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/lit/ - Literature

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6883719 No.6883719 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your skill isn't commensurate with your artistic vision

>> No.6883740

at least you have taste

>> No.6883745

Skill can be acquired.

>> No.6883757

but at the expense of vision. they must evolve together to be able to do something, or be condemned to frustration like op, or triviality like all artists (who are praised due to everyone else's lack of both vision and skill).

>> No.6883758

What's the point of acquiring skill to execute an artistic vision, when your skills will always be mediocre

>> No.6883769

practice is *magic*

>> No.6883770

hipster af tbh

>> No.6883779

Yeah, but raw natural talent trumps all

>> No.6883811


as somebody in possession of a bit of 'raw natural talent' in music, i'm usually at odds with it - i have trouble investing it in serious, disciplined work

it doesn't help that i play jazz, either

>> No.6883838

>tfw you can think up great stories that would make amazing books
>tfw dry prose and can't write the stuff not relating to the plot

I should just Borges it and write short stories

>> No.6883843


>> No.6883861
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>tfw can't even write a rough draft
>always get frustrated and delete after several paragraphs
Pls /lit/, how do I get good?

>> No.6885211
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>ask /lit/ some pointers on how I can get better

t-thanks guys

>> No.6885217

you sound like a cuck, tbh

>> No.6885227




>> No.6885247

just do that for 8 hours a day. new plot, setting, characters each time. after maybe 3 months of doing this daily, you'll notice they're getting longer before deletion. don't stop deleting until you've written your first story. make it a point not to be satisfied. amateurs get too attached to their juvenalia and can't grow beyond it

>> No.6885290

>implying I have a grand artistic vision

>> No.6885303
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>> No.6885309

Read that as "autistic vision" tbh

>> No.6885332

I feel like I should make the stories I have ideas for before someone else steals it or before it comes irrelevant, but I lack the ability and motivation to so I keep beating myself up over it.

I wish I was better.

>> No.6885654

lol I have neither

>> No.6885669

>but at the expense of vision

if you're average

>> No.6885676


self-disclosing that you have raw talent is the #1 sign of not actually having raw talent.

>> No.6885707

>everyone with talent must also be unobservant

>> No.6887475

bumping this feel

>> No.6887481

iktf all too well bub

>> No.6887568

natural talent is a myth at worst and a gimmick at best
Actual skill and expertise will always trump those gimmicks

>> No.6887578

>Tfw when "Autistic vision" would actually be a pretty great thing to have in a literary field
What? Atleast than you could write. Who cares if it's just 800 pages of autistic overly-descriptive dribble, the literary critics and bigwigs love that shit. Call it "avant garde" and sell it like it is.

>> No.6887591

Read tbh as tubuhuh

>> No.6887737
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>tfw you can't even describe a ceiling in any way you find remotely sufficient

>> No.6887744

the ceiling was white and flat, in the middle the flatness was interrupted by a white and curved lamp.

>> No.6887750
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>not reading tbh as tee bee h

>> No.6887752

The ceiling I imagined is rather dirty, actually.

>> No.6887842

I did too Anon. I did too.

Well, if you're giving up, of course you're not going to be able to translate that vision.

The ceiling I was looking at used to be white, but it is now a dirty, broken, and filled with wet rims of brown. Nobody looks after this ceiling, nobody cares about it. It's beauty is as futile as me looking at it.

>> No.6887863

If you have to "tell" the audience it's beauty and that no one cares about it rather than showing it you cannot really express yourself.

>> No.6887871

I wish I could pinpoint in some way what it is about good writing that makes it good. It is often very hard to say beyond the obvious, overuse of speech, or cliche, adjectives etc.

>> No.6887872

Pretty solid advice, tbh.

>> No.6887884

move to music

>> No.6887891

The ceiling I was looking at used to be white, but it is now dirty, broken, and filled with wet rims of brown. Nobody looks after this ceiling, nobody cares about it. Just think of it as the flyleaf of this book, but then with a perfectly round coffee stain.

>> No.6887921

Don't try to describe the ceiling.

Ask yourself why you're describing a ceiling at all. Why the fuck would anyone want to read about a ceiling at any point in their life? Is something gonna crash through the ceiling? Is your main character a pseudo-intellectual cunt who keeps finding meaning in the stains of your dirty ceiling?

If you can't find a purpose for the ceiling description to be in there, then it doesn't belong

>> No.6887946

Maybe it's for a scene like trainspotting.
That has a ceiling.
And a baby.
I hope it's for a scene like trainspotting.

>> No.6887957
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If you start executing your vision your skill will eventually get where you need it to be. Just keep on working.

>> No.6887971

He's at a point in his life where he's gone full NEET and ends up lying on his bed and looking at his ceiling.

>> No.6888168

Why is that detail important? What are you trying to show me when you write about a guy who is staring at the ceiling?

>> No.6888180

fuck are you the guy who told me I shouldn't describe sandwiches? why the fuck not tbh

>> No.6888298

I'm not the same guy, but it's generally a good idea not to. Why?

Sandwiches aren't interesting. It's a fucking sandwich, man. By describing sandwiches you're basically asking the reader to find a reason as to why they're reading about sandwiches. Which brings the reader to question your style. Now, lets say sandwich-describing fits perfectly into your maximalistic post-meta-modernist style. If the style itself relies on describing sandwiches to define itself sandwich describing being a loose example of overly complicated monotony , then the entire style is called into question. It's a bad idea to have idle sentences which call your style into question, and more importantly, you won't be able to defend your style unless you accomplish and establish yourself.

>> No.6888309

question your prose*

>> No.6888349

It's not exactly important, I don't plan on the ceiling description to be longer than a paragraph. It's not supposed to be anything more than a description of an action, trying to express a sense of monotony.