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6880975 No.6880975 [Reply] [Original]

Write a paragraph or two about your most recent intimate experience of any kind.

>> No.6880981

I unzipped my pants. I pulled out my flaccid penis. The video began to play. My penis got hard. I squirted lotion into my hand. I started touching my penis. I stroke my penis harder and harder. I ejaculated onto a paper plate. I threw the plate in the trash.

>> No.6881009
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The hairs in my beard grow wet above, below,
While my pompous sauna between caressed her hard
And pert little button. Sheets in her hands, moans choked,
She just kept begging: "How did you do that."
"How did you do that."

son can work that tongue

>> No.6881048

Around 3am I've pretended like I finished my work and have nothing else to do. I woke up pretty early so I should be getting to bed soon. The problem is, for a couple of weeks now I've been thinking about how muted everything seems, and as I sit in my empty home in front of my computer I decide to go for a bike ride. The trail near my house takes me through a little patch of forest and I figured going there early in the morning while no one else is around would realign my life and make me feel whole again. However, when I got there it was terrifying. Too quiet, too dark, too lonely. All I wanted to do was get out.

So I went home and touched myself. Then I fell asleep before cumming.

>> No.6881052 [DELETED] 

"It's my first time,'" she lied. "Go easy on me. I don't want it to hurt," she lied. "Oh anon, it looks so big," she lied. "Yes, I've always wanted to give a blowjob. They look so hot," she lied. "Don't worry, I'm 18," she lied. "Yes,I did cum," she lied. "Yes, let's do this again. I'll call you tomorrow," she lied.

>> No.6881058

I fapped to my loli doujins

>> No.6881066

>intimate experience

Nrm. get out, &c, &c.

>> No.6881076

The ass was big

>> No.6881084

>"pompous sauna"

no. awful.

>> No.6881088

I walked out the door and saw her there, and wanted to talk to her, but instead I walked up to the office. I've done this before, I know why I do it, I hate myself every time, and I don't know how to stop it. Perhaps shitposting on /lit/ will help?

>> No.6881091
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I've had sex but I've never had an intimate experience

>> No.6881098

Intimate can be an important/emotional talk with a close friend. I'd like to think I've had intimate discussions on 4chan.

>> No.6881102

Is "pompous lips" better?

>> No.6881104

I ran into her on a bus arriving at the downtown transit. I had fucked her a couple months back, back when I still had been fortifying my male identity with the most unattractive girls I could sway into sex.

She was just as clingy as ever. She tagged along as I paid old debts that I owed my county justice department. We had a few laughs, talked about the recent men she'd been with; and needless to say, we ended up back at my place.

Two people in sexual orientation denial and one in a gender dysphoric state leads to some pretty awkward sex. My testosterone and estrogen chemicals, or ideals, flowing freely like a water hose being turned on. When it was over, she was just as disappointed as the last time, but so needy she didn't say a word. I'm left hollow and even more confused. She got dressed and left. I took a nap and ate Spaghetti-O's and tortilla chips.

>> No.6881105

slightly. pompous is not an adjective that belongs anywhere near 'mouth' or 'lips' or any synonym for them.

>> No.6881106 [DELETED] 

I have literally had intimate discussions on 4chan more times than I have talked to girls. <spoiler>The discussions are probably better anyway</spoiler>

>> No.6881109

Use ctrl+s my friend

Well sure but it's still missing the physical connection

>> No.6881116
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Intimacy doesn't have to be physical.

>> No.6881123

I know that you dork, but OP is implying physical

>> No.6881128

>telling OP what OP was implying
I put "of any kind" in the sentence for a reason.

>> No.6881134

She held me. For the first time I experienced female contact, and I understoon what all the fuss was about. I reciprocated; tighter. It was one of those moments that you wish could last forever and yet at the same time,want to happen again and again. As we pressed closer to each other I felt the familiar feeling of lust creep from the back of my mind. I wasn't going to settle with a simple cuddle ot spoon. I wanted more. I lean in for a kiss. as if non-verbally asking her permission. She accepts. Her lips are soft and moist. I move my hand threw her hair. She holds my back like she about to fall, when I've already have. I kiss her neck and her head arches back. I unintentionally whisper "I love you" She chokes out "I love you too". I pull my head back to look into her eyes. They're so big and watery now, She's so beautiful. I lean in for one more kiss and I close my eyes. I wake up tired, sad, and alone. This was nothing more than another night of my mind mocking me. A torture to cruel, least I submit to every night. Yet I have my way of coping. I masturbate to the memory before going to sleep.

>> No.6881143
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>> No.6881149

Good build up and very nice description but so clichéd that I literally groaned.

>> No.6882473

You've done it, you broke me ;_;

>> No.6882486

I had sex. She's borderline retarded though. She's sitting right next to me(although she's not looking here now). I'm 30 years old, my future i cannot see and im shagging üntermensch.

>> No.6882503

With each breath that escaped her lips I grew more aware of the quickening of my heart. I began to draw out the gentle moans that she held so dearly, and to hoard them for my own. Her face reddening she grabbed my arm, and my heart leaped in response. By the time she allowed my name to slip between her lips I knew as was completely in love, and therefore doomed.

>> No.6882507
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Your writing is shit and the whole experience is cheesy and pathetic

>> No.6882521

ugly too?

>> No.6882533

>and im shagging üntermensch.
That probably means you're one too

>> No.6882539

>26 replies
>17 unique IPs
>most intimate moment
>ctrl+f 'farts'
>0 results
we have strayed from the path

>> No.6882541

No. she's a good 5-6/10. Her body is decent, her face looks like a mongoloid.

>> No.6882547

why did you do it?

>> No.6882551

>face looks like a mongoloid
>good 5-6/10

>> No.6882555

here were we upon the parapet of of oh so many houses and her
and i
and her
and i
and moving beneath the war-torn descent of skies split by gods yet not conquered yet by man
here we
and her
and i
in oh my such a passionate embrace in the rolling clouds of white
but this was not love
not to her
her hands moving up and down my spine whirr whirr whirring against the column it sticks from my skin
oh i love her
she tells me hurry up please
i have other customers
and the skies' descent has stopped
and so have i
and her
and it hurts

>> No.6882559

I paid a camgirl $10 to sing Taylor Swift's 'Love Story' and now every time I listen to that song it's all I can think about.

>> No.6882568
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I'm so lonely

>> No.6882569

to be clear i didnt actually hire a prostitute i just liked the idea of it

>> No.6882584

i turn off my pc, close the blinds, cover my lovebird, and adjust the sheets, ready for bed
i call to my dog, but she won't come
i go downstairs and prompt her, and she concedes and obediently heads up the stairs
i follow her and find her obediently sitting next to the bed, waiting
i lift her up, and she settles at the foot of the bed
i turn on my fan and lie down, beckoning her up next to me with a pat
she comes up and lies beside me, rolling onto her side; i do, too, wrapping my arm around her and tucking my knees up below her rump
in a few minutes, long before i'm asleep, she gets up, walks to the base of my bed, jumps off and rumbles back down the stairs
i replace her warm, fluffy body with a pillow, once again cuddle-cucked by my shetland sheepdog

>> No.6882589

trips of truth
numbers say different, sailorboy

>> No.6882590
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We started out as that typical "boy walks girl home after school" pair. Except I did not walk her home, we just conveniently had the same path to go. Still it seemed like a fortunate coincidence, I really liked talking with her and I sure do hope she did too, she seemed invested atleast.
We spent the whole way talking about whatever appeared to be the best conclusion to the things being spoken about before, I have never spoke with someone like that, after I spoke, her picking up where I left did not feel like someone ruthlessly yanked my train of thought on another path, it felt like it went uphill from where another much more interessting path was visible and I like to believe that I managed to do the same and we both spiraled higher up in our discussions.
I have periods where I am deeply saddened that I never managed to actually speak out what I thought, never managed to think of a subtle way of asking her "please speak with me some time again", I only had those nice moments where I felt like I actually had a resonance from my thoughts I poured into the world.
She made me realize that even though people never will connect absolutely, there are still connections which suffice and even are better through the fact that they are interessting in their unpredictability. But she also made the world seem darker, like everything turns pitch black after starring into the sun. After those experiences talking to people in an idle and uninvolved chat seems like you are a bat floating im empty space, unable to ever truly see the position of others or your own, because your voice never really reflects on anything.

Yes my last intimate experience really dates back to school.

>> No.6882592

at least you have us.

>> No.6882598

That was beautiful, anon.

>> No.6882609

I'll let you know i talked to a publisher for 2 weeks about my first manuscript mayn. As if publishers would do that with an idiot. I might be a sad-sack but an idiot i am not.

I know it's amazing, but sometimes you meet people who doesn't confirm ones expectations.

>> No.6882622

Put his pecker up my bum and it felt oh so good.

>> No.6882628
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Lying on top of her, with one hand I blindly grabbed for the condom box at the shelf. Everything came down. We had to make a break. I offered her all the condoms which are too small for me.
"For your sister and her boyfriend" *cocky face*
Very romantic moment.

>> No.6882629

I'm not sure i want to go into that here, but i get free lodging, free sex(and god knows i need more of that) and some intimacy.

Ok i suppose that was my passions talking. She only looks partly mongoloid. If she was completely, she'd have down's syndrom.

>> No.6882638
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>> No.6882651

Jesus Christ, Hemingway. Your sex life is just as dull as your writing. Fuck you.

>> No.6882659

>Saying I love you during sex
What the fuck, homie?

>> No.6882660

I'm sorry you have to deal with the burden of having a mutilated appendage. There are support groups available, m8.

>> No.6882674

NORMIES ruining /lit/

>> No.6882682

yep you're wrong. Hot tip, bext time you want to criticize someone you better make it positive feedback because this is a no-judgement zone ok sweety :3

>> No.6882749 [DELETED] 


It was one of those times where you see a girl and the first thing you want to, have to do is talk to her. Of course, I didn't. I never do, these things don't happen. As per the usual I'd have to rely on chance and blind luck: my oldest and least reliable friends.

It worked out that her sister and mine got acquainted a couple of days before (we were staying in the same hotel), and my family ended up having dinner with hers, I sparked up some conversation about the book I'd seen her reading and bang! We were talking.

We talked for hours after everyone else went to bed, it was my last night in the hotel and I was getting a flight home at 3am so I had to do something now. I suggested we go for a walk and kissed her on a dark quiet Spanish street. Her back was stiff under my hands, and my arms were stiff around her body, it would be a while before our lips could melt each others bodies into the quiet easy intimacy that for me is really the only reason to bother with talking to girls. We end up back in her hotel room. At this point I had to head to the airport in less than 2 hours. I traced lines across her back with my fingers and it moved beneath them without a hint of the previous stiffness.

After half an hour I was holding myself above her, her eyes gazing at me expectantly. I knew what was being asked.

In the end I didn't sleep with her. Sex carries too much significance, worry, anxiety. It had the power to dispel this warm little cave I'd fallen into and replace it with the harsh realities of a real person. I left after that, held her once more, gave her a peck on the lips and was on my way. On to the next one. Passing from light to light along the road, trying to avoid staying too long in the cloying night.

>> No.6882765


hope you never write again jesus

"On to the next one. Passing from light to light along the road, trying to avoid staying too long in the cloying night."

I won't even start just reread that cheese for yourself. christ.

>> No.6882770

"God damnit", he muttered under his breath as she pranced her way across the room to shut the door. This is not where he wanted to be at 3:30 am. She was not who he wanted to be with at 3:30 am. M____ reached for the bottle of vodka on the nightstand, and dared him to take another shot. He took three. The room warped and swayed.

