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/lit/ - Literature

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6852502 No.6852502 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a NEET.
>Spend much free time reading.
>Feel as though if I were into videogames my friends and family would call me a bum.
>Instead, when they burst upon me in a room they see me there sitting lazily reading a book.
>Nobody says anything, because they must assume since I'm reading a book I can't be entirely retarded.
>MFW being a NEET and reading books reflects much better on myself than being a NEET and playing videogames.

Anyone else ever notice this?

>> No.6852506


>> No.6852512

Well, yea. If you're not going to do anything that's directly productive, it's better to educate yourself rather than consume media all day.

>> No.6852513

thats great that your friends and family dont think youre entirely retarded

>> No.6852518

Hitler looks p qt in that pic. Like an overgrown little boy.

>> No.6852519
File: 2.84 MB, 3336x4134, Jean-Étienne_Liotard_(Swiss_-_Maria_Frederike_van_Reede-Athlone_at_Seven_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, it is strange situation.
Books have symbolic power for most people.
I would be interested in finding some one who is not affected in the same way.

>> No.6852529

In a civilized society one should be given the option to live for very little in tiny accomodation if one chooses. The fact this option doesn't exist shows that society knows that, and is terrified by the prospect that, many people would choose to "drop out" if given the choice. I went through an edgy phase in school and then I sort of accepted things, but I have little interest any more in the real world or in the vague concept of society.

>> No.6852530

Except that I would claim that the same would hold true even if you were reading a shitty book.

>> No.6852536

>muh productivity

Why are wagecucks this boring?

Most people contribute very little, and work jobs created not out of necessity of their function but because technology hasn't yet replaced them. In my country call centers are now the largest employer, and many if not most of these places only exist to spam homeowners with unwanted calls. It's pathetic.

>> No.6852537

I think that basic income will eventually need to be implemented if our future society becomes considerably more automated, though I think that the fight for basic income will be considerably more gruesome in the U.S. than most other places.

>> No.6852540


People who compulsively play video games are as bad as anime man children.

>> No.6852545
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>Dad sees through this facade
>if you wanted to be a writer you would actually write instead of just reading, but you don't, so get a job

>> No.6852548
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>Why are wagecucks this boring?

If you gave a wagecuck 40 hours a week to himself he wouldn't know what to do with it anyways. He wouldn't create anything productive as a result, only feel bad for himself that he doesn't have a supervisor to plan out his workload for him. It's like my relatives who are in the military and yet talk down to other people looking for jobs in the private sector: Your military job isn't that impressive, since practically all of the planning is done for you—you just have to show up at a certain time and the rest of your life is taken care of. Autonomy is impressive; having every detail of your work life plotted out by someone else isn't.

>> No.6852549
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1413895779448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print off some pages from an obscure writer you know he wouldn't have read and show it to him saying it's yours

>> No.6852551

They have to delude themselves in some way or they would go insane.

>> No.6852553

If you ever get published, you're gonna thank your dad.

>> No.6852556

>callcenters the largest employer
where the fuck do you live, india

>> No.6852559

>Thanks for the advice dad! How was growing up in a time where public post-secondary education was free and the price of goods relative to average salaries was incredibly lower? Was it enjoyable being able to mortgage a house with an average income?

>> No.6852568

I have always found it difficult to understand how some one could continuously play video games over reading a comic book or watching an animated series.
The closest to having a good experience with a video game was "Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention", "Pokemon LeafGreen" or "Crisis Core", but the effort it took to attain a transcendent experience through the use of these media was excruciating and some thing I do not think I will be able to do again. Why? For one, the video game as a symbol has waned over the years and has been replaced with books. Because of this, the expectancy that a video game will provide the same experience the two aforementioned games provided is nearly impossible. Aside from that, the games themselves no longer provide me with the same experience. As far as comic books go, the action is taken care of, the experience simply unfolding itself: the fear of wasted effort is non existent. The comic itself is superior to text, considering it is text collaborating with image.
This could even be said of a video game, considering all these things could be implemented, although the problem lies with both the appreciation available to the medium and the fact that it promises so much and gives so little, leading to the following result: In practice, literature, text only, and no Danielewski mumbo jumbo will provide you with a transcendent experience.
Not film, music, comic book, video game, painting et cetera. Only Literature and possibly only fiction and poetry, not philosophy or history.

>> No.6852573

>Print off some pages from an obscure writer you know he wouldn't have read and show it to him saying it's yours
"Son that is impressive. I didn't know you spoke French."
"Say, son, why are your main characters obsessed with bondage? Is 'catamite' a French word?"

