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/lit/ - Literature

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6873621 No.6873621 [Reply] [Original]


what the hell is going on here

>> No.6873890

The New Dawn of Humanity

>> No.6873942

Can't handle the future hitting you in the middle of the face at 500 miles per hour?

>> No.6873963

Obviously not, I'm subhuman.

>> No.6873971


>> No.6873976

slave morality spotted

>> No.6874016 [DELETED] 
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Ur mum spotted lol

>> No.6874083

>The first minute or so of Michael Mann's Blackhat captures the concept of the flux better than any other work of art so far. That's exactly how I think; but to think like that you have to be a genius

>> No.6874096

>670. The Armenians: a people primarily known for insisting on reminding everyone and commemorating the day that they were slaughtered. It took them billions of years of evolution to arrive at this, hitherto unknown, survival tactic and perfect it: "the art of using one's own misfortune like a credit card" (Baudrillard).

Same can be applied to Jews. Armenians are pretty much Mountain Jews.

>> No.6874134

That's the Swiss retard

>> No.6874169

swiss capture the crafty gold-hoarding tendencies while the armenians capture the oying of veys

>> No.6874185

top kek, four very good ones in a row

135. Writer's block is bullshit. I've been writing for close to a decade now, and have not the faintest notion of the thing; it's merely a euphemism for slaves who want to make a living out of scribbling because they are too lazy to do anything else. If a writer has something to say, it comes out by itself, if he doesn't, then what's the point in WANTING to write? — Money, of course.

134. "God doesn't like sex." HAHAHAHAHAHA. The subhumans have no clue.

133. The Ides of March. Hollywood sticks in half a dozen of its hottest stars in a single movie, and they still can't make democratic politics look exciting. Everyone comes across as a petty scheming idiot — not even worms or scoundrels, just shallow nobodies.

132. Fondue sucks. It's just a pot of disgusting melted cheese in which you dip pieces of stale bread. The only reason subhumans are still eating it is because of all the apparatus on the table that makes them feel like children. Its continued popularity has nothing to do with culinary excellence but with subhuman childishness.

>> No.6874193

>132. Fondue sucks. It's just a pot of disgusting melted cheese in which you dip pieces of stale bread. The only reason subhumans are still eating it is because of all the apparatus on the table that makes them feel like children. Its continued popularity has nothing to do with culinary excellence but with subhuman childishness.
literally heraclitus-tier

>> No.6874257

>The Armenians: a people primarily known for insisting on reminding everyone and commemorating the day that they were slaughtered. It took them billions of years of evolution to arrive at this, hitherto unknown, survival tactic and perfect it: "the art of using one's own misfortune like a credit card
lel as an armo, I have to say this is quite true, except the jews did it long before we did. We're trying to cash in late tbh

Autistic as fuck website though, some really stupid and edgy posts, consists mostly of Nietzsche's idea made more applied specifically to feign originality
Guy is also a fucking philistine.

>> No.6874323

>All the Nietzsche books on the site are translations by Kaufmann

A pernicious Jewish scholar that built his career on preparing Nietzsche for liberal digestion, that is, sanitizing, de-contextualizing, disassociation of Nietzsche from the most obvious ramification of the man's teaching (National Socialism), incorrectly presenting Nietzsche as a wisdom writer and then tellingly doing absolutely nothing about the fraudulent platitudinization of Nietzsche by liberal 'critical-theorists' like Derrida, Klossowski, Butler, Foucault, Deleuze and similar garbage. Kaufmann's translations are useful, just so long as the reader pays absolutely no attention to his notes.

>> No.6874377
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>My detractors make light of my stealing from grannies on eBay. What's next, making fun of lions for eating gazelles? O the absurdities the weaklings will keep concocting to excuse their weaknesses! And if I and the lions are worthy of derision for preying on grannies and gazelles, what is to be said of those who are too scared to even do that much?

>> No.6874399

Can anyone get into the art section? I want to see this guy's taste in literature kek

>> No.6874679

Also that in Switzerland the law only allows people to have sex via a hole cut through a Templar tunic.

