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/lit/ - Literature

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6867234 No.6867234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

What's that game where you make up fake ending dialogue and call the author a hack for using the title?

...can we play?


"...at last he experienced his great expectations."

Dickens you hack.

>> No.6867255

"There, in the court, I had finally realized I had become The Stranger".

I expected more from Camoose

>> No.6867262

Does this shit have a name?

>> No.6867270
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"Finally I noticed it in the sky - it was a colourful Gravity's Rainbow." - Thom Pynchon

>> No.6867277

"After all, it was a pleasure to be a researcher in The Gay Science."

Stupid sexy Nietzsche

>> No.6867285
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>It would appear our plans have gone awry, as those Of Mice and Men often do.

wtf Steinhack

>> No.6867292
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>And thus ends the story told in the book I just wrote and the name of the book is called 1Q84.

>> No.6867296

>Here you go, the keys to the Paradife Loft.

I always knew Hilton was a hack.

>> No.6867298

"...and at last he finally realized his Inherent Vice."


>> No.6867304

>"...thank ye Jimmy, but you must never forget that cold, autistic, outer dark"

why does /lit/ like this milquetoast middlebrow hack again?

>> No.6867306

"And everything is one divine comedy"

Dante you smug fuck.

>> No.6867309

Morimoto is my favorite iron chef

>> No.6867314
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"Behold, ye have entered Dante's Inferno!"

How can he keep getting away with this?

>> No.6867318

>Baumer couldn't hear it, but when the guns fell silent on Armistice Day, it finally was all quiet on the Western front

Come on, Remarque

>> No.6867325

>When Kafka woke up in his bed he had metamophed into a fucking giant bug holy SHIT

I kinda liked that part.

>> No.6867331

>and it wasn't a pair of dice he found, so much as a pair of dice he lost--the dice aptly named: Paradise Lost

Dropped. Nice try Milton

>> No.6867387

'I looked in the mirror, I then realised I was No Longer Human'
Ffs Ozai

>> No.6867390

Top heh

>> No.6867395

Best in the thread, tbh.

Is there a name for these things or some archive links?

>> No.6867408

"It was a long, never-ending joke, an Endless Jest"

Nigga so baked he don't even member his book's name.

>> No.6867409

"As Jake drifted to sleep that final, turbulent night in Pamplona, he was reminded that the sun also rises."

Jeez Louise, Hemmingway.

>> No.6867419
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>And then they finally went to the lighthouse
C'mon Virginia..
>mfw that's pretty much the real ending

>> No.6867431

>...and as the conversations of the early months of their marriage went on, their ideas and opinions seemed to meet only in passing, each bound in an opposite direction, neither stopping to do more than honor the polite pause of recognition.
-The Recognitions

> mfw

This is an actual quote btw.

>> No.6867441
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>> No.6867450

I like it

>> No.6867452
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"You did it!, Gandalf proclaimed with a hearty laughter. "You did it, Frodo! You finally became The Lord of the Rings!"

>> No.6867482
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>> No.6867484

>The events of this book, by the way, took place in the year of a.d. 1984


>> No.6867518

"Between wiping down the counter and spilling out the last of the old bitter coffee, Biff was confronted by his heart, a lonely hunter, indeed."


>> No.6867541
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Serious question, why is this considered in bad taste for an author to do? The greatest German prose writer and philosopher uses this technique in ALL his books:

>We fear that the explanation for The Birth of Tragedy can be derived neither from respect for the moral intelligence of the masses, nor from the concept of the spectator without a play, and we regard the problem as too profound for it even to be touched by such shallow ways of thinking about it.
(Birth of Tragedy)

>This too is Untimely Meditations, because I am here attempting to look afresh at something of which our time is rightly proud - its cultivation of history - as being injurious to it, a defect and deficiency in it; because I believe, indeed, that we are all suffering from a consuming fever of history and ought at least to recognize that we are suffering from it.
(On the Uses and Disadvantages
of History for Life, foreword)

