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/lit/ - Literature

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6863435 No.6863435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be the worst board on 4chan

Shit's disgusting tbh, I thought people who were literature would be more mature than /tv/ but I guess not

>> No.6863452

As a qualified memeologist with phds in rare pepes, brb soup and pedobear I am able to congratulate you on your excellent memeing, brethren. Dankest/10.

>> No.6863459

We get a lot of shitposters from the shitty boards, what can we say?

>> No.6863472


As if Katie is the worst thing to happen on 4chan, we've had a lot worse than that, what happened there is pretty much nothing compared to the other stuff that's went on here.

>> No.6863498

That's some pretty high standards you got there, champ.

>> No.6863520

>How does it feel to be the worst board on 4chan
Are you new here? /b/ literally trolls the parents of dead children on Facebook memorial pages.

>> No.6863532

She deserved it. Who gets spooked by a faggots on the internet? She signed up for it when she plastered herself all over Youtube and Tumblr, it's part of the job. Look at all the famous Youtubers and look how much hate mail and shit that they get, a lot of it is 10x worse than hymen jokes, yet they're not going to delete their accounts because they're not sissy retards that think the entire internet is one big Tumblr reddiquette hugbox of happiness and good manners.

>> No.6863536

You're a terrible person.

>> No.6863539

Well, he isn't wrong...

>> No.6863541

You say that like it actually matters.

>> No.6863543

pure ideology, spooks, etc

>> No.6863544

/lit/ was not always like this, but this year cancerous shitposters from other boards invaded and have made their permanent residence in here.

If you notice replies now are much shorter with little to no depth, or simple non sequiturs.

/lit/ now is a board like any others, which in 4chan terms after 2008 means total shit.

>> No.6863545

/lit/ was good in 2014 and was actually a slow and casual board.

Now the whole ironic shitposting "meme" craze has swept the website, /lit/ was bound to be sucked into it sooner or later.

Also a lot of people on /lit/ don't read at all, like seriously. Many will check brief online synopses, read popular opinions on the book and then just base their own opinion on that.

Also this: >>6863459
I know a lot of the faggots from /mu/ have nestled themselves up here.

>> No.6863549

This tbh, she was an over sensitive fucking loser

Waaaaah waaah boohoo

>> No.6863553


I don't understand the mentality of somebody who enjoys shitposting the same memes over and over again. It's like having the mentality of a child.

>> No.6863566

Nobody is saying what happened to Katie wasn't absolutely disgusting, showing that subhuman mouth breathers browse every board.

That being said, /lit/ is no where near the worst board.


Honorary mentions (still bad boards but I like their senses of humor):


>> No.6863569

/lit/ wasn't even created until 2010.

>> No.6863574

It's the lowest thing that's happened on /lit/ though

>> No.6863576

What's the hate for /d/? Other than the strange fetishes, it is, by far, the nicest and civil board on 4chan.

>> No.6863589


It's the strange fetishes.

>> No.6863594

>emotionally immature person gets trolled on the internet

>People act like this isn't as common as the wind

>> No.6863598

Stop spamming this shit, its old now

>> No.6863599

I guess that could be a pretty large turn off.

>> No.6863601

Read through her tumblr, and, to me, at least, she comes off as rather self-important and wrapped in her own little world. Granted that's basically what bumbler is for, but she's hardly a wonderful person. This while thinking whoever bothered in the first place were a bunch of autists though.

>> No.6863605

>muh /lit/ used to be good but now it's really bad because [this one thing that isn't a big deal that I personally dislike]

>genuinely thinking that katie was a bad episode
it was literally like two or three "bad" posters, and a girl that was so naive that it bordered into stupidity, fuck off

>> No.6863613

It really was. I remember i used to browse this place a lot and i would constantly run out of threads and just have to wait hours until something new came.
Barely any reactionaries/ironicreactionaryshitposting, not nearly as much memes, and a decent amount of discussion, for a 4chan board and everything.

>> No.6863615

Uhh... how about the guy who murdered a woman and posted it on /b/? I'd say the ebin Katie meme is a far cry above that.

>> No.6863617

>ruining an uninitiated naivete's internet presence for literally no reason
>being emotionally immature is an adequate reason to be trolled
>the individuals performing the trolling are not responsible for their actions
>the fact that this trolling is common somehow excuses it
need I go on?

If you're going to bury this many implications in your post the better choice is not to post at all

>> No.6863631

only good post in this thread, tbh

>> No.6863648

Agreed. I remember a time when I posted a thread or somebody else would make a thread and the first response would be an hour or so later.

>> No.6864116

the worst thing about katie was all the newfags and edgy scum it brought to /lit/ who have no interest in reading and try to recreate the same unfunny forced memes again and again.

>> No.6864140

>an uninitiated naivete's internet presence

please learn english before posting here

>> No.6864142

/co/ actually reads comics and watches cartoons. It even dumps them for free. People actually discuss things without flamewars breaking out often and they are even funny sometimes.

I started checking it a week ago and I think it's a good board.

>> No.6864147

A lot of people don't read.

That makes it ok?

>> No.6864172

>he says while starting a sentence with a lowercase letter and not using punctuation.

>> No.6864195

I remember when we used to talk about books. Now it's just the same people spouting the same dumb jokes over and over, all pretending to be morons. The joke's old. The joke's ancient.

>> No.6864219

one will break the absolute rules of the system in beautiful ways after one has mastered the system. It's called style.

>> No.6864229
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>> No.6864233

tbh completely serious i would like to suck her tittes and call her mommy

>> No.6864276

>le no true scotsman meme

I've been here since 2011 and it has always been like this. Shorter replies were always prevalent. Politically incorrect opinions were always voiced, but now, after the cuckening, people here make it an obligation to reply with 'go back to /pol' or some variation of it when they read something that doesn't aligns with their worldview.

>> No.6864288

Yeah to be completely 100% honest I wish I could be transformed into one of Katie's socks

>> No.6864291

I've been here since 2012. Basically the same. Only newfags think that /lit/ was once filled with professors and scholars who constructed 6000 character responses to each eloquently posed and relevant thread.

It's really the trademark newfag complaint

>> No.6864309

And then people then think I am crazy for advocating suicide.

Oh no, but imma bully. No, I'm the fixer.

>> No.6864314

>doesn't mention /pol/


GTFO, cunt.

>> No.6864318

But /pol/ is one of the best boards.

>> No.6864322

>confirmed for newfag

/lit/ in 2012 was slow as shit and enjoyable. Most threads wouldn't be bumped for at least a day.
It was better then and the memes were damn near non-existent.

Why MODS just won't IP ban /pol/tards I will never know. There's a fucking sticky that says if you want to talk politics then go there. And still everyday some stupid fucking cunt comes here talking about Marx or Jews or some other bullshit.

/pol/ has ruined so many fucking boards.

>> No.6864470

How does it feel to be completely unable to handle the bantz?

Have you tried >>>/reddit/? It would be more suitable for underage users like yourself

>> No.6864579

this is correct. ~2012 was /lit/'s golden age