>> No.6874756

>133. The Ides of March. Hollywood sticks in half a dozen of its hottest stars in a single movie, and they still can't make democratic politics look exciting. Everyone comes across as a petty scheming idiot — not even worms or scoundrels, just shallow nobodies.

This is correct. Democracy is politics for subhumans. Hail Caesar tbh

>> No.6874757


tell me more

>> No.6874762
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>Hail Caesar

>> No.6874840
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>551. Is it a coincidence that the most celebrated religious figure of all time — Jesus of Nazareth — and the most well-known philosopher — the Athenian Socrates — never wrote anything? Chances are they didn't even know how... And that was just as well, because, as history since then has clearly shown, their adherents can't read either.

>> No.6874855

so fucking embarrassing

>> No.6874888

This is /lit/'s Elliot Rodger

>> No.6874892 [DELETED] 

>162. The only thing more annoying than people's Twitter accounts are dead links to deleted Twitter accounts. How ironic that by wisening up they create even more annoyance than when they were just being stupid.

true tbf

>> No.6874895 [DELETED] 

>158. Favorite books. People need to distinguish between novels (i.e. artistic books) and proper books. If your favorite book is a novel you are an idiot.

/lit/ absolutely bodied

>> No.6874942

608. My detractors make light of my stealing from grannies on eBay. What's next, making fun of lions for eating gazelles? O the absurdities the weaklings will keep concocting to excuse their weaknesses! And if I and the lions are worthy of derision for preying on grannies and gazelles, what is to be said of those who are too scared to even do that much?


This guy is a fugitive wanted for wire fraud ahahaha

>> No.6874961

>450. My readers who say they want to become criminals. They don't understand me. I wanted to become an astronaut or a scientist. A special forces commando or an engineer. And in any case, and above all, a hero and not a villain. Crime for me was either a necessary expedient at times, or something to spice up my daily routine — a bit of fun to stave off the ever-looming boredom. But it has never been a proper goal of mine and it never will. I would be much more impressed if you told me you wanted to become an archaeologist or a surgeon.

>> No.6874998

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6875014

I thought he was the son of some Greek plutocrat or something, why would he need to steal?
Oh wait, lol

>> No.6875025

he was bored i guess
he went to a vacation to the french riviera with the money later

>> No.6875032

>Guy is also a fucking philistine.
He considers the video game Far Cry 2 to be the greatest artistic achievement of all time

>> No.6875037

God damn for some reason I find this so fucking funny

>> No.6875040

>tries to give off the impression of a great thinker
>numerous video game entries

>> No.6875042

He has lots of a sex though

>> No.6875045


>> No.6875048

He thinks video games are more fun than sex. i don't disagree

>> No.6875051

I guess he can use the money that he stole from those grandmas to pay some of the prostitutes in Greece since they're on clearance right now

>> No.6875052

I might have sex with him for what it's wroth

>> No.6875055

Have you played it?

>> No.6875065

No but I know it's one of those murder simulators so I'm not interested

>> No.6875068

I would've thought this guy was a JRPG purist based on his posts and weebness

>> No.6875073

He doesn't even consider them real RPGs

>> No.6875075

What makes you say that? He thinks JRPGS are a retarded phenomenon made by confused japanese people by the way.

>> No.6875076

Anyone have an innate sense that, when this guy dies, the circumstances of his death will be hilarious?

Like, I can sense it. It's like knowing up is up and down is down. His passing from this world will read like a punchline. I swear it.

>> No.6875078

Why is everybody ignore this?

He's a fucking bald shitskin Greek - opinions discarded.

>> No.6875079


>> No.6875084

I think he'll probably die of natural causes

>> No.6875089
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A con. He's very smart, and very good at what he does. A confidence trick is based not on the conman giving you the confidence to do something, but instead him giving you HIS confidence in something.

>> No.6875097

What is he conning people out of?

