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6878735 No.6878735 [Reply] [Original]

As a sub 9/10 male with no friends, it takes more mental strength for me to get out of bed than Virginia Woolf to write all her books or any other female example (marie curie winning novels etc)

All social sciences are just vehicles for old white men (one of the few times this is appropriate) to sermonise on all sorts of shit. I like zizek but he falls in to this category. Also krugmann, Larry summers, niall Ferguson. Summers went to MIT but all he did in the real world was give money to banks while laundering it in the most half assed way.

The way that women are treated as first class citizens is fucking demented. I'm going to get slaughtered for pointing this out, which will only prove my point. Sci-fi story idea: aliens come to earth and live with us peacefully but terrorise / rule / socially dominate us by having nipples that shoot out liquid heroin-chocolate-pleasurable stuff (I.e. vagina analogy). So the aliens then act really self entitled and ask for quotas in the boardroom, constantly complain about discrimination despite humans always offerin to help them etc. Feel free to steal this idea.

I'm starting to go off fiction. Why are other people's feels more important than mine???

>> No.6878754

How does this improve upon Esther Vilar from 40++ years ago?

>> No.6878759

The difference between male and female is no more or less equal and opposite than that of up or down, hot and cold, light and dark

>> No.6878761

>As a sub 9/10 male with no friends, it takes more mental strength for me to get out of bed than Virginia Woolf to write all her books or any other female example (marie curie winning novels etc)
I'm a sub 9/10 male with no friends and suicidal most of the time too. It's not that hard you pansy.

It's not that fucking hard you pansy.

>> No.6878765


Good beta, if the hot girls see howbtough you are, they'll definitely have sexbwith you!!!!!!!!

>> No.6878770


>> No.6878772

>implying I try to get laid
Stop focusing on sex, you'll drive yourself crazy. Get a hobby and start exercising.

>> No.6878783
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The thread is solved if you all truly realize this

>> No.6878784


>> No.6878788
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>> No.6878794


Reading this post made me dumber thanks

>> No.6878800

except it's shit. presence/absence pairs are infinitely more "opposite" than human sexual dimorphism

>> No.6878803

Are you trolling? Because you sound like a terribly sad individual. Cheer up, anon. Love yourself.

>> No.6878814
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without the polarity of the sexes there would exist no creation

>> No.6879346

Do you like fluffy ponies? friend

>> No.6879401

It's like someone rolled a sticky clot of chewing gum through the dust, insect-carcass and pubic-hair covered floortiles under the cupboard below the sink in 4chan's bathroom.