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File: 336 KB, 1024x681, reading in starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6887255 No.6887255 [Reply] [Original]

what is your favorite public place to read?

>> No.6887662

a coffee place a couple of blocks away from home. It's got nice natural light and huge couches with lamp tables on the side. It's gotten a bit crowded recently so haven been there in a while, I rather go in the middle of the week so it's less crowded. Have met a few nice people through asking them about what they were reading.

>> No.6887684

None of them

>> No.6887690

The library. I love coffee shops, but most aren't very good for reading. They're way too loud.

>> No.6887691
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>> No.6887693

infinite jest on the tube master race reporting on

>> No.6887704


Somewhere outside where it is dead as fuck. Having an own place to read somewhere empty would be orgasmic, considering every human presence in a radius of min. 50 meters is distracting for me.

>> No.6887712

empty field of grass

>> No.6887717

Outside in the shade. It's nice living in the tropics, there's usually a nice breeze and plenty of sunlight.

>> No.6887739
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>> No.6887748

university library upstairs has comfy chairs i sit at and read =)

>> No.6887754

>tfw every floor of your university library except the designated quiet floor is filled to the brim with screaming idiots
>tfw the quiet floor doesn't have any comfy chairs
I'm jealous, anon

>> No.6887762
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>> No.6887805

It's really hot and the shade is nice.

It's better to go there in the evening.

>> No.6887831

Quiznos on 4th.
Those toasty subs get me every time.

>> No.6887845

god damn that looks comfy

>> No.6888183

>except the designated quiet floor
>library has designated quiet floor

Where I live you shut the fuck up once you're in, whatever the floor you're at.

>> No.6888189

Cafes and the subway mostly.

>> No.6888191

I like reading on trains.

>> No.6888192

afterwork at the pub.

>> No.6888219

bars, public parks, transit. anywhere with a lot of irregular ambient noise where there's little chance of someone engaging conversation.

>> No.6888273

Does anybody else feel a bit cringey reading in public? I usually read on the bus or if I have to make a commute, but I tried deliberately going out and reading in a coffee house for pleasure and it felt too self-aware and contrived.

>> No.6888282

librarians still shush ya where i live bub

>> No.6888286

Parks or your mom's house

>> No.6888287

I usually read in places that aren't too heavily crowded yet still may be called 'public' e.g. >>6887712 or underneath the shade of a tree in a park on a bench or on the ramp of stone leading in to the Crane's Roost lake that for some reason exists, etc, etc. People may pass by but it's neither common nor intrusive, such as would be the case in a mall's sitting area or in a cafe, etc.

>> No.6888289
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>> No.6888290
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>that awful pillow
throw it in the creek

>> No.6888302

>what is your favorite public place to read?
Your mom.

>> No.6888311

Very Black Lodge-ish.

>> No.6888316


>> No.6888330

legitimately autistic

>> No.6888342
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Pic related


>> No.6888347
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The airport overlook tbh

>> No.6888354

I do. for some reason I get weird stare. I do it regularly so some people that I see regularly look at me like 'oh theres the kid with the book again' idk maybe they don give a shit, but every time I see someone reading on the bus or train I think 'oh great someone reading good for them' but then I look at what they're reading and I judge them.

>> No.6888375
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Are you an elf?

>> No.6888382

The train.

>> No.6888387


>> No.6888414
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fucking stone/tree lovers


>> No.6888422
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Natural is the way to go. It's raining now

>> No.6888442

>trying to read while several mosquitoes trying to land on you

you aint foolin me, Ive been there before

>> No.6888453
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this looks like something mole people made to emulate the outdoors; grass carpet, earthy furniture, illuminated yellow wall, plants, tree

v. comfy but don't lie and say you aren't a nature lover

>> No.6888455

I was thinking that.

>> No.6888464


yes, but without insects, really hot sun, things that hurts, changes of weather, etc.


>> No.6888468

>without insects
bug spray
>really hot sun
where do you live
>things that hurts
natural stone bench should cover that
>changes of weather
use your phone's weather app

>> No.6888471

>Tacky as fuck Christmas lights
>laptop open on couch
>huge projector in plain sight

These people are fucking plebs

>> No.6888485

>The university (cabanas, upper floors of the library, out of direct sunlight)
>public parks (if it isn't too hot)
>the beach
>your mom's vagina

>> No.6888487
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who the fuck are you
you're the type of guy who wants to drive when it's only 2 blocks away

>> No.6888499
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Never really had issues with them; more often it is the flies that bother me, but that's mostly hiking there and they leave me alone once I hit the tree line.

>> No.6888504
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Oh, nobody special.

>> No.6888505

One of the only acceptable instances in which to utilize an ereader.

>> No.6888509
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Cat/heli skiing lodge

>some of the best snowboarding all day
>warm up with cup of hot coffee by the fire while reading comfy book
>talk with visiting Germans and Swiss while eating a home cooked stew
>read by fire, sipping wiskey as it gets dark out

>> No.6888516

>Not skiing
What's it like being 15?