>> No.6875103

He'll get stabbed by some migrant refugee in a botched robbery

>> No.6875104

Hope he or one of his writers does a review of the indie game Lisa at some point

>> No.6875112

Money to read his gayass video game blog

>> No.6875114

Their money, moron. Don't you know it costs $30 to read Icycalm's forum posts? An additional $10 to engage him in personal correspondence? Imagine a sea of almost-intelligent, disgruntled young men who enjoy video games (but they really don't, that's why they're tired of them all the time) with too much income and no direction. There's your mark, killer.

>> No.6875121


>> No.6875128
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I'll have a bunch of guys hold him down while I rape him in the ass like the white supremacist fomr American History X

>> No.6875136

>O rly?

fucking dropped

>> No.6875137

This is the kind of guy who makes reading Nietzsche embarrassing.

He's just so dumb and obviously not very well read. He's had 679 ideas and not one of them is interesting.

>> No.6875158

oh come now. He is obviously brilliant, you are clearly threatened by his intellect.
12. How does resentment feel? It feels like unfairness, injustice. It directs the gaze outward, to protect one from dwelling on the flagrant lack of power which led one to feel resentment in the first place. It is not the Other that is causing the resentment, but yourself, and all resentment does is protect you from this painful realization, which would be otherwise added to the already unbearable pain of the resentment's cause.

>> No.6875161

I looked at numbers 69, 420 and 666 and it's just him talking about Twitter and politics or whatever, fuck this guy

>> No.6875163

>I looked at numbers 69, 420 and 666

>> No.6875170

this is still better reading than memechan
t b h

>> No.6875191

>We all know what will happen if we give a little shake to a glass half-filled with water or some other liquid: a little "wave" will form on one side and travel to the other, and the disturbance will gradually die down as the kinetic energy from our shake is dissipated by means of this disturbance, and radiated to the walls of the glass and the surrounding air. The end result, after a sufficient length of time, will be a flat and still water surface, until we decide to give the glass another shake at some later time. Certainly none of us would expect that the wave and the resulting disturbance could "recur" on their own, without any external input, and would rightly regard such an event as "magic" (which is to say as impossible), and anyone who predicted and expected it as a "retard". But what seems like common sense on a local scale, becomes NONSENSE when we try to apply it at the scale of the universe, since at that scale there exists neither an "outside" from which energy can be initially transferred, nor to which it can be later dissipated. Any "disturbance" at that level then, will have to be, not only necessarily inherent in the system (ruling out any "external", "transcendental" influence), but also, and for the same reason, necessarily eternally recurring.
>I have just proved both the existence of the eternal recurrence and the non-existence of "transcendental" beings and causes, and whoever denies my proof either doesn't understand elementary physics, or what the word "universe" means, or both. End of story.

Is this legit?

>> No.6875206

I don't think he knows what eternal recurrence is.

>> No.6875218


Nor "causation." Nor "transcendental." Nor what various physicists mean by the term "universe."

>> No.6875220

why dont you enlighten us then you cretins

>> No.6875222

His butchering of many-worlds theory is pretty painful to read

>> No.6875226


>> No.6875231


If you can't understand already then you're a fucking subhuman and I won't waste my precious time explaining such elementary concepts.

>> No.6875237

>On "alternate" universes and the "many-worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics. How little the scientists understand the world they are trying to study... For in a universe in which everything is connected to, and conditioned by, everything else, if ONE thing is different EVERYTHING is different, and the "alternate" universe is thus a place which DOES NOT BEAR THE SLIGHTEST RESEMBLANCE TO OUR OWN, an utterly alien place nothing of which can be known to or be affected by us, which I will repeat a thousand times IS PRECISELY THE DEFINITION OF NON-EXISTENCE. Even worse, it's not so much that "alternate universes" do not exist, but that the very term is a contradictio in adjecto ("alternate everythings" lol) and hence meaningless, mere verbiage that idiots spout to pass the time because they are incapable of analyzing THIS world, which is the only one that exists, and thus the only one that matters.

