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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 480x360, Booktube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6876465 No.6876465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have noticed that many in my generation (I'm 19) appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation of experience, rather than experience itself. An obvious example of this can be found on social media, like Facebook. People are essentially manufacturing experiences for the sole purpose of sharing them. The trend also manifests in Booktube, where it seems that the readers are more pleased by playing games with popular books than actually reading the books. Is social media the primary cause of this, or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?


Video very much related.

>> No.6876470

>I have noticed

stopped reading there

>> No.6876473

>I'm 19

stopped reading there

>> No.6876478

>my generation

stopped reading there

>> No.6876480

Who gives a fuck buddy?

Why do you feel the need to share this? Why not keep it to yourself and let your own intuitions guide you instead of spreading word vomit all over a board that is supposed to discuss the intricacies of literature?

Stop being so immature, the world is not against you. It is indifferent to you and your observations.

>> No.6876483

>social media, like Facebook

stopped reading there

>> No.6876487

seems like you are projecting tbh. you would never be able to accurately gauge the pleasure anyone derives from anything, but you're a salty cunt that sneers at people for not being as self conscious about sharing as you are

>> No.6876488
File: 58 KB, 640x480, tip9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im 19 and I type like a faggot, who else /angst/ here lmao im so much better than my troglodyte generation

>> No.6876489


>> No.6876497
File: 1.04 MB, 184x141, 1437679493788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876516

Didn't you read the Greeks?

>> No.6876524

Yes, OP, you're smarter than everyone else in your generation. Now go write a book with your own shit, since you're the only one in the world who really experiences stuff

>> No.6876537

>a perfectly good thread was deleted to make room for this

>> No.6876544

*tips fedora*

>> No.6876546

Your gen is shit, just like you

>> No.6876557


>> No.6876597

>It is indifferent to you and your observations.
well might as well kill myself then
what does that say of philosophy?

>> No.6876637
File: 45 KB, 528x278, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where we come in :)

>> No.6876675

Let me guess, you have recently watched Fight club and it literally opened your eyes.

>> No.6876686

I noticed the contemporary conformist thread was popular; people are constantly trying to describe the state of things on this philosophy board

Most of you are fucking morons. It should go to stand that the consensus would be to talk shit to op

Why think openly when you can keep it to yourself right? People like Aristotle just needed to get a life lol

Where does op imply anyone is against him

He's speaking of girls that take a bubble bath with rose pedals and post it on instagram instead of just enjoying their bubble bath
The state of things in regards to this has become unreasonable. How obsessed people are with social media

I've been a known namefag and I've noticed myself slip into that mindset. It's why a lot of trips only trip up when they think they're making a smart post, trying to project an image
It cheapens things

I think the post slipped over your head

It honestly seems like this hostility is coming from some kind of jealousy

And no I'm not op

>> No.6876695

He complained of people sharing stuff for attention, so he shared something for attention.

You dense fuck

>> No.6876704

Him posting to share a thought and generate discussion doesn't constitute the kind of thing he's talking about

>> No.6876711

to move the conversation in a different direction, I feel the connectivity of the modern world allows us to "share" as never before so it is another element in our experience that is somewhat a novelty so we in general will find it exciting/new etc. this is typical human behavior. imagine social media being a "new toy" of a child that is society

>> No.6876716

Yes it is. Because he thinks his juvenile observations are worth discussing when in reality no one gives a fuck. Much like the people and stuff he criticises

>> No.6876720

but its a mistake to assume this is from technology and not innately a human behavior that is only ALLOWED because of current technology. it wasn't "created" by the "monster" that is social media

>> No.6876726

you don't give a fuck.

the subject itself is neither interesting nor uninteresting, its simply an observation that OP has put up for discussion. nothing more.

>> No.6876742

Fuck off OP

>> No.6876743

This has to be bait

>> No.6876744
File: 68 KB, 215x321, Marcel_Proust_1900-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that many in my generation (I'm 19) appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation of experience, rather than experience itself. An obvious example of this can be found on balls, like those by Mme. Verdurin. People are essentially manufacturing experiences for the sole purpose of sharing them. The trend also manifests in some visitors of Guermantes' balls, where it seems that the readers are more pleased by having opinions on popular books than actually reading the books. Are balls the primary cause of this, or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?

>> No.6876754

this had better not become a meme

>> No.6876761

>well might as well kill myself then

How is that a logical conclusion?

