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/lit/ - Literature

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6863610 No.6863610 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me, 22 Male
>Having a drink at local pub
>Encounter a stranger
>Conversation is going great, talk about our favorite authors
>I voice my favorite is Steinbeck
>Person nods and says they love John Greene
>What do?

>> No.6863879


Get off your fucking pedestal and talk with him like a civilised grown-up.

>> No.6863881

>civilised grown up
>reads john greene

>> No.6863896

Don't act like an elitist cunt.

>> No.6863903


LIKE a civilised grown-up I said.

Your love for Steinbeck made me sigh and think less of you, but did I bring it up? No.

>> No.6863907

"Ah, yes, I too try to pick up high school girls."

>> No.6863925
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>want to make a qt /lit/ gf
>go to cafe and read Finnegans Wake
>in only a few minutes a qt3.14 walks up to me
>"Wow, Finnegan's Wake. Are you having any trouble-"
>Me: "Finnegans"
>"...I'm sorry?"
>"The lack of an apostrophe is very important."
>she just looks at me weird and walks away
>tfw no girl can ever stand up to my vast intellect

>> No.6863927

put your hand up your own ass and pull your head out

>> No.6863929


You can pick up grammar is speech? You're a wizard Harry.

>> No.6863933

This is the only answer.
It's not hard to spot the gap in age between posters.

>> No.6863947

You're an autist and natural selection is denying you procreation.

>> No.6863950

great bait

Steinback is a good choice for the bait

>> No.6863958

Are you serious? That greentext was obviously meant as a joke.

>> No.6863959
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You ask him what he loves about John Greene. You sit there and listen attentively, because you are a fucking human being and you share this world with other people. You humble the fuck up, lend your ears to someone, and carry on the conversation wherever it goes like an adult.

>> No.6863963


U kind kangaroo

>> No.6863978

When did Reddit show up?
Are you people really this desperate for friends that you befriend a person whose opinions on your passion are undeveloped and ignorant? Or do you just not care about books enough to be bothered when someone clearly doesn't respect literature, as when their favorite authors include John Green? If this is the case, why are you even on this board?
The appropriate thing to do is either A) be a man and tell him you're no longer interested in conversation, and thank him for his time or B) make up an excuse to not talk to him. Alternatively, if you're a desperate redditor or a faggot that doesn't care about books at all C) sit through his painfully uninformed gushing about young adult fiction.

>> No.6863988

>le epic reddit meme
Just because people aren't autistic doesn't mean they're from Reddit, pal.

>> No.6863997


>> No.6864002

>durr i put up with bullshit i don't want to hear becausr im not le autism
Fuck off retard, caring about something isn't the same thing as having autism. Back to Reddit.

>> No.6864005
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>A) be a man and tell him you're no longer interested in conversation, and thank him for his time

You don't get out much do you. Who the fuck ever does that?

>B) make up an excuse to not talk to him.
>mfw I read this, not shitting you.

>C) sit through his painfully uninformed gushing about young adult fiction.

Yeah I do just that, and then I will share how I feel about the authors and books I like, because that's what adults do kiddo. It's time for you to grow up son.

>> No.6864010

Steinbeck?! You're patronizing others?


>> No.6864011
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>> No.6864013

>continuing with the reddit shit
How old are you, son?

>> No.6864020

>strawmanning this hard
I go to parties every other weekend and have had a girlfriend for two years. I socialize plenty more than you do, Im sure. I'm not a pussified retard so no, when someone wants to talk about something that I don't care about and I don't want to be their friend, why the fuck would I continue the conversation? There's nothing either of us will get out of it by continuing, so I'll end it and save both of us time. Are you retarded?

>> No.6864022

>tfw born in the wrong generation
>tfw no one respects my superior taste

>> No.6864024

>Back to Reddit

We know we aren't reddit. We also dislike john green as a writer. However, functioning in society is important, too.

Functioning socially =\= reddit

>> No.6864027


>> No.6864037

There's absolutely zero point in sitting through a conversation that you don't want to hear and that will not end in anything other than a waste of time for both of you. Wasting people's time isn't social aptitude, it's being retarded.

>> No.6864038

>Are you retarded?

Nah, just a more humble creature than you will ever be.

>> No.6864043

Not him, but what are you doing on this board? Nobody cares that you have a girfriend or that you go to parties. Go back to whatever underage board you came from.

>> No.6864048

pick two


>> No.6864061



>> No.6864103

So steer the conversation towards something you both find interesting. I shouldn't have to teach you speds this shit. OP knows the answer he's just pandering to /lit/ so you that can all stroke his penis

>> No.6864110

I usually just make a joke about his repeating plots but that's when I'm with friends or aquantances. You just have to listen, if you dislike John Green than you can say "I'm not a big fan but I like [make up some shit]." Then talk about your favorite writer and maybe ask about other books you read or maybe suggest other books or change subjects.
I'm not the best at conversation and I'm an egotistical ass but it's really not that hard to make people like you.