>> No.6852582

True, because literature is a very respected artform- so people just assume anything in the form of a book must be smart or profound.

I'm not even a wagecuck. As of now, I live on scholarship money.
People don't have to be productive, someone who goes to work in order to "be productive" is a fucking idiot. You go to work to get paid. If you feel okay about having your parents work for you, go ahead. I couldn't live with that.
If your country can pay you to sit at home, and you're fine with a pretty shitty life-style, also - do it by all means.

>> No.6852585

Are you aware it is possible to respond to some one in a way which is not patronising?
Most people are aware of it directly.
For me that kind of person is the worst.

>> No.6852588

kek that's my mom, just told her she doesn't understand my method

>> No.6852591

>pretty shitty lifestyle

You're mistaking wagecuckery with being a truNEET, bucko. What's non-shitty about slaving away most of your day and wasting your intelligence, energy and attention on a form of labour which only serves to make you depressed?

>> No.6852593

I agree with you on a certain level. But I trust you must acknowledge that claiming that any given man must work in order to be truly 'productive' is as silly as saying that every man who absconds from employment will necessarily create a masterpiece of independent work while sitting at home without employment.

There is definitely something to be said about the quality of employment in terms of making someone feel less nihilistic about life, but unless you're really doing some sort of work which is life affirming for you (and let us just admit that most of us are not), then it is less satisfying.

>> No.6852594

You mean, "not patronising" like "why are wagecucks so boring"?

>> No.6852598

How do you mean "facade"?
It is frankly none of his business.
Why would you need to be a writer because you read?

>> No.6852600

There is no apparent kindness to his statement.

>> No.6852603

Wagecucks are not all persons working 9-5 jobs, they're just the ones who preach that doing so is the only way to lead a valuable life.

>> No.6852606

I take a different view.
You generally do some thing which is neither fulfilling nor comfortable when working,
in general.
When you needn't work you can do this, some thing fulfilling or some thing comfortable.

>> No.6852610

Except when you're not working you're still limited in what you can do, unless you have unlimited funding.

Maybe the difference is doing something which doesn't matter for money as opposed to doing something which doesn't matter for no money.

>> No.6852616

Being a wagecuck isn't the only way to get paid. I probably wasn't clear enough.
"productivity" is bullshit. People become wagecucks for the money. And you do need money to enjoy a good quality of life without being a burden on your parents.
Obviously, there are far better ways to make money than turning into a wagecuck.

To me, at least, productivity doesn't mean anything. If you feel like you have to be productive in your life, go chase your definition of productivity. It's not a standard to judge people by. The reason most people go to work for is the money, however. The best case scanario will be working in somthing you would be doing in your free time anyways.

Also, yea, I obviously agree that wagecuckery isn't necassery in order to be a productive person, just like how being a NEET isn't the only way to truely be doing what you want.

>> No.6852619

>Maybe the difference is doing something which doesn't matter for money as opposed to doing something which doesn't matter for no money.
That sounds overly pessimistic and I refuse to absorb a world view such as that.

>> No.6852620

right, he was just a plain asshole.

>> No.6852626

>People become wagecucks for the money
Not true in the case of many if not most women, who do so because they equate wagecuckery with "liberation"

Also you can survive by alternative means. Nobody with any sense of dignity should sacrifice over 40 hours of their week (not including commuting, lunch, and preparations) for the sake of a society which (in many of 4chan users' cases at least) sees them as repulsive and undesirable.

>> No.6852631
File: 66 KB, 640x360, 494322627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you haven't progressed philosophically to the point where you realize that pessimism and reality aren't necessarily exclusive of each other?

I realize that you're probably being facetious, but you know, just in case.

>> No.6852646

>Nobody with any sense of dignity should sacrifice over 40 hours of their week (not including commuting, lunch, and preparations) for the sake of a society which (in many of 4chan users' cases at least) sees them as repulsive and undesirable.

Easy, mate.
Working isn't for society, it's for yourself, to make money.
If you meant living off social welfare, which is pretty much being taken care of by society as a whole - I'm not against it. You're not going to have alot of money, but if you're fine with it and your country allows it, go ahead.

About the women part, im not sure about "most", but I agree about "many".

>> No.6852657


Reading a shitty book still requires a different kind of attention and patience than watching anime / playing vidya.

>> No.6852664

I suppose you're right, but it might be difficult to make the argument that it's that much better for you in terms of personal education or the like.