>> No.6875244

How is this butchering the many-worlds theory? I am not familiar with it.

>> No.6875248

>Reggae is the most disgusting kind of music there is, more disgusting even than the most miserable, most depressing kind of peasant and folk music. And a look at the smelly rastafarian bastards will reveal the reason why. Ugly, lazy, shitty music for ugly, lazy, stupid people. "Don't worry, be happy." Keep telling that to yourself, dude!

Ok, that's just uncalled for, reggae is pretty cool

>> No.6875287

He's pedantic about the meaning of the word "universe" and doesn't realize that proponents of the theory simply consider it the most parsimonious explanation of apparent wave-function collapse.

>> No.6875308

Or you could fucking read Nietzsche himself and see what he's getting wrong, scrublord.

>> No.6875320

this is really held back by it's dis-congruity. If any thing this is good evidence for observations made by Nicholas Carr in his work The Shallows. To a lesser extent this even shows retromania occurring.

>> No.6875344

this is clearly a disciple of the Piero Scaruffi school.

>> No.6875354

>I have no idea what im talking about but im going to pretend i do by telling others to read shit that iv never read

>> No.6875361


>The greatest weight.-- What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!"
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus?... Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?

Does it sound like Neetchee is postulating an hypothesis here?

>> No.6875367

Am I a blockhead cabbagebrain if I think the eternal recurrence is the same as no recurrence at all?

>> No.6875397

>doing absolutely nothing about the fraudulent platitudinization of Nietzsche by liberal 'critical-theorists' like Derrida, Klossowski, Butler, Foucault, Deleuze and similar garbage

>> No.6875402 [DELETED] 
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what does any of this have to do with literature

>> No.6875404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6875406

Well I'm reading it so it must be literature.

>> No.6875407

it's words

also he mentions sebald and flaubert at certain points

>> No.6875412 [DELETED] 
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Why aren't we discussing dildo manufaction manuals then, too?

>> No.6875413

this shit is so poorly written; even when you except his choice to talk like a teenager with internet slang like a dipshit it has so many obvious errors that only the worst inexperience writers make.

it kind of makes me sick to be commenting on this because the author is surely massaging himself to all this attention.

It would be more interesting for us to talk about how and why we are reading this. Just to reflect on the digital age and how it is affecting us and our thinking. This individual has been obviously affected by it and offers a case we can discuss with relative objectivity.

>> No.6875422

Because I learn enough about that in my mechanical engineering class.I come here to relax.

>> No.6875426

good point. we might as well go read /b/

137. "But how can you think so cruelly about children?" Listen up here, sister: Children will die, no matter what you do. Children have always died, and they always will die. That is how the world works. Because if children did not die, and there was some magical kind of effect whereby homo sapiens under the age of 18 were invulnerable and invincible, the world would not be so immersive, and those children would think themselves gods. Not to mention what would happen if a bunch of these invincible children decided to attack, say, the US's nuclear installations as a prank, to see what happens "when you press all those red buttons". So it's a good thing that young homo sapiens are not invincible, and a direct consequence of this is that they can, and often do, die. Let us therefore, for once, be glad that children die! Let us thank the gods that we live in a universe where children are not invulnerable! For God help us if they were...

>> No.6875427

>He could refract an idea which everyone thought simple into a hundred others, as the prism does with sunlight, each finer than the other, then gather together a host of others to recreate the white light of the sun, where others merely saw disorder and confusion.
See this as some sort of product of the Internet, I suppose, and grand narcissism.

>> No.6875429

> the world would not be so immersive
Lol I wonder if he's mad that he can't kill children in video games

>> No.6875432 [DELETED] 
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Okay, so shitposting is fine as long as it helps you relax?
Fuck off

>> No.6875436

Hi I'm Icycalm, this is my first post on BB forums. I'm 5'9" 135 lbs.

>> No.6875437
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why summer why

>> No.6875438


You can always, you know, hide the fucking thread if it offends you so god damned much.


