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6876275 No.6876275 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that everybody who criticizes objectivism has never achieved anything of value in their life?

>> No.6876279

u wot m8

>> No.6876281

What did Rand accomplish?

>> No.6876284

why is it that an allegedly intellectually disciplined board continually falls for (and posts!) such low quality bait

>> No.6876292

>Successful writer
>NYT best seller
>Happy, fulfilling life
>deep, loving relationship with her husband frank
>put forth the philosophy of the ubermensch so that people like me could get where they want to go without being inhibited by the altruistic indoctrination of growing up in todays society

<argument not found>

>> No.6876297

What the fuck do you mean by value, you 'worthless insect'?
get the fuck out of this board

>> No.6876300

i remember when rand threads were a banneable offense.

>> No.6876303
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<arguments not found>

Let's get this straight. DO NOT post in my thread without bringing an argument. I don't want you here.

>> No.6876306
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/lit/ are retarded mongoloids just like you.

Still waiting for an argument against objectivism.

>> No.6876308

Are you a woman?

>> No.6876313
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zizek is successful

>> No.6876315

Nope. I'm a father, a husband, an engineer, a poet, a screenwriter and the man I want to be.

What are you? A bottle-pissing neo-/lit/ sycophant?

>> No.6876317

#1 Writer Among Playboy Bunnies

>> No.6876320

>deep, loving relationship with her husband frank

Why was she fucking some young kid just because he liked her book then?

>> No.6876326

I really didn't meant to offend you. Why are you responding with such hostility?

>> No.6876329
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this is now a zizek thread

>> No.6876331

Zizeks criticism of objectivism is an issue he has with the state and their relationship with some corps.

Cause I don't give a shit about your feelings, don't post in my thread again without an argument, peasant

>> No.6876335
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you are spooky today, my property.

>> No.6876336

>asks for arguments
>'bottle-pissing neo-/lit/ sycophant
Besides, you didn't hurt me in any way, I'm just genuinely impressed by your overly emotional reactions.

>> No.6876338

If objectivism is so bad then why are all the rich successful people living by the philosophy of objectivism and all the poor basement dwelling 4chan filth are shitposting about that memedad zizek?

checkmate, untermensch

>> No.6876339
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It's nice that you have an imagination and goals lol

>> No.6876340

What do you mean by 'value'?

>> No.6876346

What have you done in your life that would be considered a significant feat?

E.G finish a physics phd, grow a business past 1mil worth

>> No.6876349

It assumes human progress is significant/important

>> No.6876351
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It was only a matter of time before caporwave met spooks

It just feels right

>> No.6876360

Where on earth do you get that idea? Where does human progress as a whole get assumed as being an important priority in one who follows objectivism's philosophy?

Did you read the same book I did?

>> No.6876362
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>> No.6876368

>NYT best seller

>Happy, fulfilling life

She died miserable and alone, the way she was her whole life.

>> No.6876371

You're not giving me a clear answer. I'm trying to make you think about what is your concept of value, I'm not asking you for examples.

>> No.6876372

I mean on an individual basis, but objectivists are what make the world work and things happen in her view

>> No.6876378

>Cause I don't give a shit about your feelings, don't post in my thread again without an argument, peasant
You're an asshole and Ayn Rand is a bad influence on nascent assholes

>> No.6876380

>She died miserable and alone
And on social security
Couldn't even walk the walk when it stopped being convenient

>> No.6876382
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>miserable and alone
Her husband died a year or two before she did. Of course she died miserable and alone. Anybody who loves somebody very deeply, who doesn't even want to live without them would feel miserable and alone when they die. Your argument is null, nigger.

also, what book did you write that's a new york times best seller?

An achievement you yourself can be proud of entirely because it was something within your own hands to do, and despite significant struggle and hardship, you persevered, learned, failed, adapted, squeezed by, succeeded and in the end get what it exactly was that you wanted.

This can be said about mostly anything, but you'll know a significant feat when you do one. No. Graduating highschool despite being a cocksucking nigger faggot is not one, so don't post about that you genderfluid mongoloid

>> No.6876383

"He" is not exactly an asshole, but an extremely mad person who isn't being capable of proper reasoning.

