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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 224 KB, 555x800, pole vaulter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
686294 No.686294 [Reply] [Original]

Can even self-hating fag emo jerkoff /lit/ kids with Tay Sachs agree that this girl is very pretty?

>> No.686299



whats you problem anyway?

>> No.686305

she's a babe

i have a friend who looks like her

>> No.686310

just wanted to bring a ray of sunshine into your bleak little world there Poe. Now smile for me.

>> No.686312

I am somewhat concerned about her spear though. (is it a spear?)

>> No.686314

i don't go for the athletic types.

>> No.686315

Eh, looking again, I see that's it a pole vault jump stick thing.

>> No.686316

The point of this thread is...?
Yes, she's good-looking.

>> No.686325

ZOMFG! You rust re-encorced every limp-wristed-asthmatic /lit/ stereo type in the world.

>> No.686329

have you forgotten to take your pills or something along those lines?

>> No.686334

my awesome pills? No I took those this morning . . . two handfulls. That's a metaphor. I'm better at /lt/ and /sp/ than you guys. Enjoy your turtlenecks.

>> No.686343

> I'm better at /lt/ and /sp/ than you guys
> /lt/ and /sp/

No further questions, your honor.

>> No.686348
File: 73 KB, 420x296, trooooal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.686350

who dat?

>> No.686353


>> No.686370


>> No.686374

it was nothing, really.

>> No.686396

Does /lit/ ever get proper erections? Or does /lit/ kind of ejaculate while still soft every two months while quietly crying?

>> No.686421
File: 228 KB, 534x536, allison_stokke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allison Stokke

>> No.686423


Allison Stokke.

>> No.686438

thats funny, cause stokke is almost the word for stick in my language.

eh.. it's funny from my pov, that is.

>> No.686449


I'm honestly curious why you picked this, of all boards, to troll. I mean, a forum dedicated to reading books is pretty innocuous.

Why not the aspie-nerds over at /tg/ or /co/?
Why not the weeaboos of /a/ and /jp/?

We don't get riled all that easily, and really, what's so offensive to your sensibilities about books?

>> No.686460

>We don't get riled all that easily,

And yet, clearly, u mad.

>> No.686467

Well, you've got assholes calling sticks "stokkes." I hate that.

Further, /lit/ skews homosexual and Jewish.

But look, I came in here to bring a little joy to you people. That's not trolling. I'm here to save you from thinking too much.

>> No.686470

I'd rather be myself. Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.

>> No.686474


Actually, we call it 'stok'.

>> No.686476
File: 43 KB, 500x750, 2006olympia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>u mad

that meme is so niggerish...that and haters gonna hate...

>> No.686480
File: 112 KB, 583x481, 165616851963196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was my first post in this thread, actually. I'm just interested in why of all places you chose /lit/ to troll for reactions.

/lit/ gets pissier about Any Rand and LOLBIBLEFITE than any outside trolling attempts. Mostly because the other boards don't seem to notice us.

>> No.686490
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1271790850587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.686500
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 750727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, here you go. *ahem*


There. Satisfied?

>> No.686504

Mmm Allison Strokes. I bet she reads awesome books. Mmm.

>> No.686509

you're a fag she is beautiful

>> No.686511

Why would you look to satisfy said nigger. It's ok if he is not satisfied. You do not have to subject yourself. Mmm Allison Strokes Mmm.

>> No.686513

No, didn't feel sincere.

Again, I'm not a troll. I'm just trying to get you guys interested in really pretty girls and sports.

>> No.686515

Please remove jock strap from ass and sit down to read a nice book. Or gtfo.

>> No.686521

God, if only every woman were a pole-vaulter...

>> No.686524

Allison Strokes can vault my pole. Mmm Allison Strokes Mmm.

>> No.686532

Ignore that "Pakistan Truth" name line. I'm also trolling /sp/ as a Pakistani ultra-nationalist trying to prove Pakistani genetic superiority vis-a-vis the recent Amir Khan - Paulie Malinaggi fight.

I forgot to remove it.

I'm actually quite literary with my trolling. I think I belong in /lit/

>> No.686537
File: 17 KB, 495x230, dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically speaking, who would win?

^^^ I also have this troll going in /mu/

>> No.686548
File: 288 KB, 575x700, vincent-van-gogh-self-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit it with my severed ear.