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/lit/ - Literature

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6872586 No.6872586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This place is for philosophical questions right?

Can women be a prize? Worth giving up your wealth and power for? Perhaps even starting a war for like Helen of Troy? Or are they just overglorified sluts all of them?

>> No.6872597

>This place is for philosophical questions right?

>> No.6872603

eh i tought women were just people but what do i know?

>> No.6872604

this is a place for literature

>> No.6872616

>Can women be a prize?
Historically it has been so. Yes.

>> No.6872624

>Or are they just overglorified sluts all of them?

This. Hypergamy is intrinsic to womankind.

There does not exist a woman worth doing anything remotely sacrificial for, because she will leave you for the next best thing anyway.

>> No.6872627

I wouldn't mind winning that girl.

>> No.6872630

yep yep yep
all women have the ability whether thru sex or even caring. make a male do crazy things for them
It's a wonderful sensation when your having sex and the girl makes you feel like your the only person that matters to her. That your the one giving her pleasure and she wants to return the same to you.
combine that with the sensations of your penis going to town on that moist vagina.

but the sad truth which leaves all girls still puzzled. the same girl who said all that can move on very quickly and repeat those same lines to another guy. Based on her not "feeling" you anymore

girls do things based on they feel in that present moment. not the past or future

anyway sorry if this seems r9k tier just giving you my opinion

>> No.6872631


I dont see how both parts are exclusive.

>> No.6872635

shit meant all guys still puzzled sorry m8s :)

>> No.6872640


>Can women be a prize?

If she is rendered an object, sure.

>> No.6872643

>Worth giving up your wealth and power for?
Have you been in a relationship? Without having any value or power, a women will not stick with you. A man may leave his 40 year old university professor wife for the 27 year old maid due to her being pretty and nice, but no women will give up a running relationship with a powerful man for one with less power.

>> No.6872656

This is true. And ironically why I will never trust a woman completely either, since if I one day lose a job, or my wealth, she'll go as well.

>> No.6872666

what are you talking about
plenty of rich women cheat on their husbands to sleep with some pool boy or bbc

fucking ayn rand slept around like crazy

Unless you're talking about divorce. then ya you're right

>> No.6872689

>Can women be a prize?
In Ancient Greek slave-auctions

>> No.6872731

Women are a meme

>> No.6872737

Sex =/= a relationship.

>> No.6872754

U r hero

>> No.6872772
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>It's a wonderful sensation when your having sex and the girl makes you feel like your the only person that matters to her. That your the one giving her pleasure and she wants to return the same to you.
well at least you admit that you are a beta, living only through women.

>> No.6872786
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>Worth giving up your wealth and power for? Perhaps even starting a war for like Helen of Troy?
yes for betas and chads since they live for and by women [who take advantage of these dogs]

alphas do not care enough about women

you seem under-age btw, read this

>> No.6872789

All I'm saying is that if you get a women by giving up your power, you've already lost her. Men may fall for the young/pretty but poor girl. The wife who fucks the gardener doesn't leave the wealthy husband, they are more calculated.

You're the powerful man turned gardener here, who won the price-woman, not a sexy guy charming the wife.

>> No.6872798

did you not read what I said after that you autist?

>> No.6872799


Very little, obviously

>> No.6872808

hello amerifat

>> No.6872812

shit writing, shit ideas, no discernible talent

>> No.6872857

You are correct.


>> No.6872861

What the fuck kind of question is this? They can be whatever your stupid fucking mind perceives them to be. You can think they're goddamn aliens sent to laugh at the size of your dick, then shoot them like Elliot Rodgers.

How about you come back after you've read a few books.

>> No.6872872
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still thinking of you ))

>> No.6872874

>Can women be a prize? Worth giving up your wealth and power for?

not women per se. maybe an intellectualized/idealized notion like love or fedora style honor.

>Or are they just overglorified sluts all of them?

I'm sorry some girl hurt you recently. time heals all, anon. you will meet another someday and your teenage angst will fade as you'll have your men to women conversations still...but you'll also have your person to person conversations again. :)

>> No.6873107

>'I sacrificed all my wealth and power for you, aren't I just an amazing and wonderful person?'
>'All women are made for me to put my dick in!'