>> No.6876394

Are you proud of assuming that everyone who asks you for proper arguments and don't agree with your views to be a 'cocksucking nigger faggot', 'genderfluid mongoloid', 'worthless insect', and so on?
Did you start with the greeks? (Serious question)

>> No.6876399
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I am a fucking asshole, and guess what, I don't give a shit, I don't be nice to people that don't have any value to me, that just goes to show how much you are worth in the reality of somebody who scans every single person and medium he interacts with for its precise level of value. And you have none.

Do you think steve jobs didn't follow objectivistic principles?

>pay $100,000 in taxes and fees to the government for social security
>lawyers want her to take out $2000 for their fees because they arent objectivists
read a fucking book nigger, if the government steals 100 bucks from me, don't fucking whine when I steal 10 back

I'm not mad, I'm very happy, objectivism has brought me to a very happy place in my life where I'm comfortable calling people moronic peasants and have no guilt or shame because I'm not indoctrinated commie filth

Love how you cucks throw out objectivism yet ride nietzsches dick into the grave. They're fundamentally the same thing, except nietzsche believed that rand's ideal man is something that is born and not made.

>> No.6876402
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I can call you a cocksucking nigger faggot as long as I attach some content to it, you cuck fucking cum licking troglodyte

>> No.6876406

Use reason, anon, use it. What is your age?

>> No.6876411
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this thread is a cesspool of sit

>> No.6876412

I can't believe you have children.

>> No.6876420

>Anybody who loves somebody very deeply, who doesn't even want to live without them would feel miserable and alone when they die.

I thought she openly cuckolded that guy? how do you cuck someone you love deeply and etc?

>> No.6876421
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>I can't believe you have children
hurr fucking durr, I love my children and I love my wife. They are the most important things in the world to me, aside from my career and my philosophy. Let me guess, you're probably against peaceful parenting as well. And probably voting democrat?

Typical neo/lit/ cuck. Floating around in obscurity before momma finally kicks you out of the basement and you have to get a mcjob you so much resent. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of peikoffs objectivism wrap. Give it a nice read and then start your fucking life. Stop being a fucking burden. Stop being a fucking detriment to those around you. Stop pissing in your mountain dew bottles you have stacked up in your room.

>> No.6876429
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post yfw the Rand essay contest results still havnt been anounced and you don't know if you won $10k

>> No.6876436

This discussion is diverting away from the topic of objectivism. I do not love rand for what she has done with her personal life, but with the philosopy she's put forth and made available in many mediums to open minded people.

But to comment on that yes, she did, she was a whore. She loved rough sex. She loved dominant men. She wanted to get fucked by an ubermensch, and at that time natbran was that guy.

>> No.6876443
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Calm the fuck down you raging fucking laughable caricature
You and the likely fifteen year old who invented you have contributed literally nothing here except prompts for others to post
Tell us about your day job
Tell us about your kids
Give us any reason to engage with the supposed person that you are instead of the comical dumbfuck you act like

>> No.6876444

Why are you assuming so much bullshit about me?

>> No.6876447

You know what you're right thank you so much for showing me the way, I can't believe I was so blind to the truth

>> No.6876453


>> No.6876455

This discussion isn't about my life. It's not even about my anecdotal experience of objectivism. It's about the merits objectivism and objectivism alone.

People seem to think objectivism and arrogance are causal. I am arrogant because I have a great disdain for filth like you. Not because I like rand's philosophy. Start posting some arguments or stop posting entirely.

>> No.6876461

>if the government steals 100 bucks from me, don't fucking whine when I steal 10 back

For the love of god, put down the Rand and pick up some Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Smith, and Mill.

>> No.6876469

>This discussion isn't about my life. It's not even about my anecdotal experience of objectivism. It's about the merits objectivism and objectivism alone.
But such a discussion lacks spirit and warmth. You have yet to provide even the suggestion that objectivism furnishes a worthwhile life. If the philosophy manifestly doesn't produce good actors, and you are unwilling to describe the good outcomes it provides, why should we assume it's any good at all?

