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/lit/ - Literature

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6853154 No.6853154 [Reply] [Original]

What problems are you facing with getting published, anon?

Finding an agent?
Finding and editor?
Or just finding the time to finish your manuscript?

Do tell....

>> No.6853161 [DELETED] 
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Is this accurate?

>> No.6853176

Haven't begun writing tbh

>> No.6853179

Finishing something of quality. God give me so self-motivation please. I think I can write reasonably well now, but I just can't finish anything.

>> No.6853217

I just don't think the world is ready for my supreme genius yet.

>> No.6853478

I'm writing a story on Julia's exile during the reign of Augustus. I'm getting pretty fucked by historical inaccuracies.

>> No.6853489

Learning to write a good query currently. Almost there, i think.

>> No.6853521

I've got a book, I'm just scared to send it off.

I've spent years on this thing. I did manage to send off a proposal already but they just said they weren't interested and turned me down.

There was no feedback on the book itself either way but fuck it really made me nervous. I've had some veteran writers in the area look at it and they like it, but if it's shit I just want to know it's shit so I can have something to work with, you know?

I'm also curious about how they say "please tell us who else you've submitted it to" in the guidelines. I wonder how much of a factor that is?

>> No.6853695

>There was no feedback on the book itself

For one, you sound like you're really unfamiliar with the query process. Research it more, a LOT more.

a "Proposal" is called a query. It sounds like you sent the whole book off by itself, which is always a no-no. Aside from your query, you only submit whatever it is they specifically ask for you to submit (usually only a couple of pages copied and pasted into the body of an email).

For another, from the sounds of it, i bet they never read a page of the book. They probably read a few lines of your "proposal" and turned it down based off that.

It's no surprise they didn't give you feedback on the book, as like i said, they probably didn't read it. It's also not their job to give you feedback. A writer needs to be pretty self-sufficient and have all his bases covered before he submits anything.

>> No.6853713


No, I sent what they asked for. I sent an email giving them a brief outline of the book and my background, they replied back saying "send us a sample of a full synopsis + the first chapter and any other chapter".

I sent those to them, two weeks later they replied and said "thanks but we're unable to support you in this instance, and we're not going to comment on your work".

I'm totally aware that they don't have the time to give feedback. They likely get tons of submissions and don't have the time. The issue isn't with the agent, it's that even though I've gotten positive feedback already I simply don't know if there's a turnoff in the book somewhere, so I'm constantly agonizing about what to do.

It's entirely on my plate.

>> No.6853723

I wrote a couple novels back in the day and tried going through the whole query process and found it incredibly inane and frustrating.

Since then I've written mostly longform poetry and plays that will never get published in bookform anyway.

So I don't know, I'm just writing in a bubble.

>> No.6853743

>just writing in a bubble.
R E A LA R T I S T

>> No.6853755

I sent a couple of poems to an editor, but they said my works did not fit well with their editorial line. I wrote somnets, but they required "modern poetry". But if I write poems during a certain historical time, I am as modern as anyone else being published. If not, they refused my work just because of the style.

>> No.6853765


How do you define modern poetry anyway?

>> No.6853781

I do not know, but "modern poetry" means that we write about our feelings and viewings of the world. But if I am a "modern person", I will consequently write "modern poetry".
Or not? Isn't a somnet modern poetry? If I write about my feelings with rhymes, metres and archaic words, will my emotions change?

>> No.6853784


>> No.6853790

You're right of course, but you're being a bit pedantic. The editor meant modern form as you said.

>> No.6853825

Well the hard thing about being a writer is that most all the questions that get raised can only be answered by you. If can't answer them...well then you're fucked.

>> No.6853900

Well, the fact that you got to step 2 in the query process is a pretty big achievement in itself. It's a lot more than a lot of aspiring writers can say.

The query process can be painful and nerve wracking, but that's kind of the life of a writer. Imagine if your book did get published, imagine what most of /lit/ would say about it. Imagine what critics would say about it. People might violently hate it, write horrible reviews with no basis at all. That's how it goes, it makes the query process seem like kid's play.

Most writers will tell you about how many times they were rejected with their first novel. Most get rejected dozens of times, it's no big deal. You're obviously onto something if you even got an agent to look at it. But you just have to keep trying. Maybe there's nothing really wrong with it, but it was something that particular agent doesn't like to handle, or they had 20 manuscripts like that on the shelf that they couldn't sell, or whatever. There can hundreds of reasons why an agent won't choose your stuff that doesn't involve your work being good or not.

>> No.6855774

Yeah, which is why it's a pretty awkward, listless position. I'm doing my best to deal with it but it's very draining.