>I have been told often enough, and always with an expression of great surprise, that all that all my writings, from the Birth of Tragedy to the most recently published Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, have something distinguishes them and unites them together: they all of them, I have been given to understand, contain snares and nets for unwary birds and in effect a persistent invitation to the overturning of habitual evaluations and valued habits. What? Everything only - Human, All Too Human?
(Human All Too Human, preface)

>There are so many experiments still to make! There are so many futures still to Dawn!
(Dawn, 187)

(Gay Science)

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra and he left his cave, glowing and strong, like a morning sun that emerges from dark mountains.
(Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

>And as to the dangerous formula "Beyond Good and Evil", it serves to protect us, at least from being mistaken for something else.
(Beyond Good and Evil)

>Join me, free spirits, friends! Allow me to escort you on this joyful adventure the likes of which you have not yet seen! On past the enchanted forest of Greek giants, beyond the swampy marshes of dwarfly Jews; there we will find an opening, and conduct our Genealogy of Morals.
(Genealogy of Morals)

>In fact, you cannot be a philologist or doctor without being Anti-Christ at the same time.

>He even knows what people should be like, this miserable fool, he paints a picture of himself on the wall and says 'Ecce Homo! '.
(Ecce Homo)

>Or the expression of maturity and mastery in the middle of doing, making, effecting, willing, a tranquil breathing, an attained 'freedom of the will' . . . Twilight of the Idols: who knows? Perhaps this is just a type of 'peacefulness of the soul' too . . .
(Twilight of the Idols, 3)

>> No.6867562
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>putting this much time into it

Not bad.

>> No.6867576

Apologies, the Anon's Gay Science quote which I quoted here is misattributed but there is probably a similar quote in the same book.

Hmm? I am digging through his books often for quotes and ideas for my lecturing and research. The ones without a section number are completely from memory and then using the computer to paste it from the ebook. And thus only 4 of those quotes took much time to locate. I only found this thread in the past hour in fact.

>> No.6867588

>And mankind reckons time from the dies nefastus when this fatality befell—from the first day of Christianity!—Why not rather from its last?—From today?—The transvaluation of all values!...

Made me look.

>> No.6867621

I don't understand, are you saying my Anti-Christ quote is not in the book? You can find it at the end of section 47.

>> No.6867623

>"Now, you see, life is nothing more than War and Peace."

Tools toy, you fucking hax

>> No.6867634

That's not what the thread is getting at though, dummy. The idea is that these are the ending lines of a work, not something randomly in the middle that happens to use the same word as the title.

>> No.6867642

Yume Nikki is a good game.

>> No.6867656

>I'm retiring
>You're retiring?
>Yes, retiring
>Sheriff bell slurped the residuum of his coffee and wiped his lips with his sleeve and looked at his feet and said this really is no country for old men

More like CormHack McCarthy, amirite?

>> No.6867661

Odysseus put his hand on Penelope's shoulder and chuckled, "I guess you can say this trip was a real Odyssey."

The fuck?

>> No.6867668


>> No.6867676

I thought the goal was just to find or make up any line that has the title in it? It doesn't necessarily have to be an ending or made up.

>> No.6867678

"All these years working in a university and this was the first time I had experimented with soft drugs. i liked it. In fact i decided then a there to become... a Stoner."

Jesus, Williams is such a hack

>> No.6867690

"Thank you for reading my book, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his Years of Pilgrimage. Please buy my next book, A Cat in a Jazz Café below an Apartment Inhabited by Boring People. Love, Haruki."

The end of this book got surprisingly meta.

>> No.6867700

""This is a disaster on biblical proportions!!!" said Noah."

Oh my God...

>> No.6867724

Why does it matter if the quote comes at the end of a section or at the end of the whole book? Especially with aphoristic works?

The technique is surely not mocked solely on where it is located in the text. I want to hear the real reason people think it's bad. The greatest German aesthetician obviously found it acceptable enough to use.