It was a wonder he could get it up.

>> No.6882780


Yeah I know. I deleted it. I've never really written before. Every time I try it turns out horrible and scares me away from trying for a few months.

>> No.6882787

That's because you're posting it on a board full of jaded elitist dipshits who get off on knocking things down a peg.

Work on little stories you care about in private for a while, then find somewhere more receptive than here for critiques.

>> No.6882813


Woah!! he didn't even wanna be there and even better he drank after!! aha! Fuckin genius!

>> No.6882829

I masturbate obviously but this was on Wednesday

We met up with her long time ex, I was hoping he'd have some drugs because a. I knew I wouldn't get much sleep that night before work and b. I was bored
The guy I think is surprised that I do meth because of how clear my skin is. His skin is average with a faint trace of having acne when he was younger. He's average looking, seems to have a cool personality but at one point I can smell hs desperation to get drugs. I couldn't get any at the time without spending more effort than I felt like and neither could he. I notice her flirt with him, I'm better looking but I'm not illustrating much of a personality and this is only the third time I've met the girl who's been acting as my new booty call. Still I get jealous
She had told me not to mess with her in front of him but I barely try to hide my groping of her. I put her hand on my hard dick. Based off of what she says my dick is bigger than his but I don't feel it or particularly sexual in general. I'm simply claiming ownership and kind of rubbing it in his face
He leaves. We wind up at Denny's. I order a fantastic four 'the thing' burger which I don't really remember ordering and I don't eat much of it. I slap her a little bit in the booth we're sitting in and she says to someone behind me 'it's okay'. It's some tired, broke looking black guy sitting with his tired, broke looking white girlfriend and their infant kid. I feel a pang of fear because I'm not in a fighting mood at this period in my life but I can probably beat his ass and I want to show that to the girl but the guy only looks at me in this tired, broke way and I don't sense any aggression
I unintentionally wait outside as she pays. I probably look like some kind of rude badass but I'm just drunk and don't feel very social
She attempts to suck me off in her car but I don't get very hard. Despite her naked ass looking very nice there's something missing and I'm having my recurring delusion of smelling bad.
I finger her pussy and ass and pass out at some point in her car
I wake up and her dog is getting in the car. I'm faintly aware that she's trying to impress me on some level but it is a very cute dog. I fall back asleep and wake up in front of my job. I'm still kind of drunk. I know my boss expects me to talk about my missing work the day before but he gets too close and I know he can smell the alcohol on my breath. I give him a one word answer and he says 'oh, ok' in a way that to me seems like he's also acknowledging my lifestyle. I start working and continue on with the day

>> No.6882830
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>> No.6882880

Why not? I've done it

>> No.6882940

I'm drinking one for you tonight buddy, keep fighting

>> No.6882942

And I'll let you know I'm the king of both the moon and the internet

>> No.6882970

I was at the local strip club, Deja Vu, on "Two for Tuesday. I had been sitting there for nearly two hours and was ready to leave. Both me and my friend decided to get one last double dance before we left. The red light comes on signifying that the double dances are in effect for the next ten minutes. The girls make their rounds and I select the onlly one that comes by- A thin girl with large breasts. She had absolutely no chin. I remember remarking to my friend while she was on the stage that she probably has Treacher Collins.

She was dragging her pussy against my clearly hard dick for nearly the entire time. We were basically having sex but my basketball shorts were the condom. I pushed her off once because I was about to cum and played it off like I was just adjusting my seat. She clearly knew what was up and she started grinding her pussy with even more pressure on me. I tried with all my might to hold it in but I couldn't. I came right in my pants. She continued with the dance rubbing her pussy on my wet spot. For a second I thought she didn't notice, but after the dance she simply said, "go clean up". I wonder if I got her pregnant...

>> No.6882974

Eyes, her eyes -- staring, slicing through the clutter around us and focusing on mine. Across a table; among oblivious colleagues; I meet her gaze, but I squirm, floating above, away, anywhere but here. The side of her mouth lifts, slightly, and I am fighting my nature. I settle to stare at her left eye. But all the while she's looking into me, and finally I cannot go on any longer, my defence is broken, I am open. I squint at her, my one without a second.

>> No.6882993

I had sex with my girlfriend yesterday in the comfy chair my mom usually reads in while my family was at our summer house, then we played trivial pursuit while drinking a bottle of red wine and she cried because she is afraid I will get bored of her. I won't because I love her, but it's too early to tell her that.

>> No.6882996


>> No.6883010
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We had to be quiet, of course; her friend, little-boy oestrogen-born man as he was, was preoccupied with the dysphoria sexuality induced and had made her promise not to fuck me. I'd been humping her for a while, my leg wrapped over one of hers and hand over her tit, and she recalled the promise that she had made him.

"I'm not fucking you," I said, squeezing the littlest bit, "am I?"

She turned to look at me, and I leaned in; her lips pushed themselves against mine and within a second I'd realised that she was the best kisser I'd ever had, sucking and licking at my lip. She was an epileptic, her seizures a hundred-twenty times worse than the federal disability threshhold, but I didn't mind enough not to thrust my tongue down her throat. She reached down between my legs and I undid my pants to allow her in; her strokes were gentle and smooth and the only ones I've ever gotten from another that didn't hurt. I pulled her own down, a much simpler process, and she pulled me back up and told me to be careful - he bunked above us, and we didn't want to upset him.

I went under the sheets, facing her cunt, the first I'd ever seen on a woman; my hands went between her legs, and my tongue found her clit and flicked up and down as quickly as I could make it. My hand touches bone, at one point, and I realise the foreignness of her biology; I didn't let it bother me, and I continue until she squirmed and thrusted and her orgasm was as clear as day.

"You're really good at giving head," she whispered, and we kissed as I put my hand over my dick and brought myself to the edge.

"Ever tried cum?" I said, and she decided against it for a moment before the crucial 'where is it going to go' came up and she brought her head down to my crotch. I tell her to stick her tongue out as she fumbles about it, and I cum down her throat.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be," she says, and smiles, and we kiss and lie astride each other to slumber.

That night, she found that he had known, and stayed still throughout, and she found this by the emotional pain the little-boy of a man had thrown at her in his rough tantrum; as she went back to sleep, the stress gave her her day's fourth seizure as she slept, and she awoke drowning in her own vomit. She spent the rest of the day throwing up in a flu-addled haze, and I left that afternoon; she felt that her impatience had proved her mental incompetence.

It's been two days, now, and she's still sick. I've spoken to her since, and she seems to have come around, and I want to beat him, that fucker, into the dust for doing what he did to the woman I now love.

>> No.6883012

>she cried because she is afraid I will get bored of her.

every girl I've been with

>> No.6883022

I said very 3 times in a row and the prose is basically shit but I want to eventually write a book (once I develop my voice and after living an especially visceral period)

So I want to know what people think

I get in the back seat of my cousin's car. There are some guys our age around the gas station and I had seen her looking at them. As soon as I get in she asks 'what's going on'
For a second I think she's some kind of extremely dumb, strange slut - almost unintentionally asking that because she's interested in the guys. But it turns out something was actually going on and she knew because of how the guys were acting. My radar with people is off
Half an hour later we park by the lake. Her and her boyfriend are pointing out the people that are alone that look mad, making jokes about them. After we smoke and leave I'm high in the backseat. Because of the people walking in the lake - noticing them and them noticing me on this Saturday in this area of this city - I'm acutely aware of pedestrians as we're driving. I'm high and self conscious. I try to look pull one of the looks I usually do but it's forced and comes off as brooding. I see to girls look at me and there lips move I think to say "look at him mad because.."[he's alone in the back seat with a couple, or something] as we drive past them

Instead of going to a bar to grab some drinks (what I wanted) we go to an ice cream place (what she wanted). We park on a very popular street of the college town of the city next door. We unintentionally leave her boyfriend at the car while we're talking, she repeatedly stops to almost turn around but I think is distracted by my talking to her. When he eventually catches up she puts her arm around him and kind of leaves me walking behind them. She's flirted with me in the past. I'm better looking than him and he doesn't act like much of a man, but I really respect how she's acting toward him. Like she should
Though as we're walking back to the car me and him are walking ahead of her. An attractive girl is walking from the other direction. We're noticing eachother. My cousin runs up next to me and says something, making it look like she's with me I suspect intentionally

The ice cream place is overly crowded and has a line out the door, filled with attractive-but-out-of-date-styled people it tells me that this place is the epitome of fly over state popular (I can't think of a more culturally aware term). The highschool aged girls in line and the low paid looking staff confirm this.
Some of the girls in line are looking. I make mildly intense eye contact with this fucking stunning girl but an overal lack of self esteem hits me.
I realize I need to cut back on the alcohol and drugs because they're stultifying my social growth

>> No.6883025

Slip Slap Slop goes the Spaghetti and meatballs on my belly, rising and falling and jerking as it hangs out of the tight underpants of the Totino Pizza boy performing voluptuous squats above me. The tomato sauce is splatting on my face as a writhe from the warm gooey softness of the pasta, tantalizing me with it's slaps. I scream out that I'm a big Pasta Boy as I crush meatballs between my toes.

>> No.6883045


THis made me laugh a great deal

it has the emotional depth of a dolan comic

>> No.6883103

I was confused about the genders reading this.

The biting off the tongue fear bit was scary.

>facing her cunt, the first I'd ever seen on a woman
What does "on a woman" really mean here?
Also how do you see anything under the sheet?

From what you write, I'd stay away from the girl - but I might be misreading.

>> No.6883120

From what he's writing he sounds a bit like an asshole.

>> No.6883155

Her friend is a trans man. She is a cis woman. I am a cis man.

>what does on a woman mean here?
I'd only ever seen a vagina on a trans man before.

>> No.6883174
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>I'd only ever seen a vagina on a trans man before.
Why/how and why does it matter? A vagina is a vagina, no?

>> No.6883181

At 16 years young a girl with whom I was heavily infatuated, seeing as I was still green and knew not the dangers of lust and the trueness of love, asked me, a most plain and simple young man, if I should like to go to a party at her own home. Now, I had been through many a hardship at the hands of my peers throughout my education and would have normally seen this for what it truly was, yet hormones clouded my better judgement and I jumped at the chance, fool that I was and, I admit, still am. Arriving at said party I was greeted by Emily, the girl whom I have been speaking of, in a perfectly normal manner, and went off into the living room. There was a throng of young ladies and gentlemen, all high as a kite-whether from drug abuse or adrenaline I wasn't sure. Throughout the course of the night, I consumed unholy amounts of alcohol, though less than half of that of those around me, and was heavily intoxicated, especially considering how new I was to drinking (something I have now become nigh-immune to), when Emily dragged me by the hands upstairs and threw me into what I assumed was her bedroom. The room was minimally decorated, three plain white walls and one with pink wallpaper, a double bed with a duvet I cannot remember and a wooden desk with a laptop and school work, but it was paradise. We kissed for an indeterminable amount of time, but within seconds of breaking apart our clothes were gone to the abyss, to the blackness, for all that existed was her, and it is here that I was born, lived and, inevitably, died. Within a minute of entering her soft folds I came and she laughed. Laughed. Laughed.
I am a massively novice writer, as shown by the passage above, but this is an accurate descriptions of what happened written as nicely as I could within a few minutes, I have yet to have another intimate experience, ranging from holding a hand to sex itself and now I sit at a computer browsing a Vietnamese breast implant image board, aka, /r9k/

>> No.6883189



>> No.6883201
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I'm circumsized and I don't use lotion. It's so uncomfortable and makes my dick numb.

