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/lit/ - Literature

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6855375 No.6855375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

beauty and morality are just social constructs anon :^)

>> No.6855383

Not intrinsically social constructs, but interpretations of them are :^)

>> No.6855385

social constructs are just social constructs too.

>> No.6855389

No fucking shit.

>> No.6855393

Doesn't make them less important ;^)

>> No.6855398

god didnt say that in the bible

>> No.6855399

>everything I don't like is a social construct :^^^^^)
Yay America!

>> No.6855405

bro, I was turned on by my sister's friend when I was like 4 fucking years old. kept wanting to hug her. thought she was hot. And i was still pissing myself in retail stores. so shove that up your ass

>> No.6855409

>I need metaphysical, normative, non-spaciotemporal blops that we have no access to beyond sophistry and rhetoric to float among the furniture of the universe to validate my opinions because I'm an insecure twat who can't handle world views that differ from my own

>> No.6855419
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>Implying they aren't objective reality

>> No.6855425
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>he thinks a straw man is an argument

>> No.6855437

If you're a realist about normative notions such as beauty and morality, you literally have an ontological commitment to said blops. Values can't be spaciotemporal, otherwise they'd be under study by the natural sciences but they must be granted existence that's not mind-dependent nonetheless in order for coherent realism to take place.

>> No.6855445
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>implying the strawman doesn't objectively exist

>> No.6855446
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>if it can't be measured objectively it doesn't exist

>> No.6855458

You haven't kept up with the literature on neuroscience, have you?
>muh qualia

>> No.6855470



>> No.6855473

Society is a social construct, catch up

>> No.6855476
File: 81 KB, 274x268, Pleb-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it can be explained mechanistically it doesn't exist
>if it can't be explained mechanistically it doesn't exist

>> No.6855480

>if it can't be measured it doesn't exist

Damn nigga that's a good joke.

>> No.6855486

I'm not sure I follow. To accept normative standards of beauty is not any objective standard but a buying into the general belief of the norm. I got you way wrong I think.

>> No.6855493

Reposting from based Scholasticbro's posts

Depends what you mean by this. Since beauty is the perfection of each thing in its intelligibility, it's true that there is no "universal" standard of beauty, in the sense that everything is beautiful in its own way, precisely through its intelligibility as itself and not something else. Most things are therefore incommensurably beautiful with other things of a similar order of being.

Of course, something can be ugly in the respect that its being falls short of intelligibility in some respect- i.e., what is deformed or perverse, qua deformed or perverse, is ugly, so for each thing there is an objective standard of beauty.

There is also unqualified or supreme beauty- that is, pure intelligible being itself, the origin of all other intelligible being. This supreme beauty would be God, considered as intrinsically intelligible (at least to Himself). There is no opposite standard of supreme ugliness, however, since that is just to lack intelligible being at all.

Insofar as beauty is defined at all, one imposes some standard of beauty- whether it be the standard of popular or personal taste, there is some assumed standard there. The one I give is just more precise- it distinguishes the pleasure we take in things by the distinctive object of that pleasure, and the distinctive object of the pleasure we take in beauty is the formal quality of the thing we take pleasure in.

>> No.6855497
File: 57 KB, 484x404, M'EcumenicalCouncil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moral realism

Christposters please leave

>> No.6855504

OP here. i was being ironic. laffo if you think beauty is subjective fairy dust

>> No.6855507

This is the type of girl that would go on about how special sex is but fucks a new guy every other weekend and had been pigroasted several times

>> No.6855518
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>implying you need to be a christian to think you cant handwave natural beauty away with catlady academia jargon

>> No.6855523
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>> No.6855524

ten bucks says that chick is rich as fuck and her parents are probably lawyers or ivy league professors. there are two kinds of white people with dreads: rich kids and junkies, and that chick doesn't have that red junkie glow that white people get.

>> No.6855534

intelligibility is a buzzword

>> No.6855536
File: 58 KB, 636x674, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I draw a picture that violates the natural laws of beauty

deal with it

>> No.6855543

Truly a great meme philosopher.

>> No.6855548

I legitimately thought it's a he and never bothered to question it.