> Start posting some arguments or stop posting entirely.
To this, in the eyes of the baitposter, is life neatly reduced

>> No.6876479

This thread is so fucking sad

>> No.6876494

Because giving you the example of objectivism furnishing a worthwhile life is REDUNDANT. The whole point of objectivism is that you do things that will ONLY bring you to a fulfilling and worthwhile life. If you genuinely want to spend your life helping people, it's not against objectivism that you do that, objectivism advocates FOR that so long as it is your rational self interest

People seem to put objectivism into this little box where it only applies to some niche facet of the corporate world, it's really not, it's essentially a system of principles that allow you to "live your life to the fullest, as if there is no afterlife"

>> No.6876504

Ayn Rand taught us "Selfishness is a virtue".
As intellectuals we must refuse to live in a world governed by brain dead liberal cucks who deny the very selfishness that gave them life in the first place.
I dream of a future where Howard Roark's name is spoken with the same reverense as "Obama", where John Galt is considered a paragon for human virtue, not a self-denying liberal altruist in the White House.

>> No.6876506

>This approach always yields this result
>So obviously I don't need to provide any examples

Woop doop dig shig
Bare your soul to the internet if you're going to sit on your own thread all night

>> No.6876529
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I don't know what you want. Do you want me to do everything for you?

A man finishes highschool and wants to write music. He's indoctrinated by his government public school to think that if he doesn't go to college, he will not be successful, and that those who do not go to post secondary are "losers" that end up at a mcjob. So because of this indoctrination, he keeps his music writing a hobby, something inside he doesn't try to foster into something creative and productive. So he finishes highschool and, on the whim proposed and followed by all those around him, he takes out some student debt and goes to a college, taking "whatever" - just like everybody else. This "whatever" seems like something that will get him a good degree, so he takes out more and more loans and in a few years finishes his degree with tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Now, with this degree of "whatever", is the time to get a job in "whatever" - not try to make a career of his hobby of writing music - not dedicate his hard work and youth to something he loves and is passionate about, but rather, to cramming for the test to finish his "whatever" degree. You know where this is going. This kid helped you return the coffee maker that didn't turn on right out of the box, just last week, at your local target.

Where do you think that kid would be if he got into objectivism as a teenager? Maybe he'd be financially worse off, who's to say, but who would be happier? Who doesn't end up on their death bed with a field of regrets? It's not the objectivist.

>> No.6876558

As an objectivist, what have you achieved of any value?

>> No.6876560

Pulling some hypothetical situation out of your ass that specifically serves your argument is not the same thing as proving something

>> No.6876563

Go back to /fa/, OP.

>> No.6876567

This thread is a triumph of the self. But since you're not a devout Ayntologist, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.6876579
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>hypothetical situation
Except that applies to almost everybody at a shitty job that hates their life and settles for mediocrity.

I, personally, would have never applied to stanford, done my engineering degree at a top 5 aerospace eng uni, taken important steps in solidifying and strengthening my career if I wasn't an objectivist. I would have listened to everybody else and gone into pharmacy with my smarts. Literally putting pills in bottles for a living. Maybe that cuck work is fulfilling for you, but not for a man whos dreams live in the realm of the stars.

I would guess that most of you glazed right over your ubermensch phase. It came and went and became something you meme posted about in your dark cellar day after day. I'm still living it, 14 years in, and I do not regret a damn thing.

Goodnight you hopeless cucks.

>> No.6876580

Where do you think that kid would be if he got into scientology as a teenager? Maybe he'd be financially worse off, who's to say, but who would be happier? Who doesn't end up on their death bed with a field of regrets? It's not the scientologist.

>> No.6876590 [DELETED] 

this is why u are full pleb. there is NO argument.

>> No.6876595

I'm a mathematician and musician, and I live life compassionately and altruistically without the aid of some half-baked cultish philosophy. Also engineers are notorious for being shit at math

>> No.6876602

because objectivism is the ruling ideology; you might as well be a medieval christian asking "why hasn't any non-catholic achieved anything of god's attention?"

>> No.6876604

>I made rational choices and live life how I want to live it without objectivism!
>thus, objectivism is useless! I mean, if I do things this way, so does everybody else!