>> No.6883247

>you can become a cute girl in this space of time

Man, I'd love to be a cute girl. I'm not transgender - though I don't strongly identify as male - but imagine not having a hairy, elephantine mass of genitals. Imagine not having to rub one out every day, hunched over and panting over some idiot woman in a video on your computer. Imagine being in a bed covered in plushie toys and being totally okay with that

>> No.6883269

You mean, imagine not being addicted to porn?

>> No.6883335


tbf he was already a cute girl, if you became trans you would probably be hideous like 60% of people who do

>> No.6883348


Nigger, just using some overextended sentences with needless accessoire vocabulary wont make you a good writer. Making anons feel and see what you did will make you a good writer.
Only thing I felt was
>implying that happened

>> No.6883350

Actually I'm a particularly effeminate man. Thick, pink lips, small face, slim. I've been called "cute" in the patronizing way by girls, so I'd probably actually make a cute girl if I wanted to be one. To bad I'm cis.

>> No.6883366

derailing this thread, but should i bang this fit 9/10 slut even though she admitted to me she has herpes?

>> No.6883374
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I have an interesting sex life.

Also, the only people who I'm mutually attracted to are feminine boys and lesbians who don't mind dicks.

>why does it matter?
I thought it was worth noting.

>> No.6883383

you should take your treble dubs to vegas, buy a mormon inbred gf ;- std free and temple sealed

>> No.6883384

The Growlers were but an accessory - her end was to be fulfilled by me, BoyToy cuteboy and nothing much else. We left the venue and proceeded thru the mores: dinner, coffee, gas station for protection (which would later be eschewed - she had an IUD).

I was of use. She had acne on her back.

>> No.6883393


It's stylistic preference, though. In all of my essays and writing I end up being verbose, albeit unnecessarily, it's just force of habit, the point being that I don't do it because I think you'll like it and, whilst I'm here, if you don't believe it then fair enough. I can see why, what with it being surreal and sudden, I hardly went into detail about the events that transpired, though in my defence I can remember little, not to mention the afterword. Thanks for the feedback, though. It really is appreciated. I'm currently writing a novel about a blind man slowly going mad, hearing a voice that describes the world to him and, generally speaking, destroys him with the point being that he isn't actually blind but just has a victim complex that manifests itself in being blind., I might have posted about it before, and it's currently in the early stages. That is to say, I'm just carrying around a notepad which I write down ideas on as they come to me. Soon I'll be putting pen to paper, but do you think this might be a good idea and whilst it's obviously worth speaking to blind people and schizophrenics, do you think it would be useful to keep a blindfold on for a few weeks to try and get a feel for what it is to be blinded, even if only for a short period of time? Thanks again.

>> No.6883423

>has herpes

>> No.6883434


What are clubs, what is alcohol, what is promiscuity. Beautiful, fit, people can be slutty, you know.

>> No.6883457

so you're admitting to wearing beergoggles, okay.

>> No.6883466


I'm saying don't be dumb, just because they're more handsome or more beautiful than most people they are not exempt from vices. Everyone and anyone can be a slut, regardless of their appearance.

>> No.6883491


I did not expect you to really take my shitposting as actuall criticism, but I guess I will roll with it. My point was more that if you writting out your stuff like that has no real meaning, you should rather concentrate on actually writting something with meaning. Being verbose for the sake of being verbose is just pseudo-intellectual wankery for most part and makes your text seem more dense than it actually is. Maybe you should read The Sorrows Of Young Werther to see how rich language can actually be implemented into the narrative with purpose.

Anyway, the idea does not seem too bad, but walking a path of telling a story about someone going mad and with that staying in his own head mostly is a slippery slope. You really have to call a tremenderous sense of empathy your own to really pull simething like that off and just wearing a blindfold wont suffice. And that without even mentioning that you try to pull off a psychological complex which results in blindness which has no relation to damaged organs. If you want to do that, you should actually throw the blindfold away and stick your nose into psychological literature which handles complexes which manifest themselves as actuall physical illnesses. Then you can draw parallels, maybe you even find something which exactly is your topic.

Get yourself some substance, build some environment which can be interessting in the context and try your best anon.

>> No.6883501
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So I waited in my apartment for this casual hook up to finally happen. We had been going back and forth online while I was stuck in the halfway house. She said she was looking for a relationship, they all say that stupid shit. They all lie. We all lie. Her name was Dawn. She wasn't anyhting special, by any means, but after 5yrs of lock up, anything will do. She was a fucking hippie, so I knew what to expect right off the bat. On her facebook page she would go on about these stupid fucking turtles and keep violently correcting eveyone because they were "tort's". Honestly, that shit set me off so many times that I was surprised when I finally invited her over to my apartment. I imagine this free love waste of a hole with four degenerate kids would be a disappointment, but fuck it, a man has to get his dick wet when he can and thats all there is to it.

>> No.6883536
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Honesty is supposedly the best policy

>> No.6883540

The best part isn't the sights or the feelings. The best part is the sound, the noise. And not the verbal communication, the "dirty talk" that leads up to the final act, but the primal, non-human sound. The sound is what sets me on edge. The privacy of the feelings and sights made manifest by the mere expulsion of air. While it is the initial physical contact that starts the first noise, as the noise amplifies, the physical excitement amplifies in response. As the sound coincides more and more with the physical a rhythm that would make any drummer jealous emerges. The sound becomes its own separate entity, the most influential part. Up until the final burst, the only sound that exists is that sound. Soon it is all over. The sound cannot last and the physical leaves as the silence approaches.

The sound is lost in my own eardrums...and the eardrums of my family.

I forgot to plug in my headphones.

>> No.6883567

8/10 would continue reading if it were fictional.

>> No.6883604

honestly, it might as well be, I'll probably continue with it....lots of good stories in my life....not alot of good endings stories unfortunately for me. But fuck it, happy endings are all bullshit anyways....saves the world by tossing the one ring into the fires....dies decrepid and alone

>> No.6883626

I had a really good circumcision. Frenulum left intact (though it has atrophied) and enough skin to jerk it with out needing lube. I feel bad for the people who guy botched jobs but not all circumcisions are horrible. I still wish I had my foreskin though.

>> No.6883736

I had none of the vertiginous blood that fills up and bloats the brain, or subsumes and divides it in an emulsion with a lesser substance, the dim thick red that blears the world and mires the vacillation of cerebral tendrils. I breathed fresh, cool, my eye stayed blunt and broke lines off hips and shoulders to the floor and dresser and taut-made bed, and parsed its skepticism to the other senses, so that between mine and her skins I felt bristles and in every open lean down stink particles prickled my tongue. What self-possession, I was helpless to surrender to sensuous caress, misting films fell on my point.

>> No.6883739


I myself suffer from schizophrenia, so that should help with writing voices but I agree, it's not going to be easy to transcribe without causing confusion. Do you have any suggestions for literature dealing with blindness?

>> No.6883774

-Have you ever kissed anyone before?
Her lips quivered, thinking faster than her brain. They parted, and a fluid "No" dripped out between them.
-Well, I hope you dont mind me being your first.
And with that, fingers met the small of her back, and muscles tensed synchronously to entwine our limbs like those of overgrown oaks. Our eyes met, and the wetted spheres orbitted eachother as though they weighted the ends of a spinning thread. The thread tightened, and our noses drew closer before barely avoiding collision; I tried not to laugh. A nervous void opened in her face, while my lips went to fill it. Soft. Like a contrail being left high above my mind, this word soared above me. Sweet, too. I thought.
Sensing the pressure of nervous intensity, my grasp relaxed to give way to her wide eyes and shaky voice.
-Was that alright? I feel like I'm not very good at this.
-Better than alright.
My reply had little thought behind it, for all my attention remained at the edge of her lips. My eyes smiled at hers to beg entry, and she tensed her bottom eyelids back in content approval. Again I thought but one thing: Soft.
Our tissues, pressed with purpose, motioned like slow waves from a calm water. The affair was punctuated mid-sentence by a quick gasp, a breeze of ecstacy that blew by my neck and deep into her lungs. And by the time that breath had made its return trip, my grasp released once more. In my arms, lay only the quiet smirk of a girl once pined for in a distant nightmare. And as her knees supported her body like dead oak branches support snowfall, we motioned and mumbled parting graces. A stuttered goodbye left her, and my smirk made way for proud "Goodnight Katie".
That smirk soon flatlined, and the airplane in my head spelled out a new message with its contrail: the possibility that maybe I dont like this girl nearly as much as she likes me.

>> No.6883956

After embracing each others hold for nearly eternity, we lost sight in each others eyes, and our lips met for the first time.

>> No.6884205

My gf picked me up from work. She'd just been to a job interview, so she was wearing make-up and a cute outfit, like something older-women bank tellers wear, the huge blue petals of a flowery department-store top drooping from her shoulders and exposing pale cleavage, tastefully tight black pants. When we got home, she walked back and forth through the living room, from bedroom to bathroom and back, changing as she found the comfy clothes she sought. I bugged my eyes and made a mock-gaping face at her naked boobies, and remarked sincerely that for some reason they looked sexier than usual today. She agreed, she'd been thinking the same thing, and we discussed how this could be--hormones, possibly, because she'd just defeated another period? The ensuing chubby quickly turned serious and in need of attention--again, period, so blue balls for me, plus I was wound up and frustrated from work--and we bung, and it was good.

>> No.6884389

Our mouths both tasted of beer as he pressed his lips against mine hungrily. Despite the dehydration of alcohol consumption, my body was clearly in agreement with my mind - I wanted him. For years I'd known the taste of him, the feel of his body against mine, but I never tired of it.

We were sloppy, both of us so inebriated that we giggled when we should have moaned, but the moaning did come finally as he pressed himself into me. The movement seemed suspended for a time as we kept our lips together, his fingers tangled in the hair that had escaped my ponytail, and when he whispered that he'd finally found the one a small voice inside my head whispered that I wished I believed him when I was sober.

>> No.6884400
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>> No.6884448

As I undeessed her, my vixen revealed her true witchiness. Her body began to sag in the most horrible way. I found that this volumptuous goddess was carved not with stone but with butter. Her perfect bends and beautiful assets melted as the fire of my passion seared her. Soon she stood fully nude, her ugly facade exposed. This woman masked herself behind makeup, slimming clothes, and fitted underwear. And now, the twine having been unwound, I saw her for what she was: a putrid liar. I buttoned my shirt and left that dark place. Tomorrow will be an interesting day. If I had a dime to spend on a wishing well, I would wish our offices were not adjacent to each other.

>> No.6884602 [DELETED] 

I couldn't sleep, it turned out I was getting a bus to the airport in the morning to fly home, than the intended ten day stay rent a car, couple break around the coast and mountains. My pride had been shattered through the ordeal, though in reality it was likely just a symptom of how it been found lacking this year and as a result induced this brea . I asked for sex quite openly, we had already fucked twice the previous day, each time becoming less intimate, and your body somehow more withered and ghastly in appearance. This time was little different and even more restrained, aside from it was okay not to use a condom this time and I came inside. I feel a sleep shortly after after saying "what if I end up hating you after this".