>> No.6852667

>tfw stopped playing dota cause i couldn't get higher mmr

>started reading past 2 weeks knocked out 5 books

kek i only read cause i'm not doing anything else and i'd feel like a big fucking loser. for non readers especially when you pick up "big boy" books and read you feel more proud of yourself and your time wasting.

>> No.6852670

I'm NEET and run myself ragged responding to 4chan posters instead of writing. If 4chan didn't exist I would have less problems with turning a dime on all the free time (which isn't free because of 4chan) I have (or don't).

>> No.6852774

My mum won't shut up about how proud she is that I spend so much time reading books that aren't in my native language. All I've been reading is ASOIAF and Tolkien. Fucking plebian parents.

>> No.6852779
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>when you want to be NEET but your parents won't let you


>> No.6852780

Remember video games, especially these days, are practically Skinner boxes, steadily dishing out rewards for the player to eagerly lap up. There's a pleasure response when one's WoW character levels up or whatever and the flashing lights and pleasant jingle only reinforce the reward. A sense of achievement is gained much more easily through video games than through the other mediums you talked about and the reward activates more senses.

This may be a stretch but video games can supplement a sense of achievement if one doesn't have a source of positive reinforcement in their everyday endeavors.

>> No.6852785
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>only 1.5 year away from getting my certificate as an automatician
>set for life

>> No.6852812


you will thank her later if you don't kill yourslef

NEET i shit.

>> No.6853569

>caring about what others think of you

whats the difference? just move out to a cheap as fuck room and live frugally reading all day.

>> No.6853584

>JRPGs and MMOs
the video game equivalent of genre fiction

>> No.6853591

>being NEET
>not being a criminal
it's like you don't even want to become your own orgy of the will

>> No.6853609

That's fine in your late teens / early 20s.

Then before you know it you're no longer a cool bohemian dude working part-time as a waiter and reading / writing in his spare-time while harboring hopes of meeting a qt bookish gf. You're a 32-year-old man with barely any savings for a home, whose friends are all married and having kids and buying their first or second homes, who all have skills in their respective industries which pretty much guarantee them a good wage even if they take a year out and look for something else, meanwhile you have the skillset of a teenager and you're living in a rented room, losing your hair, passing a cute twenty-something girl along the street or seeing one in public and reminding yourself that you have zero to offer her, and that even if she is subtly communicating her desire to be approached by you it will only result in humiliation and a more intense feeling of loneliness if you do make the effort.

>> No.6853632
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>implying I had any of that to begin with
there's no way down from the center of the earth

>> No.6853633

Please elaborate, how do I become criminal?

fuck the cops!

>> No.6853638

take money unlawfully and then live on that
but you need to be smart or it's just another profession

>> No.6853708

What you seem to be missing is that some people such as myself (and, I imagine, other anons) are fine living like that for the rest of their lives. I might have nothing to offer a qt 3,14 in terms of relationship but sex-wise that is not a problem.

You seem to be missing the fact that all that you listed that one would miss out on should they live bohemian are things that are part of the living in society experience that a lot of us either despise or have no interest in being part of. It's not laziness and does not necessarily mean getting no education or skills.
And you say it like the people who work public desk jobs have any skills or anything to show for themselves beyond a model living style - house in the suburbs, married with kids, traveling once or twice a year for no reason other than to fit in the modern "i love traveling!" middle class mantra that convinces boring, brainwashed people that they're interested in different people and cultures when really, they're not, it's just the sophisticated thing to do, mere tourism.

I want to be no part of that. I can honestly stay in this shoebox apartment for the rest of my life, maybe even getting other degrees than English since college is free in my country.

>> No.6853717

Where do you live?

Also I relate to your post, I was just projecting my own fears.

>> No.6853742

anon dropping truth.

While i'm not a huge fan of the show, I think Louie does manage to portray how empty and grim can life be if you're missing direction. Even if you're not a wagecuck.

>> No.6853751

I'm >>6853742
you also make a good point, tbh.
I think what's importent is having a plan, whether you're going to be a NEET, a wagecuck, or anything in the middle, you need to decide what's going to make you happy.

>> No.6853788

tfw stuck at 4500

might as well read the iliad the the bible..

>> No.6853832

No everybody still hates me.
Uncultured swines can eat my shit.

>> No.6853850

My family (mostly my grandparents and my uncle) always used to tell me that reading would hurt my eyes and they would pressure me to put my books down and do something else instead, most often something I wasn't really interested in doing.