>but it was something that particular agent doesn't like to handle,

That was actually my first thought as they didn't seem to have many similar books on their site (only about three), so I figured it might have been a poor experience with them.

You're right though that I should be happy they at least looked at it.

I'll keep trying. I just hope that I can figure out if there is anything I can do with the book before I run out of agents in my country. Thanks.

>> No.6856805


Why not try modern-form?

>> No.6856830

Finding an agent off querying is next to impossible - yes, it happens, but it's rare. That said, if your novel is complete, edited and clean, you should have both a query and a pitch.

The problem for most people on this board (me included) is that going to writers conferences, meeting agents, editors, reps of small houses etc is the most effective way to get your work read and get representation for it, yet if you're dwelling on this board chances are you're introverted and will come off like a flaming weirdo in such a situation.

The best thing you can do is read the agents' edition of Writer's Market, find the newest agents and follow them on Twitter - it's the fastest, most accurate way to find out who's looking for what.

>> No.6857848


>The best thing you can do is read the agents' edition of Writer's Market, find the newest agents and follow them on Twitter - it's the fastest, most accurate way to find out who's looking for what.

How many people do that?

>> No.6857868

Is op still here?

>> No.6857922

writing the book

im too much of a perfectionist to ever put down a single word, unfortunately. or maybe the correct term is autistic.

>> No.6857929


You know it's not set in stone after you write it, you're supposed to keep coming back and adjusting it.

>> No.6857938

yeah, i know, but i fear i would be infinitely editing it.

>> No.6857971


Well it's better than doing nothing all day, anon.

>> No.6858143


>> No.6858147

Hey gas-kun

>> No.6858164
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>> No.6858203

What is your job? Do you enjoy it?

>> No.6858219

I pump gas at a truckstop full-time, and on weekends I sell liquor at a local Liquor Barn. I don't enjoy it, it sucks. You meet some interesting people working here though.

>> No.6858253

Thanks for getting that one, guy. I was driving.

>> No.6858274

Where were you driving?

>> No.6858277

Blue sky parkway in Athens ky

>> No.6858287

Why were you driving there?

Where are you going?

>> No.6858325

Seriously are you the same anon who posts writing-centric threads with pictures of some shitty gas-station? This is bugging the piss out of me.

And my biggest obstacle is that no one wants to publish a short-story collection from an unpublished author who isn't post-colonial or a newly-liberated wife.

>> No.6858336

Calm down, /lit/ is shit. He's an interesting dude.

>> No.6858343


Why not write under a pseudonym as a liberated wife then?

>> No.6858363
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Service call. My older coworker who has Hutchins or Hutchinson's is having a fit so I'm here to help get a truck up and running. His compressor shit out so I came with mine

>> No.6858377


I'm not complaining: I really like these threads.


Well I'd have to rewrite most of my material, since I don't have any female protagonists; scrap the 3 or 4 stories set in Asia, unless I want to go all out and pretend to be Asian while I'm at it; and insert at least 2 stories about a lady leaving her husband but like she's really uncertain about it. Not to mention how much of a dickpain this would be as far as correspondence and legal shit is concerned.

But I have considered this. Would sooner pretend to be a university-educated Filipino male.

>> No.6858391


>unless I want to go all out and pretend to be Asian while I'm at it

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.6858441

More pics please

>> No.6858486
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Studs are being difficult and a vital tool has gone missing. We may be fucked and the boss is calling to see what's taking so long

>> No.6858489
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>> No.6858493


This sounds interesting, Anon, would love to flip through it as a history major. <3

>> No.6858495

What's the vital tool?

Also dem dirty fingers hhnnngggh

>> No.6858500
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Something called a "pork chop" fuck ass. I hav to run back to the shop to get one

>> No.6858502

My problem is that for the longest time my writing was honestly fairly shit.

Or, not shit, because people did enjoy it, but I underwent a substantial transformation as a writer over the last year. My writing style has changed, I feel my treatment of my subjects has deepened, and generally I think I'm a far better writer than I was a year ago. As a consequence of this, I have much less material of good quality (by my own estimation) than I used to.

Beyond that, I don't know. Maybe I'm having the same problem as this guy >>6858325 . I'm a white man, and maybe nobody wants to publish white men any more. I like to think that's not true, though.

>> No.6858515


You married OP?

please say no ;_;

>> No.6858517
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I could make quick stop

>> No.6858521

Why would anyone want to visit a sex club with the word "rhino" in the name? Rhinos are among the least sexy animals.

>> No.6858522



Are they even open this early?

>> No.6858526

Because they have horns, and because the Chinese kill them and take their horns to make organic viagra

>> No.6858545


you've got a job to do auto-bro. and the alcohol's mad overpriced at those dives.

>> No.6858547
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Dammit closed.

