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/lit/ - Literature

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6855662 No.6855662 [Reply] [Original]

Virginia Woolf thinks you are a pleb.

She attacks middlebrows as petty purveyors of highbrow cultures for their own shallow benefit. Rather than selecting books for their intrinsic value, middlebrows select and read what they are told is best. Middlebrows are concerned with how what they do makes them appear, unlike highbrows, the avant-garde men and women who act according to their indelible commitment to beauty, value, art, form, and integrity. Woolf said, "We highbrows read what we like and do what we like and praise what we like".

Their [middlebrow] value system rewards quick gains through literature already designated as 'classic' and 'great', never of their own choosing, because "to buy living art requires living taste".

The middlebrows are meretricious, which is much less demanding than authenticity.

>> No.6855677

Yeah, but did she know how to swim?

>> No.6855684

She was a very good swimmer, that's why she put stones in her pockets.

>> No.6855685

What a pretentious pleb.

>> No.6855686

>speaks of "highbrow" readers
>hates Henry James
>writes lowbrow trash like Orlando

>> No.6855687
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>> No.6855693
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>We highbrows
my fucking sides

>> No.6855702


Hahahahaha the plebs are already getting butthurt

>> No.6855708


>> No.6855728
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, fedora'dgentleman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, as a highbrow reader of indelible taste, would never stoop so low as to read anything conventional. Yes, indeed; we highbrows enjoy our books as we do our wine- as an acquired, patrician taste. Hmph! Moreover, I do declare anyone that should object to the statements heretofore written to be a gutter peasant and a commoner.

>> No.6855731


>> No.6855737

not everyone has the leisure to spend their entire lives reading. when time is limited, it makes more sense for the ordinary person to try works that have endured first

>> No.6855740


>> No.6855742

why are there no nudes of virginia woolf? or atleast good pics, its so tragic.

>> No.6855746

>Didn't appreciate Ulysses

>> No.6855747

And this places only defence is some tired memes.

>getting BTFO by some dead woman

top kek /lit/

>> No.6855749

>its so tragic.
It really isn't, she was unattractive as fuck.

>> No.6855756


You're right, maybe tumblr would be a better union for you.

>> No.6855762

>We highbrows

in other words

>oh yes, Great Other! Fuck me in my elongated head and let me swallow your cum! let me swallow the my identity! I want to be the Great Other! Oh yes Great Other, impregnate me with conformity and rape my individuality!

>> No.6855763

The tried and true redirect. Well done anon, i can see you put a lot of thought into this.

Try and contain your butthurt

>> No.6855767

But this is what /lit/ does

>i'm so patrician because i browse an internet anime board and everyone else is such a pleb

At least Woolf has some actual credibility.

/lit/ can't even read beyond meme books, with people affirming their taste before they read another.

>> No.6855770

Holy. Shit.

I never thought you plebs would get THIS mad.

Your tears are delicious ahahahahah

>> No.6855783

After years of intelligent contribution, I left /lit/ a few weeks ago due to all the Christposting and lip service to bad art like DFW's works. I come back to this.

Of course, this is goodbye for good, /lit/.

>> No.6855787

That's nice and all, but can she see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch®?

>> No.6855788


lol fuck off cunt we both know you are a shitposting swine, as seen by your post

>> No.6855815


If the end result is the same, what difference does it make?

>> No.6855860

>not reading absolutely anything and everything you can get your hands on and finding something to appreciate

>> No.6855864

/lit/ can and does read beyond meme books; see: >>6850215

>> No.6855872

Listing some well known books easily found through google or through other general means, doesn't mean /lit/ has read them.

Kind of funny you linking to a recommendation thread which ultimately proves my point.

>/lit/ i can't find works on my own (even though i have the whole internet at my fingertips) so please spoonfeed me some /lit/ approved books so i can have my taste affirmed.

>> No.6855886

>lit likes only classics


butthurt genrefag detected tbh

>> No.6855890
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Now, it is widely believed Woolf committed suicide in this manner. However, the reality is she was turned TO STONE by a supernatural force during a routine bath.

Proof: Have you ever seen the body?