>> No.6853851

Not who you're replying to, but I live in Brazil and you can literally just go to a call center, ask for a job and start working the same day

>> No.6853881

Reminder that capitalism is slowly being BTFO.


>> No.6853884

as a former wagecuck and someone who knows wagecucks, it's because when you're done with your job you come home so tired you can't even enjoy things

work truly crushes your soul

>> No.6853893
File: 62 KB, 420x541, pedestal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt bookish gf
>cute twenty-something
>to offer her

Pathetic tbh.

>> No.6853896

i read books and watch top tier films all day, and my family still thinks of me as being a lazy retard. my mom even told me to stop reading and go outside and make friends.
thanks but i got all the friends i need right here ;_;

>> No.6853901

>paying out the nose for a home that you will never fully own
>having to deal with housing authorities who get on your ass for not having a shitty ornamental lawn

what a waste of money

>> No.6853928

If you're unsure that's a life you want to leave then you should consider not following it. You can always back away from a "wage slave" lifestyle, but the opposite doesn't hold true.

I live in Brazil. Not the best colleges but they get the job done and there's plenty of exchange programs if you can speak other languages. Not many people do so I have very little competition.

Pretty much. But I guess to most people it requires a lot of will to abandon a normal lifestyle, even if they know it won't make them happy.
gotta trust yoself, man

>> No.6853972
File: 803 KB, 1914x1968, 1436586974436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw an infinite amount of film, literature, textbooks, lectures, and so on are available for me for free
>tfw modern advances in chemistry have created drugs capable of causing sensual pleasures beyond mans imagination
>tfw mass information has completely destroyed history we currently perceive it
>tfw the environment is crashing and burning
>same with capitalism
>and the current world order really
>and thanks to globalism I can watch it in real time

Among the proletariat today, there's widespread apathy, drug abuse, escapism, and desperation. Among the ruling class, the kind of disconnect where they actually believe paying for tranny's medical procedures is a pressing issue. We live in a post scarcity world, driven forward by a nearly suicidal work ethic. Give me one good reason not to drop out, get a minimum wage job as a stagehand at my local opera house, and spend my free time watching Yale lectures on a big screen projector (which can be bought pretty cheaply and used to turn entire walls into an engrossing aesthetic experience).

I was eating one of those artificial flavoring packets that you mix in drinks the other day, and was enjoying the sweet strange chemical flavor that's unlike any fruit or vegetable found on earth, and I realized what Marinetti was raving about. Modern life is amazing, literally every second of it allows for sensual delights that kings a couple hundred years ago couldn't have dreamed of, there's absolutely no reason to worry about work as much as people do.

>> No.6854030


Why is the english in that graphic so shit?

>> No.6854044

So you're basically saying "become a middle class wage slave otherwise that feel when no girlfriend".

>> No.6854054

Because it's a quote from Zizek

>> No.6854072


Do people take that way of writing seriously?

>> No.6854095

tfw all reading does is alienate me from other people

>> No.6854176

you think people would act the same way if all you read was patterson?

>> No.6854215

Anyone that actually reads knows that it isn't an inherently didactic or illuminating activity, and can be as escapist as video games

>> No.6854299
File: 42 KB, 380x380, ZmtV4mUf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put down book
>maybe i should look for a gf
>make an okcupid account
>push browse
>harry potter and Netflix
>i'm a gamer
>zombies r awesome
>harry potter
>my kids come first ok Netflix 2nd lol
>lookin for a country boy that loves monster energy
>delete account
>open book again

>> No.6854315

>wish I could hang out with other neets on 4chan and read books all day long
>have to be at work in less than an hour
A truly crushing feeling

>> No.6854321

>tfw work consists of 3 hours of manual labor and 6 hours of browsing 4chan on an inferior computer

>> No.6854323

theres a qt semi-patrician gf waiting for you out there somewhere anon :3 you just have to go out regularly and love yourself unconditionally

>> No.6854327

You're trash for even going on a website of that nature.

>> No.6854332

>lookin for a country boy that loves monster energy
Aren't we all

>> No.6854336

shittily expressed but true

in 1st world maybe 10% of population "needs" to work to support the rest. all other jobs are pretty much make-work because muh service economy.

remember when you were a kid and played you're were in a spaceship or something? everyone had a little job for themselves so that they could feel they were participating but really, one person could have done them all.

also the idea that no one had to work was a big part of these future fantasies. they look pretty silly nowadays.

the idea and myth of work is too strong. before we hit this utopia of majority's leisure we go to inspectors of inspectors of inspectors and other wonders of "work is essential part of human existence"

>> No.6854337

I did that recently. Pretty disheartening.

