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/lit/ - Literature

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6853436 No.6853436 [Reply] [Original]

Literary Cringe Thread

this is all I have so share your shit, anons

OC btw

>> No.6853440

Be the better man and stop caring about that shit lad, people who use the word pleb are pretty awful

>> No.6853441

OP logic:
>sees a girl reading
>tfw no literary gf

which can probably be boiled down to even this:
>sees a girl
>tfw no gf

>> No.6853445
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>> No.6853446

/lit/ is all you need for cringe.

>> No.6853450

No silly anon, it's cringe because GOT sucks and Frankenstein sucks, so her choice is a foolish one either way HAHA

>> No.6853454

>Frankenstein sucks
get a load of this fuckhead everybody

>> No.6853461

Nigga, when it comes down to it Frankenstein is two assholes arguing over who has it worse in life. It's a big whine fest, it's worse than fucking /r9k/. It has some good ideas, obviously, but the writing is just so fucking shitty. They both sound autistic even for the time period and they just go on and on about how much they suffer. Fuck Mary Shelley.

>> No.6853463


>To kill a mocking bird

>not YA

haahahahhaahahahah i read it in freshman year i think, or junior high, what a joke. FAGGOT


>> No.6853465
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>> No.6853468

Fellow WVian here, I know that girl. Don't be a dick.

>> No.6853477

I like her well enough, haven't seen her since HS though. I just thought the post was funny. You'd have laughed if I blurred the name

D-did you go to Woodrow?

>> No.6853497

I spend too much time here. I can't tell if these are poor taste or post-ironic meta-memeing.

>> No.6853499

No lol I went to Capital, in Charleston. I went to church camp with her.

>> No.6853506

Kek well that's good, I don't have to try and figure out which of my classmates posts here

>> No.6853526


You're underestimating how plebby people can be.

>> No.6853530

>tfw no church camp literary qtgf

>> No.6853537

Frankenstein reads like it was written by a prepubescent child who thinks he/she is the lord of darkness. "I created this monster that is so ugly that no one will accept him, and now he wants revenge." Shit fucking sucks.

>> No.6853540


>tfw will never debate theology with christian qt gf who agrees with all of your points yet still debates for the thrill of it.

>> No.6853547
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I have a mutual friend with this chick lol

>> No.6853554

This is bait

>> No.6853556
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>using social media

>> No.6853564

Eh, that's not really cringe at all. I may have blinked at the awful GoT cover, but that's the most I can do.

This is more like it. 7/10 above average cringe.

>> No.6853565

>having a Facebook
>having friended everyone you meet to raise your friend number

>> No.6853572
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>hating on Frankenstein
This thread is pretty cringe.

>> No.6853580

I think it's time you stop with the memeing, friend, it's causing brain damage already.

>> No.6853581

Fresh OC (this happened today)
>talking to a friend
>see charity shop
>go in to look at books
>friend asks how much I read
>oh, every day
>how many books do you have?
>I only have 10
>are they good?
>they're all Warhammer

>> No.6853582

That's not how Facebook works you neet autist, that's not even his friend's list. It's the girl's.

>> No.6853583

I actually have a friend who has this exact opinion of Frankenstein. He says it's super angsty and whiny and becomes annoying. .

>> No.6853590
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>> No.6853593


>tfw i love warhammer

can't stop me even if you tried.

>> No.6853604

I see the meme of /lit/ being the elitistic cunt board isn't just a meme :^)

>> No.6853606

Nah man, Mary shelley's just a bad writer.

>> No.6853614

Which is funny, since, well, he seems to be the whiny guy here.

Though I do admit Frankenstein comes off as edgy (after you've been through two centuries of edginess that stemmed from it)

>> No.6853624

Gotrek and Felix nigga.

I'mma shout it from the rooftops.

Patricians beware, you're in for a scare.

>> No.6853628

I see how someone could feel that way, honestly. Victor Frankenstein in particular is very prone to go on long rants about his suffering, but never really do anything about it. I found it entertaining, though.

