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/lit/ - Literature

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6855157 No.6855157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw all of my friends are into shitty hobby like Netflix shit or sports
>tfw no one to talk about book
>tfw no qt literary gf

w-where should I look at ? I'm social and normal looking

>> No.6855161

Who is this boner condoner?

>> No.6855166

Who is this male organ gorgon?

>> No.6855169

just hang around the library

>> No.6855171

after i post this i will stand up and applaud the fine quality of this thread. i will clap my hands in appreciation. thank you for sharing your mind with us today, op

>> No.6855177

There are cute girls on /lit/, post your face and try and attract one.

>> No.6855190

>tfw studying literature in France
>tfw 150 student, 100 woman
>maybe like 5 hot
>banged one throughout they year, she read shit stuff
>one of them tried to hit on me but she was reading After, the book wrote with a Blackberry

Fuck me

>> No.6855194


does anyone have the sticky of all these puns? hahaha

>> No.6855198

Haunt libraries, bigger bookstores, parks and coffee shops. When you see a girl reading a book you've read or even just have heard about, go in and engage in conversation about the book. It's imperative that you first apologize for interrupting their reading time. 95% of people don't mind being interrupted reading in public so long as the interrupter tactfully acknowledges his/her impropriety. If they really wanted to focus on their book they'd be reading in private.

Source: normie(ish) that has picked up several girls this way over the years.

>> No.6855212

>criticizing people for their pleb hobbies while browsing 4chan


>> No.6855213

>bigger bookstores

Going to pick up women in a bookstore? That seems a bit much. I mean, that sounds "The library, and step on it!" tier

>> No.6855221


Who is this starlet harlot

>> No.6855223

This tbh

4chan is one of the saddest hobbies

>> No.6855224

the really big books like don quixote or the recognitions are really good at knocking girls out to drag into your van op

>> No.6855230

I can attest to this, for I have done so, too.

>> No.6855239
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>shit hobby
Get out of here you fucking gay nerd

>> No.6855244

not really. all it is is an instant crowd forum on whatever topic you choose to engage in.

>> No.6855264

see, I can never get past the reality of me talking to this woman because I want to be physically intimate with her. I feel its fucking obvious by my choice of "conversation" that I choose the girl rather than the others in the book store not because of "ooh wow what an interesting book she's reading! what an interesting person"...but because I'm hoping to initiate the back and forth game that is seduction. just an extended, somewhat innocent form. or so it seems. I just wonder in their minds if its going like, "ooh wow such conversation, such interesting" while at the same time you are admiring their leggings, or their body under that "nerdy" cardigan, etc. I just can't escape the reality of me using the bookstore as a vehicle for my ultimate animal desire.
like why not just approach and ask
"may I fuck you ms. lady? I mean, we both like books and shit right? and I ain't too bad right? c'mon, let's get coffee or whatever you girls demand and after get to the fuckin."

>> No.6855284

Still pleb as fuck.

>> No.6855285

I bet you're not studying in a prépa, in the ENS, or at gradschool level.
And of course you're not studying philosophy or ancient languages.

Step up your game, bitch.

Start by being actually interested in discussing with the girl and (secondarily) not disinterested in perhaps eventually fucking her. Note the order of priority here.

>> No.6855287 [DELETED] 


>> No.6855306

>even normal looking normal people can't get a qt literary gf

So basically I'm fucked?

>> No.6855310

ok. I guess at that point my concern would be my "style" of conversation would be subtly, subconsciously, "different" when talking to a girl I found attractive or say, another guy. If it were a guy, I could fully and authentically "just hold a discussion" wheras with the girl that "alterior motive" always lurks undeniably in the background. so in the case of "discussion" I would be attempting to be "clever" "funny" "observent" "entertaining" etc. vs the guy, who I could have the "driest" conversation with and would still be interesting. with the woman you are subtly trying to "steer" the conversation in the direction of you "getting her number" "making plans" etc. if you can fully detach yourself from that aspect, then I envy you. I just don't see it as very possible in myself

>> No.6855628


>> No.6855848

He probably means watching sports as a hobby, not practicing them.

Plato would probably hate those american fat fucks that never miss a football game, no offense to the american fat fucks out there.

>> No.6855898

I feel the same way, and would venture to say that we're not alone in that regard. rationalized it by saying that i cant rely on cleansing myself of the thought of those ulterior motives. you accept their existence, i think, as a prereq to engaging in the social world. which is to say that these social anxieties always exist for us, and are just especially tangible with girls.

solves nothing obviously. you either accept em and play the game or check out

>> No.6855911

You are the one with shitty hobbies.

No the other way around.

>> No.6856215

There's nothing wrong with flirting, friends, so long as the girl isn't way out of your league. Don't be so afraid that a casual desire for a potential lover is creepy, or you might end up doing actually creepy things. I came damned near close to stalking a girl once because I wanted to open the opportunity of conversation by being closer to her without actually admitting to myself that I wanted to talk to her because she was attractive. (I'm really glad I got over that.)

>> No.6856253

>just hang around the library
Also, bookstores. Get a job at one OP. I've met some real cool cats at mine. Just don't be creepy and obvious about it you mouthbreather.

>> No.6856263

Oh no. You're becoming self-aware.