>> No.6876609

I'm sorry you have to grow up in such a horrible world. In my country we have free education (so no student debt). Actually, we are paid by the state to study. We are also encouraged to follow our interests. Some of my friends from high school went on to study music. I haven't kept in touch with them so I don't know if they are 'successful' in that area, but it is possible.

How would objectivism benefit people in my country?

>> No.6876617
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Objectivism is useful for achieving certain things i.e career, autonomy, wealth etc. but it generally leads to isolation and hostility to and from other people.

Your ideology is like every ideology in that it is a vehicle that will take you to a set of circumstances.

There are no circumstances that are inherently valuable.

>> No.6876618 [DELETED] 

describe ur country and i'll tell.

>> No.6876625 [DELETED] 

there is: objectivism. One facet of it is that the material world EXISTS, that it is in the realm of reason to achieve-if one is stuck alone they must use their mind or suffer.

>> No.6876626
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Most of my advocation of objectivism is in complete opposition to the shithole that is america today. I just want people to live rationally and stop living for others. To be proud of their work and really be able to enjoy when they reap the fruits of their labor. That's all I want. It seems so normal, but it is not what is going on today. Nobody wants to better themself. Nobody wants to think rationally. Everybody just wants free shit and to be a victim. They float around living from whim to whim never thinking about the consequences of their actions and not developing themselves into somebody they can respect. They live their life in obscurity and ignorance, pitying themselves and tricking their conscience into the doctrine that this is how life is, it's unfair and it's not your fault. It's the fault of the government and the capitalists and the police and racism. It's never your fault. Things are and never were within your power to change. That's modern day america, and it's really fucking embarassing.

>> No.6876630

>I made rational choices and live life how I want to with objectivism!
>this objectivism is useful! I mean, if I do things this way, everybody who doesn't is a cuck!

>> No.6876632
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mah nigga

>> No.6876633

newsflash: you don't need to know what objectivism is to live by objectivist principles

>> No.6876635

That would require being able to read above a highschool level though

>> No.6876638 [DELETED] 

Mill is an altruist.

>> No.6876642 [DELETED] 

this is serioiusly deceived. You have no idea how bad America actually is.

>> No.6876660

I know what Objectivism is, it's nothing really new or interesting, like you said, Nietzche had similar views. Ayn Rand was a shit young adult tier writer who most people get over by the time they're like 17

>> No.6876663

Someone laments the fact that you incur student debt while studying. This debt is a burden which weighs people down and makes people cower into safe harbours of study. It is recognised that these external factors affect the choices that people make. I then say that it doesn't have to be that way. As a society we can get together and change these external factors to the better. You then respond with triad about how these external factors are irrelevant and that we should NOT get together and fix things. We should just man up and take responsibility for our actions within the existing framework.

I would say, that such an anti-social attitude is harmful, to say the least.

>> No.6876670 [DELETED] 

America is at its apex.
Those with utmost ability; your "John Galts" "Dagny Taggarts" "Dominique Francons" get treated like the trash of the earth.
In this day and age, in compulsion, the compulsion that exists through violence; be it through whatever form through who(or what)ever's form, the lazy(in objectivism there IS NOT ABILITY-one tenant is that FREE WILL EXISTS), the reality defaulters are gaining SPOILS-from past generations. They are eating, and have or will eat up, if the current scenario continues, to devour ALL that remains of humanity's wealth.

>> No.6876674 [DELETED] 

no no no. If you have judged a person's character or their actions in a certain situation to be PERFECT, then u can group your actions, but it is in the realm of the INDIVIDUAL to take action their self so that their actions are not POISONED and their rewards are not WATERED DOWN.

>> No.6876676

I'm anti social because so much of society is shit

We live in a fucking system where 80 IQ uneducated welfare abusers have a vote with the same weight as an academic who's been studying politics all of his or her life. Forgive me for hating stupid people, but my experience with them is that if you have a big enough group of them, they can do anything they want.

>> No.6876680 [DELETED] 

you must not be an objectivist; u invoked iq.

>> No.6876684 [DELETED] 

Politics is in the realm of REASON and KNOWLEDGE anyways, studing POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY won't do you AYNy good.

