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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 192x300, The_Game_-_Penetrating_the_Secret_Society_of_Pickup_Artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6864543 No.6864543 [Reply] [Original]

Hey lit, what are the books that most influenced your social interactions? Pic very related.

>> No.6864553

There is a special board for social outcasts, whiny losers, PUA-talk, and misogyny: >>>/soc/

>> No.6864557

Faggot confirmed

>> No.6864567
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>having social interactions

>> No.6864585

Only losers with low self esteem feel the need to validate their existence with terms like "pick up artist". Anyone who calls them self that is lame as fuck, regardless of how many girls they have sex with

>> No.6864587

>penetrating the society of pickup artists
top kek well played Strauss

>> No.6864622
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Women detected.

>> No.6864650

>PUA shit
Lol go onto /adv/ or something turbo-virgo

>> No.6864654

Being this insecure.
Not recommending a book on lit.

>> No.6864666

>he can't even use meme arrows

>> No.6864671

I have a friend who lives by this book, and the only girls he bags are uggos and sluts and girls with insanely low self esteem. The book apparently says hit on everything that walks and you're bound to get a bite sooner or later. It's lame. "Picking up girls" is not inherently hard and if you just want sex there are plenty of girls who will give it to you no strings attached. Any man who has to use picking up girls as a hobby is a former pussy who is so happy to be getting something he's got to let everyone know. The game is a book written by a con man for betas.

>> No.6864679

I agree.
They should be alpha enough to call themselves rapists, amirite?

>> No.6864703

>feminist detected
Rape isn't rape if it's done by a man you fucking sjw cuckold, go prep the fucking bull and head back to fucking reddit you sjw cuck

>> No.6864733

This sentence is missing something.

>> No.6864760

For a while now I've been meaning to explain the bro-self-help trend. Guess this thread works as well as any.

Neil Strauss makes money on the basis of his multimedia performance. Other men using the same angle to make money include Timothy Ferris and Here In My Garage. They do not, mainly, sell books. Books and video clips are marketing materials used to sell website subscriptions (for Garage and Strauss) or generate ad views for clients. The reason these men are successful is they adapted self-help to appeal to lost young men, a growing demographic.

Self-help is a type of elaborate lie used to successfully sell many books. The lie is the author's promise to teach you a solution to a very painful personal problem. ('Stop being fat,' 'Make your husband love you,' 'Become rich.') Three things make this promise very appealing to buyers. 1) Feigned expertise; the author is essentially a performer who has learned to speak convincingly, and who has learned to refer to brand names ('Dr. Oz', 'As Seen on CNN', 'Trained for years mopping up Warren Buffet's trails of quim') which their target audience has been trained to trust. 2) Accessibility; flashy, simplistic language and graphics make buyers believe they will understand and implement these solutions 3) Desperation and loneliness; most people do have private longings and don't have perfect support systems, nor the comfort to be honest about uncomfortable topics with friends. Unexpectedly hearing anecdotes and seeing images that refer to a private, personal problem is cathartic; you feel, suddenly, less alone. And, of course, you are biased; you want to believe in a fix.

The reason self-help is being applied to young men more frequently than ever before will be dealt with in a later post, I have to poo.

>> No.6865884
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>> No.6865891

you have my interest, good shitting.

>> No.6865895

time to get new friends buddy

>> No.6865969

anything on the subject of social interaction that isn't (explicitly) about picking up chicks?

>> No.6865981

Back to reddit cuck

>> No.6866271

super ejjy psychopith

>> No.6866325
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>having such crippling autism that you need a book to pick up dumb bitches

>> No.6866346

So good.

>> No.6866349

Obviously How To Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.6866364
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taught me how to love the herd

>> No.6866404
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>> No.6866442

I'm not sure you're thinking of the book in that post

>> No.6866465
File: 139 KB, 574x919, HowtoWinFriendsandInfluencePeopleCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OG

>> No.6866477
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pic related

everything is strategy

>> No.6866480

what is the essence of this book? I've always thought about picking it up, but I'm skeptical about "self help" etc

>> No.6866493

Anything other than How to Win Friends and Influence People is probably a bad book. Maybe less so ones about business and sales, but definitely anything about women. Disregard those.

>> No.6866516

trying to master the universe bro?

>> No.6866535

As another poster, it's really the only good self-help book.

Most do a "VISUALIZE VICTORY AND YOU WILL SUCCEED LIKE THESE TWELVE EXAMPLES". This book is all about human interaction.

What I remember most about the book is little stuff, but sum total? Be friendly. Consider the other person's perspective, and assume their scenario,and you will succeed in every scenario.

This guy wrote summary and bullet points if you really don't want to actually read the book, but I promise you it's worth it.

