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File: 96 KB, 334x518, LordOfTheFliesBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6880563 No.6880563 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this book?

>> No.6880574

It's really good even though it's fundamentally a heavy-handed political allegory. The prose redeems it.

>> No.6880577

Good, but widely misunderstood.

>> No.6880598

whats the stance in the book relating to the
>political allegory

>> No.6880620


>> No.6880627

Think of the ending as the rude awakening of the feverish nightmare of fascism ("hunter" ideology, neo-primitivism disguised as civilization). The boys didn't have to give in to savagery because of fear (Jack's chest-beating, rule-breaking, and hunting are all short-term securities against this fear). Before the adults show up, their descent makes sense in the ideological choice that only the present time matters and all ethical choices are short-term considerations, but once the first adult shows up that kind of thinking (non-thinking) is shattered, and all that's left is the reality of what they did to each other.

>> No.6880645

it's fascist allegory

>> No.6880647

who will save the adults?

>> No.6880652

People commonly interpret it as "man becoming a beast to man" once all authority is removed. It's actually the opposite: things go reasonably well until a leader is appointed, and then things all go to shit.

>> No.6880664

Thank you!
reminds me of something another anon here said that I saved
> postmodernism is in a sense all about contentment, a false truce that smothers the mind in soft oblivion. When modernism brought forth great, clean abstractions with the power to change the world, to push great revolutions, it manifested unsettling possibilities. Fascism was anything but comfortable. Postmodernism, on the other hand, with its self clouding epicycles of thought, its abstractions which abstract away the possibility of meaning, appears safer. But it is an ideology of control, a tool for keeping the intellectual enemies of the existing global order safely self contained in their voluntarily padded cells as real history advances unquestioned.

and now we're on to new sincerity :^)

>> No.6880672

I think it's pretty wizard

>> No.6881346

GOAT..scared me as a kid though

>> No.6881366

write your fucking highschool english class essay on your own

>> No.6881368
File: 14 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lurking on a book seller website and reading comments for random books for fun
>check lord of the flies
>a book that tells us children are sometimes more cruel than adults. people of all ages should read. -a woman that bought the book (translated the comment myself)