>> No.6876685

Of course I'm generalizing, low IQ does not mean somebody cannot achieve something of value, I'm just speaking on the unbalanced methodology of who gets to decide where the country is going

>> No.6876688

And I assume by 'PERFECT' you mean 'rational'. Please elaborate in the rationale of 'taking responsibility' for ones own actions and studying an area that is very likely to lead to financial ruin INSTEAD OF getting together and abolishing student debt.

To me the rational thing would be to abolish student debt.

>> No.6876689

Randroids are inevitably people very slightly higher than average in intelligence, the very people whom capitalism rewards: smart enough to do the work of maintaining the system, not smart enough to challenge the dominance of the billionaire robber baron sociopaths who rule the world.

My life has been one of excitement, adventure, and accomplishment. I am Wikipedia-famous in my field, am a published author, and I have hosted two talk radio shows. Yet I am penniless and don't have so much as a pot to piss in. My rewards have taken the form of recognition by my peers and deep personal satisfaction. Yet I suspect because I hold no interest in accumulating bits of coloured paper that you would dismiss my life as without achievement.

The answer to your question, then, is that it seems to you that people who scoff at Ayn's boring, sanctimonious screed for the justification of sociopathy are without achievement because you lack the ability to recognize achievement as anything but the rewards you receive for being a dull, conformist drone in a particularly ugly machine of oppression.

>> No.6876691

So you're saying you don't actually need to read or be aware of Ayn Rand in order to be "good" according to objectivist worldviews? Thanks anon, will take this advice and not read her

>> No.6876692 [DELETED] 

You invoked a vice of society. IQ tests aren't in the realm of reason-what does one LEARN from an IQ test? Nothing.

>> No.6876694

did a certain dominant power group who wants your support tell you how bad america is? or is it a conclusion you came to on your own?

>> No.6876697

Your first fault was attributing wealth with virtue. That is not what objectivism says.

>> No.6876698
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If you're able to prove the existence of an objective world i'll concede your argument.

>> No.6876700

Yep. I hope you live a fulfilling life. Get out there and get productive.

>> No.6876707

>objectivism advocates FOR that so long as it is your rational self interest
sounds like Stirnerian egoism, but I know for a fact she attached hella amount of spooks to it

>> No.6876710

do you even know anything about objectivism? A major leg of it is calling for all humans to have an opportunity to live a successful life. Things aren't meant to be equal. A kid born in an african slum doesn't need to come into the world with the same opportunities as a trust fund baby. There are short and there are tall people. Objectivism advocates that everybody should have the chance to play ball.

>> No.6876713 [DELETED] 

You just wasted your life.

>> No.6876714


>> No.6876718

I have a different stance. While people might not be able to participate fully in democracy today, I do not attribute that to something inherent in these people (i.e IQ). I attribute it to factors such as them not having the time to learn about everything needed to paritcipate. I attribute it to no one ever taking them seriously (i.e. their teacher or boss, they are always in a subordinate position).

I don't want to exclude these people I want to INCLUDE them. I have faith in them and I believe if we give them the time and opportunity they will rise up to the challenge.

For instance, I advocate work place democracy. Eventually something will come up that will catch their interest and they will participate. My hope is that this will give them a taste of real democracy and that they will want more of it.

>> No.6876719 [DELETED] 

Objectivism says give to those with reason, if you're not able to play go out quietly.

>> No.6876721

>your ubermensch phase
looks like someone misunderstood Nietzsche

>> No.6876722

Because seeing my species succeed and make use of my hard work on the forefront of our expansion into outer space makes me happy. I want a better quality of man for tomorrow, so that my work not be for nothing, and instead lay an important hand in becoming a space faring species

>> No.6876723


>> No.6876724 [DELETED] 

people are EVIL. You can't take this on trust-remember my words when they get you.

>> No.6876731 [DELETED] 

fine. how bout this: go into your garage. start your car. Feed the exhaust pipe through your window with all your windows closed EXCEPT the slit in your window you use to run in the pipe without cutting off the influx from the pipe. cianaro
-You can be our test dummy.

