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6880658 No.6880658 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not really into critical theory, but I can't help but be fascinated by Zizek.

There's one thing that I wonder though: why is he a communist despite having lived through a miserable regime in Yugoslavia?

>> No.6880799


>> No.6880927

>why is he a communist despite having lived through a miserable regime in Yugoslavia?

Because he's not a myopic reactionary who throws the baby out with the bathwater?

Have you read ANY of his stuff on communism?

>> No.6880971

Because despite being a postmodern hack he has actually read marx and knows what's communism.
Also, yugoslavia was less authoritarian and depended more on worker cooperativism than soviet-style regimes, so people remember it with mixed feelings. Similar to how people from catalunya remember revolutionary catalunya with nostalgia since it was actually kind of socialist for a while.

>> No.6880998

>postmodern hack

Do you even know what this means? He is hardly ever defending postmodernism anyways, it's a critique like most postmodern thinkers.

His Marxist leanings are easily the worst and least interesting thing about him.

>> No.6881004

> it was actually kind of socialist for a while.

Yugoslavia and catalunya had something more than a "kind of socialism" . I mean they had systems that Marx would actually aprove. Unlike the URSS or China.

>> No.6881015

You're an idiot.
Slovenia was one of the richest parts of Yugoslavia, and their form of communism was not miserable for most people.

>> No.6882121

he finds it a transcendent religion.

>> No.6883518

Because he is a meme writer and a virgin (yes I'm serious)

>> No.6883557
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He's a father, tbh

And has been married thrice

>> No.6883621

tugs on shirt

>> No.6883634

Mostly this.

>> No.6883652

why do people misinterpret demonize communism so much. I think hes also a realist, what are we going to do when technology wipes out the vast majority of the jobs, where nearly at the end of this capitalist stage anyways

>> No.6883809

>why do people misinterpret demonize communism so much.

Decades of Cold War propaganda.

>> No.6883821

Yugoslavia managed to into communism/state socialism pretty well
Things only went to shit because old ethnic rivalries and lack of a strong leader (Tito) to hold it together

>> No.6883827

because people think of communism as some kind of big other that is the same entity as the governments of the past that used the name

>> No.6885784

>big other

Do you really think that people who lived in the soviet union see it as a 'other' threat they only know from propaganda?

Thanks KGB for creating gullible leftist children worldwide

>> No.6885817

>Do you really think that people who lived in the soviet union see it as a 'other' threat they only know from propaganda?

Dumb as a bag of dicks

>> No.6885841

muh specific form of magical communism hasn't been tried yet :)

>> No.6885845

i was refering to you understanding of the Other actually.

>> No.6885848

What's wrong?

>> No.6885858

I'm tired of this retardedness. First there's absolutely no rational argument to be made about the soviet union being communist, it's pure propaganda. And second, there's posters defending real socialist experiments in the thread, like catalunya, so your post makes even less sense.

>> No.6885867

The Soviet Union was communist, that doesn't mean they achieved communism

>> No.6885875

Yeah? What characteristics of communism did the soviet union have?

>> No.6885877

revolution and totalitarian "temporary" rule is part of the road to communism

>> No.6885883

Dictatorship of the proletariat is a stage where workers have the political power. When did workers have the power in the ussr again?

>> No.6885885

>reactionary as a slur
>if you don't support communism you just don't know what it really is
I've spent more time with communists than any other political orientation because of my field of study, so I know a bit about it, and the goal isn't something I agree with even if it is possible to achieve, because I don't support egalitarianism and I don't believe in equality.
Your belief that everyone just needs to be explained communism better to start supporting it rests on the assumption that the people you're speaking to basically believe in equality.

>> No.6885889

Lenin was a worker just like everyone else

>> No.6885890

The USSR did everything it could to crush actual socialism wherever it found it. Catalonia is a prime example of this.

Thanks, Lenin.

