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/lit/ - Literature

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6854293 No.6854293 [Reply] [Original]

The Egalitarian rhetoricians are not so contradictory. to affirm, in fact, that races do not exist and, at the same time, to plead for a multiracial society makes one wonder, and what is the least one can say!

>> No.6854379


The idea is that race is only skin deep and that we should have a society where we have as many different looking people as possible. People with different worldviews that might be difficult to assimilate into mass culture, however, have to go.

>> No.6854386

Who is ever claiming race doesn't exist? That's pretty offensive to claim that and it is far from "egalitarian"

>> No.6854399
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Political Correctness has no concrete terms.
Racialism is and is not politically correct.
It all depends upon the context:
Knowing History and Mode and using non sequitur in a way in which you can get away with it even though it is completely contradictory.

When people talk, they are not being scientifically or philosophically profound.
People talk in cliches. Stop talking to people or deal with it.

>> No.6854412

>people talk in cliches
An exemplary post indeed

>> No.6854422

>that races do not exist and, at the same time, to plead for a multiracial society makes one wonder, and what is the least one can say!
It's more like that inequal access to rights on the basis of ones race is abhorrent and anti-democratic. Nobody actually pretends there are not different races, that's a strawman.

>> No.6854430

Why do people keep making these threads?

Are they aware of /pol/?

>> No.6854440

You do realise I expect this type of sarcasm every time I post here?
Continue with the incessant one liners. I can not stop you any way.

>> No.6854447


The idea "Races are social constructs" is pretty common to the social sciences. To most it means that "race does'nt exist" in the strict sense.


Because this is a literature board and the European New Right has literature for us to talk about. It's no different than someone making a thread of the Frankfurt School and their works.

>> No.6854526

Mixing everything together is going to create a unified race that looks the same and has no memory of any culture other than mass consumerism.

>> No.6854536

Race isn't skin deep, there are many differences between races and skin color is the least major one.

>> No.6854548

>The idea "Races are social constructs" is pretty common to the social sciences. To most it means that "race does'nt exist" in the strict sense
Nope, this is a standard /pol/ fallacy. Other 'social constructs' include governments, armies, and basketball. Being socially constructed =/= not existing.

>> No.6854556

But it's not a social construct in that sense either, it's a biological fact and not just skin deep.

>> No.6854563

>unified race that looks the same
Nah, recessive genes carry over and can be expressed further down the line. It's why mullatoes can have children with darker or lighter features than either parent.

Europeans are often thought of as a single race, even though they have a great diversity of hair color, eye color, skin tone, and other traits.

Basically, think mutts. You can't pin down a universal look on them.

>> No.6854568

How many races do you believe exist?

>> No.6854574



>> No.6854589

It's the most nebulous category in filogeny.

Which in on itself, is more flexible field than most realize. Nowadays, dogs and wolves are the same specie. Birds are closer to dinosaurs than lizards. Camels and Llamas can create fertile offspring, Female mules can reproduce.

It's a science that tries to "box in" the mess that is the plethora of life.

It makes sense applied to insular gene pools. So, yeah maybe groups like abos can fit neatly in the definition. But consider brazilians. Assigning a race to them is as pointless as assigning a race to a mutt.

>> No.6854601

Everyone will look vaguely brown, diversity will turn from diverse cultures to just randomly looking brown people with no clear heritage or culture.

>> No.6854612

That's just the culture of late capitalism, m8

>> No.6854618

It's easier to compare extreme differences (and then take the average person from those vastly distances areas).

They have clear differences in skull and bone structure, adaption to local climate, muscles, etc.

I don't know if there's a certain amount of races.

>> No.6854632

If you have to take averages to identify them and can't even say how many races exist, how are they a 'biological fact' and not a product of systems of classification?

>> No.6854645

Becuase it's not just random vague grouping, but based on peoples geographical location and ancestry within it.

>> No.6854684

Ah, right. So are the Angles a race, then?

>> No.6854699

Define the Angles

>> No.6854705

So, you are saying it's a vague grouping?

>> No.6854706


>> No.6854727
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Stop talking only about politics or race, that belongs to /pol/.

Talk about books.

Pic related should be compulsory reading for any of you jackasses.
Your pseudo-reactionnary attitude will lead to nothing if you only read the stuff that's on your iron-pill chart.

>> No.6854729

I understand the point you're trying to make with your snarky attitude.

Neither of us is well learned on biology or anthropology, but it's pretty clear people who live in one place for many generations have common traits with others in those areas, that are vastly different from common traits in another. This isn't immediately transferable in a matter of a few generations.

Whether you want to call it race or not doesn't change a thing, it's just play with semantics.

>> No.6854730


But race as what people traditionally thought of it as, a biological fact, is not real on this viewpoint. Which is why I said in the strict sense. There is no race outside of the subjectivity of the group that says that race exists, that is what they are going for.

Exactly, all identity markers ontologically prior to involvement to the state, the market, and involvement in mass society, are the enemy of bourgois leftist social engineering. Things like sex, race, ethnicity and religion are all points of resistance to mass culture. They use fantasies about "oppression" in order to homogenize people and cut them off from these ontologically prior identity points.

I know that, I was explaining what the bourgeois ideology claims.

Anyone curious about the reality of race should look up A.W.F Edwards paper on the subject, he proves that race is a valid taxonomic distinction.

>> No.6854759

This book is non-fiction

>> No.6854769

I wasn't actually the one who mentioned anglos. I just thought it was a quick quip that score me 4chin points.

>> No.6854784

link to papers

>> No.6854809

>but it's pretty clear people who live in one place for many generations have common traits with others in those areas
No doubt. The traits are real, because DNA is real. But race is an extrapolation from a whole load of different traits, some of which are common between members of races, some of which are common across races, some of which can be common to groups smaller than races. Which is why I'm saying races are a product of systems of classification. They're not a 'biological fact' on the level of, say, 'I have a nose'.

>Whether you want to call it race or not doesn't change a thing, it's just play with semantics
Nah. 'Races' are a limited number of huge human populations. If I identify (say) two thousand smaller, more local groups of people on genetic grounds, would you say the difference is semantic?

>> No.6854836

>The idea "Races are social constructs" is pretty common to the social sciences. To most it means that "race does'nt exist" in the strict sense.
Race is a social construct, but it isn't exclusively a social construct. I don't really think anyone who is being intellectually honest can read that conclusion.

>> No.6855426




As someone who spent 3 years in a Sociology program, they certainly can. I agree that there are social factors involved in some of how race is classified. But there are real biological distinctions between different populations, that leads to a difference in outcomes and creates a genuine inequality. Nordic people and Somalians are very explicitly biologically distinct on a level that is far than cosmetic or merely social, and it cannot be "fixed" by some social programs.

>> No.6857307

Don't get it, this book doesn't say anything against iron pill shit?