>> No.6884611

I couldn't sleep, it turned out I was getting a bus to the airport in the morning to fly home, than the intended ten day stay rent a car, couple break around the coast and mountains. My pride had been shattered through the ordeal, though in reality it was likely just a symptom of how it been found lacking this year and as a result induced this break up. I asked for sex quite openly, we had already fucked twice the previous day, each time becoming less intimate, and your body somehow more withered and ghastly in appearance. This time was little different and even more restrained, aside from it was okay not to use a condom this time and I came inside. I feel a sleep shortly after after saying "what if I end up hating you after this".

>> No.6884722

Memory proves hazy, and she claims we were sober by then, though I still suspect the alcohol consumed earlier that night made a difference.
We were spooning in the dark, by some circumstance, though we went to the kind of school where it really could mean nothing for a man to have his arm around a woman as she lies against him in a bed. There were other people in the room, in similar arrangements, though now sleeping.

She slipped her hand into mine, and pressed more tightly into me. There was only the smell of her hair and the feel of her body. I heard her breathing take on a ragged character as my thumb ran over the side of her hand, as I heard my own.
She turned over, and even in the dark I saw her eyes, questioning, and framed by her dark curls.
I pull her towards me, we kiss, my hand runs across her body and hers runs across mine.
She uses too much tongue, but it's still pleasant to kiss her. After some time, we remember the presence of others, and leave for my place.
A short, quiet, and awkward walk later, and we find ourselves in bed again. There is more kissing. Some clothes do come off, and some kisses stray from mouths, but nothing which you would call sex transpires.
After a short while, we come to a mutual agreement, and fall asleep entwined.

& that's how i got my first fuckbuddy [\spoiler]

(not my last encounter and i did take some liberties, but something mostly like this happened)

>> No.6884723

I really like this

>> No.6884727

wow i fucked that post up a bit i s

>> No.6884739
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really the only time it makes sense to say it

>> No.6884764

>jesus piece

mein nigger

>> No.6884769

Talking during sex (in my culture) brings more satisfaction than any childish fetish or taboo. Saying "I love you" or repeating "oohhhh Hannah~" is a good start. Maybe it isn't that unusual to talk during but I think its worth it. Don't think I've ever said I love you after sex though.

>> No.6884834
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but what if my partner's name is mary

>> No.6884864

Great writing, anon.

>> No.6885322

In a burst of fiery passion, she pressed her buttocks upon my love stick.

>> No.6885533

she suk my peen

i put it in her bum, yeah?

>> No.6885558

We did very badly and almost did not do at all. Flesh poor flesh failed us. The burden was too great and flesh poor flesh, neither hallowed by sacrament nor despised by spirit (for despising is not the worst fate to overtake the flesh), but until this moment seen through and canceled, rendered null and void by the cold and fishy eye of the malaise--flesh poor flesh now at this moment summoned all at once to be all and everything, end all and be all, the last and only hope--quails and fails.

>> No.6885609

she is hot, probably the hottest girl i've gotten close to. second time we were fooling around was when she told me. it was odd. i'm not sure i've ever experienced a confession of that nature before. i mean that's really putting yourself out there. i'm sure she could have just chosen not to mention it on the first night i tried fucking her and just insisted on me wearing a condom. that way we would have fucked, i might have gotten herpes, and she'd never have to see me again. instead we spent the night talking and getting to know each other. i enjoyed it. second night though she could tell i was getting frustrated, so she told me. i guess that night we settled on it being better not to have sex yet, to wait and see what happens. i didn't want to just stop seeing her - i have some retarded sense of values. third night, she gave me head and deep throated me. now, i really just want to fuck her.

>> No.6885612

We sat next to each other in bed. We both read books. She complained about her inability to read. He decided to smoke a bowl of marijuana. They sat out in the backyard together. The night was warm and humid. They pressed up against one another on a porch swing as he smoked a bowl. Afterward they went back inside. She insisted on attempting to cuddle while he attempted to read leading to many sighs and annoyed glances. Finally he told her that she had to go cause his parents don't like him having guests over after they fall asleep. She got pissed off and yelle at him briefly. He maintained his stoicism and offered her a kiss goodbye. She tried to insert tongue action but he deftly maneuvered away. She left him alone and he proceeded to post on 4chan.

>> No.6885616

I pressed on the girls bottom lip, enjoying the tenderness, ignoring her lack of reaction. I'm jealous of the way she only stared straight ahead at the professor, barely breathing, probably not truly conscious. I then reached around her to grope her pubescent breast through her white blouse, feeling softness in both my hands, one linear, muscular, and wet, the other dry, round. I tightened my grip, knowing it would hurt, not caring if she was truly beyond pain.

'Will she suck my cock?' I asked the professor. He smirked, and shook his head. The class was a silent gallery of flesh bearing witness only to him, thralls to his will, puppets.
"These are my students." He sounds smug. Mocking.
"I see." Disappointed, I let the girl go. I wove through the desks and up to the podium, fingering the plastic frog on my keychain. I could see the silhouette of two officers outside the door.
"Well then. I'm sorry it came to this. I'm a huge fan of your work." I click the switch on the underside of my plastic frog, and the professor is an amphibian, flopping moistly on the podium. I don't wait to see what, if any, reaction this elicits from the class. I push open the door, and the officers smoothly move in after I'm clear.

"Regrettable." someone grunts as I walk away.

>not keeping a dream journal

>> No.6885829

Yeah look, I had sex, but she was still as a starfish and insisted we listened to coldplay while we did it. it was lucky I could get hard, it was a miracle I could finish.

>> No.6885836

I like it

>> No.6885864

I was walking around behind a lady, then I stopped to take a phone call and she passed me, then I passed her, then I stopped to get some water and she passed me, then I passed her again.

Then we parted ways. I thought: wasn't that wonderful? Wasn't that one of the most intimate relationships of your life? Nothing but the essentials.

Then I went home.

>> No.6885948 [DELETED] 

The door of the bar swung shut. A dozen or so patrons, either finishing their last drinks or not yet ready to depart for other reasons, remained lingering on the porch. As the building sat far off the road with a narrow entrance to the parking lot some distance off, the porch provided a great venue for brief after-parties, and the regulars frequently took advantage of this.
One of these regulars, a young Puerto Rican woman, pulled her car right up to the porch and began to play a merengue. At first, it was just her and her friend, another Puerto Rican woman of roughly the same age, dancing as the others looked on and chatted. When the last drops of his final double whiskey reached his stomach another boricua, a man in his mid-20s, decided to cut in. The new dance partners swayed their hips to the rhythm of a salsa song, performing more and more erotic steps. As he stared down into those familiar eyes, he noticed a look in them he had not seen before. Their bodies came closer together, hips moving even more sensuously. Her hands moved deliberately up to the nape of his neck, her delicate fingers becoming lost in his thick, dark curls. His head slowly leaned down, like a beast of the plain bending to the watering hole, and their lips met for the first time.

more to the story, but that's good for now

>> No.6885986

The social science teacher couldn't keep it up (maybe my condoms were too tight?) so I tried to blow him, but I'm not that used to it and tried to get it over with quickly; I threw up on his clean white towel.
He paid in USD. The conversion rate made up for my cut prices.

>> No.6886071

I'm sitting in my car in my apartment's underground parking garage. On my way down here she snapped me a picture of her ass in tight leggings after a jog, and I immediately achieved an erection. It's one of the best asses I've ever seen, at least on girls I've met in person--though I've only met this one once. I was supposed to go grocery shopping but instead I'm sitting in my car with a boner about to explode through my shorts. She's delighted to hear this and she sends me several more pics while she showers. She likes to tease me, even though she's a virgin and I'm almost 10 years older than her. I sit in my car in the parking garage for 20 minutes while she sends me nudes and my erection strains further against my shorts. I can't go to the store with a bulge like this.

So instead I'm back in my apartment. I figure I'll bust one out and then go shopping. I'd had to tuck my cock into my waistband and pray I wouldn't meet anyone on the elevator ride up to the third floor. I'd practically ran down the hall to my apartment. As soon as I was inside I was unbuckling my belt. Now I'm sitting in my room with dick in hand. She's still sending me pictures, and videos too. She knows what I'm doing and she likes it, likes to hear about it and about what I'd do to her. Sometimes she masturbates with me but not tonight. We won't do anything physical, though, she insists; she's saving herself for marriage. Sometimes, when I'm jerking it, I refuse to believe that we won't be fucking soon; sometimes I tell myself I'd marry her just to fuck that sweet ass, and I mean it. She has feelings for me, and I have them for her, but there are various social boundaries that mean a relationship between the two of us would never work. So instead we find creative ways to not have sex and to not be in relationship.

I cum. When I cum with her like this I feel a kind of sick lethargy and guilt that I haven't felt from masturbation in years. I feel some kind of emotional connection, oddly, and I'm worried I'm starting to catch feelings for her that are more serious than they should be. This is the closest I've ever been to having sex.

>> No.6886191

the line is not please it is just

just fuck fuck me

>> No.6886241

This isn't how I'd pictured it.

By the time we'd reached my apartment, the romanticism of the whole encountered faded into a miserable, awkward unison. It's never anything like the movies - copulation. It's no secret that I'm inexperienced - sex is anyone's wildcard, how was she? Ran her hands down my back, unzipped my pants, pulled out my semi-erect semi-flaccid doesn't-know-if-he-really-wants-to-come-out-at-all but it's too late penis, the whole standard routine, you know. But this time, this time I just want to die. Here she is, giving me her sexuality, the essence of her, and I'm not excited by it? Am I subconsciously rejecting her as a person, even though she (I'd just discovered that, in fact, she was lacking in experience too, by the way she'd grabbed my face and man-handled a kiss, the way someone who'd just seen a romantic movie but had yet to experience romance, would) was giving this whole thing her all? Oh great God, I just wanted to die. She thinks this is special, and I'm giving into her delusions, being dishonest about my affection and attraction, letting her see the part of me to be reserved for true chemistry - duplicitous.

After a bit more fondling the blood from my indecisive member retreated back into my body, and made its way to my brain. I threw my clothes back on, my unkempt, steel-toed throw around boots, and told her I had to leave. Surely I was unworthy of her charms, if only due to the fact I was ungrateful. But did I do her wrong by leaving? How did she feel, me, the liar, rejecting her sex after she gave it to me? The last time I ever spoke to her was on the phone; she was crying, my best friend stated that she'd been crying for days.

I resolved to stay inside and never come out, ever.

>> No.6886246

I got blown by a gorgeous Vietnamese woman. I was sitting on the couch as she most obligingly squeezed my hardness as far down her poor throat as it could go, a somewhat painful sensation.

Afterwards I took my grubby hands and pulled off all her clothes so as to drool at her skinny body and hairy triangle like a creepy pervert. She was not highly developed, but she looked perfect once I took her to her room and had her sit down on the bed to take me in her face again.

The sex that followed was pretty good, even though I had to use a condom. She probably made me wear one because she thought I was a filthy beast based on what she asked me about my sex life.

I filled two of those smelly rubber nuisances with my frosting before passing out with her in her bed, ready to continue groping her most rudely in the morning.

>> No.6886262


As good as it gets really.

>> No.6886263

>Then I fell asleep before cumming.
i pictured you're body going limp the moment prior to ejaculation and having it get all over yourself

>> No.6886270

an intimate experience is not complete without physical touch

>> No.6886348

went on date. Picnics are neat. She made some shitty ass food. Tried to eat it without gagging. Said "oh anon I've got to cook for you, I love cooking." Tropical storm out of nowhere happens. It starts to feel like buckets of water are being poured on me. embrace grill to keep warm. See her smile at the thought as I peak at her face from a weird ass angle. Go to her house to escape rain. Did stuff that felt really great. Not just penis vagina stuff but also lip stuff. Good stuff mang. Happy day. walk home and smell like her. She doesn't shower or wear deodorant because it's the devil. Have a thing for body odor now.