>> No.6885893

But equality isn't a religion, it's objective. People are literally equal and if you deny it you're fucking WRONG SCIENTIFICALLY.



>> No.6885895 [DELETED] 
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>People are literally equal and if you deny it you're fucking WRONG SCIENTIFICALLY.

ahahah holy fuck, is this what antifa cucks actually believe?

>> No.6885896

>The USSR did everything it could to crush actual socialism wherever it found it. Catalonia is a prime example of this.
Of all the terrible shit stalin did, destroying revolutionary catalonia is the one that makes me most sad.

>> No.6885897

You believe that every person is as smart and strong as every other person? I mean, Jesus, some people get the wrong idea and think this is a race thing but you actually want to tell me that everyone is neurologically identical, and that's not a religion?

>> No.6885898


>> No.6885903

Post story about it

>> No.6885904 [DELETED] 
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terrifying tbh

>> No.6885911

No, there definitely are people who hear the propositions of socialism and communism and recoil with horror and disgust. That's the very definition of a reactionary.

>> No.6885915
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>> No.6885920

So people are either uneducated, or reactionaries? In your worldview, you have no worthy opponents? That is the most leftist thing I've ever heard. I'm a fascist and I'm willing to talk rationally with anyone, and I never have to call them names.

>> No.6885924 [DELETED] 
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>communism and recoil with horror and disgust
its a natural physiological response to ideological cancer.

thats why communists and relativists are always so sick, unhealthy and macabre because they're people whose natural biological repellant to intellectual disease is absent.

communism as an ideology only appeals to the mentally defective.

>> No.6885927

I consider fascists to be much worthier opponents than liberals. 10/10 enemy, would die fighting in the streets of Madrid.

The term "reactionary" is meant to be descriptive rather than an insult, but I suppose most fascists consider themselves "revolutionaries" in their own right and reject that characterization.

>> No.6885928

Don't forget r-selective malingerers.

>> No.6885936

I don't know if reactionary is the right term, since a huge part of the concept is adapting traditional structures to a modern, post-industrial world. Fascism is certainly reactionary compared to left communism or whatever but it's not much further right than social democracy.

>> No.6885998


>thats why communists and relativists are always so sick, unhealthy and macabre because they're people whose natural biological repellant to intellectual disease is absent

Many ancient peoples thought it was a sin to dissect a dead body. Early anatomists were often criminals, considered on the level of pedophiles. Yet they persevered, fought the law, and after hundreds of years of fighting against an entire society, finally won legitimacy and helped billions of people across the world.

Liberals, as you say, surround themselves with intellectual disease. They look at the social, economic and political death around them, and document it's anatomy. For example, they documented that the drug war hurt more people than it helped, and even in the USA cannabis prohibition has begun to wane. Or that after weed was made legal in NYC, crime dropped off 90%+.

Any like physical anatomists of the past, they face obstacles. However, inevitably, they'll win, as they secure victory after victory. Only censorship can hide the fact that the best nations on Earth have enormous social freedom and gave birth to liberalism (The west,) and that the worst violate social freedom at every turn (North Korea).

You could say that liberals are people who refuse to pretend daddy didn't give them blackeyes growing up, and conservatives are people who ask the patriarchs - a tiny minority in every traditional culture - to rape them in the ass harder and faster. Consider that one pacific island where the boys eat semen - conservatives always seem to want to preserve the abuse of everyone within society by it's old men.

I mean, I'm a liberal, but in bed I turn into an animal, and it's all about power, and punishment, and servitude. The only time I want anything approaching a conservative society is when I'm horny. I'd have to be stupid to make my fetish a lifestyle.

Why do conservative insist on putting everyone in bondage gear?

>> No.6886032

How is fascism not much further?