>> No.6855592

So what?

>> No.6855655

Ugliness and sin are social constructs too, you fugg ugly spunk donkey

>> No.6855673

I don't know if it's subjective or objective, but most people seem to agree on similar proportions as far as beauty goes. It's usually the golden ratio, no?

>> No.6855678

I don't know if it's subjective or objective, but most people seem to agree on similar proportions as far as appreciating art goes.

>> No.6855679
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1380697092809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden ratio
nice meme

>> No.6855690

Does "art" not fall under beauty? The golden ratio applies to faces, too.

>> No.6855699

Does it apply to literature too then? Stop trying to make a quasi objective standard.

>> No.6855714

I'm not trying to make any kind of standard, tinfoil. I'm just bringing up the fact that a lot of people seem to agree that faces/paintings/sculptures that conform to that ratio are beautiful.

>> No.6855741

Yes but what is that if not an appeal to some semblance of objectivity?

>> No.6855773

I just find it interesting. There could be an underlying reason why people tend to prefer that ratio.

>> No.6855778

I agree. Would love to find out the reason .

>> No.6855780

Hint its objective

>> No.6855794
File: 11 KB, 217x232, 1435469456123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this discussion will continue into eternity, and no one will ever be satisfied

>babby's first philosophical problem

>ages upon ages of discussion have led nowhere

>thinking it matters

>semantic masturbation, combined with a will to power, and boredom contribute to this thread

>> No.6855797

it's because of>>6855493

>> No.6855863

truly a shitposter

>> No.6855878

beauty is proper proportions ... its fibonacii go google it

morality is all internal . other wise social engineering should have yielded a society with zero crime by now built on nothing more than guilt

>> No.6855880


a set of predetermined traits that are innate based on evolution for mating. No social, natural.


Conscious beings are born with empathy.

again, natural.


>> No.6855972

My masters in philosophy from kings is utterly wasted on this post, what the fuck

>> No.6856166

Is it the new thing to slap "meme" on something as a means of discrediting it so it can be ignored?

>> No.6856235

Is that Josh Green in drag?

>> No.6856394

basically this

>> No.6856421

>b-but my Christian existentialism!

You don't have to do this with Kierkegaard, so it's redundant in his case. He's already not worth the credit he has been given.

>> No.6856514
File: 189 KB, 300x377, otto-mann_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, you did used to be a dude, right? you can tell me, I'm open minded, man.

>> No.6856549

Well the SJWs are right about this.

>> No.6856566

why do we even go on to /lit/ bro?

we should be out fucking bitches, snorting fresh blow, and riding fast motorcycles

this world is boring man, we need to live it the fuck up dude

carpe diem

>> No.6856590

This nigga is right, there is some basis of beauty and morality in human biology but it drastically changes(especially morality) if someone isn't exposed to other humans and doesn't socially develop. EX: feral children are basically wild beasts if people don't teach them.

>> No.6856674

>he thinks the only beauty there is is the beauty of the opposite sex

Omega kek

>> No.6857049

Yes, I agree, if I can sleep with you.

>> No.6857072


>> No.6857096

good for you, you're still fucking ugly

>> No.6857794


>> No.6857903
File: 36 KB, 640x406, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a plot going on, orchestrated by cultural marxists, feminists, liberals and jews, but I'd say it has a predecssors in freemasonry and rose-crutians, basically it's to deviate from the original and true ideal of beauty it starts in gothic where you have those saints portraited as skinny bitches, there has been some backlash in renaissance and baroque tho and the chicks got some more meat on them, but then modernism and Twiggy came and it all went to shit, promotion of skinny bitches to pathetic betas unable to handle a woman, castrating those betas, making them into borderline pedophiles, well gues what, I will not give in, you won't deny me my primal urges, you won't supress the blonde beast within me, Venus is what I strife for.

>> No.6857927

Take off that fucking hat, then

>> No.6859021
File: 29 KB, 380x445, 380px-COMEDDDYY_GOLLDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 best new pasta

>> No.6859077

Tfw i played so much dark souls i always think of mask of the father when i see this old greek faggot