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6871991 No.6871991 [Reply] [Original]

Was this book satire?

>> No.6871997


>> No.6871999

No. The movie kinda was though ('kinda' because it was blunt and stupid about it).

>> No.6872006

Authors who write satire are just passive aggressive losers tbh

>> No.6872009

Absolutely not.

He was a firm believer in the domino effect and all branches of the American Military have approved this book

>> No.6872026


I can see how people believe it was satire. Heinlein was, as someone earlier said, a firm believer in his ideals. Because of this the book and its messages come across as very blunt and a bit too extreme in some cases. Truth be told though, Heinlein was serious about it all.

>> No.6872088

>>6871991 is a book about personal responsibility, something Heinlein understood and you would too, if you ever thought to place your own physical body between your homeland and the wars desolation.

Some people are too intelligent and moral to write for laughs.

>> No.6872119

NO. Heinlein served in the military and came from a German military family.

It's a good book to sensitize someone to what's inspiring and elevating about martial culture.

>> No.6872251

No, Heinlein was just an obnoxious person.

>> No.6872260

The film is satire.

The book unfortunately is the grumblings of a diseased mind.

>> No.6872264

Most people don't understand that film is satire.

It seems the more blunt and obvious you make satire the harder it is for most people to see it...

>> No.6872276

When it came out people were condemning it as fascist
Heinlein rode a desk in the 30s and again in the War. He never saw anything. Is it any wonder he treated warfare as a boy scout troop camping expedition
>martial culture
if martial culture meant a "papa knows best" Norman Rockwell painting in the Saturday Evening Post

>> No.6872606
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nah the movie was
i think heinlein was trying to make amends with marines because he was a navy man blasting gooks from afar during iwo jima.
(fleet does the flying, MI does the dying)
so in his utopia everyone unit works and fights so nobody gets blamed

>> No.6872886

No. It's a political novel. The plot serves to frame the ideology. It's a book that advocates a rational educated society, emphasizes self-worth and self-discipline, and service to one's nation. It also serves as a critique of communism and what heinlein saw as the excesses and faults of democracy.
Heinlein is arguing for a libertarian nationalist society. Freedom is maximized, but voting franchise is only gained through service to the state, with the state held higher than the individual only as long as the state is virtuous and righteous. It's almost like heinlein is saying an ideal state is a state that embodies a righteous cause. The state isn't so much a civil body as an embodiment of an ideological struggle, and service and loyalty to the state isn't bootlicking, but servicing oneself to the cause that is the state.
Unfortunately this doesn't apply to our current world. For heinlein it made sense with the Soviet Union (an embodiment of tyranny and collectivism) for the US (embodiement of freedom and indivduality) to righteously struggle against. Today there are no more great ideological battles. All world powers are virtually the same oligarchy imperial powers and ignore ideology outside of propaganda purposes, and vie for power and resources, rather than fighting for abstract ideals.

>> No.6872896

drinking can make you obnoxious

>> No.6872906


>> No.6872911


>> No.6872916

Heinlein served in the Navy on an aircraft carrier and then a destroyer. He was discharged in 34 for tuberculosis. He attended the naval academy and his brother was a brigadier general in the national guard. The man was immersed in martial culture. You don't have to live in the jungles of Nam and get PTSD to be able to have an insight into military culture. The book describes officer candidate training, education, and the logistical side of war along with a lot of poltical commentary. Heinlein never saw combat; which is why we see so little of it in the book.

>> No.6872920

Beatnik commie hippie fuck. Being a conscript on a war you already formed preconceptions of prior to deployment hardly gives you credibility to critique military culture.

>> No.6872937
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> Beatnik commie hippie fuck
Still wrote the better book

>> No.6872972

Forever War is a great book and really illustrates the issues the military had in Vietnam and was an objectively good book. ST gets up its own ass about its politics and ideology most of the time. Overall Forever War is a more entertaining book.

But nigger have you read forever peace? Shit is full on NWO fifth column communist thought control porn. I felt extremely unformfortable after reading it as he passed off global mind control as some kind of utopia. Disgusting.

>> No.6873001


It's extremely anti-nationalist.