>> No.6886038 [DELETED] 
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typical liberal tripe, nonsensical critical deconstruction of an enemy of your own creation: the monolithic capitalist patriarchal titan of conservatism that only exists in your cuckold revolutionary fantasy scenarios; and in typical liberal fashion somehow manages to inject unnecessary irrelevant sexual undertones into the enemies ideology.

in this case, sexual undertones that are much more applicable to communism - so classic cuck projection again at work, a liberal playbook staple.

totally absent of course is any discussion of realpolitik or reality, because liberal and gommies dont live in reality, thats why the reality of failed communist regimes are so easy to ignore and the atrocities committed within and the lives lost so meaningless and fictitious to them.

liberals, like niggers, have no empathy - only the knowledge of the concept of it and how it must be applied.

>> No.6886139
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>nonsensical critical deconstruction of an enemy of your own creation

I didn't invent the notion that women should shut their mouths, put on corsets, and bend over for my enjoyment. Nor did I invent the hijab, which is acknowledged by it's native culture as a protective wrapper to keep the candy clean.

As well, fertility was a big thing to ancient pagans - who were, unarguably, conservatives' conservatives.' The earliest - and thus most traditional - cultures are profoundly sexual and amoral, while simultaneously being very possessive of women, and very insistent on men fighting and dying for the local patriarchs.

Also, what you're describing is called a strawman.

>the monolithic capitalist patriarchal titan of conservatism

Capitalism is anti-conservative. It takes the features of traditional society, antiquates them, and than sells them back to you. The entire concept of the nuclear family was invented - traditionally, we lived in extended families.

Ironic that you claim I'm using a strawman, then use one yourself.

>your cuckold revolutionary fantasy scenarios

My fantasies only involve me and other white people, and generally feature a glorious flight from Earth while it's turned into a ball of fire in a race war fought by the ignorant.

>in this case, sexual undertones that are much more applicable to communism

>'Look at us - we don't even look like women. There are no deodorants, perfumes, sometimes even no soap or toothpaste. There is no fine underwear, no pantyhose, no nice lingerie"

>totally absent of course is any discussion of realpolitik or reality

The reality is that if you were born before the rise of liberalism, some Lord would have made sure you kowtowed every time you saw him. You know all those people who made you feel small, or made a fool of you? Imagine if they literally owned you, and they could kill you in broad daylight in a dishonorable way and be called a hero for taking out the garbage. If your Lord gets really insane he might stab you in the guts and predict the future based on where your blood flows.

>thats why the reality of failed communist regimes are so easy to ignore and the atrocities committed within and the lives lost so meaningless and fictitious to them

Before Communism, Russia, China, the Balkans, Poland, and Lithuania had been having mass genocides of tens of millions of people for over 1000 years. Today, none of these regions are known for their liberalism, or their high standards of living. Was it Communism, or was it just patriarchs doing what they've always done, under a red banner?

>> No.6886179 [DELETED] 

>My fantasies only involve me and other white people, and generally feature a glorious flight from Earth

ok so you're a racially aware pro white communist, something i wasnt aware existed until now.

i am not a capitalist, i had just assumed you were attacking capitalism in the same vein as your neo-liberal marxist cuckold friends on the contemporary left do.

i think any political ideology can work if applied to a homogenous european society, my question to you is why are you communist if you're racially aware? why not national socialism? because its inherently authoritarian? it neednt be tbh.

also, a racially aware communist is like a white supremacist negro: you're advocating for own destruction. communism is universal by design, how would you safeguard the future of your people under communism when communists would argue borders and race dont exist - please no true scottsman in response to this - this is why communism now means, as does liberalism.

also the picture you posted is deaths by war, the picture i posted were under communist regimes not in war time.

>> No.6886316

Not him, but I recommend you look into the ideology of the Khmer Rouge; they combined the best principles of Marxism-Leninism with the best principles of National Socialism. They came the closest to realizing the perfect society imo.

>> No.6886330

He talks shit about 20th century communism admitting it was a catastrophic failure, instead he talks about the need to develop an alternative to the capitalist model.

