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/lit/ - Literature

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6884026 No.6884026 [Reply] [Original]

Verdict, /lit/? Can you convince me to read this?

A few of my friends really want me to read it. They're not too into lit in general but I love them. Really not a fantasy novel person (don't like genre fiction in general) -- I get most of my fantasy kick in video games -- but I've heard this is pretty good.

Randomly opened up a page and found tropes like "He shook his head." or "He sighed." which really turns me off.

>> No.6884046

Rothfuss is a hack.

>> No.6884139

>Randomly opened up a page and found tropes like "He shook his head." or "He sighed." which really turns me off.

Are you autistic?

>> No.6884144

Dont listen to /lit/ on this one

Its THE best series of fantasy I've ever read. Never have lent the books to someone without them absolutely taken back by their quality and immersion

That being said, its pretty in depth fantasy. Like... explains WHY the magic happens. And is exceptionally detailed about weird shit, like this cringey sex subplot with a succubus fairy and shit.

Then theres like this weird fanboy sex-samurai bit. But overall crazy good story

>Also, enjoy waiting forever to get the last book. Should be out in 2016 but probably not

>> No.6884238

true idk why i finished both books it goes nowhere and it reads like a fanfic about himself

>> No.6884278

>I get most of my fantasy kick in video games

Holy shit.



>> No.6884288


I get the fanfic vibe m80, but come on there are some truly good pieces of writing in the books

Also, Im more interested in the third book for HOW he writes himself out of the insanely huge corner he made

>> No.6884297

Fun book and enjoyable to read if you can get past the fact the main character is an author insert.

>> No.6884393

Imagine Wizard of Earthsea written by a supreme /r9k/ gentleman who grew up watching anime, who is well-read enough to know what mary sues and cliches are, but is too oblivious to recognize them in his own work.

That's Rothfuss, and unless you want to spend your time reading about how a poor orphan gypsy boy overcomes his hard beginnings to become the most wizardest most swordfightingest most sexingest most rock starrest snowflake ever and his cringeworthy 'le friendzoned' romance, I recommend you stay the hell away.

>> No.6884412

A friend once recommended me to read this book.

I sometimes miss him until I remember that.

>> No.6884428

>that reaction
the irony

You don't know what a trope is.

>> No.6884452
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Meme author, meme book.

>> No.6884456

>complains about women in fantasy
>writes one of the most terrible two-dimensional women ever

>> No.6884457

I read this book without knowing about the author insert aspect, but picked up on it pretty quickly. I can imagine starting the book with that knowledge already in your head will make it hard for you to continue reading when the main character pulls out his katana or what have you.

>> No.6884474

>f***ing creepy
f***ing homophobe

>> No.6884486


he pulls out his lute and makes everyone jizz their pants and cry in joy

except his jealous bitter evil rival of course

>> No.6884492

>In Tolkien, everyone’s in their place and happy to be there. We go there and back, to where we started. There’s no escape, nothing will ever change and nobody will ever break out of this well-ordered world.
>Patrick Rothfuss

Completely disregards the main theme of Middle Earth: that elves and magic are irreversibly decaying. Completely disregards the evolution of Bilbo, who cannot stay in Bag End forever after his first adventure, and fucks off right at the beginning of lotr. Completely disregards the fate of Frodo, who cannot return to normal life in the Shire after all he's been through.

He has the temerity to mock Tolkien's work as boring, when his own is pure author-insert hackery.

>> No.6884496

Why would we convince you to read YA garbage?

>> No.6884511

auri and devi are waifu tier tho

>> No.6884527

Shit I forgot about that. I killed a bug with my copy and didn't feel like wiping it off so I threw the whole thing away.

My only regret is that I didn't burn it first.

>> No.6884537
File: 29 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ma46gqT6Lu1ru44ono1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i focused my Alar

>> No.6884539

>instead of reading The Adventures of Mysterious Waif and Le Happy Witch Merchant we get to interact with a ripoff of Joss Whedon's Inara and two disposable 'exotic foreign woman' sex-interests

bravo Rothfuss, bravo

>> No.6886511
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 64bf1d2c1c11ae2665d0cf1a491804a6d7800fa8_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are names for people who take advantage of women who are not in full control of themselves, and none of those will ever rightfully be applied to me.

>> No.6886585

Neckbeardiest book I've ever read

>> No.6886587

It's good, but get ready go become a certified shim jew bastard with all the bit, ha'penny and talent gathering, spending and dreaming about Kvothe is doing. Seriously, 40% of the books plot is how kvothe is making his money, or worrying about money.

>> No.6886588

It's probably the worst book I've ever read.

>> No.6886668


I want all plebs to leave.

>> No.6886760

there's too much quality literature in the world to ever consider reading genre fiction

>> No.6886768

there's too much life in me to bother about what counts as quality literature

>> No.6887168

>you will never spend the day with Auri on an innocent date then later be tied up by Devi while she does lewd things to you

fuck life

>> No.6887177

fantasy does not have to be about escapism

>> No.6887322

On top of kvothe being a whiny gary stu, he spent like a week in the forest composing songs on his lute. Who does that?

>> No.6887370

This, I fucking hated Kvothe. I tried to like him, I really did, but it was too much. Tragic past? Check. Talented at music? Check. Wise beyond his age? Check. Naturally good magician? Check. Boring love interests? Check. No actual personality? Yes, check.

I think the writing was good and the world interesting, but I didn't finish it because Kvothe annoyed me too much.

>> No.6887393

It depends on how much you like genre fiction. It is good for the genre, but not good enough if you can't stand it. It won't change your mind. It has simple prose, simple characters and a lot of shounen tropes.

I did like some things, though. The way the author treats with and describes music inside the world is very unique and well made and makes the protagonist a little more interesting than the typical shonen hero.

>> No.6887407

>It depends on how much you like genre fiction. It is good for the genre,but not good enough if you can't stand it.

It really isn't. Fucking Horus Heresy is better than this shit.

>It won't change your mind. It has simple prose, simple characters and a lot of shounen tropes.

It doesn't have shounen tropes, it's a shounen incarnate, but let us face it Naruto has better writer.

>I did like some things, though. The way the author treats with and describes music inside the world is very unique and well made and makes the protagonist a little more interesting than the typical shonen hero.

Hardly. He is a self insert mary stue without any personality, side character space marines are Ivan Karamazov in comparison to this piece of cum.

>> No.6887414

Why do /lit/ autists hate this book so much?

>> No.6887423

Autists are generally the ones who enjoy fantasy and you could perhaps read the 40 post thread, you brain-damaged faggot>>6887414

>> No.6887431

Contrary to /lit/ elitists, I actually like fantasy and yet I can not stand this book. Kvothe is a terrible character, that's what ruined it for me.

>> No.6887468

>kids has arcane talent/potential
>was a gypsy
>learns to play the worlds smallest violin
>became homeless
>became uni student
>became greece in debt
>has sex in a mystical realm where time doesnt exsist with a furry fairy trap
>travels to the middleeast
>becomes wind and blade master

Seems legit and very well thought out...

Seriously though I enjoyed it a little.

>> No.6887515

>has sex in a mystical realm where time doesnt exsist with a furry fairy trap
Wut? I'm glad I dropped it before it got to that part.