>> No.6875443

wtf there's no 20th month of the year

>> No.6875446 [DELETED] 
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furr durr ignore it durr
Eat shit, take this garbage to /b/

>> No.6875450

anyone notice how several of these are literally just paraphrases of dumb anonymous quotations like the ones that people post of facebook or get sold on trinkets in shops?

for instance.

141. No argument has yet convinced anyone who didn't want to be convinced. People are people and arguments aren't magic.

>> No.6875453
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>> No.6875454

Why do you hate philosophy threads?

>> No.6875459


How does resentment feel? It feels like unfairness, injustice. It directs the gaze outward, to protect one from dwelling on the flagrant lack of power which led one to feel resentment in the first place. It is not the Other that is causing the resentment, but yourself, and all resentment does is protect you from this painful realization, which would be otherwise added to the already unbearable pain of the resentment's cause.

>> No.6875464

I like the parts where he takes one of his platitudes and then explains how it's why all niggers should be killed

>> No.6875466 [DELETED] 
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Because philosophy is useless trite and not literature. Also I wouldn't call this shit philosophy.

>> No.6875469

>People are people
>arguments aren't magic

>> No.6875476

>using "trite" when you mean "tripe"
I seriously want to kill everyone who does this

>> No.6875483 [DELETED] 
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>getting triggered by trite
That's such a tripe thing to be triggered by

>> No.6875484

Ah, so you're just shitposting. There are probably some John Green or Christposting threads up, I think you would be a big hit there.

>> No.6875485

how about 2015-07-20
how about 2015-20-07
how about 20-07-2015
how about 07-20-2015
who the fuck gives a shit it's obvious what it means fagtron

>> No.6875490

tht last one is the only one that makes sense

>> No.6875496

>Approach and try to fuck a couple hundred girls and you will see the rationality in arranged marriages and taking sexual choice away from women. Even if they like you they'll sabotage the proceedings time and again and fuck it all up, simply because they are stupid, and if you have even the slightest amount of choice you'll be discarding decent prospects left and right simply because of lack of patience to deal with their stupid bullshit.
Lol I guess he isn't as much of a hit with the ladies as he seems to intimate

>> No.6875504 [DELETED] 
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John green is more on topic than this garbage. At least he writes books and not delusional blogs (or in the case of "philosophers", teenage angst blogs in book form) like OP link

>> No.6875510

A lot of this is pretty insightful but it's still wayyyyyyy 2spooky4me.

>> No.6875517

Nietzsche hated Germany, nationalism, socialism, and anti-Semitism.

>> No.6875548

thank god someone else fucking hates bob Marley and that song

"if your house burns down and a relative dies don't worry be happy because it will bring other people down"
literally the message of the song
what an asshole

>> No.6875562

implying that was a bob marley song
or is this weak ass bait?
also, is there enough collective autism on this board for us to compile a critic of this text number by number to sent to this dumbass so that he can realize his errors and maybe improve or at least be brought down a peg?

176. And why is it that students (i.e. children) always start leftist revolutionary movements, whereas army generals (i.e. men) always start fascist coups? What does that say about the respective systems of beliefs that motivate them?
this for instance is a blatant appeal to authority and agism. Not to mention completely vapid.

>> No.6875566

>using agism unironically

>> No.6875570

>tht last one is the only one that makes sense
no, no it's not. i dated all my papers yyyy/mm/dd and no one ever complained because it's obvious what it means idiot.

>> No.6875575

such a critic would probably inflate his ego enough and (assuming he reads it) he might with the addition of self esteem be able to write a text that actually matters.

This text is obviously marred by insecurity and laziness, which seems to suggest a degree of depression. He could probably use the boost this attention offers him. No doubt he will be filled with reactionary glee when he reads this and rejects the notion that we are healing him.

>> No.6875576 [DELETED] 

>using unironically sincerely

>> No.6875581

>genuinely using sincerely
your move, creep

>> No.6875583

>the amount of ressentiment in this thread

>> No.6875588

what is wrong with that?

it's clearly an appeal to age as if it gives an authority on anything.