>> No.6886381
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But look, /pol/friend, you keep talking about "your people" - what does that mean? What's the benefit of looking out for "your people"? What does that mean? In practice all attempts at autarky and racial homogenity in the modern world have ended not just in horror (like communism) but in incompetent collapse (Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Mussolini's Italy). What's the point of your ideas if they don't have any practical application at all? As China shows now communist systems can flourish (China might not be socialist by the romantic left definition but it's definitely non-capitalist and definitely run by communists). But there's not one remaining successful fascist state. Rationally, what end benefit does looking after "your people" have?

>> No.6886385

>But there's not one remaining successful fascist state.


>> No.6886422

What is this nonsense? People are not "literally equal", everybody is physically and genetically distinct. You shouldn't act so pretentious and condescending when what you're saying could be refuted by any fourth grader who knows what DNA is

>> No.6886428

good post

still trying too hard

>> No.6886435

You're saying that everybody is equally physically and genetically distinct?
It might help if you both weren't talking at cross purposes; "equal" and "distinct" aren't always mutually exclusive. What exactly is meant by "equal" in this context?

>> No.6886436

>You're saying that everybody is equally physically and genetically distinct?
no shit sherlock
>It might help if you both weren't talking at cross purposes; "equal" and "distinct" aren't always mutually exclusive. What exactly is meant by "equal" in this context?
thanks for all your help in our discussion, sherlock

>> No.6886438
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>reactionfags getting this butthurt when their spooks come out of the woodwork

>> No.6886439

>People aren't equal, they're equal!
Nice reading comprehension, sweetheart.

>> No.6886442

Not really butthurt, just thought he took apart the leftist spooks pretty accurately (only to be immediately met by the same thing again)

>> No.6886445

Nice willful misinterpretation of the argument, sophist (Sherlock)

>> No.6886458

You're still totally missing the point, Holmes.

>> No.6886509 [DELETED] 
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fascism was widely successful, it didnt collapse in on itself like all communist regimes inevitably do, it was defeated by external forces.

>Khmer Rouge
are you for real?

>> No.6886679
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The figure that's always cited of those supposedly killed under the Khmer Rouge includes those murdered by the Lon Nol regime, the casualties of the civil war, the casualties of the American bombing campaigns and incursions across the border, AND the casualties of the Vietnamese invasion and subsequent guerrilla resistance. Plenty of bodies to gather skulls from there.

The famine that claimed so many other lives had already begun before the Khmer Rouge took power and there's good evidence that their policies did much to lessen the overall death toll, including their sending city dwellers into the countryside to help work the fields, for which the Khmer Rouge has always been condemned by the West. Some of the propaganda gets downright silly, like how everyone with glasses was allegedly executed out of anti-intellectual sentiment (when half of the central committee wore glasses and all had been educated at the finest universities in France). I'd expect someone like you, who clearly has a more skeptical mind than most, to be less inclined to swallow such obvious bullshit. It's the "lampshades made of skin" and "human soap" stuff all over again.

>> No.6886690


>> No.6886701 [DELETED] 

interesting, admittedly i know very little about them and it occurred to me after i made that post that the things i know about the khmer rouge are based entirely on western mainstream info, much like the average person's conception of natsoc germany.

any good resources you'd recommend for a more balanced account of the regime?

>> No.6886702

Fascism is defeated by external forces because fascism is expansionary by nature. Case study: Nazi Germany.

>> No.6886712 [DELETED] 
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fascism is isolationist more than anything else, germany's 'expansion' besides the reclamation of that lost under the treaty of versailles was made a necessity due to a britain that was hellbent on war. whether germany invaded poland or not, churchill would have had his war.

>> No.6886719

I think he means that the Soviet Union was communist in the sense that they had COMMUNISTIC IDEALS, but never achieved them.