>> No.6867730

It's just a /tv/ meme. Someone made a shitpost whining about the Dark Knight ending the way it did and it became an epic meme.

>> No.6867733

"This is the end of "English in Mind, Workbook One", please proceed with workbook number two, "English in Mind, Workbook Two"".

Holy shit Cambridge how could you publish this shit?

>> No.6867736

it's corny as a technique no matter where used. As a final line, it is extremely corny, and smacks especially of a deluded amateur. can be done tastefully, but difficult to pull off.

>> No.6867745

>it's corny as a technique no matter where used
Then explain >>6867541

>> No.6867746


>"Why of course you should take what I say seriously!" Jesus replied cheerily "My word is Gospel, after all!" he added, winking


>> No.6867751

Ignore everyone else, you're the man. It may not have been the point of the thread, but A+

>> No.6867756

"This planet was covered in sand, much like a sand dune"

Frank really?

>> No.6867757


I think there were some IRL pre-internet memers who would attend screenings of films , and as soon as the title of the film popped up in the dialogue would stand up, applause and then leave immediately

>> No.6867759

"And thus ends the book of the new sun, Severian out."

Wow wolfe...

>> No.6867764

'"Hahahaha!! At last!! I am the lord of the ring!!" proclaimed Frodo from the top of mount doom'

Tolkien you fucking hack

>> No.6867771

So the animals had done it, the farmers had been overthrown. This was no longer any old kind of farm, no; it was now ... Animal Farm"

and /lit/ recommends this crap

>> No.6867776

"He is laughing, laughing. He says he will never leave his Blood Meridian"

goddamit it McCarthy

"Odysseus had done it . . . he had finally completed his personal Odyssey"

Homer, what a fucking joke

"Maybe the phonies were right about me. Maybe I really was the damn Catcher in the Rye"

Salinger, come on

>> No.6867779

Stop sperging out that Nietzsche did it.


>> No.6867784

>hey it's Harry, he;s here! He survived!
>yes, but i'm not alone. I;m with my godfather, Sirius Black
>Oh my mistake, its actually harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

jk rowling you charlatan

>> No.6867792
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My sides

>> No.6867794

>so how many women were killed in Santa Teresa?
>oh about 2,666

more like, Borelaño

>> No.6867795

Address my points instead of refusing to accept my neurodiversity.

>> No.6867805

>A, a, a a, aa, a? a
What possessed you, Warhol?

>> No.6867817

'"Do androids dream of electric sheep?" asked deckard. "Actually, yes" answered the android."'

Phillip K. Dick you grand architect of mischief.

>> No.6867824

neech was a corny guy. his writing was meaty, some corn goes ok in the mix. even though corn is degenerate

>> No.6867826

he was having a terrible stroke and his speech was becoming unintelligible. He collapsed to the floor and let out three last sounds: "Eeeee Eee Eeee!"

ffs Tao

>> No.6867840

No, Nietzsche has a classical taste and style.

>> No.6867852

> “And you say, ‘Just a moment, I’ve almost finished If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino.’ “


>> No.6867864

I guess I'm just new to this meme but this has been one of the funnier threads I've read on /lit/

>> No.6867885

>And there he was, Gatsby. The Great Gatsby

They should have locked you up earlier for faggotry you pulled in the book Oscar

>> No.6867893
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"I must be some kind of Hot Tub American Psycho"


>> No.6867930

Ayyy lmao

>> No.6867937

What point is there to address? Your sperging? I don't give a shit.

It's just a joke, handle it or go get dumped by your girl for Paul Ree.

>> No.6867964

"And whenever you feel depressed, or that the odds are against you and that you might never succeed in life, never forget, dear reader: you can do anything as long as you put in the effort and stay positive. For deep within you -- and me, and each and every one of us -- is The Prince, just waiting for you to let him out."

Peddle your cheesy self-help shit somewhere else, Machiavelli.

>> No.6867986

>...and in the end, having perpetrated his Crime, he received his Punishment

Dostoevsky you rusky hack

>> No.6867995

>The philsopher kings had done it! they'd ordered a perfectly just society that put rational contemplation of the forms at its heart!