>> No.6886407
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>> No.6886430

>Yet I have my way of coping. I masturbate to the memory before going to sleep.

>> No.6886434

Fat dirty farts

>> No.6886437
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This thread reminded me of this.

>> No.6886451

His dick looked like poop but that was because it was a black guy and then he put it in my butt because I have no vagina and then I swallowed his cum and I realized that the twist is that not only was his dick black and looked like shit but it was covered in MY shit so I learned what shit tasted like but I DIDN'T learn that because I thought it was literally just his dick.

>> No.6886455

the suboxone was a let down
but it's only day one
I cried on tinychat
then whacked out some cum
I hardly felt orgasmic
my life is no fun
I wiped the mess clean
and with that it was done

>> No.6886482

My lips touch the fiery passion that lick not
for she had recoiled
"but anon, I don't really like you like that"

>> No.6886504
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Ive never had a girlfriend or boyfriend so let me talk about that one time my friend's mother felt me up. Sorry if this ends up not being a paragraph, its an interesting story.

It was almost twelve, and my friend (the big guy that he is), felt it was time for him to go to bed. His mother took a liking to me. Apart from his girlfriend, her son doesn't have any female friends come over besides me. Perhaps she saw me as a unique specimen to investigate. She asked if I wanted to stay and talk awhile before walking back down home. I said yes, I thought it sounded interesting. She said she wanted to learn more about me and popped open a bottle of wine.
"Do you?"
I shook my hands and said ive never drank before, but I will this once since it seemed the correct thing to do. I wont get into the nitty gritty of what happened /lit/, but a few minutes, or a few glasses passed and she was complaining about all her previous boyfriends. I was complaining about all my mental instabilities and disorders, she asked if I was confident in my body, and proceeded to tell me to take my top off. My head was in the clouds but her request quickly brought me plummeting down like a rock.
"Show me them."
"Just show me, we are both women, it's okay."
I took my top off, it was stripy. I took my bra off too. And she proceeded to examine them with her hands. I felt that if she was drunk and willing to be so open about everything, I should at least be open with her. I enjoyed it.
"These are a lovely pair. Have you ever had casual sex?"
I told her I was a virgin, and she kept insisting I go out and have casual sex. But eventually she let me put my clothes back on, we talked a little more and I walked back home in the darkness feeling very, very fucking strange.

I literally just came over to my friend's house to talk about videogames. Now sometimes when im over, she teases me about that night, using a bottle of the same kind of wine. I like it.

>> No.6886523


>> No.6886617
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>having intimate experiences

Hugless master race represent.

>> No.6886736


>tfw it has been 6 years since you last touched another human being and it was just a handshake

Kill me.

>> No.6886911

If my lips should dare to kiss thy taper fingers amorously, again thou blushest angrily; and o'er black brow drops down a sudden-curved frown

>> No.6886921

pls be in london

>> No.6886929

>At a party
>Sitting in a couch
>Girl comes and sits next to me
>Leans against me and starts touching my legs
>I sit there awkwardly and do nothing for a while
>She eventually leaves

>> No.6886947

lurk less m8

>> No.6886978


how is that even possible? fuck


fucked my gf for the fifth or sixth time this weekend, i don't quite remember. she shaved for me, but her pubes had grown back and as she was riding my dick, they were tearing in my skin. it hurt, but at the same time it tickled, so i laughed. a lot. she was pissed at first, but she's never really pissed for that long.

>> No.6888293

They can all be boiled down to their conclusion, which is "and then I woke up."

>> No.6888306

Some grill sat next to me on the bus today and kept playing with her hair. I kept imagining shoving my cock down her throat. Eventually the bus got to my stop and I got off and left.

>> No.6888383

Su piel canela, tan suave como una briza de playa, rozaba contra la mia. Su cuerpo esculpido como una guitarra, Paco de Lucia apiadate de mi. Toda su belleza mia para admirar. Dos individuos unidos como una sola alma en el calor del momento. Mis sabanas aun tienen su olor a verano y no puedo dejar de pensar en ella.

>> No.6888395




>> No.6888401
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>I shook my hands and said ive never drank before
jazz hands

>> No.6888408

Yeah, it was a jazz hands scenario.

For some strange reason this turned me on. Thanks anon.

>> No.6888420

The only intimate experiences I have are the ones I share with God.

>celibate master race represent

>> No.6888444

John Green-tier drivel. Go ahead and make a New York Times bestselling novel you sick fuck.

>> No.6888458

Adam Lambert was finishing his last verse while driving his Cobra into the horizon on TV. It must have been nearing sunrise but the birds weren't singing yet. The MDMA was beginning to loosen its grip on my dopamine bladder. Life was good. OKC had just lost game 5 of the NBA finals and I was glad back home for the summer.

She was sitting on the loveseat across the room. It was only us two now. She was pleasantly plump with cute features but also coarse and discouragingly uneducated. Caught up in my haught I dismissively ask her if she ever felt too fly for her own good. She asked me if I could use some company on the couch. "Why not".

>> No.6888507

Took some girl who's good opinion of me lasted solely on the awesome reputation I formed through her friends before I became a complete loser to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Put my arm around her but it made us uncomfortable but it felt awkward as well to take it back so I left it. After the movie I made her kiss me which she was slightly not okay with. We then were deciding what to do and she jokingly said "the beach", and since the night was already stilted and boring I said "fuck it, let's go!"

She was surprised because it's two hours to drive to the beach where I live in California. But I was in my zone that moment, and she started getting hot. We made out in the cab of my shitty truck at every intersection and I felt her up. Almost wrecked on the highway because of it but that was part of the thrill.

Made it to the town and parked without paying. Then we went to the beach and I grabbed her ass and kissed her more. We laughed and had a good time. I knew we were going to have sex, and I knew it wouldn't work between her and I and it would be over. But who cares? Love just works that way.

Went back to the truck and found a secluded spot. Fucked her there on the side of the road as cars cruised by. I underperformed and still feel like a chump. She was viscerally disappointed.

Took her home and she slept holding onto me. 4:30am or so I got back, and threw her onto my bed for another round of bad sex. Then I took her home and she never talked to me again.

I feel like an asshole and wish I knew how to last longer. But oh well. It was a good night even if facing how pathetic I am is painful.

>> No.6888537

Also gay men always pursue me and it's incredibly fucking annoying.

How do you make yourself unattractive to gay men?

>> No.6888543

They were always right

>> No.6888544

Gay men have the best gaydar. If they're hitting on you a lot it's because they know something you're repressing.

>> No.6888550

So you're saying I'm gay?

>> No.6888555

No, you're implying it. I'm just inferring it.

>> No.6888568

Oh. I don't think I'm gay. I've never enjoyed any encounters I've had. I do enjoy sex with women though.

Gay men have been bothering me less though so I must be doing something right.

>> No.6888571

Actually 10/10 advice, well played friend

>> No.6888583

We both knew what was happening, but I didn't understand it. I was only barely aware of his hands, they moved so gently around my wrists. It was green tape, the ugliest green tape, but it felt good anyway, like he knew it would.

I giggled and pouted and told him to get me my drink. I held the glass in both hands, like I had to, shut my eyes, and lifted it toward my lips. I drank a long, cool sip, and opened my eyes to see him staring at me. I could barely taste the rum anymore.

He told me that was enough and went to take the cup but either in his inebriation or his excitement he only knocked it from my hands and it bubbled and fizzed everywhere, including the carpet. I heard him mumble what sounded like "stupid bitch" and I closed my eyes for a while.

I woke up completely disoriented, still drunk, still taped up. His fingers were unbuttoning my shirt. Even though I didn't need one, he gave me an explanation: I was covered in booze and he needed to wash my shirt, and would I please sit still. I'd been arching my back without realizing it.

He cut the tape around my wrists and vanished for a while. It felt gross to be unbound. I have always had a compulsion to be in small spaces, to wear tight clothing, to embrace. I laced my fingers together in an ersatz bind and realized I hadn't worn a bra.

He fucked me when I got back and the shirt was black, so it didn't stain. I think I said something wrong at some point because I can remember a hard slap followed by choking. Actually, I may have just asked him to do that. He said a lot of sweet things. I still have bruises on my wrists.

>> No.6888586

OP is the devil
he knows this board can't write for shit and then he gives it the most cliche riddled writing prompt that professional writers are notorious for being unable to pull, that he knows the spergs here can't resist

>> No.6888590

this is shit but that last line is especially shit

>> No.6888593

tbh it's still a better thread than 90% of the memeposting and trolling

>> No.6888602
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that has a value in itself, though
most of this thread I can't even read

>> No.6888610

How many women get off on being treated like a whore in bed

>> No.6888639

you want an exact number on that bro
not many
probably less than 10% (that is, out of young western women)

>> No.6888646

I was laying down on a mattress lying in the middle of the floor when she walked up and asked if she could pet me. My friends are very open to physical contact so I thought nothing of it and said, "Please."
Someone yelled "Put on some Drake" to whoever was controlling the music.
I was more comfortable than I had been in a while. There's a safety and tenderness in those kinds of nonsexual affections which is hard to reproduce in words.

The next night I was drunk and on painkillers at a house party. I look down at my phone and see a text:
"idk how drunk you are, but do you want to meet out back?"
I sat in a daze for a couple minutes before grabbing my bag and walking out the front door.

>> No.6888685

How do you figure that's the case?

>> No.6888709

My hands were shaking on the wheel as I pulled into the hotel parking lot. I scanned the room numbers and found the one we had arranged.

As I walked up the stone staircase a family on vacation poured out of their room in a blur of towels and water wings and high pitched children's laughter. I look down and try not to look furtive as they scoot past me on the narrow walkway.

For the 10,000th time I consider not going through with this.I could just climb back down those stairs and be home with my dog and my computer and pretend none of this had ever happened.

I swallow that fear as I knock on the hookers door.

>> No.6888761

Why does this thread make me feel so depressed?

>> No.6888775

I wouldn't know, I'm not one of them.

>> No.6888786

Well.. okay, then, good to have met you.

>> No.6888815

We didnt make love, love made us.
You can say that we fucked, Ray.
Caspere knew this.

>> No.6888820

I hate my job. Nothing good has ever come from it outside of income. On a particularly rainy evening, we were in the middle of a dinner rush. All I could hear were clanging dishes and the cacophony of people trying to not lose their shit. Busy was an understatement, everything was a blur, things moved at the fastest pace imaginable. As I was heading to the back to restock my station, my eyes caught a brilliant figure in the corner. She was a smiling girl in modest make up, of a slim build, with raven haired curls that sat an little below her shoulders. I almost walked into a busboy trying not to get caught staring.
One of my managers motioned her into the office. She was dropping off what looked like our new menus for the upcoming market rollout. Our eyes met, smiles spread, and heads turned downward in a bashful fashion. My heart began to beat faster. I imagined hers did too. I had to return to my post however. The possibility of getting her number had very slim odds at this point. I saw her depart with a glimmer in her eye; she had turned over to look at me as if to bid me farewell.
Once more, I had to return to the back to restock whatever needed to be restocked when I was met by a coworker with a note. I opened it to find a name scribbled on there with a phone number. I stored it away in my pocket and remained hopeful.
Later on, after a tiring closing shift, I decided to give the phone number a text to find out who this was. It turned out, this was the girl. My second wind kicked in as her and I spent the rest of the night texting. For once in my three years single now, I felt companionship. This made me question the very nature of my deliberate choice to stay away from the opposite sex. For once, I had met one worthwhile. I curiosity had been piqued. The pursuit had begun.

