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/lit/ - Literature

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6876481 No.6876481 [Reply] [Original]

>you're about to serve a six month stint at the county jail
>you can only take five books with you
>what are they

>> No.6876486

I've got an about 20 book to-read list so I'd just look up the longest five of those and take them.

>> No.6876491
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>The Bible
>Infinite Jest
>Critique of Pure Reason
>Complete Neitszche
>and of course my good ol' buddy boy Cap. Kirk

>> No.6876498

Five lecture pads so I can write them all down

I've got more than five books in this head honey ;)

>> No.6876514
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>parables and paradoxes
>war and peace
>feast of the goat
>the brothers karamazov
>the sound and the fury

>> No.6876575

Phenomenology of Spirit
Being and Time
Zen Teachings of Huang Po
The Trial
Baudelaire collection

>> No.6876578

5 translations of the bible

>> No.6876599
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the hobbit
the fellowship of the ring
the two towers
the return of the king
the silmarillion

>> No.6876639

Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson
Zettels Traum by Arno Schmidt
À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust
Gordana by Marija Jurić Zagorka
Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus by Madeleine de Scudéry

>> No.6876641

ten shades of grey
ten shades of grey
ten shades of grey
ten shades of grey
ten shades of grey

>> No.6876653

I spent a year on the road, living in a tent, and space was at a premium. I had to pick three books which I knew I could read over and over again not lose interest in them no matter how many times I read them -- as I did many times over the course of that year. They were:

> The Bible (KJV)
> Lord of the Rings (in one omnibus edition; the three books were intended to be published as one book originally)
> The Collected Works of Henry David Thoreau

>> No.6876706

why the zagorka?

>> No.6876730

>À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust

Has anyone actually finished it ever?

>> No.6876791

Collected Thoreau.
Anything by Arrian detailing the teachings of Epictetus.

>> No.6876802

literally longest pieces of fiction ever written

>> No.6876825

The standing ASOIAF books of course xD

>> No.6876834

I would take an ereader, because I'm not retarded

>> No.6876837

The collected works of literature

>> No.6876845

five copies of Crime and Punishment

>> No.6876876

> the conditions would not aver that you could only have five book files downloaded

>> No.6876889

The meme trilogy
Hemingway's Complete Stories (cause everyone has heard of him so I don't have to explain the memes to my cellmate)
Whatever volume of In Search of Lost Time I'm on at the moment

>> No.6877748
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War And Peace
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms
The Agony And Ecstasy
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler

>> No.6877785

The Bible
Summa Theologica
Complete Rumi works

>> No.6877797

The Recognitions
Gravity's Rainbow
Anna Karenina
Europe Central
Foucault's Pendulum

They're all on my to read list anyway. Might as well knock out some door stoppers when I'm not getting ass raped

>> No.6877798

>the bible
are you a fucking 3000 year old goat herder?

>> No.6877803

Would you really bring a 300 page book? Why? I mean its a good book but still I mean I know these are often thinly veiled name your favorite books threads but I'm compelled to ask.

>> No.6877817
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>gravity's rainbow
>infinite jest
>foucault reader
>European History

>> No.6877880

Infinite Jest
The Brother K
The Pale King
Fear and Trembling

>> No.6878002 [DELETED] 


Well I wouldn't take the Bible with me, because I'm sure the jail will have plenty available for their prisoners (as all prisons in the U.S. do)

I would take the following:
>Complete works of William Shakespeare

>Plato: Complete Works
>The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol. 1
>The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol. 2
>Sources of Japanese Tradition Vol. 1
>Sources of Japanese Tradition Vol. 2

A good start into philosophy
Shakespeare for entertainment
My interest in Japanese history and literature finally becoming fulfilled.

Dodging ass rape and reading should keep me busy for 6 months.

>> No.6878015

Well I wouldn't take the Bible with me, because I'm sure the jail will have plenty available for their prisoners (as all prisons in the U.S. do)

I would take the following:

>Complete works of William Shakespeare
>Plato: Complete Works
>The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol. 1
>The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol. 2
>Sources of Japanese Tradition Vol. 2

A good start into philosophy
Shakespeare for entertainment
My interest in Japanese history and literature finally becoming fulfilled.

Dodging ass rape and reading should keep me busy for 6 months.

>> No.6878031

Obviously the longest ones, since I have to make them last more than a month.