>> No.6888521

>not skiing

>> No.6888526
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>going outside

>> No.6888535
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I do both but most of the other people were snowboarding, so the guides pick terrain more suitable for the group

>> No.6888542

It's a pretty gorgeous spot, I'll give you that.

>> No.6889486

I like reading in my car during the colder months; I'll just drive somewhere that's open and commands an overview, and read -- occasionally glancing up and watch people go by.

>> No.6889594

that actually sounds quite nice

>> No.6889627

my school's library

>> No.6889635

I love going to cafes but usually end up getting distracted by the qts, so these days I stick to secluded parks instead. My old favourite park was ruined last time I went, though. A prosty turned a trick in a nearby bush as I was reading on the park bench and walked past me on her way out, presumably advertising her wares.

>> No.6889637
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This was me today
>cool breeze and warm sun
>sat on dried leaves and leaned against a tree
>my uncle's dog would come along sometimes and I'd pet him
>uncle's whole cattle was a few meters away, his most valuable head sitting full-bodied in the sun for me to mire between chapters
>ripe mandarins fresh from its tree at hand
10/10 the pampas are as comfy as they sound

>> No.6889643
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>> No.6889663

During the summer I do 100% of my reading outside so winter always sucks for me. I still tough it out reading out when its -28 though, when you get really into a book you start ignoring it. Oh, reading infront of the fireplace is a plus for winter though.

>> No.6889684

bugs are really easy to ignore if you're not a fag and if you bring a sweater you have 3 possible outfits to adapt to weather changes.

>> No.6889695

a nearby starbucks where there are single chairs where you are semi-separated from the loud tables. It is also very cool which i think is ideal during the summer.

>> No.6889725

wearing a sweater and pants isn't that comfortable if you hiking in 25+ degree weather

>> No.6889748
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Stanley Park when its not raining

>> No.6889757

>Have met a few nice people through asking them about what they were reading.
Now I have a question about this
Do you ask them while they're reading of when they're doing something else on the place?
I always feel like wanting to know people in such occasions but I hesitate for not wanting to disturb their reading session or so

>> No.6889790

You've inspired me to get my ass outdoors for reading. That's incredible.

>> No.6889835

where do you live that +25ºC is considered extremely hot?
Anyway, I don't have anything to offerother than my word to argue reading outdoors is worth it, especially if you're having a hard time focusing

>> No.6889989

I like the noise. It helps me focus like a really big window fan.

>> No.6890032


>> No.6890053

a quiet forest or a park early in the morning.

>> No.6890071
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>Deep into your story
>Fully in the world of the book
>You come out of the world, confused for a moment, you look up and see someone looking at you. You knee-jerk say "huh?"
>What are you reading?
>They walk off.
>You sit there, still dazed staring ahead.
>You know you won't be able to get that deep back into the story, at least not within the next hour and possibly not at all today.

>> No.6890074

Panera Bread. They have free refills on coffee and tea. Music is quiet and the ones I visit have a corner that no one goes in.

>> No.6890075

Seconding. That chick behind the counter is a grade A qt.

>> No.6890443
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Comfy thread.
Wish I had access to some places like this.

Is that the director or something?

>> No.6891167

Certainly not at the most crowded Starbucks ever near the Pike's Place Market where this pic was taken.

>> No.6891172

>tfw can't read in public because I get distracted by noise
I mean I can, but when I start reading again at home, I forget what I read in public.

>> No.6891179


I da club

>> No.6891201
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>work at Starbucks because need job, so no go there
>live in Texas so its too fucking hot to be outside
>read uncomfortably on bed

>> No.6891219

This guy gets it
A good book and a pint beats reading at home any day

>> No.6891226

I work nights full time at a gas station. A big part of my job is just sitting around waiting for people to buy shit. I get paid to read for a good 2-3 hours a night. The bus ride home is a bonus

>> No.6891232


VanDusen would be better, but it's too expensive
Stanley Park is a trek

>> No.6891255

>I love going to cafes but usually end up getting distracted by the qts

>> No.6891258
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i'm just playin but seriously who
are you asking whether the guy is the director or not? no, that's adrien brody in detachment

>> No.6891282

Hey buddy, what Saramago novel is that, and would you recommend it? I've not read anything by him, though I have seen Enemy which I understand is based on his novel The Double.

American btw

>> No.6891285

I sometimes get distracted by people doing shit, so I would listen to like Oneohtrix Point Never or some harsh noise played at a low volume while reading. But then I get a bit self-conscious that I probably look autistic as fuck, so I've since limited my reading to doing it at home

>> No.6891536

in my place parks are full with insects & pedophile lurking around
>living in 3rd world country

>> No.6891545

I'm so fucking lonely that I prefer not reading in public because it draws attention to me and I feel self-conscious.

