>> No.6892018

So anglocentric.
Fuck off.

>> No.6892026

>Chart about english language writers
>Anglosphere is where the most english speakers are found
>Surprised when it's anglocentric
Are you retarded?

>> No.6892044

>english poetry


>> No.6892051

move Shakespeare up you contrarian faggot

I thought this meme was over

>> No.6892085

Read the thread you retarded faggot, it's not ranking poets based on merit.

>> No.6892335

yeah and if it by difficulty it is a fucking worthless chart

>> No.6892348

thanks for your esteemed and authoritative opinion mister anonymous basement neet, it means a lot

>> No.6892849

a poetry tier chart is the last thing anybody needs

seriously, you're still in high school tier if you think that shit's meaningful

>> No.6892862

read it in the original Latin.

nothing compares tbh

>> No.6892868

that's true of all poets, though

>> No.6892873

>all of the romantics in the same tier

nevermind the fact that they were poets of differing tastes and capacities, they're all just "the romantics" right

>> No.6892885

I like your list op

>> No.6892893

>keats, landor, clare, blake, burns, wordsworth, byron, shelley, coleridge
>all in the same tier
ur a retard

>> No.6892936

Reading it in English, I understand it perfectly well but I keep zoning off and it all becomes a blur to me. I had a similar problem reading The Republic. I've read the full Leaves of Grass and loved it, so it's not like I have a problem with reading verse.

>> No.6892982

I love Eliot, but putting him above Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, Marlowe and Homer is a massive kek. I doubt Eliot himself would even do such a thing, considering in his speech 'What is a classic?' he identified the Aeneid as the quintessential Western classic, coming not too early and not too late.

>> No.6892993

>still thinking the chart is based on quality

>> No.6893016


>> No.6893223


Older = Better

What the fuck is wrong with Ginsberg?

>> No.6893340

>came in ready to shit on OP
>the retarded redditors on this board are so embarrassingly simple minded that OP seems like a genius in comparison

>> No.6893362

swap Poe with Hardy and you have yourself an almost perfect little chart there, anon.

>> No.6893388

Pretension for days.

>> No.6893401

How to get into poetry?I have no idea from where to start

>> No.6893421


>> No.6893456

Thank you!

>> No.6894189

1. the chart makes zero specification about how it is organized

2. Eliot is infinitely more accessible than everyone I listed. How many people can read Latin or Ancient Greek today?