Some goldies if you don't even want to open the link:
>The next time you want to persuade someone to do something, before you speak, pause and ask, "How can I make him want to do it?" Get the other man's point of view and see things from his angle as well as from his own.
>dramatize your ideas.
>make people feel important
>let the other person talk more.

Being a nice guy pays off. No matter what position you're in. When you train a dog, the dog listens to you and does what you want it to do if you reward it, not if you punish it. Not only does it work to your benefit, but it's healthier for your relationships and moral health than most self-help books. It's not about achieving a goal (even those pickup books are about getting laid), it's about getting people to like you.

>> No.6866544
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Taught me not to pursue shitty people and lead a life that is self-fulfilling. Also, to never befriend a Jew.

>> No.6866585
File: 19 KB, 242x354, How-to-Analyze-People-on-Sight-by-Elsie-Lincoln-Benedict-%26-Ralph-Pain-Benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the classic

>> No.6866620

carnegie writes as if he were a friend giving out advice

>> No.6867284


Well normally it is pretty stupid to let yourself get influenced by books in this way, but Azazels protagonist really clicked with me and I could identify with him. He enforced my own attitude which we had in common, although he could objectively be described as a bad person just as me.

>> No.6867288

if you are not socially retarded, simply watching people is everything

>> No.6867308

Meditations (how to act)
A river runs through it (how to feel)
Starship Troopers (how to kill aliens scum and kill gommie space bugs. Democratic franchise ain't free.)

>> No.6867348
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this one is very lucid.

>> No.6867440

So is there no such thing as a legitimate self-help book?

>> No.6867461

Models by mark Manson and more mr nice guy by Robert glover. Those are the only books you need when it comes tackling life

>> No.6867485

I was in a self help binge for the greater part of last year and the only books that actually made sense are Models by Mark Manson and How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

meme answer The prince

>> No.6868359

Yes. If you write something containing novel insight into some general facet of the human condition, you write philosophy. By necessity, philosophy will be abstract, technical, thorough, and extremely boring for any layperson.

Conversely, self-help is designed to be popular. Its popularity-accruing trick is to promise a generalizable solution for your personal problem. This is always a lie, because personal problems are unique situations.

Whatever 'shared qualities' exist between two people who fail to stick to their diets are commonsense; both those people already know, for example, that breaking a habit is tough and that keeping ice cream in the fridge probably makes it tougher.

Self-help promises secret knowledge, then collects and regurgitates banalities. The skill lies in a) sufficiently dressing-up banalities so they feel fresh and exciting and in b) identifying a vulnerable group and making empty, tempting promises to that group.

By definition, a self-help writer is a cynical huckster. If you think about it, you already know this. You've never seen a cover that made you wonder: 'is this self-help, or is it academic philosophy?'

>> No.6868392

Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.6868465

Sorry, long poo.

I was talking about the bro-self-help trend and why it's recently cropped up. Self-help has traditionally targeted women, EG housewives whose problems lie in their choice of husband and vocation; who are desperate to make things better; and who are scared of change, hence unwilling to take risks that might change their situation, hence vulnerable to self-help huckster promises ('fix your life with no risk').

Things have changes (The Game, 4-Hour Workweek, Here In My Garage, etc etc all their clones) for three reasons. 1) Internet anonymity fixes the 'male vulnerability' problem 2) Silicon valley has spread the myth of 'autodidact wealth' 3) More young men have low self-esteem and poor prospects than in recent history.

They're pretty self-explanatory. 1) Guys are traditionally too ashamed of romantic or career failure to let themselves pick up a book about it. Unlike women, they don't discuss shame with close friends. Internet message boards fixed this problem and gave self-help authors 'beacon' marketing tools.

2) Guys are more willing to try 'studying their way out' of failures because of silicon valley. We're living in the era of start-up billionaires; basement-dwellers who teach themselves code are cultural icons. There's no shame in setting up spreadsheets to track your every move; that's not geekery, it's probably what Elon Musk does in his spare time.

3) There's just more opportunity for this stuff based on the fact that (for career self-help) reliable corporate jobs and disappearing leaving more guys under-employed and ashamed, and on the fact that secular-liberal-corporate ideology has obliterated courtship, leaving the majority of guys confused and adrift.

>> No.6868478

>games people play
like reading the rule-book for human interactions

highly recommended for autismos who don't 'get' things like small talk.

>> No.6868666

This sounds dope

>> No.6868792
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what does lit think of the 48 laws of power?

>> No.6868856
File: 41 KB, 345x500, gracian-worldly-wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good companion to this one and contains everything you need to know to master social affairs, delivered in concise language.

>> No.6869000
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>> No.6869007

is basically
repackaged for insecure wannabe cigarchewers.

>> No.6869078
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>> No.6869141
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>> No.6869147
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>> No.6869154

Seems like the central point of this book is "don't be a self-centered asshole".

Which is a good advice, but come on.