>> No.6876775
File: 149 KB, 634x879, 2334637-1A1BC6B7000005DC-795_634x879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that many in my generation (I'm 19) appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation of experience, rather than experience itself. An obvious example of this can be found on meetings around fire, like that Oog made last night. People are essentially manufacturing experiences for the sole purpose of sharing them. The trend also manifests when women process animal skins, where it seems that the women are more pleased by having opinions on popular beads than actually wearing the beads. Are social meetings the primary cause of this, or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?

>> No.6876784

I like this meme tbh

>> No.6876789
File: 314 KB, 742x1077, 1437443015690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you dumb fucking people realize climbing the "social ladder" has literally been the essence of human society for almost all of fucking history? Social Media is a scorecard for that contest

>> No.6876793

i refuse to believe the op was posted unironically
it has to be bait

>> No.6876794

nice watermark

>> No.6876814

that is sun on his head you meme

>> No.6876815

confirmed for b8

>> No.6876826

>the contemporary conformist thread was popula
it was shit, and the article there connected was shit too

>> No.6876838

This is a weird thread, why is everyone so hostile to OP, did it hit to close to home or something? I don't get it.

>> No.6876839

OP's not wrong

>> No.6876842

le contrarian face xd

>> No.6876844

>implying projection
they're denying the b8 and memeing, is all

>> No.6876850

We live in an experience economy and because of social media conspicuous consumption is at an all time high.

If you really want to be mad:


>> No.6876888

Envious marxist pls go

>> No.6876900
File: 45 KB, 597x397, 1383869421_897b36f9e1f3488293d596e3bd6120ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that many in my generation
appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation
of experience, rather than experience itself.
An obvious example of this can be found on social media,
like Facebook.
People are essentially manufacturing experiences
for the sole purpose of sharing them.
The trend also manifests in Booktube,
where it seems that the readers are more pleased
by playing games with popular books
than actually reading the books.
Is social media the primary cause of this,
or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?

>> No.6876909
File: 62 KB, 300x383, Plato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that many in my generation (I'm 19) appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation of experience, rather than experience itself. An obvious example of this can be found in the drinking parties, like those by Agathon. People are essentially manufacturing experiences for the sole purpose of sharing them. The trend also manifests when men exercise at the gymnasiums, where it seems that they are more pleased by viewing another person or themselves exercising than actually exercising. Are gatherings of manliness the primary cause of this, or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?

>> No.6876917


everything about that video is so fabricated and pretentious; you're right i'm mad now.

>> No.6876928

Oh! I've seen that video before. I liked the music very much. I am a bit envious and displeased with those two models because it seems as if they are not using their youth for something productive. However, they can live their life the way they like.
...Just don't have more than three children

>> No.6876938

hopsin a shit

>> No.6876952
File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think they are clever for understanding generations rather than understanding human nature
>people study generations rather humanity
>people study the Zeitgeist and not der ewige Geist before all time

whoah Hegel LMAO

>> No.6876954



>> No.6876956



>> No.6876968
File: 13 KB, 600x576, 1436932230704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mous 07/25/15(Sat)04:44:58 No.6876826▶

>the contemporary conformist thread was popula
it was shit, and the article there connected was shit too

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)04:50:43 No.6876838▶>>6876842 >>6876844

This is a weird thread, why is everyone so hostile to OP, did it hit to close to home or something? I don't get it.

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)04:51:25 No.6876839▶>>6876842

OP's not wrong

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)04:52:35 No.6876842▶

le contrarian face xd

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)04:53:01 No.6876844▶

>implying projection
they're denying the b8 and memeing, is all

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)04:57:23 No.6876850▶>>6876888 >>6876917 >>6876928

>>6876465 (OP)
We live in an experience economy and because of social media conspicuous consumption is at an all time high.

If you really want to be mad:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOHDkIxyu2A [Embed]

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)05:16:33 No.6876888▶

Envious marxist pls go

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)05:22:37 No.6876900▶>>6876938 >>6876954
File: 1383869421_897b36f9e1f348(...).jpg (45 KB, 597x397)
45 KB

I have noticed that many in my generation
appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation
of experience, rather than experience itself.
An obvious example of this can be found on social media,
like Facebook.
People are essentially manufacturing experiences
for the sole purpose of sharing them.
The trend also manifests in Booktube,
where it seems that the readers are more pleased
by playing games with popular books
than actually reading the books.
Is social media the primary cause of this,
or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)05:26:57 No.6876909▶>>6876954
File: Plato2.jpg (62 KB, 300x383)
62 KB