>> No.6856264

Netflix is the shittiest hobby. It's not even a hobby in that it doesn't really engage you in any way. It's just a way to waste time when you're not jerking off or working.

>> No.6856276

Who is this willy filly?

>> No.6856323

>in army
>in a sort of waiting period where i do nothing all day
>reading a lot, more than before
>reading pale king
>everyone here either doesn't read or reads garbage
>there were a couple of guys who were interesting but they went to SF selection
>on phone tonight with mom (whence my love of reading)
>mention i'm reading tpk, we talk about dfw
shit was so refreshing

>> No.6856961

It reallu is a p great book tho tbh. I'm making my way through oblivion stories atm, mister squishy was much better than everyone on here let on

>> No.6856966

Favorite part of The Pale King so far?

>> No.6856998

>It reallu is a p great book tho tbh
This is how the average DFW fanboy speaks

>> No.6857010


>> No.6857045

I hope you aren't looking for a girl that looks like that while also reading Dostoevsky in her free time. That type of girl is constantly converting her cleavage into internet self-esteem points.

On a different note, I'm dying to date to qt nerd girl that likes exploring new music, reading, and film. Hnnngh. Dream girl.

>> No.6857048

Who is this top-heavy whore whom I adore?

>> No.6857058
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>> No.6857074
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>tfw slept with the dream qt who's hot, read good books and who's 4 year older than me
>tfw she told me she had a boyfriend the next day

>> No.6857086

>tfw sept with a bunch of hot, well read and tasteful girls in college
>tfw graduated and suddenly surrounded by plebs
Don't go to a good school. Life is suffering afterwards.

>> No.6857087


Who is this penis venus?

>> No.6857090

same tbqh

>> No.6857100


I'm surrounded by plebeians, there's like 5 weird kids who actually know their shit but they are robot-tier or /pol/-tier. I have normie friends but they read fantasy or sf and the chicks only seems to be reading the obligatory stuff, nothing else.

>> No.6857105


Who is this well endowed sow?

>> No.6857113
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Sorry man, the only way to git gud at handling women you want to sleep with is to sleep with enough women that it stops seeming like a big deal. Until then you're going to be playing against the odds by spitting weak game at girls hoping one will like you and you won't fuck it up. Strong game is born of experience and nonchalance.

>Just be yourself.

>> No.6857118

At least the real world won't require you to hide your power level in every single social interaction unless your companions are all similarly educated.

>> No.6857154


Why do I wanna see her ravaged by a black dude?

>> No.6857275

Women don't want to consent. It's true, consent and direct consent is the most terrifying thing to women. The entire point of dating and flirting and socializing to fuck a girl is simply to use your time to prime her with the idea that you are going to fuck her so that she doesn't have to think about it when it happens and that she accepts it when it does because women are adamant in not taking an active role.

This is what girls mean by don't ask, just let it happen.

Prime and fuck, really that's all there is to it.

>> No.6857277

This conversation is for non-virgins only. Please.

>> No.6857282

Okay, sorry.

>> No.6857285

What's wrong with that? I invest a great deal of time to TV series, movies, sports and books.

>> No.6857303

Wtf is wrong with supporting your local team?

>> No.6857316

nothing, sports is the most acceptable outlet for tribalism and the communal high you get from celebrating a win with fellow members of your community is a feeling of elation hard to achieve elsewhere today

as far as op's question goes, I am pretty successful at getting humanities type girls with bookish pretensions. Easiest way is to get tinder, either have a picture of yourself reading or mention it is one of your hobbies in your profile (or some other /lit/ related activity). Swipe right on all the girls who mention they like reading or have that "lit-chick" look. if you are 6/10 and above and know how to seem witty, intelligent, and fun in coversation you should be able to get dates no problem.

>> No.6857353
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just b urself bro

>> No.6857361

Netflix is a hobby?

>> No.6857389
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>> No.6857407

most TV is just a massive waste of time, don't try convincing yourself otherwise. Same goes for sports (watching) and most movies. But it's not worse than reading YA and does its' job well if all you're looking to get out of it is entertainment

>> No.6857437

All hobbies are just different ways of experiencing emotions anyway. TV show, movies and sports are all interests that I'm not forced to do in anyway, but do for my own enjoyement so why is it a waste of time?

>> No.6857805

>things are a waste of time because i don't like them
mind fucking off with your spooks?

>> No.6857976
File: 264 KB, 484x489, 1425708408227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on first date with girl from okc
>her profile talks about loving books and writing
>sit down at bar with her
>ask her what she likes to read
>"well, first off, harry potter is the big one."
>immediate urge to leave
>she continues to talk about fantasy and YA fiction
>ask her what she likes to write
>"fantasy short stories"
>can't leave yet
>really want to
>she starts talking about hillary clinton
>her fucking sister shows up
>she says her father is on his way
>say I should go
>shake her hand
>dfw surrounded by basic white bitches

>> No.6857996

>am a music student
>weightlifting is my hobby
am i plato's wet dream?

>> No.6858002

whos this nigger trigger

>> No.6858002,1 [INTERNAL] 

your so beatiful i love books and building and sport

>> No.6858002,2 [INTERNAL] 

what is your favourt sport