That's what I thought.

She sank down, down into the current as the last bubbles of oxygen left her frozen body. Why she was condemned by fate to such a bizarre end is still disputed to this day.......

>> No.6855940

if i linked to even just a thread where people would post books that they had recently read that they had enjoyed, you would still say the exact same thing, wouldn't you, so why should i bother

>> No.6855951

Exactly. You're right. There would be no point because i had already won the argument. At least you got something correct in this thread.

>> No.6856476


>> No.6856532

yo homie pass it

>> No.6856541

>Virginia Woolf thinks you are a pleb.

Virginia Woolf's face is shaped like an old shoe.

>> No.6856544

Then why did she learn Greek to read classics? A tough process to go through--if you didn't learn beforehand about how great it is.

>> No.6856557

Maybe she had already read them in English.

I hope you realise she is not condemning people for listening to recommendations, she's criticising people for ready something just because it's called a classic

>> No.6856558


So she can decide for herself their value in their original form?

Come on anon you're smarter than this.

>> No.6856612

It's a problem, dear Virginia
They like stuff that's much more linear,
I know your teeth you will grit
But you have to admit
You may be hot but there's not
A lot of plot that you got.
Five pages about rain on a distant steeple
Is five too many for most of the British people.
They moan about Mrs. Dalloway
In such a very callow way.
Instead of your Orlando
They prefer something much more blando.
They'd rather go to raves
Than have to read The Waves.
And no one's read The Years
In years and years and years.
Well, I know it's prostitution
But here is my solution:
Because the horror of being unread
Is worse than being undead;
If a Ramsay had gone to the lighthouse
To have a bit of sex,
Or if one of the younger siblings
Had had some rippling pecs
On which you used your vocabulary
And got a visit from the constabulary
And was found to be obscene and demented
And they found out what the lighthouse... represented
Well, then you would not now languish
In postmortem anguish.
And though you'd never have a prayer
Of outselling Stephanie Meyer,
Still your books would be devoured,
Delightfully deflowered;
And though never to be a milf
Woolf would become a wilf.

>> No.6856617

I read books so I can decide on their value. I read authors recommended to me because it's a lot more likely for me to find something good that way than by picking a random book off a shelf.

>> No.6856688
File: 37 KB, 384x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that, everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. V.

Aw :'(

>> No.6856810


Manly tears every time.

>> No.6856826


She is correct. If everyone reads the same thing, then there is no one to understand the rest. Every work of value must have some insight intrinsic to the particular reader. A cynic might enjoy a book about dogs. A prostitute might enjoy a pamphlet on HIV.

However if they are forced to read War and Peace instead, and to ignore all lesser media, then their particular needs are never satisfied.

"I Itch."

"A gentleman does not scratch."

"Then a gentleman itches."

>> No.6856887

Tbh if skeletal Woolf came back to life and ripped apart my bookshelves and snarled "translations? You're a fucking middle-brow pleb. Nice Pynchon, I see you bought into the meme" I would probably just take it

>> No.6856940

Me too. Does she step on my dick after she says it?

>> No.6857021

I kind of want to write this. Would it be considered a fanfic?

>> No.6857027

>you will never be in a bickering relationship with Virginia Woolf where you get into petty fights every day over laudable intellectual dealings, stew over it for awhile, and have passionate sex on a regular basis
>tfw she will never berate you as you slowly begin to see her depressive, schizophrenic side
>tfw you will never become slowly estranged from her as you begin to question whether the relationship is worth the exhaustive toiling
>tfw it will never abruptly end with her death as you wonder what you could have done differently to save her


>> No.6857107


Woolf will never berate your ignorance and pleb taste with her posh voice

>> No.6857107,1 [INTERNAL] 

>a cynic might enjoy a book about dogs

>> No.6858817

I think caring that much about taste is a sign of being what she describes as middlebrow. It's a frivolous matter, and only useful in calling someone a name that is, forgive me, not falsifiable. Trying to make people insecure is the surest sign of insecurity.

>> No.6858838


do it

>> No.6858871

I feel like she just explained her story Solid Objects.