This isn't a real either/or question, both present women as an object of self-gratification for the man.

>> No.6873113

They're like children mostly

>> No.6873140

>Implying women have the capability to hurt me
See >>6873113

>> No.6873149

Did your mothers not love you?
Freud was the best thing to ever happen to bantz

>> No.6873153

Nah my mom is pretty cool, we have a good relationship.

>> No.6873160


Why did all of Greece under Agamemnon invade Troy for one girl? Why did the families of these men support them in doing so, even the women? Was this woman that beautiful? Yes, it is that in part. There is the saying of the woman who launched a thousand ships. But in going after this woman and the cowardly Paris who stole her, the men were going to reclaim society. It was not that the men were horny and all marveled the beauty of this woman. It was that these men upheld their values so much, that they wouldn’t even let this woman, who had beauty blessed by a “goddess” get away with doing something so heinous as breaking a wedding vow and running away with another man to another country.

>> No.6873167

Yes. Companionship cannot be overstated in it's worth

>> No.6873172

What I'm trying to say is that hellen was not a prize in the illiad.
On the other hand, the girl Agamemnon took from Achilles was a rightful prize of Achilles. So yes, women can be a prize but you shouldn't start a war for one, killing your countrymen for some bitch.

>> No.6873177

>reliable companions

Pick one. Get a dog

>> No.6873180

They can be my property.

>> No.6873186

I once had two lesbians as some of the best friends I've ever had in my life mate.

>> No.6873189

Based Schopenhauer.

>> No.6873192

That's because you're a feminine halfman with less testosterone than my two year old nephew

>> No.6873209
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>tfw no dog friend

>> No.6873231
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I would rend mountains for Rose

>> No.6873286

>there will never be a Philosophy board to contain all these retarded questions

>> No.6873296

No you fool

Troy had controlled the seas of the area for generations, they charged exorbiant taxes and tariffs to the Greeks and anyone who wished to trade with the Greeks. It was pretty much piracy. Helen was just the "noble" excuse use do launch the war. Without Helen - it would have been something else.

>> No.6873299

>being so much of a loser that you befriend lesbians


>> No.6873302

for real dude, i only care about art and literature, not if a barber who only shaves people who don't shave themselves shaves himself or not, and the other deep questions that philosophical minds ponder

>> No.6873333

thats cause you're a fucking cuck

>> No.6873336

>He's a virgin
>He hates women
>He hasn't had a conversation with a woman who is not related to him in six months
>He thinks women can be trusted
>He spends time thinking or worrying about women

All of the above are pathetic

>> No.6873343

This is practically illegible.

>> No.6873356

To answer the question and still discuss /lit/...

I'll give you an answer with this.

Read a fucking book.

What book though?

I'd recommend Wuthering Heights. The main theme is how revenge destroys lives, but the secondary is what the object of your love is worth.

>> No.6873361

lol do you also believe the Iraq war was fought to search for WMDs or the civil war was fought over slavery? There are idealogical justifications of war and then there's real reasons.

>> No.6873365

jesus what is wrong with you people

>> No.6873373

that kind of marginalizing and belittling philosophy is something I'd only expect from such a silly man that I would not care for any of your opinions on art and literature my man -- >>>/sci/ with your NdGT opinions my man
quads confirm

>> No.6873374

What's the problem chief

>> No.6873420

do you mean that they're human? if so, nobody has ever said otherwise; or do you mean that they're men? Few have ever seriously asserted that they are.

If you only mean to say that attempting to define any difference between men and women is fruitless, you might be right insomuch as you're talking political usefulness; but in general it's not true. Men and women are different to an unmistakable degree. How they became different—whether by evolution, or custom, or God, they certainly are different and pretending they aren't is one of those things that will never make sense to anybody not already aware of the political importance of maintaining such an opinion.

>> No.6873498


I'm talking about the story by Homer, not the historical war

>> No.6873534

>because she will leave you for the next best thing anyway.
Not even saying that as judgmental, it's evolutionary and it's for the good of the species. If women weren't sluts, there wouldn't be a human race.

>> No.6873539

Why the fuck would she stay if she respects herself a minimum?

>> No.6873550

Can people not be prizes? What exactly is this "people"?