>> No.6853629

Fuck off, elitism is good.
I'd rather hang out with a piece of shit person with perfect taste than a well-mannered and uncultered one.

>> No.6853642

I'll be honest? I've never actually read it. I own it, it's sitting on my shelf now.


>> No.6853687

People that define their taste by their need to have their taste perceived as good are insufferable.

Their opinions are the same as every one's that impelled them to read these works.

This way, elitism leads to artistic sterility.

>> No.6853763

You probably don't hang out with many people anyway.

>> No.6853775

This whole thread is making me cringe.

A bunch of beta neckbeards acting pretentious because they read obscure hipster books.

Fucking 10/10 pathetic.

>> No.6853791

I like the Warhammer books

Stay mad

>> No.6853792
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>Frankenstein sucks

Fuck off pleb

>> No.6853796

>caring about what others read

>> No.6853799

>meta-cringe thread in which OP's opinions on what's cringeworthy turn out to be the most cringeworthy thing
Hmmmm, well played.

>> No.6853800


>> No.6853803

...how the hell would you know? You obviously are a fucking faggot with no friends.

I'm so fucking tired of you shut in
>muh chemical disorder

cunts attempting to speak on the world just because you read shit-tier books.

Find a trigger and pull it, cunt.

>> No.6853817

You've got that screwed, you're thinking of /mu/. /lit/'s taste is surface level as fuck.

>> No.6853824

I don't see what's wrong, some people just don't read.

>> No.6853828

>I spend my days doing many fun activities, like debating Theology with the elderly pastors at my local church.

>> No.6853835

/mu/ has the shittiest taste of any board except the pedo's who like children cartoons and mlp.

>> No.6853837

I wish I had a gf who loved fantasy literature :(

>> No.6853841


Davis Aurini is 100% definitely being sincere, dude is a complete... he's like if a fedora were a human, honestly. Frames all his videos so a (fake) human skull is in the background of the shot, smokes and drinks whisky to seem "manly" etc.... Dude is wild.

>> No.6853846


this tbh


>implying you have any friends
>implying anyone would want to hang out with someone as smug and full of themselves as you
>implying people in the real world care about your preference in lit

>> No.6853860


>using /r9k/ and "autistic sounding" to describe literature

i know who the pleb is and its not the girl reading franko..

>> No.6853861
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>Frankenstein sucks
>I swear I have read A Frolic of His Own, guys, I swear.
>Fritz Lang is out-dated, I watch Tarantino exclusively
>Did you guys hear the new Tame Impala album? It's actually pretty good.

>> No.6853866

Reminder that most socially successful people mostly read genre fiction, with some classics from last century. Which basically means nobody gives a shit that you read the complete works of some obscure Christian philosopher from the 16th century.

>> No.6853894


>talks about books without even having read them
>shitty person crying because >tfw no patrish friends
>shit taste
>constantly looking for validation

average /lit/ user i guess


well put




i've been browsing both boards for like four or five years now and I disagree.

the average /mu/tant has shitty taste and just parrots the same shit endlessly

however, there are a few posters with exceptional taste and people are generally looking to out-do the next guy when it comes to finding new stuff

the average /lit/ user has surface level, but decent taste.

however, practically nobody reads anything outside of the /lit/ canon. compare the amount of charts /mu/ made on microgenres with the amount /lit/ has. there's like five people on this board that actually read chinese, japanese, african or latin-american literature outside of the two authors that are mentioned everywhere, it's pathetic.

/mu/ on the other hand encourages elitism and a broad span of taste, if you don't appreciate every single genre you're instantly marked a pleb. all /lit/ reads is western canon and a few russians. that's it.

>> No.6853895

elitism =/= cultural gregarism

>> No.6853924

OMG who cares OP

>> No.6853964

You know what? You're right. Why don't we try to help people get into good literature instead of just scoffing?

>> No.6854075

I don't like Tame Impala. I have not read A Frolic of His Own. I dislike Tarantino, Fritz Lang is great with a few misses later in his Hollywood career. Frankenstein fucking sucks.