I have noticed that many in my generation (I'm 19) appear to derive pleasure from external affirmation of experience, rather than experience itself. An obvious example of this can be found in the drinking parties, like those by Agathon. People are essentially manufacturing experiences for the sole purpose of sharing them. The trend also manifests when men exercise at the gymnasiums, where it seems that they are more pleased by viewing another person or themselves exercising than actually exercising. Are gatherings of manliness the primary cause of this, or has it simply brought it into a more apparent light?
Oh! I've seen that video before. I liked the music very much. I am a bit envious and displeased with those two models because it seems as if they are not using their youth for something productive. However, they can live their life the way they like.
...Just don't have more than three children

Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)05:42:00 No.6876938▶

hopsin a s time

>> No.6876971

social networking was the cause . previously those people were part of sad book clubs and hid in the shadows but now they have spread their sickness . now people want you to read a book about some escapist bull shit fem fag nonsense . a girl saving the world lmao fiction is there anything you cant do

>> No.6876992


all me btw

>> No.6877037
File: 25 KB, 620x200, 254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread (the responses) seems to be symptomatic for /lit/.
That's interesting, in a way, I'd like to know where it comes from.

I guess those replies
were the only ones directly addressing and adding to what's been said.
And I agree - I think people were always inclined to do this, and it's just that now, with the internet, they can. There is a "critical social mass" of a view hundred people for every niece to be found.
I think social media (facebook etc.) popularity in your generation is now also part of the sexual market value of people. Gotta do it.

>> No.6877040
File: 185 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot from 2015-07-25 06:22:56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying

>> No.6877051

This thread had potential but was ruined by the one same guy shitposting all over it.

>> No.6877056

platitudinous observations of le enlightened teen do not constitute for potential, kill yourself nigger faggot

>> No.6877103

Now THIS is projecting

>> No.6877132

It's about asserting yourself onto the real world, drawing attention in order to strengthen your social status. Men do it to but to a much smaller degree, while in women looks almost like a biological need. It's one of the many social mechanisms, part of a bigger set that is competition; all of which I find pretty fascinating when thinking about it tbh
Social media just makes it that more obvious

>> No.6877149
File: 285 KB, 760x756, relaxing_night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It disproves the "men and the patriarchy objectify women" meme tbh


>> No.6877154

Yes, it's the big social game, but the playground is pretty vast and diverse, and the solutions often bizarre and contradictory: a 7/10 whore can have thousands of friends on facebook because of sexy photos, but she's far less valued than a reserved 8/10 girl with half of those friends
It's not only numbers

>> No.6877226

Are you sure you're not doing the same with this post?

>> No.6877230

but anon, writing a book is manufacturing an experience for the sole purpose of sharing it.

>> No.6877238

not entirely

>> No.6877243

but there can be several motivations to share. Like maybe you want to bring about a political revolution, or make money, etc.

I actually know that it doesn't disprove that it comes from men. It rather suggest that it's pushed by women to a much larger extend than usually argued.
But of course the feminist side will always come with the "internalized misogyny" argument.

>> No.6877258

>bring about a political revolution, or make money, etc
And all boil down to the author wanting to be socially accepted in some way. To accept their ideals, or pay appreciate their work enough to pay for it, etc.

If you think about it, authors are the ultimate facebook attention whores, who wish to be accepted by the greatest number of people possible. They even have their faces in their books.

>> No.6877262

I don't think "attention" was the end in itself for Lenin.

>> No.6877281

>I don't think "attention" was the end in itself for Lenin.
Did he not wish his political theory to be accepted by others?
seriously, i don't know enough about him to make that call.

>> No.6877284

This board used to be good.

>> No.6877291


>> No.6877366

this comic would've been ten times funnier if she actually touched the wine

>> No.6877430

those were the days

>> No.6877539

I don't really agree, and I don't know why you say "wine"?

>> No.6877546

The track is based on this classic:


Funnily, it's about adventure/travel/love

>> No.6877547

If you enjoy doing something and enjoy sharing it with others then you get more pleasure than just doing the thing. You're just guessing their motives. It's natural to want to communicate with others. Grow up you bitter fag

>> No.6877552
File: 119 KB, 400x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6877562

best post I read all day.

>> No.6877565

what the fuck is this thread. Yeah okay she's a pleb and a bit of an idiot. Why are you watching these videos. You're nineteen. You should be binge drinking and making friends or something. Why are you wasting your life actively seeking out this horse shit?

>> No.6877577

welcome to the society of the spectacle bitch

>> No.6877597

>You should be binge drinking and making friends or something.

top spook m8