Studies all indicate that newer generations are always smarter than older ones.

in-authentically using genuinely ironically.

>> No.6875593 [DELETED] 

I'm not retarded. Your move, retard.

>> No.6875602

"if you weren't retarded then you would have written a clever response to continue the amusement instead of feeling so insecure that you wrote this pedantic one" I wrote, ironically.

>> No.6875611

>27. The writer W.G. Sebold once wrote

>> No.6875613

This has made me realize literally all you have to do to seem clever is set yourself up to be a contrarian.

You say one thing, then you say the opposite, and just condescendingly justify your arbitrary judgement.

>> No.6875620

good job anon now he's gonna fix it instead of leaving that embarrassing error there for eternity

>> No.6875625 [DELETED] 

You're still retarded. Your move, retard.

>> No.6875628

How nice of this man to share his mental diarrhoea with the world. Such wisdom could not go to waste; il/lit/erate minds need sustenance and this seems to satisfy their needs.

>> No.6875636

better get a screencap.

> Baudrillard, like all the French, was never averse to sacrificing logic for the sake of a good soundbite, and like the rest of them he paid the price, which was to have his books riddled with nonsense.

wow such self aware irony

>You're still retarded. Your move, retard.
I'll move anywhere to get this glaring projection out of my eyes.

>> No.6875638

I don't think anyone considers him clever except for his handful of acolytes who play video games with him and a few weird internet stalkers

>> No.6875686


223. And how can there be racism if there are no races?

literal pol tier shit with zero understanding of basic sociology.

this guy's next point is gonna be why are they called Jumbo Srimp? I swear this dumbass.

>> No.6875696

227. Philosophical books are the ultimate kind of self-help books, but philosophy is not for the kind of people who read self-help books.

code for, I am a poser.

>> No.6875700

ressentiment everywhere lol look at yourselves you fucking disgusting subhuman shit stains. you should be bowing down and worshipping your new god. nobody will help you when the day of judgement arrives

>> No.6875713

i love how his writing shows himself clearly full of resentment, though I'm sure that is just another of those hip contradictions that people assume makes them clever cause they know developed a fetish for their own cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6875737


There's a forum

>> No.6875754

Does anyone here who shelled out the money to read it want to C&P some choice posts?

>> No.6875789

>fondue is for subhumans
convinced me to read the whole thing

>> No.6875807

this is a good post

>> No.6876348

who is this salty goblin and why has he compiled so many shitty rants onto one website

>> No.6876458


377. Alex Kierkegaard's Daygame Turbo: Street Pick-up for Alpha Males. GET ANY WOMAN ANYWHERE EVER. 100% GUARANTEED TO WORK, THE ONLY PICK-UP SYSTEM THAT CAN BOAST THIS. No need to worry about your health, fitness, style, financial or social status, or about any other factor whatsoever SINCE THE GIRL HAS EXACTLY ZERO CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS. The PUAs will tell you that pick-up won't always work, that it's a numbers game, etc. etc., but that's because their methods LEAVE ALL ULTIMATE CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS TO THE GIRL. Alphas my ass. My method gives you FULL CONTROL, from start to finish of the interaction, so without further ado, here goes. Step 1. Buy a .45 Glock. Better yet, make it two. Step 2. Spot girl. Makes no difference if she's in a 2-set or a 3-set, or with her boyfriend, or a whole troupe of guys. If she's with boyfriend, shoot him in the face. If her girlfriends get in the way, shoot them in the face too. Step 3. Grab her by the hair. If she resists, slap her around a bit (taking care not to damage her. If you do, find another girl and start over.) Step 4. Shove her in your car. Any bystanders try to stop you, shoot them in the face. Police chase, you get the idea. Step 5. Take her home. Step 6. Smash her smartphone and chain her to your bed. Step 7. Have fun for the rest of your or her life (probably hers since she won't live very long under these conditions. If, on the other hand, you want a real relationship and children, I have two words for you: Stockholm Syndrome.) The PUAs and PUA theory have only been around a decade, MY theory has been around forever. THIS IS THE TRUE FACE OF ALPHA. ANY OTHER APPROACH WHATSOEVER IS GAMMA TO THE CORE (betas don't approach girls, they wait until the girls approach them). THE END.