>> No.6886838

Practically no unbiased sources exist. If you can find any of Ben Kiernan's work before 1978 (when he became a shill), that's probably the closest you can get. You'll still find grudging concessions of some Khmer Rouge success in most books on the period, but they're surrounded by accounts of how generally "evil" they were. Fun fact: none of the alleged atrocities of the Khmer Rouge has ever been independently verified. Check out this relatively recent article from a Swedish journalist:


There are some Maoists online that defend Democratic Kampuchea, but they try and claim it as their own. Their rabidly atheist ideology of globalist miscegenation is completely at odds with the Khmer Rouge's vision of a self-sufficient agrarian state of racially and spiritually pure collectivists. Any leftist praise ought to be scrutinized at least as much as any detractor.

I've also heard that the National Bolsheviks admire Pol Pot, but I don't know Russian and have no way to really verify this.

>> No.6886856

>I didn't invent the notion that women should shut their mouths, put on corsets, and bend over for my enjoyment.

Women totally don't ever enjoy submissiveness, never ever, it's a myth.

>> No.6886861

Et cetera, et cetera

>> No.6887702

Catalonia was anarchist.
I do not think Marx would've approved.

>> No.6887728
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>> No.6887732


>> No.6887742

why would'nt Marx aprove workers actually controlling the economy and the militias?

>> No.6887747

by militias I mean the military forces.

>> No.6887764

Again leftie mods banning someone they disagree with

>> No.6888640
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>> No.6888697

Anarchism and communism are basically the same.

>> No.6889955


You're positing a liberal-conservative scale here and favoring the liberal. This is very different from a defense of Marxism per se--which is the more relevant topic given the OP. I object in two ways:

1. Being non-conservative does not imply being a Marxist or even what Americans call a "liberal." All that you need to not be conservative is to be more prone to favor change.

2. I don't think that Marxist ideology is even a sufficient--nevermind necessary--condition for being progressive. You yourself cited one example where a Marxist-inspired society was guilty of the most "conservative"-type misconduct the world has ever seen (North Korea).

I would agree with your post in general, in that I'm not a traditionalist and I do think that societies that "attempt something better" than mere traditionalism are usually better off in the long run. But I don't see how this really ties one to any specific ideology. The social democracies of Europe, America in its neoliberal years, and the economically liberal republican Singapore have all shown good economic conditions for most people.

>> No.6890401


>> No.6891641

Falseflag strawman if I ever saw one.

Anyone with half a brain does indeed pursue peace and unification, but they do also understand that nothing is equal and must be taken into account.
Forcing equality has the opposite effect, it creates disparity.

>> No.6891739

Many people take equality too far.

>> No.6891767


*Sniffs lacan*, *tugs Hegel*, *babble's marx*. Yiee iz diz soh hrd?

>> No.6891820

>my field of study

if you have spent so much time with Communists but are not one, I am going to guess maybe you study architecture? or art history? (i am not trying to be mean, just genuinely curious. I don't expect its a stem major, or a social science?)

>> No.6892441

Not really, in order to have communism you need a state to enforce it.

>> No.6892545

>I don't support egalitarianism and I don't believe in equality.

You own a collection of fedoras, do you now mate?

>> No.6892573

why do all these kids post without having read anything ever? I swear, this board didnt have this 6 months ago

>> No.6892600

>The USSR did everything it could to crush actual socialism wherever it found it. Catalonia is a prime example of this.
Liberal detected.

>muh noble bourgeois anarchism

>> No.6892610


Why should personal equality (aptitude? I don't even know what the fuck you mean) have a necessary connection to material equality?

>> No.6892777

top kek

>> No.6892813
File: 105 KB, 321x350, capitalist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey remember the twenty billion brutally murdered by Karl Stalin

>> No.6893633

Is it so hard to google shit before spewing your ignorance? Just reading the first paragraph from the wikipedia entry would have spared you of ridiculing yourself.

>> No.6894816

That pic should say:
>Only through the fulfillment of violence can we achieve world peace.