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/lit/ - Literature

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6873297 No.6873297 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so good?

>> No.6873323

Tolkien knew what inner desires fantasy should feed. He knew what fantasy should be about and what its strengths are.

>> No.6875127

Because Tolkien had a wide understanding of literature, especially germanic legends, and his understanding of true literature helped him to create a story that not only had a good plot, characters and prose, but also transcended genre and was ultimately a recreation of the literature of the germanics.

The problem with modern fantasy is that it stems from Lord of the Rings rather than the source material Lord of the Rings came from. Thus it perpetuates itself, and recycles the same ideas over and over with random twists and turns added only to make it different.

>> No.6875144

cuz tolkien had genuine passion

dude loved languages, in fact he used the middle earth as an excuse to express his love of languages

he also fought in world war 1

>> No.6875173

One of my absolute favorite books. Once I was done with all I wanted to do was start over again.

>> No.6877213

Sometimes less is more. No seriously, a modern GRRM-emulating author would have turned this single book into a 7-book series complete with every named character being a POV character and 15 'Brandir rhymes with shitsmear' chapters.

Instead we get a good plot, (usually) well paced for a story about the life of a man from birth to death, good character development and it leaves you wondering how much f the evil turin suffered was done to him by others, and how much was done by himself.

>> No.6878531

>Why is this so good?
Because it isn't
Nice keeping the meme alive that Tolkien is actually good ad dragons are the best thing to ever happen to fantasy.