>> No.6864129

You have to function with your brain, but you can harbor memes in your heart.

>> No.6864179

>at the bar at trivia night
>help a guy with a question because he was struggling out loud
>we team up
>wind up talking about literature because his "team" name was a CS Lewis quote
>both love salinger
>he loves hemingway, i've only read old man and the sea
>i love melville, he's only read bartleby
>we talk a while after trivia is over and we lost
>go home before i have the chance to make myself look like an idiot or elitist

felt good man
i am social mastermind

>> No.6864190

This is the exact same guy who complains that his intelligence alienates normal people.

Nope. You're just an asshole.

>> No.6864232


Finally someone who gets it. What the hell is going on in this thread anyway? /lit/ is usually elitist and would agree with this man. Did /lit/ change? Did reddit flood the board or is it because of summer?

Anyway, being held up by boring conversations is one of the worst sins. /lit/ needs to get back to normal

>> No.6864240

Guys! OP's favorite author is Steinbeck.. Lets make fun of that instead

>> No.6864247

You guys do realize that both approaches are perfectly acceptable, right?
If I'm feeling lonely and just want someone to talk to, I'll listen to whatever they have to say even if I'm not interested. Kinda like how I read this whole thread.
Sometimes I have higher standards, simple as that.

>> No.6864250

>I go to parties
>I have a girlfriend
She's overweight and your parties consist of three guys drinking red's apple ale while parroting memes and laughing at how stupid memes are (girlfriend also probably present because she's just "one of le guys")

Nailed it

>> No.6864257

>This is the exact same guy who complains that his intelligence alienates normal people.
I'm keking

>> No.6864265

It's more of a reaction to the recent influx of plebs masquerading as patrician by "omg john green YA lovers uhhghgh" and "how do you guys cope with with being so smart while everyone else is so stupid? I just spend time alone because misanthropic and hate dummies"

It's just eh. I welcome the get-a-fucking-life reaction that's going on. I'd rather not become a circle jerk hivemind like r9k

We've always been pretentious but in the sense that you're thinking

>> No.6864267

*not in the sense

>> No.6864272

OP detected
>/lit/ needs to get back to normal
I would bet that you heard about us on other boards and lurked for a few days, made up this greentext, and hoped for a lengthy pleb-bash. Right?

>> No.6864274

>favorite author is steinbeck
>thinks you can shit on anyone else's opinion
epic b8 my friend.

you're not wrong, the plebs need to leave

>> No.6864289

i bet u have so many frends

>> No.6864293

hahaha good god. I'd say a good 3/4ths of /lit/ is a cesspool of elitist garbage

>> No.6864304

It's not even about stroking your own dick, it's just being too much of a pussy to say that John Green shouldn't be considered the best if you read a lot.

I'm certainly not going to spend my time talking about John Green. (yes I know that is a bit ironic)

>> No.6864311

Been here for years man. And no, not OP

>> No.6864325

It's because John Green was an epic meme, but now all the memers are bored of it and are subverting it.

>> No.6864329

Snortlaugh. Or eyebrows, wait, then erupt in good hearted laughter. It's okay to poke fun at people in bars, when having polite drinking conversation. A persons preferences say little of importance about them in most cases tbh everyone knows this

>> No.6864330

>hey man
>oh hey what's up
>im mike
>you read?
>yeah I love reading. I like Steinbeck, what about yourself?
>oh I've heard he's great, I like to read and I've recently been getting into john green
>yeah I don't want to talk to you anymore. Also, just so you know, and im not too much of a pussy to tell you this,
John green isn't exactly the best for people who actually read

This is autistic. It's just a conversation. You continually attempting to validate your supposed decision to break off conversation is hilarious. You're autistic. I have absolutely no doubt. You're also probably an insecure pleb. Tell me, pleb, who do you read? Let's see if you're worthy of MY conversation

>> No.6864339

What's even worse that is that he is acting superior about his John Green meme, so he is wishing for the heady heights of June 2015.

>> No.6864343

The fact that you haven't realized that spending time on 4chan is bad as, if not worse than, smalltalk in real life means you are either still a child or an idiot. Or both.

>> No.6864364

You named your fictional John Green fan John?

>> No.6864373

anybody who disagrees with this needs to fuck off back to goodreads

>> No.6864379

last thing i read was the poetic edda

>> No.6864386

finding a good review there is ultra satisying

>> No.6864415

guess you should go back to r/books then.

>ur prob a loser irl, not cool like me

>> No.6864419

>this whole thread
And here I am still scratching my head, thingken of John Green: "literally who?"