>> No.6888829
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I've contributed to this thread before.
Now had sex twice in the last 24 hours, and still fapped to porn when I came home today.
Being a girl must be a more relaxed state of mind.

>> No.6889163


Because all these people are so lonely, so sexually deprived that they feel the need to write down these stories so that strangers might not think so little of them as they themselves do, they live their life vicariously.

>> No.6889359

Sad but true...

>> No.6889520
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Across the lecture hall, there she was. I clench my jaw and my posture becomes synthetic, and furrow my brow. Who am I to impress? I look down. I take my seat in the front of the room, the class devolves into conversation. In the reflection of my watch I angle to see if she is looking at me, and I hope she doesn't. Because if she was, if those crystalline eyes would be glaring at me again I could not bear it: she is coy but she is better than me.

It's too warm to be dressed like I am, I know she would say; it's too humid outside, and she would look to me with that look that I couldn't discern amiability or playful displeasure from. She's well dressed and we've talked before; she skids to withhold a tongue that she thinks is unpleasant, when it is wonderful. But she isn't for me, I cannot be hers because she should not be mine. She followed me out of class some days, and I could feel her looking at me, but I cannot acknowledge her. You are a fool, you are a fool and you should look down as you have and as you will.

>> No.6889582
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Every substance I take, I can feel my body and mind reacting to it. I've been on a SSRI since a month, I can even visualize how it suppresses my serotonin uptake. It has numbed the sensation of reward my brain gives me for activities like masturbation, drinking coffee and alcohol, getting notifications of mails and social media... I'm glad I don't care about any of those things anymore because they were enslaving me. My brain is at last reacting coherently with the monotony of my life.

>> No.6889603

I got fucking wasted and spilled my guts to my friend who I used to hook up with and told me two months ago that she had feelings for me. We had drunken sex, which I have little recollection of.

Two days later she sent me a text telling me that she didn't think she actually had feelings for me and was just confused; she essentially friend zoned me.

We haven't really spoken since other than awkward forced conversation via text two or three times.

>> No.6889610

The palm was sweaty, the shaft much softer than it used to be, and the video was far more disgusting than before. The motions were learned and tired, the result - unsatisfactory.

>> No.6889624
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I just finished masturbating a few minute ago. I can still smell my dick on my hand, but I probably won't wash it for a couple of hours.Sometimes when I beat off I get distracted and start thinking about how masturbation will never bring me the affection I crave. That makes me go flaccid. so it's annoying when it happened.

During my orgasm I no longer care about feeling alone, and my brain stops thinking about depressing armchair philosophy bullshit. It didn't feel very good because I beat off yesterday too.

>> No.6889639

>Talking during sex (in my culture)
What culture?

>> No.6889641

This was back in high school. I was 17 at the time.

There was this chick I tried to become intimate with. She was a really good student and somewhat attractive. There were a few other guys in my grade who liked her, and thought she was beautiful, but I think her social grace and academic aptitude boosted her in their eyes.

Anyways, her and I were somewhat close when we were 16. I remember her always laughing at my jokes, saying I'm "really fucking funny" to some mutual friends (she usually doesn't swear), and even coming to the gym with me when I off-handedly mentioned it (I didn't mean for her to come). Anyways, come grade 12 I decided to make an intentional effort to get close to her. In doing so, I completely stopped doing what worked before (which was just me being natural around her), and just forced everything, which resulted in her finding me annoying. I really dropped the ball... and upon realizing how badly I fucked up, I decided to cut my losses by becoming incredibly avoidant.

Fast forward a few months and the school year is ending and I'm going on a grad trip to the Carribean with her and like 58 other people. I don't remember much of it, but I remember one night when I was feeling particularly drunk and all of us were just hanging out on the hotel's terrace. I was in a chair, and she was on the ground (remember, I'm still being avoidant; her being this close to me was not intentional at-all on my part). She rested her head against my right knee while I was smoking a cigarette, and the hand holding it was just resting like 10 cm from her head. Her leaning against me... me being obtuse.

To this day, I think about her everyday. I think about how badly I messed up with her knowing that, if I just kept being natural around her, my life would've been completely different. I think about how I repressed myself to the extent that she'd make such small steps towards intimacy. I think, most of all, about how incredibly weak my will is in the face of my desire -- how I regress to idiocy when I get caught in infatuation.

I haven't had any deep desire for intimacy since I was 17... I'm such a fucking faggot

>> No.6889700

sounds familiar.

>> No.6889702

we were at a b.y.o. we were both soused. I hate b.y.o's but i liked her and when i said i'd go on a mission to get wine she came with and we talked about the guy she was fucking and why she should break it off with him. when we found our places she gently tugged on my wrist and whisper-asked: 'sit next to me, yeah'. we kept talking and getting drunker and we ended up at hers with a bottle of vodka; i remember very little except for small caresses afterwards and 'forcing her' to taste herself during

i got a facebook message the next day telling me it was a mistake and she was sorry. we met for coffee and i lent her a book. she forgot the book she was supposed to lend me.

i had an awful anxiety attack last night. i curled up in the middle of an empty room at my university, took a handful of sleeping pills and tried to just get through it. before i fell asleep i smelt the smell of her, mingled with the perfumed smell of her room. when i woke up i was cuddling my phone in my hands, the floor was wet with sleep-drool. the smell had dispersed.

>> No.6889749

>how weak my will is in the face of desire
describes me to a t

>> No.6889751

We met up with her long time ex. After seeing her start to gravitate toward him I grope her in front of him in a half assed subtle way and had her hand stroke my hard cock through the sweats I was wearing.
The guy leaves
We end up at Denny's
I order a fantastic four 'the thing burger'
I sense the waitress thinks I'm attractive. I slap her a few times in the booth we're sitting at, not in an angry way
She says 'it's ok' to some guy behind me who was apparently looking
I'm interested in showing this girl I have a talent with fighting but the guy looks more tired and broke than aggressive when I look at him. The kind of look one gains from being poor and supporting a kid (which he had with him)in an ultimately dull relationship, this is the second time I've seen this recently
I wait outside while she pays, this is unintentional
We're in her car, clothes off, her ass is looking very nice but something is missing. I can't get hard anymore
I pass out
She drops me off at work in the morning
My boss is expecting some explanation for calling in the day before and he gets too close, able to smell the alcohol that I'm positive is on my breath (I'm still drunk at this point). I give a one word answer and he says 'oh, ok' in a way that shows he has an understanding of my lifestyle

>> No.6889785


Lay down on the bed and take off your panties. Shorts and boxers fall to the floor. She rolls and comes up on hands and knees pushing her self to grind. Left hand on left buttock, condom opened with teeth, roll down the shaft, squeeze out the tip. Cock slap thighs and buttock around the top and under to slap wet lips and crotch. Insert penis and begin. Moaning, thrusting hand on hip, fist curled in hair, head pulled back, gently, not trying to start out rough. The rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh, heavy breathing, sweat forming, she cums giggling and collapsing into the bed. Lying on her grinding, faster now, nibble the ear lobe, kiss the neck, turn head to exhale deeply. Breathing steady, grinding deeper, she cums again with a flurry of laughter and muffled pillow noise. Increase speed for a moment, long enough, pull out and push off her to stand. Cum standing, over her with sweat dripping and heart pounding and legs aching from the effort. Disgust and apathy wash over. Ignore out of breath groans and moans from the bed room to turn on the shower. Cold water rush, soap off the crotch, roll and tie the condom off and splash into the toilet.

>> No.6889943

kek, not bad actually

>> No.6889951

compelling. if even a quarter of this is true, im amongst friends

>> No.6889959

Was this "intimate"? I feel it wasn't because it wasn't done with another person.

>> No.6889965

this is sad but wonderfully written

>> No.6890003

My girlfriend went to her bedroom alone
Gaily I sat on her lap facing her
I kissed her lips and asked her to relax
She placed her back against her soft bedding
I joked, "I'm feeling so spontaneous."
She told me that she liked it, it's okay
Her nipples were hard through her nylon dress
She got up and checked the blinds, closed the door
"My pants are so tight that they hurt," I said.
She asked me what I said. We both layed down
and I tried to draw the blood to her lips.
She kept her eyes closed, panting in my ear.
When I opened my eyes, I remember
her looking at me like when we first met.

>> No.6890105

I paid Ten Dollars American
to blow my load and hold you afterward.
to leave each one of your holes turned inward.
I paid Ten Dollars American
to whiff at musty nether smegma dew
to kiss your dry lips and taste Marlboro
I paid Ten Dollars
to the taxi driver who drove me there
if I'd paid you, I'd ask for reimburse
I sing my truth.

>> No.6890133

After I brought her to climax, she pulled her hot mouth away from my face and whispered "Merci".

>> No.6890223

I was on vacation in Colorado about a week ago. I met her on a bus ride back to the hotel. I had a little conversation and at the end of the ride she gave me her number and invited me to some shitty pop rock thing that night. I didn't accept the invitation because I already had tickets to the opera.

The next day I took her to some chamber music at the concert hall and then out for a nice dinner with her friend.

When we got on the bus for the ride back I let her sit with her friend. Looking out the window at the sun set over the mountains, I hummed Claire de Lune and meditated on my life's significance in the shadow of such grand beauty. Her friend switched to the vacant seat in front of her to lie down. Alone, she complained about how cold she was for a few minutes and eventually broke and directly asked me to sit with her. I switch over to her and say in the window seat of the now dark bus. I put my arm around her and she leaned over and rested her head on my firm chest. While rubbing my left hand up and down her theigh and then up to her ass I felt my penis become fully erect. In an attempt to hide the erection I lifted my left leg up at an an angle over the hard on. Noticing this, she moved her arm across my left leg and rubbed her forearm up and down my erect penis while smoothly rubbing my calf with her hand.

She then took my left hand and placed it on her left thigh in very close proximity to her vagina. I proceeded to tenderly rub her clitoris through her warm yoga pants. When we reached our destination I had to awkwardly walk off the bus in order to hide my erection. She grabbed my hand and we walked in tandem back to the entrance to her building. She was on vacation with her mother and her aunt so I had to settle with a kiss that night. I had never kissed a non-familial girl before so I felt nervous about fucking it up. I told her that I guess I'd see her tomorrow and we slowly approached each other. As she stared into my sky blue I felt her soft lips press against mine. I'm not very goo with flower names but her lips smelled and tasted like some sort of beautiful flower. In shock I quickly started walking away and wishing her a good night.

The next day we went to the gym together in the mid afternoon. While I deadlifted with one of those curves bars that you usually used for curls (being more of a "fiitness gym" they had no Olympic barbells) she did visually stimulating calisthenic type exercises. I tried not to look in order to make her feel unwanted while I focused on my routine. After about a half an hour she was finished and invited me to the steam room in the women's locker room. I told her that I felt uncomfortable entering the women's locker room while under the gaze of other members of our club and she understood.