>> No.6858551

>sideways pic


>> No.6858554


this doesn't work, if anyone's curious.

>> No.6858557

It does actually.

>> No.6858563


it's ruling class chinese nonsense. just like the mushrooms that are supposed to grant eternal life.

>> No.6858565

>he doesn't eat Lingzhi erryday

More fool you, bro.

>> No.6858566
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Pork chop get.

>> No.6858570

Reported for lewd posting

>> No.6858573
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>> No.6858576

Those old 80s/90s Mercs are great. I used to not think so, but the older I get the more I appreciate them.

>> No.6858583

More pics

>> No.6858584
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What's your guys outlook on self-publishing to e-readers? I don't use an e-reader but it seems like a pretty good way of getting my novella out there.

>> No.6858596

Self-publishing is pathetic. Avoid at all costs. You will only do well if you're writing pleb-tier genre trash.

>> No.6858600
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>> No.6858618

I am writing pretty pleb-tier shit, if I'm honest with you.

>> No.6858626


what're you driving auto-bro?

>> No.6858641


Thing is right, you've gotta do all the legwork yourself. Advertising, social media, etc etc

and there's no guarantee of success, obviously.

>> No.6858642

Well then go ahead, but try and build a small fan audience first. They'll do your advertising for you.

>> No.6858646
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Service truck

>> No.6858659
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Is this your route OP?

>> No.6858681
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Victory! Tire is on!

250 Gold

300 XP!

Gas Kun learns heavy tire repair!

>> No.6858684

Holy shit stop biting your nails.

>> No.6858691

Why aren't you helping the elderly man :(

>> No.6858701

He's just getting the Jack. Work is done

>> No.6858746

Post more pics please

>> No.6858752

>those nails

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6858820
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The "office"

>> No.6858829
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Lunch/writing time

>> No.6858832

Historical inaccuracy? That's what makes literature.

>> No.6858845


You can self-publish but why bother? If you don't care if anyone reads it then why not just continue with conventional means? There are lots of competitions for unpublished novellas (but no publisher will touch it), why not just focus on them and creating other work that has a chance of being published?

>> No.6858860


>those license plates

would you tell us if you were a serial killer?

>> No.6858863


looks like an office of someone who thinks charles bukowski is their favorite author.

>> No.6858865

JOhn Williams already did that, m8

>> No.6858884

Im pretending to be a transgender to increase my chance of becoming published

>> No.6858887


Shit maybe that's a better route than the asian card

>> No.6858889

Why bother? I haven't killed since the late 90's

>> No.6858902

Try an Asian transgender with a wonky eye and rickets. That might be enough for some dopey free-spirit award or whatever it is those fags do

>> No.6858912


I'm writing a novel from a female perspective in the hopes that I can lead people to believe I'm actually female until it's a bestseller.

Then I can reveal my ruse.

>> No.6858929

(OP)What if you just went the reclusive Shirow Masamune route and didn't post pictures of yourself or allow pics to be taken at signings? That's what I'd want to do.

>> No.6859682

I have nails exactly like this

I would really appreciate that. I'll probably ask some history guys for help once I edit/flesh it out more. I could use help from you or anyone else right now though: I need to research the relationship between Julia and scribonia further so that my dialogues and attitudes between the two are somewhat historically consistent. My research this far has been basic and I could use some roman sources. Any ideas?

>> No.6860147

I've always bitten mine

>> No.6860465


That's my plan. I'm going to write under a pseudonym and never ever appear in public.

I'll die with nobody ever knowing who I am.

That way nobody will ever tell me their thoughts about my books and adjust them because I'm an aquaintance.

>> No.6861259

>What problems are you facing with getting published, anon?

everything I write is bad

>> No.6861277

all of the above

>> No.6861285

Same. I'm strangely soothed by biting my nails.

>> No.6861315


You aren't writing if you aren't putting down a single word. You're daydreaming.

>> No.6861324


White men being unpublishable is a meme.

Yes, some magazines prefer women, or women of color, or people of color, or lgbtqa%%#@@!, etc., but there are thousands of literary magazines, and those of the highest caliber almost never limit themselves in that way.

>> No.6861352

I hope this is true. I want you to be right.

>> No.6861554


So have you been published?

>> No.6862444


the majority of writers being published are white men. of course no one really cares about what they have to say anymore so they don't exactly get trumpeted.

>> No.6862932

Nice trips. "Yeah let me get that novel written by a black transgendered jew everyone is talking about."
-no one

>> No.6862937

Is OP still here?

>> No.6862938
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>writing non-fiction

>> No.6862961

I'm wrapping up as we speak, and I expect to self-publish next week.

Only problem is what I'm going to do with all the money so the IRS doesn't fuck me in the ass.