>> No.6891662
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Staying in the southern French alps at the moment.

>> No.6891716
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>> No.6891813
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In bed. With all the sheets tucked in.

>AM I A PLEB???????

>> No.6891908

As intermitências da morte. It's not one of his most acclaimed works, but I picked it up because it was lying around the house and I love reading Saramago.
It reads more as a thought exercise upon a fantastic situation than anything else, so it's very captivating albeit not extremely meaningful beyond the defamiliarization factor. I really enjoyed it, but you should try ensaio sobre a cegueira if you're getting into him. That one's actually fantastic

>> No.6891915


>> No.6891944

There is this cafe nearby that also sells donated books and has two walls dedicated to books. I like to go there when I'm close to finishing a book so I can add it to their wall. Other than that, I really like to read at the park or on the bus.

>> No.6891968
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Pic related.

It's pretty cool. Quite a lot of people here, but nobody is talking loudly so I can focus.
Every once in a while I'll be interrupted by a nigger trying to peddle sunglasses (never mind that I'm WEARING sunglasses), but hey.

>> No.6892053

I'm reading it in spanish since it's closer to portuguese than English. I hope to learn a bit more portuguese later on so I can reread this and so it helps me learn portuguese better.

>> No.6892067
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>> No.6892147


>being bothered by mosquitos

brother unless you live in malaria areas a mosquito will literally never harm you. i've been in far north queensland for the past few weeks, probably got bit like 30 times, mostly my feet and forearms, no worries tho, shit don't bother me son

>> No.6892160
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i read at uni, the design building has a nice sort of tiered ledge thing, and a cafe is like 20m away. reading in pubs is nice, or at the beach.

>> No.6892181

>being ok with mosquito stings

The fuck is wrong with you? you some kinda psycho?

>> No.6892211

Great plan
História do cerco de lisboa is also very good
I'm not him but I must Have some 20 bites from the last 4 days and they haven't really been bothering me. And they were the kind of mosquitoes to leave you with blood stains in your legs

>> No.6892283

Reading in bed or on a sofa wrapped in sheets when the weather is foul is the comfiest shit.

>> No.6892444

Hello Jung

>> No.6892465


> enjoying a book in nature
> autistic

sitting inside all day on an internet forum is pretty damn autistic.

>> No.6892472

>A prosty turned a trick in a nearby bush as I was reading on the park bench and walked past me on her way out, presumably advertising her wares.
lewd as fuck

>> No.6892495

>It reads more as a thought exercise upon a fantastic situation than anything else
like The Balloon by Barthelme?

>> No.6892502

it shouldn't bother you mate
you're a source of nourishment

>> No.6892529

The coffeshops are pretty quiet and chill where I come from. I live in Amsterdam. I don't really like to read there though, but that has more to do with my state of mind when I'm there than the location.

>> No.6892694
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>> No.6892706
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>> No.6892748
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>> No.6892771
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>> No.6892843


I wanna inject this image into my veins.

>> No.6892854

great taste

>> No.6892956
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Anyone in Glasgow know of nice places I can get to conveniently by foot? I'm in Rutherglen and I don't get out much so my geography is pretty poor. Overtoun park is always choking with kids and Queens park is awful.

>> No.6892968

that's awful (for reading)

>> No.6893023

I read out in the rain all the time.

>> No.6893039


>Nice places

Just be thankful you aren't dead.

>> No.6893040

On the bus because no one bothers me. Consequently this applies to my lunch breaks at work for the same reason.

fuck going to a coffee shop when I can make it at home.

am I pleb /lit/?

>> No.6893053

I go to an abandoned warehouse I occasionally frequent as a squatter and make a pyramid of puppies to lie upon. They lie dormant when I shout ASSEMBLE which took a little while to train. They are fed well, I assure you.

>> No.6893063

hey its not -that- bad, at least outside of the city centre.

>> No.6893066

I had never read it, but yeah, that's about the same idea, except As intermitências deals with a way more significant trigger to the events in the story which has nation-wide repercussions. Saramago's book offers what you'd expect from speculative fiction, and some of the events and reactions that sprain from the initial event in the story are genuinely comical and somewhat realistic but not that incredibly thought provoking. The writing and the meta-linguistic bits are what make the book very enjoyable.

>> No.6893068
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>> No.6893079

You can't see the comfy porch setup.

Thank you thank you.

>> No.6893105


Are those solomans?

>> No.6893237

skiing is easy as fuck. snowboarding is somewhat challenging and going off jumps is way more fun

>> No.6893316


They're Lowa Camino with the leather lining.

>> No.6893373
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>> No.6893380

This, I read on piers all the time. They usually have benches though. Its nice watching the boats sail by

>> No.6893438

Needs mold here and there. The lightning is overall too bright. White plastic electrical appliance thing contradicts the tough metal kettle on top of the cupboard.