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/lit/ - Literature

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6888921 No.6888921 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the biggest fedora book of all time?

I didn't get why people say it's such shocking writing, it's literally what a 14 year old emo kid would think of.

>> No.6888946

Daily reminder that antinatilists are just infected with a virus of a meme that turns the will against life and therefore against itself.

No need to take them seriously.

>> No.6888955

>I can't argue against it so I'll just make fun of it
>I-it's just obviously wrong!

>> No.6888971

Never said it was wrong, but it was hilariously juvenile. Nothing he said was original or unique. Teenagers think of that stuff.

>> No.6889277

Ya it's shit

>> No.6889294


>> No.6889362

What is some essential Ligotti?

>> No.6889747

Didn't read that one but I've read Teatro Grottesco (a collection of short horror stories) and it was neither scary nor unnerving
What makes so many people say that he is a good writer?

>> No.6891102

The trash tbh

>> No.6891161


>Emo kid

I have no idea or interest in what this book is

>> No.6891194

>teenagers think of voluntary extinction
Since when?

>> No.6891292

Is he autistic?

“One cringes to hear scientists cooing over the universe or any part thereof like schoolgirls over-heated by their first crush. From the studies of Krafft-Ebbing onward, we know that it is possible to become excited about anything—from shins to shoehorns. But it would be nice if just one of these gushing eggheads would step back and, as a concession to objectivity, speak the truth: THERE IS NOTHING INNATELY IMPRESSIVE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE OR ANYTHING IN IT.”

>> No.6891297

>Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.

>> No.6891332

Lol how have you not seen shit like "it would be great if the human race was just wiped out" or "I'm never gonna have kids like my parents" all over tumblr and the like

>> No.6891343

I have, but there's world of difference between misanthropic omnicide/efilism and philanthropic antinatalism. Breeding is selfish and harmful whether the fact is stated by an emo goth on the internet or David Benatar, Ph.D in a book published by Oxford University Press.

>> No.6891350

>Selfish and harmful


>> No.6891354
File: 33 KB, 271x455, nerobust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trim that beard

>> No.6891358
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>I have nothing intelligent to say nor am I willing to question my deep-rooted biases and intuitions
Pic related.

>> No.6891372
File: 96 KB, 804x1065, Fedorated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks fedoras are just a meme

*tips fedora*

>> No.6891514


I'll never know why the fedorite who made this thought this image was going to do anything other than reinforce the stereotype.

>> No.6891552

How did referencing a hat become a good rebuttal on /lit/ again?

>> No.6891578

Welcome to /pol/ 2.0

>> No.6891584
File: 40 KB, 479x720, 1380697092809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like I'm really on /tv/

>anything I don't like is /pol/

>> No.6891589
File: 1.96 MB, 500x225, shelli grin perfecto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my life is shit and I'm hideous, therefore, I argue that no one should be having kids" - Thomas Ligotti

teenagers take him seriously

>> No.6891595

I can't remember him referencing his own life very much.

>> No.6891640

He doesn't say anything at all about his own life.

>> No.6891644


he might as well since his argument is hinged around his perception of life being unsatisfying, not realizing the subjectivity of his assessment in general

>> No.6891649

Did you, like, read the book, man?