>> No.6876732

Someone most definitely did not misunderstand nietzsche. I was pissed that nietzsche was telling me I wasn't able to become an ubermensch. This was a dark time in my life, believing that no matter what we do, we are futile creatures. And then I realized something very important, that nietzsche's idea of a genetically born ubermensch wasn't an idea, it was a challenge - the only people who would ever become such a higher being would reject the limitations proposed by its creator. This tied in with objectivism really well for me.

>> No.6876734

>I want a better quality of man for tomorrow
Sounds a little altruistic to me, are you some sort of liberal cuck boy?

>> No.6876740

I'm not giving away anything. I'm benefitting from hoping that I'm contributing to something greater and more beautiful than I could ever realize.

>tfw applying for canadian and american astronaut corps in a couple years
wish me luck niggers

>> No.6876747 [DELETED] 

I am both objectivist and a situational altruist;
imagine John Galt and Howard Roark have one-person way to escape a nasty death and there's general anesthetic in the area. One of them, the general anesthetic won't work. Do you think they'll fight? In this case, the man who can die painlessly sacrifices himself. THAT IS MY MORAL PRINCIPAL: two beings of equal morality live as one being- to escape pain for both.

>> No.6876748

>hoping that I'm contributing to something greater and more beautiful than I could ever realize
this is in fact what all altruists think they're doing

>> No.6876750

non sequitur

>> No.6876753 [DELETED] 

No offense sir, but I've paid taxes and I do not support my gov't (America)'s astro program. I hope you'll instead get with Space X.

>> No.6876756

Except I'm not sacrifing anything. Altruism does not exist without sacrifice or loss. I would be doing this regardless or not. I'm not in the astronautical engineering industry because I want the human race to eventually be able to leave the solar system. It's my own personal interest to explore the unknown and get as much involved as I can with what fascinates me.

>> No.6876762


>> No.6876763 [DELETED] 

go jump off a cliff.

>> No.6876764

For someone who advocates the supremacy of reason your arguments are pretty emotional

>> No.6876765

funny you said that, I actually work at spacex right now. It's lovely but I have always planned for it as a stepping stone for NASA/CSA

>> No.6876766 [DELETED] 

fine, for hilarities' sake: break down ur rates

>> No.6876769 [DELETED] 

this does indeed have a point. Not you.

>> No.6876770
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>> No.6876771

Also forgot to mention any astronauts being sent into LEO or further by SpaceX in the future are going to be outsourced from NASA. The training program, experience and qualification standards that NASA has cannot be matched.

>> No.6876776 [DELETED] 

there's no context. if you're using this as an argument against john galt u failed john galts.

>> No.6876779

>what is achievement
>what is value
answer that first, we'll have a laugh.

>> No.6876783

You do not touch it. If the pic related is all the information you have about the situation, you cannot say anybodys life is worth more than anybody elses. You do not interfere.

>> No.6876785
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>> No.6876788

>I want a better quality of man for tomorrow, so that my work not be for nothing, and instead lay an important hand in becoming a space faring species
> I'm not in the astronautical engineering industry because I want the human race to eventually be able to leave the solar system

>> No.6876790

>new york times best seller

>> No.6876798

It's an added benefit. If mainstream society was undoubtedly heading toward catastrophe, I would still do my best to participate and develop technology for space exploration. I meant to say It's not my sole interest. If you can't distinguish what I'm talking about from altruism you need to go look up some definitions

>> No.6876804 [DELETED] 

I had forgotten: SpaceX is one of those companies subsidized or going to be subsidized by the government that is being run by a man who created Tesla cars, a massive failure that is being taken out on taxpayers; a company or whatever created by a man without a science degree. Talk about an animaniac.

>> No.6876812
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>Massive failure

>> No.6876816

Probably because they adhere to a system of values orthogonal to your own, betwixt which there is no means of deciding whom is 'correct' without immediately begging the question.

Shoo shoo, now.

>> No.6876818

>Pretentious redundance: the post

>> No.6876820

Stirner's egoism > Rand's objectivism

>> No.6876821


>Big words and a bigger point; best to insult and maybe it'll go away

>> No.6876822

Because according to Objectivist fucked up value system, only making money is a sign of schievement. Which means that people like Jesus or Buddha achieved nothing according to OBjectivitst.