>> No.6862975

>I'm writing a story
Yeah that's nonfiction, pretty much

>> No.6862979



>> No.6862982

Hey, I'm a writer, not an agent suck-up-to-er.
I write art, not queries.

>> No.6862989

Good for you m8, don't listen to the losers here who like living in perpetual irony.

>> No.6863003


Why not try sending it out first?

It can't hurt.

>> No.6863011

I sent out five, and then I quit.

It's a crapshoot anyway, some of the most successful books in recent history had a miserable time getting hooked up.

If it's good, it'll get noticed if you self-publish all the same, so I'd rather put my energy into promoting my book to the public than to a few scores of slushers.

>> No.6863746


>> No.6865019

I can't blame people for not wanting to do the query letter grind. There are quite a few writing/publishing related hashtags on twitter where agents post. Tons of them don't even read writing samples unless they like the query. So in other words, they're not rejecting people for having bad writing or a dumb story, they're rejecting them because their 200 or so word query isn't flashy and stylish enough, which is pretty damn irritating to think about.

>> No.6865105

Netbook writing master race reporting in. What about you OP? You always ask us and listen to us but never talk about yourself. How's your writing going?

>> No.6865314


That's true.

I wonder how many queries they get every month?

>> No.6865711
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It's coming along. I'm having to reread all my books to write chapter summaries. im editing as I go so I'm slashing a lot of bad writing and fixing stupid mistakes. On the plus side I'm finding a few gems I forgot I wrote.

>> No.6865731




>> No.6867144

Thousands upon thousands

>> No.6867726

Well, you'll never be published. For one, i've never met anyone who claims to write art that actually does. In your mind it's probably art, but not to anyone else.

For another, if you want to be a writer, you need to understand that the entire purpose of publishing is to make money. That's the reality, deal with it or go do something else.

Writing queries is kind of a test in any case. Agents know that writing a query isn't easy. If you can't challenge yourself to write one, put in the time and energy to learn how the system works, then what possible use can you be as a writer?

>> No.6867753

the thing i find funny about self-publishing is that it's significantly harder to have success in self publishing than it is to go through an actual publisher, but everyone acts like it's quick and easy. I guess if your goal is to call yourself a "published author" then maybe it's true, even though anybody who actually knows anything about publishing will just roll their eyes at you if you say you're self published.

>> No.6867862

Writing queries is marketing.

The purpose of writing queries is for publishers to see how good you are at promoting yourself, not how well you can write.

That's because publishers much prefer a shitty author who is a genius at marketing, than a good author who is reclusive and shy.
That way they have to do less marketing.

>> No.6867879


How do agents factor into this?

>> No.6867890

You're right and wrong. Yeah, it is marketing. An author has to know something about marketing anymore, that's just a reality.

Learning how to write a query is also about how well you can write also. It's sort of a test to see if you can think outside of your comfort zone, write something that you probably would never write on your own, expand your horizons, all that.

Agents absolutely do judge your writing based on how well you can write a query. If you want an analogy, somebody can be a great boxer in the gym, but the only way to tell if they are a good boxer is to put them in a boxing match, put pressure on them, get them out of their comfort zone, actually have somebody else throwing punches at them. Same thing with queries, see how well you write when they know you don't want to be writing this, with that looming rejection hanging over everything.

>> No.6867963

Just replace 'publisher' with 'agent'.

I don't know man.
Marketing is a very specific little niche of writing, and I don't see how it merits being the universally used litmus test for writers.

>> No.6867989

Well if you paid attention, you'd notice that i said it's more than marketing. A query is a simple test. One, can you follow whatever instructions and agent puts up for queries? That's sort of a test of character, a LOT of people fail that. For another an agent doesn't have the time to read every single submission, so a 1 page query is a good test to see how well you can write, especially when they know writers don't enjoy writing queries, how much work are you willing to put into this thing you hate to make it a good representation of yourself?

>> No.6867994

Again, a query is practically pure marketing. I don't see why a marketing text should be the litmus test for writers.
Marketing is basically genre fiction.

>> No.6868017

Well you're not listening then. Good luck getting published.

>> No.6868023

I'm not?

Didn't you agree that a query is above all an exercise in marketing?

>> No.6868083

No, absolutely not. I've already explained myself, re-read my posts.

>> No.6869098

You literally said "yeah, it is marketing".

>> No.6869230

Did i say "Above all it's an exercise in marketing?"

No, i didn't faggot.

I said it is marketing, yeah, but more importantly it's a good test of your writing ability.

You're not going to make it far in writing if you can't read.

>> No.6869451

OP- Maybe you two should get a room. Go fuck it out and then come back when you have less sand in your vaginas