>> No.6854342

Seriously, you need a good work ethic and combine it with your sex drive and the sky's the limit. Unless you're buttfuck ugly then you should accept your fate.
>being this upset over others having sex

>> No.6854346

You're trash.

>> No.6854357
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>> No.6854362

>have a gf in her early twenties who wants to be a doctor
>she doesn't question her direction ever
>she doesn't understand why someone would ever feel if it's all pointless
>all subtle ideas are lost on her
>realize you could never feel truly satisfied with her
>realize it's all hollow and meaningless
>hate aimless bohemian life and hate the middle class rat race wearing blinders

so why haven't you moved to a tibetian monastery yet?

>> No.6854368

Because Buddhism is a pessimistic suicidal tradition?

>> No.6854400

4chan can't make you do anything

>> No.6854410

It made me buy a dog.

>> No.6854419

>tfw no acceptably good looking 1st world german bf to pay for my plane tickets, marry me and share a bohemian system-leeching life reading books and writing absurdly long pieces about pointless 200 years old philosophy

you people overestimate how easy life as a grill is, i can get easy sex but that's about it everyone still sees me as a weirdo and want nothing to do with a person who has no desire to be part of the consumerist rat race

>> No.6854421


>> No.6854424

let's see the boobs

>> No.6854425
File: 15 KB, 222x194, Get+over+here+bro+_41a5fe1094cb602b72a478214b73ccde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, dude. I know

>> No.6854427
File: 438 KB, 604x402, Messages Image(138547266).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that NEETS contribute nothing to society, and that they should be all rounded up and sentenced to serve ten years in forced labor camps in some remote area like Northern Alaska.

>> No.6854431

life is a pessimistic death tradition so they got something right

>> No.6854435

What good is knowledge if it is never used?

>> No.6854443

the same can be said about your penis lmao

>> No.6854444

I'm an aryan bohemian but where you got the idea that bohemians have any money for someone's flights

>> No.6854449


>> No.6854450

Will that defer my student loans even if my parents cosigned on them? Am I allowed to bring books?

>> No.6854459

experienced the same thing for a few years OP. parents didn't hate me as much since i was reading all the time (as opposed to video games or whatever).

still got kicked out after awhile though

>> No.6854464

so how did it work out? did your reading enable you to take the world by storm?

>> No.6854467

is your dog cute
post a picture

>> No.6854476

Nobody here thinks women have life hard.

>> No.6854482

nice get
And I don't think that, wasn't a serious request

Can't you reading comprehension?

>> No.6854495

Are you the same anon who always asks me for my boobs and refuse to be nice? I swear I always see females posting but they don't get this redsponse it's like you can tell when it's me and always ask the same thing and act the same way

>> No.6854504

I suggest you stop gathering attention to yourself.
There are other places for this kind of thing.

>> No.6854505

just post the boob pics and shut up

>> No.6854507

>just ignoring his request
wow rude

are all women this uncivilized

>> No.6854511

do you have a boyfriend

>> No.6854513


>> No.6854518

>wasn't a serious request

be careful for what you ask, for ye might get it etc

>> No.6854521

Tits or GTFO

>> No.6854525

i like sex

>> No.6854528

What kind of thing? Shitposting? Nah man, I read too much today and now I'm bored and have an unexplainable affection for /lit/

Of course not, I'm way too distanced from normal society for anyone to want me and tbh I don't want to be with some working normalfag either

>> No.6854529

Can you expand on this please? Not arguing, just interested to see how this works

Some reading material would be nice

>> No.6854532

cool you're my girlfriend now

>> No.6854533

This thread is now off topic.
If moderation is sound, it should be deleted or at least the people posting off topic will be banned and their posts deleted.

>> No.6854535

Ah yes I'm sure someone will abduct me through the Internet

I wouldn't mind it actually, it's a genuine desire. I just don't think it's realistic or possible or a good idea to put into practice

Me too. Your point?

>> No.6854539

Be quiet.
I reported you already.
This board is for the discussion of literature.
There are other boards for acting like a degenerate.

>> No.6854540

where do you live

>> No.6854541

pretty please show your boobs, ma'am

>> No.6854543

Reading this post I concluded that We are the last man of Nietzsche philosophy. We don't have will to do something, we are just being NEET

>> No.6854546

>If moderation is sound

oh I remember when I was naive like this

>> No.6854549

I prefer to be optimistic.

>> No.6854553


>complaining about Shitposting about the literary lifestyle
>on a shit thread about the literary lifestyle

>> No.6854554

who here wants to see some titties?