>> No.6876824

OP Here. Stirner's egoism is great, but rand put out objectivism in an easily understandable and available format for the masses. Stirner, while obviously putting forth much better literature, has a lot of nonsensical fluff between points, negating the entire thing

>> No.6876829

>rand put out objectivism in an easily understandable and available format for the masses
not a good goal tbh

>> No.6876831

>according to objectivism, only making money is a sign of achievement
[citation needed]

where on earth are you guys getting your sources from? Oh wait, you read a second hand analysis of the fountainhead by some cocksucker online and it was written in such a collegiately persuasive way that you concede to every point it proposed without actually cross checking the content


>> No.6876832

Yes. and she realized this later in her life when she admitted to regretting spending so much time trying to change a bunch of stupid people into rational thinkers. I think if she were to do it again, she would not have done such a thing.

>> No.6876833


>> No.6876835

>Calls people cocksucker and nigger on an imageboard devoted to Japanese cartoons
>Expects to be perceived as anything other than an edgy 14 year old

>> No.6876841

opinion of 'critical theory'

>> No.6876843

because the entire thing is a mockery anyway. You seriously think I'm here on 4chan to have an intelligent discussion? I just came here to shit on the unthinking masses who haven't read a single page of rand in their lives who think they can bantz against the grandmaster

Calling them cocksucking nigger faggots just makes it all the more entertaining for me. Do you really think I came here and expected to find anybody of any quality?

>> No.6876852


>> No.6876853

We get it, your alpha, and everyone else is a beta cuck. congrats bro

>> No.6876867


>> No.6877018

Why invest in Tesla when we'll have cheap oil forever?

>> No.6877029
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Wouldn't Rand and Stirner be pals?

>> No.6877034

we won't.
maybe, maybe not

>> No.6877044

Why is it that everybody who supports objectivism has never achieved anything of value in their life?

>> No.6877094

It's almost as if there's more than one way to live a life, just like there is more than one niche in an ecosystem.

>> No.6877695

thats cause her husband was a fucking cuck

>> No.6877840

This. This is where political philosophy comes from and is at.

>> No.6878316

Isn't industrial china basically the product of rampant self-interest with little oversight or anyone holding "atlas" aka billionaires in check? I'll pass

>> No.6878397

Enjoy your pathetic life. Hey when you have your midlife crisis, please remember you can always just kill yourself.
If you don't, when your lying on your deathbed, right when you're about to go into your final death throes; you'll be thinking about all you "accomplished" and what it actually meant, there will be no more chance, no chance of reconciliation, just you and the void, and then you'll die, sad and alone.

>> No.6878515


>todays society

Lel, also rand cucked her husband and had an affair. When her new lover then ended things she went crazy and accused him of being un-objective. She ended up alienating everyone she knew and died taking welfare checks with almost no friends left.

I'm usually neutral to Rand because I think she makes some important points and I used to love her books as a teen but get your shit straight nigger.

>> No.6878605

sounds like your field was worthless, just like most of philosophy and academia. Thus your accomplishments are only pseudo-accomplishments

>> No.6878643

No. Rand never understood Altruism is just a spook.

>> No.6878781

Good thing things have changed.

>> No.6879929

No argument I see

>> No.6879948


>> No.6879958

What strikes me for a 'philosophy' such as Objectivism is 1) just how cultish it and tautological it is and 2) how dogmatic and unthinking its followers are

>> No.6879994


>also, what book did you write that's a new york times best seller?

You officially showed your hand as a yuppie pleb and lost thread with this one line.

>> No.6880109
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Because I'm not a sociopath

>> No.6880130

>so that people like me could get where they want to go without being inhibited

You couldn't be a better example of a Randian.

>> No.6880160


top kek

>> No.6880176



>> No.6880259
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>165 replies

Jesus /lit/

>> No.6880264

What do you mean by value?

>> No.6880281

Because those who criticize dont view success in objectivist terms.

It would be akin to me saying that why is it that every christian criticizes buddhism hasn't achieved nirvana

>> No.6880294

This thread made me go back and look at an old musty copy of Fountainhead I have, expecting awful prose.

