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/lit/ - Literature

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6870067 No.6870067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will /lit/ realise that the reason John Green is popular while no one is interested in your pessimistic, cerebral, artsy left-wing drivel is because they just want to have fun, not have the problems of the world and the human condition thrown at their face?


>> No.6870073

I don't know. Maybe you're right!

>> No.6870074

U r genius, srs such astute observations
>they just want to have fun, not have the problems of the world and the human condition thrown at their face?
Most of them are ignorant . Probably becoz of that mentality.
If they had a harder life they would care more.
Also intellegance plays a part too. They're fun is unfun for me.

>> No.6870078

No /lit/ doesn't like him because he's an obvious fucking nerd and the /lit/erati have always been accused of this despite not actually being nerdy, like the video game types, but instead just sort of more thoughtful and contemplative in general

>> No.6870119

>not have the problems of the world and the human condition thrown at their face?
Which is why everything is going to hell, anyways. Nobody wants to know of it, and choose to rather live in ignorance than face the uncomfortable facts.

Humanity is doomed, a sentence that is willingly carried out by ourselves.

>> No.6870124

A spiral of morphine on a hospice bed.

>> No.6870130

look at these redpill faggots

top LeL


>> No.6870139

Willful ignorance is the greatest of all sins. Enjoy your life of thoughtless consumption and hedonism. Get back to me once you realize the lie you're living.

>> No.6870145
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Have you ever met a John Green fan? They aren't just people who "just want to have fun," but are seriously hostile to high art and serious discussion of literature. Let me share a story of my encounter with a John Green fan:

>at cafe trying to attract qt /lit/ chicks with my patrish literature, Little, Big by John Crowley
>in exactly one hour and forty three minutes, a girl walks up to me and says she likes John Crowley
>I tell her, "It is literally the most enchanting twentieth-century book I know."
>she laughs and says I'm just quoting the Bloom quote on the cover
>I say I always take my book recommendations from him because he is such an indisputable authority on literature
>"Well, I found out about him because John Green has one of his books in his Crash Course videos. You know about John Green, right?"
>so disgusted I have to look away from her and to the ground
>she has the audacity to ask if I'm okay
>I muster up all my strength to act composed and say, "Please... leave me alone..."
>a few seconds of silence go by before I hear her walking away
>mfw trying to fight back tears because of this pervasive philistinism

It's quite depressing. After a whole month of trying to attract qt /lit/ chicks at the same cafe, nearly all of them have dissappointed me. I feel so alone being one of the few readers who care about genuine literature. I used to think I could always turn to /lit/ for intelligent discussion of literature, but even here, people are now defending John Green and George R.R. Martin. This truly is a dark age of culture.

>> No.6870154

Look at you using a buzzword. Look at you, an apathetic little shit, that can't even hope for s better future, can't even dream about satisfying your own emotional, psychological and physical needs? Top pleb.

>> No.6870162

>because they just want to have fun, not have the problems of the world and the human condition thrown at their face?

somewhat true people Also wanna play victim and woe is me.

Nobody wants to accept that at the end of the day nobody gives a shit about the "real" you or your interest Besides yourself.

Not to make this a /pol/ thing But I am very happy to watch how everything unfolds in the next 5-10 years

>> No.6870168

>>so disgusted I have to look away from her and to the ground
They are trolling all of them.

>> No.6870173

I really don't find this a laughing matter, especially when it's carried out in such a tasteless fashion.

>> No.6870175

Good thread tbh

>> No.6870177


I just am realistic about the extent to which I can control anything, in this case the state of global affairs at large

>> No.6870180

People thought anything but this? This isn't an illegitimate reason to be rustled.

>> No.6870186

You're describing a dog.

>> No.6870189


>> No.6870194

What do you expect to happen in the next 5-10 years?

>> No.6870195

By refusing to take personal responsibility you're a part of the problem. The solution starts with people accepting to take personal responsibility, especially when nobody else does.

You're not a realist, you're a weakling.

>> No.6870200

I know, I've always understood why he's popular, that doesn't mean I don't despise him.

>> No.6870211

I haven't committed any crimes. I treat others respectfully in public, I haven't joined ISIS and I'm not a greedy banker. As far as I'm concerned I've done more than my share of being what the scum of the earth fails to.