>"We shall call this City... The Republic" they declared

Plato, really?

>> No.6868000

>But the coins in the treasure chest Edmond had found on the island were so numerous that as he tried to tally it all up, he kept losing count — the Count of Monte Cristo.

Jesus, Dumas.

>> No.6868037

Just some top notch literary banter, lad. Nothing more.

>> No.6868059

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.6868088
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>tfw you never had a patronizing older girl who showed a teasing interest in you during the beginning of your puberty
>tfw Haruko will never subvert the manic pixie dream girl trope by bringing you out of your melancholy before running off with galactic chad
>tfw you'll never be double heartbroken when the other cradlesnatcher you friendzoned for her realizes you wanted to ride the cunt carousel and rejects you as a substitute for your older brother

Don't mind me, just shitposting my off-topic, regressive manchild fantasies on the literature board.

>> No.6868089

"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight club."

Are you fucking serious chuck?

>> No.6868099

>Odysseus and Penelope then launched into the air, and as their hands came together in raucous shared applause, time froze around them.

>> No.6868104

>That's it.

Aaaaand I'm swearing off Stephen King.

>> No.6868113

i know that feel man

>> No.6868116


Read rule 2 to check whether yes, in fact, Chuck is serious (he is) :^)

>> No.6868124

>At last I couldn't decide if I had become Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.
Melville? More like smell'svile

>> No.6868126

The Upright Citizens Brigade did it better:

"I sure am sick of all these STAR WARS"

They then proceeded to argue about the titular character in "STAR WARS", kek

>> No.6868131

are you dividing two dependent clauses with a semicolon?

>> No.6868141

And in the end, arent we all ass goblins from Auschwitz

>> No.6868149

Saying something can be "corny" or "tasteful" without explanation isn't any more meaningful than saying things can be good or bad, depending.

Does it matter if the title was written into the story or if the title was pulled from the story afterwards?

>> No.6868153
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>And now is the blasted heath with no human soul, and painted by the colour out of space.

What a shit, Lovecraft

>> No.6868162

>I'm Sam and this is Joe, and we're in the phone book under Kavalier & Clay.

No shit, Chabon.

>> No.6868164

underrated post

>> No.6868171

>I have to end the book now, otherwise it will become a neverending story.

>> No.6868183

>Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished;
>For never was a story of more woe
>Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

What a hack...

>> No.6868186

legit use imo. Also made me laugh

>> No.6868192
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>having found no consolation, no truth, no deliverance from the woes of his squandered past, he continued on aimlessly, drifting the endless Stygian wastes, damned to forever wander In Search of Lost Time.

seriously Marcel?

>> No.6868266

>Lo. Lee. Ta.

Cornfather strikes again.

>> No.6868318

>I looked to my left and saw a fascinating sight, a Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West

>> No.6869338

Underrated toast

>> No.6869349

>...and the boy and the family would carry the flame and breathe and sleep and travel down The Road

McCarthy you hack

>> No.6869357


>> No.6869366

>I finally discovered the being was unbearably light
Nice meme Kundera

>> No.6869393

And so but infiniye jest!


>> No.6869409
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>...after the plates had been polished, the floors mopped, the shelves dusted, Stevens realized he still had The Remains of the Day to spend with his family.


>> No.6869416

>...and thus begins the next chapter
>chapter 2

this is no time for jokes, nisio!

>> No.6869455

>Hey Pilgrim, where do these cows go?
>They go to slaughterhouse number 5, Kilgore.

Fuck u, fedora.

>> No.6870149

doesn't even sound like hemmingway

>> No.6870297

topic is garbage

impolite sage

>> No.6870974


Caring this much about anonymous posts on a:

1) Manchurian silent film forum
2) Vietnamese puppet theatre review
3) Hokkaidan watercolor quarterly

...and so on, and so forth.

>> No.6870995

It's not a game, is weaponized autism.