>> No.6854134

No adult human being should just "not read," let alone be open with the fact.

>> No.6854591

Except I never implied that it's superficial.
I have plenty of friends
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Why would I be elitist if I had shit taste?
Yeah, and?
Looks like somebody never went to uni, there are plenty of people like me, get fucked.
As they should, the Western Canon and Russian Lit are the only good forms of literature.

>> No.6854660

>Frankenstein not good
opinion discarded

>> No.6854675

>Frankenstein sucks
You're entirely in the minority here. The only issue I had was how on the nose the monster finding paradise lost and whether in the cabin were. It is like simulation and simulacra in the matrix.

>> No.6855811
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>> No.6855858

This is a 14 year old harry potter fangirl and some 20 year old brony.

There is nothing noteworthy about this. Im not really sure what is the cringe in particular here.

>> No.6855926

Their existence I suppose.

>> No.6855929

>As they should, the Western Canon and Russian Lit are the only good forms of literature.
This is the cringe thread alright

>> No.6856060

If the second guy wasn't so pretentious he'd kind of have a point.

>> No.6856106

The only thing cringeworthy about that is she's too much of a retard to pick a book herself. But we get that here on /lit/ too.

>> No.6856190

tinder OC

>'different than other girls' girl says she likes lit in her profile
>me: so what authors/books
>her: i like bukowski, vonnegut, salinger, and fitzgerald
>me: u seem pretty intellectual for tinder. why are you here?
>her: hoping to find diamonds like me amongst the batches of coal

>> No.6856203

Victor was a retard.

Monster: Yo nigga I fucking hate you, IMMA BE AT YOUR WEDDING! Yo nigga dis a fukin foreshadowed event and you gonna be hella sad fucbooooooi

Victor: Gee, What could possibly go wrong!

>> No.6856212

>engaging non-ironically in the pleb/patrician dichotomy
>implicity stating a belief in objective value
>allowing the elitist attitude you've assimilated from a nigerian camel herding forum to alienate you and tarnish potential emotional connections with those around you

Sure smells like Kool-Aid in here

>> No.6856217

>not digging tame impala

sucks to be you dude

>> No.6856236
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>still believing negro vernacular to be humorous

>> No.6856301

Yea when I here black people talk sometimes I really have to contain my chortles. Like holy shit people really talk like that. I nearly got into a fight one time because this black dude was yelling into his phone walking in front of me. I nearly fell to the floor when I realized his phone was not even on.

I looked to the lady beside me and relayed this to her. She replied "as Shakespeare said, all the worlds a stage"

I fell in love with that woman on the spot. To just pop of a perfect little quote like that to a random stranger without hesitation, lovely.

>> No.6856336
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>I really have to contain my chortles.

That's a chortler, for sure.

>> No.6856543


>> No.6857383

I'd guess that they can't either

>> No.6857388

This thread is cancer

>> No.6857400


This meme again.

>> No.6857431

hahaha that guy. watched a few of his youtube videos in my impressionable youth days. he argues that cigarettes are good for you

>> No.6857438


Why do you even give a fuck? Let her read what she enjoys, that's what its all about.

>> No.6857494

Where's the cringe?

All I see are two good books.

If he likes fantasy then read GoT first and if he likes horror he should read Frankenstein first.

>> No.6857497
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>"Look at me, I pretend popular books are bad hahaha i'm so smart xD"

>> No.6857526

Reading a book is harder and takes much more time to read so it's understandable why it's like that. I don't get the anglocentrism though.
And also there is no point in being a hipster about reading, eastern literature has absolutely no cultural or intellectual relevance in the west and many of us read a lot of works for their cultural relevance.
And there are hundreds of novels mentioned here, I'm fine with that.
and also I don't know how to make charts

>> No.6857839

>I wholeheartedly think that John Green's "Looking for Alaska" will end up as a classic. People have started studying it at school, pretty much as soon as it came out some film company (I think it was Warner Brothers) bought the movie rights, although they did nothing with them, so they obviously thought someone was going to try and snap it up. The metaphors are brilliant, it won loads of awards and it has spoken to soooo many people, there was outrage at one point when there was a news of a cover change because soooo many people had got tattoos of the little daisy from the cover!