>> No.6870219

>The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) of the American Library Association (ALA) defines a young adult as someone between the ages of twelve and eighteen.
>John green writes young adult fiction.
>literally books for 12 year olds.
The reason green is popular is because he's for kids, the same reason Minions and Disney movies are popular.

I've never actually spoken with anyone in real life who actually enjoys his stuff, probably because I rarely interact with children.

The only person I know who has read it is my twenty year old sister in law, who thought it was childish shit.

If you enjoy John green, you're probably too young to be here.

>> No.6870222

Thank you. I'm so tired of people think they're just being "realistic" when they say they can't make a difference.

>> No.6870232

Why put an artificial limit on your love, respect and responsibility? How can you possibly say that you've done "your part" when there's obviously so much more to be done in the larger perspective? Why do you set the bar at the worst of kin, excusing yourself with not being /that/ bad?

>> No.6870244

I'm sorry if this is getting too personal, that's not my intention.

>> No.6870249

The thing is living an unhappy life because the environment around you is shit will lead you to act out radically in the future if you suppress it and act like it doesn't concern you. I hate most of everything too, I don't think its possible to make much of a change, it's certainly worth trying, but I'm too absorbed in literature and the like, I plan to write books that will not only help me cope with it all but also, hopefully, change the people around it just a little, this may be a delusion of mine i know, but at the very least I confront my environment and am not actively jumping on the doom train by being an edge lord without a purpose. If you choose to live it's just logical to make the best of it.
/my juvinile philosophy

>> No.6870251

>they just want to have fun
Fucking normalfags how low can they sink

>Claims people don't like left-wing drivel
>While talking about how much people like John Fucking Green
Are you stupid?

>> No.6870252
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>> No.6870259

>John Green
>left wing

He's an Obama supporter. How is he even vaguely leftist?

>> No.6870264

>hopefully, change the people around it just a little
Bows and thumbs up to you! Please do write.

>> No.6870271

Who is this attractive female?

>> No.6870274

love, respect, and responsibility are a rabbit hole like anything else. I set the bar there because its their turn to catch up to the rest of the modern, 21st century somewhat progressive moral humans on this planet before we can all move along. the weakest (or this case, most evil) link syndrome

>> No.6870287

The doom train sounds like it'd be fucking awesome though. maybe a good topic for a short story. pretty sure it would spit out flames instead of the usual black smoke. and use human bones instead of coal

>> No.6870296

So you let loose your moral obligations by blaming those that have none? Do you honestly expect them to suddenly turn "better", without external pressure?

I've never heard of a chain that refused to be strong because it had a weak link down the line. The strong links do their best until the weakest break.

>> No.6870311

>those gums
That is fucking disgusting. How does that even happen?

>> No.6870326

Incestous relationships

>> No.6870331

who is this glum gum cum bun?

>> No.6870332

>implying you wouldn't cum on those gums

>> No.6870338
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>glum gum cum bun?

>> No.6870343

Bad teeth shit makes me go completely flaccid.

>> No.6870404

come home white man

>> No.6870461

>at cafe trying to attract qt /lit/ chicks with my patrish literature, Little, Big by John Crowley

Entertaining story. But I hope this bit is satire, otherwise your plight is just as depressing.

>> No.6870655
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>But I hope this is satire

>> No.6870695

>the same reason Minions and Disney movies are popular
Those are popular for all ages to be honest.

>> No.6870794

I like this thread. It is nearly impossible to tell the genuinely pretentious from the ironically pretentious. It's like Poe's Law came to life and started jacking off all over my computer screen with shitty reaction pics for the cherry on top. It can't get more /lit/ than this.

>> No.6870857

point out the pretentiousness

>> No.6871134

Yes, show me the pretentiousness >>6870794

>> No.6871139

u w0t m8

>> No.6871144

Greentext stories about rejecting a cute girl because she was insufficiently patrician are a literary subgenre in and of themselves.

>> No.6871152

really? I thought it was pretty clever

>> No.6871161

>just want to have fun
this world is lost

>> No.6871165

>girls just want have to funnnn!

John Green and his brother have done more for this world through their charity work than anyone of you ever will.

>> No.6871192