>> No.6877660

It's hilarious how philosophy seems to lead people to the most retarded possible thoughts.

>> No.6877720

I'd say no. For the record Borges thought as much.
Eternal recurrence is just a mind trick to put things in perspective, not an actual description or a proof.

>> No.6877729 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 599x900, Untitled40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods are cucks
i get banned for posting pic related but this thread is still up? Top laff boys, top laff

>> No.6877743
File: 103 KB, 500x548, 1436853937166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because you're a cunt, cunt. Just avoid the thread you wang mangler, or better yet actually do something about the quality of the board

>> No.6877745 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 500x667, Untitled37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks brother if everyone else can shitpost I can too
that's all this board is good for anyways lad

>> No.6877747

Which is why we need a /phil/ to sequester them with the christcancer so they can shitpost each other into suicide

>> No.6877790

Why doesn't 4chan have a /phil/ a /rel/ and a /hist/

>> No.6877792


Because one liberal minded shit hole is bad enough

>> No.6877808

but.. /rel/ would almost definitely be conservative and /hist/ and /phil/ wouldn't necessarily have any particular political orientation

>> No.6877830

you have a page that solves the problem of immortality and prove the eternal recurrence, and all you can do in response is post a torrent of spam, subsubs

>> No.6877863

He doesn't prove eternal recurrence, he merely adresses a dumb argument against eternal recurrence (and not even a very common one). It's like saying someone proved creationism because they showed 6,000 years is much more than the average human lifespan.

By that standard anybody can "prove" anything.

>> No.6877875


"The days of the book-philosopher are over"

In this work of absolute genius, after two and a half thousand years of progress the path of philosophy arrives at an end, and the intellect at last draws, one by one, its ultimate conclusions. Apocalyptic, uncompromising and merciless, Orgy of the Will constitutes nothing less than a declaration of war on the so-called "human species".

>> No.6877900
File: 57 KB, 299x325, 1430160594780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho id dit sebon debon?

>> No.6878025

This this this
None of you faggots would dare drop sonething like this in the open, or live the life he is living...
Ps. > 90% he is saying is truth and worded entertaining as fuck

>> No.6878033
File: 38 KB, 474x361, a hearty lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>679. A thing that "makes sense" is a useful thing; something that we can use (therefore, the stronger one is, physically and mentally, the more things he can use, and the more that "makes sense" to him... For neurotics and the hysterical — like for example Sartre, Camus and other weaklings — everything is nonsensical; "absurd"). So the sentence "I love ice cream" makes sense, because it can be used to understand me, while the sentence "Cream my love for ice" is nonsense, because no one can figure out what to do with it. — Now take it to the level of the universe. For the universe to "make sense" to at least someone, it would have to mean that that someone could put the universe to use. But who could use the universe, if the universe is everything? It would have to be someone situated "outside" the universe, which is by definition nonsense. Ergo the universe doesn't make sense, and I didn't even have to leave my room or even put on underwear to determine this, my dear hard-working and hard-studying scientists, who will doubtless continue being perplexed by this idea because, despite the heaps of random stuff they read all day long, they don't like to read philosophy. (It makes them feel uneasy to see a genius lording it over their heads, without even wearing any underwear, so they prefer to look away and try their best to ignore him.)
Holy Fuck this is amazing

>> No.6878050

weekend /lit/

>> No.6878157

>wearing frequenting 4chan like a badge

>> No.6878168

That's hardly the point and I almost never come here anyway

>> No.6878220
File: 123 KB, 589x680, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's like 3 different paragraph of nietzsche "the gay science" put into one.

Even the part where he insult scientist.

He doesn't just steal from old ladies

>> No.6878309

Wait a minute, he wrote this while naked? That makes me feel dirty.