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6882617 No.6882617 [Reply] [Original]

If morality is not relative, what is it?

>> No.6882625


>> No.6882626

>morality is not relative

Tell yourself that the next time you're stranded on an island and cannibalism is your only means of survival

>> No.6882631

Morality is a meme. Not even joking.

>> No.6882632


Go here.

>> No.6882633

implying there are ethics

>> No.6882646

itt twinky whitebread faggots who have never left their state wax philosophic about ethics

>> No.6883421

It's whiny faggots that keep forgetting that ethics is prescriptive, not descriptive that say shit like this^

I personally think eating meat under the factory farming system is wrong. But I don't give a fuck. I'm eating bacon.

>> No.6883489
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>He doesnt read Lao Tzu

>> No.6883495
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>> No.6883496

>Tell yourself that the next time you're stranded on an island and cannibalism is your only means of survival
why would it be the only means?
do you even fish?

>> No.6883499


It's a spook, m8

>> No.6883684

Is that supposed to be an argument? You can cannibalize a cadaver to live but still be disgusted and ashamed of what you had to do to survive. Same thing with abortion. You can view it as the killing of an unborn child but still be willing to do it. Your actions don't always have to be good if your not a moral relativist

>> No.6883715


>You can view it as the killing of an unborn child but still be willing to do it.

Which would mean that your absolute morals don't translate in actual absolute action, which would make them very relative. In other words, you've just proven my point

>> No.6883735

This has nothing to do with morality. This isn't even relativist.