It's actually quite better than I remember, regardless of the ideas behind it. Far better than most in any /lit/ criticism thread.

>> No.6880302

Rationalizing one's way out of anything is hardly impressive; to go the next step in establishing a foundation for thinking is another.

>> No.6880315
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go check out the rest of the world, then let us know how bad we have it

>> No.6880323

>Simone de Beauvoir
>not sociopaths

>> No.6880465

The western world is materially wealthy but largely unhappy. It is a fact that developing countries are for the most part happier than industrialized ones.

>> No.6880471

That is deluded idiocy, akin to the deluded happiness had by a someone barely on top in a third world country.

>> No.6880485


The selfish-selfless dichotomy is a social construction.

>> No.6880494

well yeah, it's pretty baller to be on the winning side of any war

>> No.6880497

Top jej this fuckin board mane

>> No.6880499

Excuse me? There is no top/bottom, there are happy people and unhappy people. Most good people (you might not empathize) would be happy to raise a family and not starve, which many many people accomplish. People become unhappy when they desire more but cannot have it.

>> No.6880500
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Involuntary egoist detected

>> No.6880535

well there has been the tearing down of a lot of institutions in the 20th century and we criticize far too much. There is a lot anxiety in western culture today to not only make something of yourself, but to be cultured, and to abide by progressive moralism. Unhappiness has more to do with the status race than consumerism (it is one of the drivers of consumerism).

>> No.6880544

That brings comfort of resources and security, a meaningful existence is often uncomfortable.

>> No.6880557
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>> No.6880685

A fish bites bait, a rational man is unaffected by charged statements and uses it as fuel to hone his ideaology.

>> No.6880704

The idiocy is less in your observation than the portents of it.

>> No.6880792

lol how did this shitpost get replies

>> No.6880887

Portent - a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.

I'm not seeing your argument at all besides the ad hominem.

>> No.6880920

it's probably some of the best b8 i've ever seen in my life

>> No.6880921

Because OP is a perfect example of why Ayn Rand's "philosophy" is terrifying.

>> No.6880924


Gah. This post is a terrific refutation of Rand and Objectivism in itself - at least to most sane, moral people.

>> No.6880938

>implying objectivism is a thing of value

>> No.6880948

That post was in support of objectivism. Do you mean that his laughable conclusion that because he abandoned his humanity to achieve his career goals that objectivism is less than anything but insanity? In which case, I agree.

>> No.6881227

>That post was in support of objectivism.

exactly my point. Reading that post in support of Objectivism repels me from it in the same way standing near a stinking, vomiting drunk may help persuade me to drink less.

>> No.6881253

>wahh don't propose a rational philosophy to me without calling me a dumb cuck for not already being a rational man!

your loss

>> No.6881256

oh please you commie faggot, don't try to assign words you don't understand to your shitty ideologies. Who are you to say what I've abandoned? If it's what you've made of your life, and how fucking pathetic people view you on a day to day basis, then I'd say I made a worthwhile sacrifice.


>> No.6881286

>humanity: the quality or state of being kind to animals
Who gives a fuck about animals?

>> No.6881364

i vote democrat and am against objectivism

aren't those two things sort of intertwined?

>> No.6881559

yeah both have big black bucks fucking their SOs

>> No.6881571

>le bbc meme


>> No.6881611
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>Ayn Rand
>was a Russian-born American novelist, philosopher,[2] playwright, and screenwriter.
>Rand was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum (Russian: Aли́ca Зинoвьeвнa Poзeнбayм) on February 2, 1905, to a Russian Jewish bourgeois[12] family living in Saint Petersburg.
>Jewish family
good goy, objectivism is the true ideology

>> No.6881660

If Ayn Rand was from outer space, would she be called Ayyn Lmao?

>> No.6881665

White people have a monkey-see-monkey-do relationship with the jews. Their error is thinking they are the men, not the monkey.

>> No.6881686
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>every objectivist I've ever met

>> No.6882499

>deep, loving relationship with her husband frank

Didn't she cheat on him at one point?

>> No.6882556

>ITT: everyone takes the bait

>> No.6883999

>open relationship everybody agreed to, including natbrans wife