While I was finishing up with some core exersizes she exited the carved wooden door of the women's locker room and invited me back to her unit

>> No.6890289

When I arrived she greeted me with a quick kiss and guided me to her drawn bed. An episode of Law and Order was ending on her telescreen as I sat down on her bed. I made a comment about how my sister watches crime dramas like these all the time and she was surprised that I didn't like them. I laid down and pulled her next to me as the next episode started. She got more comfortable and rested her head against my chest. I smelled her beautiful black hair while my chin reaped on the bun in her hair. She looked up at me and we began to kiss with alternating long and short kisses. Again, I'm completely new to this kind of stuff and I couldn't tell if she knew. I I knew is that it felt good and I've always wanted this and I wanted more. After losing for a few minutes she tuned over and sat on top of me. I removed her top and she removed my shirt. She began to rub her warm pussy along my erect penis. After a minute I turned her over and did the same to her. Then we settled flat on the bed and made out again. While kissing I grasped her left breast with my palm and moved my thumb in a circular motion around her nipple. I then slowly moved my hand down her chest, under the waistband of her sport shorts, and then under the elastic of her panties. I gently rubbed her clitoris with my middle finger for a while then I moved my finger down and shoved it in and out of her pussy at alternating rates.

>> No.6890296

Sorry for the typos. I'm typing on my shitty phone.

>> No.6890330
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This is true btw
The events themselves don't offer much of a compelling story but I'm trying to find my voice; to be able to tell this in an aesthetically appealing way

I'm eventually going to write a book. I've lived and have lived a more visceral life. I feel like I'm just starting out in growth and when I go through an exceptionally interesting era I'm going to write it

>> No.6890463

As I pulled her in closer, I could almost feel the inflation of breath, the warmth of flesh. Ah, how sweet it would be. I wish real woman liked me.

>> No.6890471

I too love Big Brother.

>> No.6890474

I do not remember how we got to the bedroom the night before; I don't know what we did before or after, I know - because I was told about it - that the pretty, passed out girl in the couch downstairs mumbled in her sleep "Anon, you bitch, stop moaning, it's not fair that you're having sex and we're not". I know that at some point he told me I could make as much noise as I liked.
Other than that, drunk amnesia. The last minutes of the night night found us panting as we climbed uphill, me zig-zagging, still half drunk, until we found a clearing. I paid little attention to the rock we stood on, so they worried - how silly, don't they know that when I'm drunk I'm as agile as a cat?, but still I stumbled and nearly fell. Dangerous place to be careless, it was. Open sea as far as the eye could see and bellow not sand but rocks, waves crashing, saltwater sprayed on our faces and we sat.
I don't wear pants. Ever. This is a bad habit to have when you're as susceptible to cold as I am. But in a short skirt, thin shirt and a light cardigan under the first light of day - diffuse light, the whole sky covered in white - I hugged my legs and made sure I did not show cold I felt. He did not. Pants, socks, shirt and sweatshirt, he shivered. I took off my cardigan and wrapped it about him, pretended not to hear his protests.

This is awfully specific, here's hoping I'm not identified

>> No.6890483

I too love the entertainment

>> No.6890485


>> No.6890487


you remind me of a shitty bukowski

>> No.6890492

I just masturbated in the shower, I used shampoo as lube and a bit of it got on the tip of my dick, and it burned quite a bit.

>> No.6890547

This happened to me two nights ago
My partner walked over to our cat and said to her in her usual cutesy voice ''It's time for bed kitty'' but just before she could pick her up I looked at my partner and said ''But...'' She looked at me for a second in confusion but upon understanding my meaning her expression changed. She understood what I meant. She then walked away from the cat and went into the kitchen, where she then proceeded to read a cooking book. I felt slightly bad, obviously she wasn't in the mood for what I wanted or else she would have gone to our bedroom, it seemed clear that the reason she was reading was because she was going to wait until she was in the mood. But why would reading a cooking book make her horny? Perhaps there was something on her mind that she wanted to forget about. I didn't know what to do, and she was busy reading so I couldn't talk to her, so I just stood there, in the middle of the kitchen, staring at her as she read her cooking book. Eventually she stopped the put the book down on the bench and looked at me. ''Shall we go to bed?'' I asked. ''Yeah''
She walked over the the couch, took her bag and then walked towards our bedroom with me following behind. She walked past the cat, and then into our room. Once I entered after her I closed the door and upon turning around I saw that she was already undressing on her side of the bed and so I started to undress on mine. There we both were, undressing in silence, with a queen-sized bed in between us. Both knowing what was about to happen. Her bra and panties were surprisingly sexy, which was interesting since what she was wearing that day was very ordinary and plain. Did she just put on the whatever she could find or did she intentionally decide to wear such sexy lingerie? Before I could think about it any further, my partner took off her bra and panties, lay down on our bed, spread her legs, looked up at me, and said with a sweet and familiar smile ''now come stick your cock in me'' I asked if she could ride me this time and she shook her head and said ''no'' I didn't reply and instead slipped my erect penis inside of her. She moaned and closed her eyes in pleasure. As I slid in and out of my partner's gorgeous body, she smiled a smile of familiarity, akin to the smile one makes when they return home after being away for a long time. Her smile seemed to say ''this is where I belong, with you''. And then she opened her eyes and looked at me with such a loving expression. We kissed each other until I came inside her and we both moaned in pleasure. We then lay still, with my penis still inside her, for quite some time until I moved my arm from beneath her to scratch an itch on my back and as I did this, my partner asked ''can you get kitty now?''

>> No.6890558
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>implying this isn't one of the better threads to have been made in a while

>> No.6890560

It rubs the fluid on its skin, or else it'll get the whip again.

>> No.6890612

I was spending far too much time on the internet, ignorant of how long one can sit idle at a screen looking at the same videos over and over. The highlight of my day was night; it was then where I would watch hours of porn to fill the satisfaction and feel gratified. I decided to quit cold turkey, no sexual gratification at all.

She came home after five days and immediately sucked on my neck and stroked my penis. She took off her pants and grabbed my penis, which was seemingly larger than usual, and put it inside her. I was thinking of nothing but the feel of having the sexual gratification filled, and how perfect this feeling was where we were happy, and we were in love, and we felt right.

The physical pleasure quickly outweighed the mental pleasure and I pulled out to stop this overwhelming feeling but I let loose and felt ashamed and she felt utterly used and empty and she left the room without saying goodbye. It was then I learned the importance of sex and how there has to be a balance between physical and mental pleasure, and how perfect everything would be if I can find harmony in these two pleasures of mine, and to make the world also a perfect harmony for her.

>> No.6890686

I came
I paid
I came
I left

>> No.6890721 [DELETED] 

You sound like an asshole for one thing. Not an asshole who has any redeeming factors. More like someone who's just a degenerate through-and-through. You also have an enlarged sense of self, to the extent that your intuiting that a waitress thinks your attractive is worth relating in a thread about your most recent intimate experience.

You strike me as the type of person who thinks their smart but was dealt a shitty hand and a person who's devoid of principles. I see you being adulterous, in the hedonistic way which is bereft of self-reflection. That being said, perhaps you're blameless in your being this way so I'll hold off on a judgment in that regard, but I think you need to deeply reflect upon yourself before you think about writing a book.

>> No.6890728

For one thing, you sound like an asshole. Not an asshole who has any redeeming factors. More like someone who's just a degenerate through-and-through. You also have an enlarged sense of self, to the extent that you consider that your intuiting that a waitress thinks that you're attractive is worth relating in a thread about your most recent intimate experience.

You strike me as the type of person who thinks they're smart but was dealt a shitty hand and a person who's devoid of principles. I see you being adulterous, in the hedonistic way which is bereft of self-reflection. That being said, perhaps you're blameless in your being this way so I'll hold off on a judgment in that regard, but I think you need to deeply reflect upon yourself before you think about writing a book.

Enjoy jerking off on Omegle.

>> No.6890974

My palms spaghetti, knees weak, arms spaghetti. There's vomit on my sweater already- mom's spaghetti. I'm nervous, but on the surface I look calm spaghetti.

>> No.6891098

She came in to the store, looked at me with those curious, intrigued eyes. Bought a candy bar and ten bucks in gas. Late 90s Buick. Nice eyeliner, mall goth but not intolerably so. "stacked like a brick shithouse" as old man Melvin would say, the pervert. Well endowed, stocky and curvy. Left me all her change and winked. I fear she is under 18 so I dont respond. Almost as bad at flirting as I am at writing anyway. Work all night, receive milk delivery, stock those jugs like a motherfucker. Jugs. Cans. Titties. Perky but also bug enough to have that sweet "waterbed" effect. Distracted. Click out, walk home, jack off to the thought of being pegged by this greek nude come to life, hands free, just rub my duck against some soft sheets. Feel the shame. Feel the regret? Will I see ger again? Will I be tongue tied? Why couldn't my father have been around to teach me how to handle these situations? The next night I fuck an alcholic Cougar two years older than father. Her lust straddles creepy, and I yearn for experiences with girls my own age. Another failure, just like the girl with the Zelda tattoo at best buy or the sweaty mohawked punk rock slut at the DRI concert. I cry myself to sleep that night.

>> No.6891103


Haven't seen this copypasta before

>> No.6891116

I didn't know this.
Who did it best in your opinion?

I clicked two steaks for this; please respond.

>> No.6891124

"Come on, anon!" Michael quipped at me.
I'm sure Marisa made a snarky comment too, but I was to busy trying to focus on the climb ahead.
"This is a stupid tradition," I muttered.
As we approached the summit, just a few minutes before midnight, I wondered if she would show up. She was in the sorority, so she had to attend all of the university's opening events. But I hardly know her! And, well, I'm hardly experienced with girls. When we got to the top, a guy and a girl were handing out mints and lip balm.

The summit was packed, with barely any space for walking around. There were probably a hundred people here- not that one could easily count with the only light sources coming from random peoples' phones.

"It's midnight!" a female voice shouted. That's when it began. Michael and Marisa were kissing, deeply. Then everyone else around me began to kiss one another. Mostly guys kissing girls, but there were a few girls kissing other girls for giggles. I ignored their laughter, and kept looking for the girl I had planned to meet. Up and down and all around the area.

A minute past. Then another. Then five. She wasn't there. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves except me. That's when it happened.

"Hey anon, it's no fun to be left out."

I turned around, I knew that voice- but it wasn't the girl that I was seeking. It was Marisa.

She walked a few steps closer, looking me in the eyes. She got closer. And closer. And closer. Then I felt it. Warmth on my lips. "It's like a marshmallow," I thought to myself. And just as quickly as the sensation came, so it left me. Marisa let out a giggle, then walked away into the darkness of the night. I stood there, flabbergasted, trying to comprehend what had just occurred. It wasn't what I expected, or rather, who I expected. She was 3 years younger than me, but the friend I had made just 2 days ago had just stolen my first kiss.

how'd I do? My first kiss was last year; I was 20.

>> No.6891133

He was 21 and looked like a highschooler. His voice was effeminate and self-conscious, and he had an odd tendency to use women's shampoo. But he definitely loved me.

Especially when he was sucking my dick.

>> No.6891134

She's from /soc/. I'd post more images but all of them are nsfw.

>> No.6891138

Drop as an imgur link

>> No.6891148

Ended on an abrupt note, however.

>> No.6891150

Must suck to be from California where the girls dont even have the common courtesy to pretend it was good
seriously wtf

>> No.6891151


>> No.6891164


She claimed she was still a virgin.

>> No.6891169

Thank you, based anon

>> No.6891173

Not sure if you're talking about the written narrative or the facts. I'm highly delirious and thus confused, my sentences feel like they're not even grammatically correct. Speaking a foreign language in this state feels bizarre and after rereading I noticed a lot of things I could have phrased better, spotted missing words etc.
But I digress; giving him my cardigan and standing the cold was the whole point/climax, how do you think it'd sound (or rather, read) better?

>> No.6891186

>I'm highly delirious

And I'm deliriously high.