>> No.6857939

is that camus without her armor?

>> No.6857941

>forming bonds with plebs

hey, if you like the taste of shit, im not god to judge.

>> No.6857967

>Yea when I here

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6857977


>> No.6858072

I'm just going to assume you're one of those that refers to sex as intercourse

>> No.6858075

>get fucked.
yes and I enjoy it, you should try it sometime

>> No.6858127

Currents sucks though tbh

>> No.6858193

Good and bad are labels you ascribe to something, not an inherent property of the thing you're talking about

>> No.6858206

>1636 friends

>> No.6858210

>still stuck in the dichotomy

you're trapped and you don't even know it

>> No.6858235

Bad is an inherent property of your post.

>> No.6858247
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>> No.6858552

Fuck off

>> No.6858561

I've had sex before, and I still do
The dichotomy rings true

>> No.6858588

>Being this buttblasted about people liking books he does not

Guess what. You can read both modern literature like GoT, Harry Potter and Stephen King, and classics like Hamlet, Odyssey, Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe and Tolkien.

>> No.6858597

That happened.

>> No.6858599
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I have no idea what the fedora is supposed to mean anymore

>> No.6858601

Yeah but then you still have shit taste, and you're supporting shit books too.

>> No.6858611

>Being this much of a nostalgiafag

>> No.6858616


>> No.6858629

>Looks like somebody never went to uni

Oh I did, I just actually managed to graduate and leave. How many years are you pushing now? 10? 12? Do you even have a student ID anymore or do you just wear a backpack and a turtleneck on your way to your job in the cafeteria?

>> No.6858740

That makes no sense
Back to >>>/v/ you go
Looks like you went to some shit small one in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.6858744

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6858862

youre all faggots lol

>> No.6859100

Try Cornell.

>> No.6859107

Pleb detected
Shut-in who never noticed the people around him confirmed

>> No.6859208


Oh no. People are into different things, Call the cops. Make it stop. Oh. No.

>> No.6859219


Now that's cringe.

>> No.6859283

Your Tumblr is showing.

>> No.6859295

So is your dick.

Oh, wait, that's just your personality.

>> No.6859305

hello reddit

>> No.6859314
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this, tbh.
Someone had to say it

>> No.6859328

>Hey, Anon, I really liked this book. Maybe you should read it.
>*reads the book*
>Yeah, it wasn't that bad. Now I have the same opinion of it like the one you have in your mind. But don't tell it to me, I read the book, I already know it.

>> No.6859340

>all the plebs getting triggered by this truth
I wish /lit/ would go back to the days of verbose open hostility, hate it or not at least it kept r/books out.

>> No.6859358

Based Twilight Sparkle.
>Not that I watch MLP

>> No.6859372

itt: teenagers

>> No.6859376

I remember this guy.

>> No.6859404
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>tfw I have high-brow friends and my professors like me and my work.
We collectively loathe plebs.

How does it feel telling yourself that you just read for fun, and not falling into self-pity ?

>> No.6859426

Welcome to 4chan. Please enjoy your stay.

>> No.6859441

>loathe plebs
>posts the funny puppy may may

>> No.6860217

funny puppy c:

>> No.6860227

i suspect that post is self aware ironic cringe

i hope

i cant be spending so much time on this board with such dorks

>> No.6860310

Good point, but I can make it even shorter:

If fun is involved, then it's cringe.

>> No.6860328

>If fun is involved, then it's cringe.
Finally, someone gets it. Fun is NOT the point of literature.

>> No.6860855

sad actually

>> No.6861465

Pleb detected

>> No.6861599

Come on, OP. We all gotta start somewhere

>> No.6861616
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>Fun is NOT the point of literature

>> No.6862603

> Frankenstein sucking