>> No.6864421

Can we drop everything and realize how pathetic these projecting people that can't pick up a joke are?

>> No.6864427

Laughing so hard at this. Yeah. I guess, somewhere in the recesses of my brain, even I believed that the only true JG fan could be JG himself.

>> No.6864430

Oops I meant to put this one

>> No.6866016

What the fuck about John Greene is so damned repugnant to you all? It's not like he is doing anything to you or even too literature as an artform just by writing books that are crap. And for the record, I've read several of his books and they're not bad.

>> No.6866022

>What do?


>> No.6866031

>I voice my favorite is Steinbeck

turns out you're the pleb in this encounter

>> No.6866041

>John Greene
I don't see what's so bad about enjoying the writings of 17th century Rhode Island settlers.

>> No.6866043

wow you sure put the pleb in his place

>> No.6866070

xD :DDD well meme'd :P "*tips*"

>> No.6866094

>>texting a girl I've been seeing
>>under the impression she isn't totally pleb
>>try and discuss the ambiguity of the ending of Infinite Jest
>>tells me in The Fault in Our Stars the protagonist is obsessed with an ambiguous ending in a novel and it's probably a homage to Infinite Jest
>>tells me John Green is a "smart dude"

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6866100

nice memes

>> No.6866111

Got dragged to see The Fault in Our Stars with a grill

I started snickering because the two main characters start making out in the Anne Frank house and the people around them start cheering

it was so bizarre

>> No.6866126

extremely underrated post

Dankest new copypasta of the summer.

>> No.6866160

>join literature class in high school, expecting to find readers who I can look up to and learn from
>reading list is full of feminist books and shitty Australian short stories
>teacher starts bragging about how she read 1984 on the weekend and that makes her such an enlightened /lit/ nerd
Is it any better in university? After that awful experience I just started studying science.

>> No.6866163

John Green is so talented.

>> No.6866253

It depends on the university.

>> No.6866307
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>Get off your fucking pedestal and talk with him like a civilised grown-up.

This is really all you need to do. Maybe you share other interests or, MAYBE, you can acknowledge the fact that his opinion (even if he enjoys crap literature) is just as valid as yours.

Think of it this way, you start talking to the guy about literature and, because of you, he gives Steinbeck a chance, loves it, and becomes a more well-read person, as a result.

Besides, it couldn't hurt you to get some practice with taking to people. It's a good skill set to have.

>> No.6866512

What if they are making fun of the person posting the original joke by ironically pretending they are so stupid that they don't get it to make the statement "that joke is bad and there was no point in making it you idioto"?

>> No.6866564

Hey man you should try wearing t-shirts with your neat hobbies on it like finnegan's wake and epic lines from Gravity's rainbow That way you can signal super cool patricians to be friends with you. Haha no need to talk to normie losers haha. My phrase is if you have to ask don't bother talking to me, so epiiiiiic.

>> No.6866577

Yes it does.

>> No.6866687
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Respectable posters.

If you'd seriously like to hear from someone who's preferred author is John Green you are either:
A) Have incredibly low self esteem and respect for your passions, or if you actually respect John Green you are retarded
B) Have so little faith in your charisma that you would seriously want to interact with someone like that.

Also not all, but a lot of the replies are obvious samefagging, why are you trying so desperately to make it seem like you have the backing of the crowd?

>> No.6867959

Is that a metaphor?

>> No.6867993


Thank god someone on lit has nuts.

I would rather someone just tell me they hate my taste; perhaps even keep talking about what we hate.

But to sit through someone with shit taste talk about something is literally cancer experienced first hand.

>> No.6867999
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>lol dude why do you care, don't be a weirdo

>> No.6868026

>John green? That's for children, right?
>try to control your disgust/laughter.
This was the reaction I had when my 60 year old uncle suggested I read divergent.

I don't even understand the number of adults who get into these literal children's books. It's like going to a McDonald's and climbing through the plastic tunes and ball pit. Maybe you do it when you're 16 just for a laugh but there's a point where you need to grow up.

>> No.6868035
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I hope for your sake you are trying to be 'lulzy' and 'ironic.'

It must suck to have to try and impress a internet community to try and get some form of 'social capital.' But then again, people as yourself are probably better off just staying online.

>> No.6868039

If you don't like John Green you are a literal faggot.

Deal with it.

>> No.6868045

lol fuck off

>> No.6868056


>I'm a good boy who always minds my P's & Q's in real life because that's what Mom and Dad taught me.


I will continue trying to "impress people online" by telling retards IRL to fuck off when they want to talk about pleb shit.

>> No.6868686
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>> No.6869040

>Having a drink at local pub

alright two lines in and i'm already out of my frame of reference