It was your tense in the last sentence that made it abrupt. If you had said "pretending" or "and pretended" it would have been more conclusive. I think it's strange too that you hit rewind for the narrative structure but that's actually what made it stand out.

>> No.6891203

Actually it's not that you hit rewind, it's just that I assumed you did because drunken sex usually ends up in sleep.

>> No.6891276

Good for us, I hope. I tend to get a strong impulse to write when I'm not sober or in a normal mental state, it's surprisingly productive.

Now that you mentioned it I can see how it was abrupt. It was intentional, actually, but the feeling I wanted to cause wasn't delivered, the sentence wasn't as long as it should have been in order to sound right.
Rewind is a nice interpretation, I think it left enough unsaid to be plausible one.

Did you post one also? I'm curious now.

>> No.6891452 [DELETED] 

You write sober also? That's the only way I can really write. I haven't posted one yet because I'd like it to be nice but my experiences recently have... not been nice. Not romantic in any sense, like yours. I can work one out from the olden days and show you later, though, perhaps?

>> No.6891470

No, I hadn't. Too scatterbrained at the moment, and my recent memories haven't been so nice as the one you detailed. Later on, maybe? I can take some sober time tomorrow and construct a nice one based on old memories, or at least an interesting one based on recent memories. I might be dozing off here so I'll just drop my email. I'm inspired now, so I'm writing that piece for sure when I get time. Shoot me a hello if you want to read it.

>> No.6891471

Gah, another double post from me. Not sure my email was attached correctly. I'm too old-school for this shit.


>> No.6891540
File: 59 KB, 450x450, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely cringe worthy thread.

>> No.6891900

As I lay in my bed, unable to sleep from the adderal and the constant flickering of obnoxious blue or green toned lightning emitted by various electronics that are part of my room, I think about how I really wish this moment could have lasted longer. But I ran out of coins, so I was unable to pay for the private-show anymore.

>> No.6891984


>> No.6892006
File: 78 KB, 412x351, 1435680737998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a stranger and the pinnacle of androgynous aesthetic. From a distance I was able to make out her dainty hips and shy ankles, the implied negative fashion of her dark hair, the way I couldn't help but mingling it with the dark splotches of ink scattered about her forearms, and a comfortable aloof pattern in her steps.
Up close I realized that she was a he, and that he was a typical hipster douche.

>> No.6892028

A while back, she still bothered to go through the memorized motions of romance. You know, the kind that you acquire through several previous relationships and you constitute as "experience" in order to fool yourself into valuing your current partner. She told me that she never expected someone so timid to be sexually talented, bragging to her friends about how she "came every time". So of course she would still see me, years after all romance was gutted and dried. But she still expects to be entertained, and rejects straightforward sex, and wants to talk and watch movies, throwing my hand away if i try to pseudo-absent-mindedly grab it. More than anything, I want to tell her to piss off, that I'm desperate for genuine fucking romance, that I'm sick of doing this on her bullshit terms. You came over here to fuck, why pretend like there's anything else going on? But instead of ignoring her phone calls, I'll just stare into her eyes and give her an animalistic kiss as she moans and shakes her way to the emotional bond necessary to keep her coming back.

>> No.6892781
File: 124 KB, 306x458, modern-american-cuisine-contemporary-conformist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Bukowski is shitty
This is the orig
Which is better?

I empathize without relating to women
I didn't like the part where you gave him your cardigan, the fact that it was a cardigan you gave him or the fact that you did it when you were cold or that he let you do it

Was the sex that uneventful? I'm curious what sex is like from a woman's perspective so you should've wrote about that
I think it would've fit into post modern realism

>> No.6892783

So you are a virgin too? Does she know?

Might as well just wait for marriage, it not like you are losing your wonderful sex life

>> No.6892914

halfajack down I'm spinnin a buzz feelin good and dumb. "Another" and I pour out too shods each two much and I'm stumblering around tryin to findd the fucking chaser.
"Don't be a pussy"
"I'm not tryin to throw up"
then she nogs it back like water. "Fuck it" and I nog it back like water. The buzz burns the whoel way down andd I'm spinnin more and more and
"You look drunk"
"You look pretty fucked up too"
and she nogs bag a swig like water.

we're outt for a smoke and I'm bearly standin but she looks pretty in a "I could fuck her" way so I grab her arm and she turns to me and already has her hans to my face and libs open and legs hod between before the emmbrace. We kiss under a fullmoon but the smell of smoge and vomit (I threw up earlier) kils the mood. And we're inside now and she shows me her nibble biercing and I kiss her some more and slide off her pands and she does the same but scratches my cock so I cuss and take off my shirt. She's looking at me and she's wett but I can't remmember if she says she's on the pill or not and should I go get a codnom instead?
"Fuck me"
"Hang on"
and I lost it thingin about the fuckin condom and I try to get it up but I'm burnnned out and we both know it so she gets dressed and leaves and I gettup and drink too sleep.

>> No.6892921

>I lean in for a kiss. as if non-verbally asking her permission.

>> No.6893183

English, or at least there is some truth behind the lights off, avoid eye contact, not speaking thing. It more or less comes down to introversion, which is definitely prevalent compared to other cultures. I wish I would have explored more fetishes with my ex. Being with someone you think you will spend the majority of your life with makes you want to savor and discover that stuff almost annually.

>> No.6893289

Only on /lit/ would I be accused of being a hedonist.

>> No.6893940

She has a boyfriend of 5 years. We talked a lot this year. She was still in our home town. Myself and her boyfriend were at opposite ends of the country, for university. He cheated on her, while away. They stayed together and I'm pretty sure she stayed faithful. I've been off and on with an ex for a few years, but the fighting is bad and I'm not happy. Myself and her boyfriend are back in town for the summer. She set me up with her very attractive bestfriend. Bestfriend was nice but I broke things off, and had avoided talking to all them for the last month. A week ago, I got a call from her, saying her boyfriend was out of town camping. I told her I'd prefer not to see her irl, but she insisted. I was in the middle of a long needed clean of my basement, so she helped me finish. Afterwards, we talked about music and movies and books and manga and we cuddled in my bed. We play fought for several hours, in between nap bouts. Fights were punctuated with elaborate joke based roleplays. I tickled every part of her body to make sure she wasn't ticklish. She proved not to be. At one point I woke up to her pecking my neck and beard. Her eyes closed, I couldn't tell if she was asleep. We embraced until afternoon. Nothing sexual happened, but it felt vaguely like I helped her cheat on her boyfriend. She's very shy and never reciprocates eye contact, so the best part were the few times we stared intently into each others eyes for minutes.

>> No.6894590

i like your (prose) style anons

>> No.6894622

It would be the last time we would see each other, either for six months or ever. It was late and I had a flight to catch early in the morning. We managed to converse in our still-forming German pretty well over those last two months. Not having a common language between us took getting used to, but she had her favorite phrase, spoken in English using that thick Italian accent, for when we fucked -- "hurt me." She didn't use it this time.

>> No.6894650

The night was fuzzy with the static of two bottles of Dextromethorphan gels, and he took me in his car by the lake. I forget what I say as it spills out of my mouth. He breathes smoke into my lungs, and reaches his tongue into my mouth. His hand reaches under my shirt to my chest to feel it beating, hard. I'm laughing, laughing. Then I told him, I let flow from my mouth word of my nighttime liasons with a woman. My world split in two, four, smaller rooms that I sit across the universe from. I'm out of the car. He's driving off. Home is miles away. Life is in stark detail, he has my jacket, my phone. I'll make my solemn march home.

>> No.6894673

i walk in street,,, see girl

>> No.6894785
File: 684 KB, 767x1280, 1436672699921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if publishers would do that with an idiot.

>> No.6894863

I like this one.

>> No.6895331

I looked at my phone when I woke up. There was the very present sound of a jackhammer, it's omnipresence for the last month doing nothing to make it easier to endure.
It was 9:22, and a message had came sometime during the early morning asking if today we would finally have breakfast together.
I rolled around in bed, not knowing if today was the day I would finally dump a wineglass down her tits and belly and lick her all over her pasty white skin.
I decided my marriage was not something I'm willing to destroy right now, she's not even as hot as my wife.
I got up, it was chilly and noisy. I answered the message saying I had to work on my research and couldn't go to her place today. She understands my position.
I went to the kitchen, made myself a bitter cup of espresso and drank it down, the bitterness of the coffee matching the bitterness of masturbating to the thought of fucking a girl inferior to the one I love.

>> No.6895375

She shoved me up against the wall, and I felt her fingers on my zipper tracing my cock through my jeans.
She asked me if I had any more blow as she dropped to her knees and pulled out my dick. I told her yes, but the conversation became one sided as she put her mouth around my dick. She started slow, long and sensual, stopping when my dick hit the back of her throat and trailing back up again. I thought it was going swimmingly. As I was trying to remember her name and thinking about the excellent quality fellatio I was receiving, I heard a noise from below. She had started humming. I don't know why, but that small piece of extra effort, that small length of extra mile made me incredibly excited, too excited. I came in her mouth. She spit on the floor, told me I was disgusting and left. As she did another guy walked in and saw me with my dick hanging out of my zipper. I stared him in the eyes until he left. Then I vomited.

>> No.6895465

Sorry for the broken english and weird phrase structure, my mother tongue is portuguese.

>> No.6895472


yes please stop writing you fucking dirty spic. your shitty broken english erotica fantasy stories aren't appreciated.

>> No.6895556

and this is why I love /lit/.

>> No.6895780

Racism and hate speech? Join a Klan rally instead.

>> No.6895811

The first time was right after a shower. We both had a lot of work to do and we'd spent all weekend doing this, but I started kissing her anyway. She let out a frustrated "I hate you." and then gave in. She started breathing hard and I started necking while I slid my hands under the underwear she had on and started rubbing. I got a finger in and her whole body convulsed up. She looked me in the eyes,
"Fuck me."
I gave her a tired look.
"Please fuck me."
So we both broke contact for a second and clumsily ripped off all of our clothes. I slid it in and started going, slow just for a few strokes and then fast when she started pulling on my hips to go. Her bed was making a bunch of noise, so I rolled her onto the floor and on top of me.
Afterwards, she touched my face, and looked at me that same way.
"I really, really like you."
I stood her up and she swooned, almost drunkenly, with a glazed look in her eyes. I was flattered and uncomfortable.
Later, I was in her bedroom while she was in the kitchen, working. Every 10 minutes or so I got up and got something--water, coffee, anything as an excuse to give her maybe a gropey kiss or two and then go back to Java. On the third or fourth time, she wrapped her legs around my head and said, "let's go to bed." so I laughed and carried her into her room.
This time was about the same, but the bed was louder. I got worried about her sister upstairs, but she didn't care. Right in the middle of it she started muttering something that sounded scarily much like "I love you." Right as she came, she said it clearly.
"I. Love. You."
She sat up and got flustered, and turned away from me. I could tell she was panicking.
"Just... forget I said that."
"Can we please just pretend I never said that?"
"Maybe... We shouldn't see each other anymore."
We're 19. We had been dating for a month. It was kind of sudden. I just looked at her, not knowing what to say.
She got back to work, and every so often I got something to drink.
Eventually, she warmed up to me again. We had sex 4 or 5 more times before we went to bed at 5.
Good times, mang.

>> No.6896512

I know this is a stupid question but there is a good novel like this? I mean someone looking for love but just finding this half assed experiences and repressions.

Don't kill me lit I never had a gf, but I should write about this girl that I was/am in love for the past two years