The Anatomy of Melancholy
Remembrance of Things Past vol. 1, 2 and 3

>> No.6878038

and that's 7,500 pages

>> No.6878043

Phillip k dicks 9000 page "exejesus"

>> No.6878049

id pick all 5

>> No.6878058

My Norton Anthology of Poetry
Don Quixote
The Man Without Qualities
The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace

>> No.6878066


>> No.6878072


Gravity's Rainbow
Mason & Dixon
Against the Day
The Odyssey & The Iliad combo book

Ideally I would bring a more varied selection of authors, but all the longest good books I know are by Pynchon

>> No.6878079

>Don Quixote

Enjoy laughing your ass of in jail.

>> No.6878086

>falling for the memes


>> No.6878258

How to break out of prison
Cutting metal with household objects
Self Improvisation from household objects
Dirty Fighting
Camouflage and survival

>> No.6878312

The Bible
Gravity's Rainbow
The Recognitions
Paradise Lost

>> No.6878324

It's six months, not life. No sane person tries to break out of prison if they are in there for less than a year.

>> No.6878408

4/10 you'll just end up misinterpreting the philosophy without supplement texts
5/10 could be higher if you speak Russian
4/10 I like the addition of poetry but you're bogged down by Zen teachings
2/10 pretty gay
7/10 I've only read two of the five but they're pretty based so I'll give you a good score (bonus points for not translating titles)
2/10 Horrible, horrible choices considering you could've brought some really nice nature writing and not Thoreau, who is pretty lame. Lord of the Rings was just pleb as all hell. Just, no.
3/10 Again, Thoreau fan boys for absolutely no reason. I fail to see why reading Thoreau in prison would do anything except amplify sadness, he even frequently writes about how lonely he feels and so he just gets up and goes to hangout with people. Meditations is pretty bad choice for philosophy but I guess you can't really fuck up interpreting that one.
6/10 no reasons given
3/10 You'll breeze through Calvino in an afternoon, waste of a choice
7/10 good reasons out of ten
trying to fit in/10
eh/10 I don't care
9/10 Based choices
7/10 you'll be reading a while
5/10 too many translations and yes I'm assuming
new/10 but Mason & Dixon is a perfect book
no such books/10
8/10 because they're mine and I chose them because they have the most reread value and they're in English and im biased towards myself please don't be mean about my choices but also I would like to replace Gravity's Rainbow with the Norton English literature 17-19th century

>> No.6878468


> breaking out during a 6 month sentence

that makes about as much sense as shooting a cop to get out of a traffic ticket. Almost everyone who escapes from prison is caught or killed within days, and those who dont are fugitives for the rest of their lives.

>> No.6878478

Moby Dick

>> No.6878519
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shut up you spergy faggot

>> No.6878537

lil baby can't handle ONE person's opinion


>> No.6878551

the book of pook
god's delusion
the stranger
brave new world

>> No.6878565
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nice tbh imo

>> No.6878574

One book, The Collected Shakespeare.

>> No.6878607

war and peace
mason & dixon
moby dick
collection of ashbery poetry
collection of dostoevsky short stories

>> No.6880388


>> No.6880393


Stay out of my closet, faggot.

>> No.6880512

>The Brothers K
>The Bible
>The Complete Feynman Lectures on Physics (If these don't count as one book I'll take volume one)

>> No.6880519

>Infinite Jest

Maybe then I'd finally be able to finish those sons of bitches

>> No.6880571

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Iliad
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Oliver Twist

>> No.6880576

The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Starship Troopers by Robert a. Heinlein
Convict Conditioning: The Forgotten Art of Bodyweight Training
Complete works of William Shakespeare

>> No.6880610

The Quran
Futuhat alMakkiyya by ibn arabi
Phenomenology of Spirit
The Four Journeys by Mulla Sadra
Ecrits of Lacan or Less than Nothing by Zizek

>> No.6881175

Please don't do this. Nobody is interested in your opinions on opinions. This isn't a /soc/ rate thread.

>> No.6881182

That feel when just bought les Ecrits in English for $5.

>> No.6881388

Two books on economic history, two books on the history of ideas, and Snorre's Edda.

>> No.6881406

Infinite Jest
War and Peace
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Don Quixote
The Odyssey

>> No.6881435
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The Iliad or The Odyssey
The Aeneid
The Bible
The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost

>> No.6881444
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The God Delusion by Sir Richard Dawkins

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Sir Christopher Hitchens

The Portable Atheist by Sir Christopher Hitchens

The End of Faith by Sir Sam Harris

Letter to a Christian Nation by Sir Sam Harris

>> No.6881598

first five books of the harry potter series