>> No.6854558
File: 21 KB, 360x240, medianincomendnchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't remember where I read about this. I'd elaborate but I'm too tired

this gives you an idea

>> No.6854566

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6854575

Where from? Let's check ticket prices

>> No.6854576

How were you "shitposting about the literary lifestyle"?
Do not try and pretend you are not an attention seeking harlot.
Just leave.

>> No.6854578

what's it like having a gf with big boobs the girls i have banged have been 32b at most what do you even do with a tit

>> No.6854584

>yfw I literally imported a qt gf and we read books together now

I'm not neet though

>> No.6854587

Best for when she's on top of you that way they're not sagging in a stupid way and they look the best, so then you suck on them and touch the upper sides of her butt and it's all soft and juicy

>> No.6854598

And your friends are starting to grow a pot belly, are losing their hair, their wifes are bitchy and all joie de vivre is gone from them and you wonder where is the friend you once knew

>> No.6854610

i wouldn't change a thing

>> No.6854619

so you rationalized all that wasted time away?

>> No.6854624 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 599x480, 1437421781363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't spot a female without showering her with attention
>it's her fault
woah, rude! that's, like, victim blaming, man, and, like, sexist too

Now that's better. Here, have a cookie.

>> No.6854631

sweet i thought for sure you were gonna be fat

>> No.6854637

The reality of this is slowly closing in on me.
Either the moderator is incompetent and lazy or he is a degenerate himself.

>> No.6854646

There isn't "a" board dedicated moderator. All the moderators mod cross-boards responding to reports flagged by janitors.

>> No.6854647

nice acne

>> No.6854656

And my reports are sent to the janitors to flag,
provided it is deemed correct?
For what reason is this not occurring now?

>> No.6854658

I was banned from lit for making a nigger joke once

they react if you hit the right notes

>> No.6854663


>> No.6854667
File: 987 KB, 500x452, 1421177757106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are lying, nowhere you wouldn't have a bf with a tit like that

>> No.6854668


>> No.6854681

if you wanr this thread removed start posting futa midget porn

scorched earth tactic

>> No.6854683

now post face pics or ass pics

>> No.6854685

I suspect that if something isn't nsfw or an out-and-out troll, the moderators won't always realise what is and isn't appropriate to a given board. Say, they see a /pol/ thread on /lit/ but haven't read the brief about it and it's not porn so they allow it. Finding people who can consistently and correctly moderate the content of a website as large as this (for free) is not easy.

>> No.6854687
File: 132 KB, 640x480, Schopenquacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes fam.

>> No.6854688

There are boys with big penises being exposed to this picture right now

are you ok with that?

>> No.6854694


>whose friends are all married and having kids and buying their first or second homes, who all have skills in their respective industries which pretty much guarantee them a good wage even if they take a year out and look for something else

anon, being married and having kids is a hell

>> No.6854698

She has posted her semi naked breast.
How is that "safe for work"?
Aside from that, it is off topic.
I mean, surely either a janitor or moderator is reading what I am saying considering I have reported multiple posts in this thread and should identify that there is a problem with off topic posting.

>> No.6854703

Nice dubs
If I weren't I wouldn't have posted

>> No.6854704


keep working and being productive, i'm your boss

this board isn't for leisure time

>> No.6854710

hey it's your boyfriend hit me up on reddit girl https://www.reddit.com/user/4chanlit/
pm me

>> No.6854711


Maybe you didn't think about that particular demographic

>> No.6854713

I thought you were talking more about the moderation in general. Point still stands that moderating 4chan is a 24/7 job dealing with thousands of retards constantly breaking the rules. It can't be easy. The post will probably get removed eventually but it's rarely instantaneous.

>> No.6854717

It seems pointless, then.
Why have so many boards if the manpower to moderate them is insufficient?

>> No.6854733

This thread doesn't matter, go to another

>> No.6854738

Because people still keep coming back to them even if the moderation isn't always as good as we like.

>> No.6854742

For it to happen again?
I would think sound moderation is a prerequisite for any on topic discussion.

>> No.6854743

If you actually want to move that's a possibility, we can tell our kids we met on a lit thread where you whored yourself

>> No.6854747

Are you saying the people who run this website actively know that the quality of said website is sub par?
I just want to get that clear.

>> No.6854748

Does this really happen in every thread you visit? pls link me if so

>> No.6854763

You know, instead of screaming for mods every time shit like this happens, you should attempt to ignore it and tell others to do the same, or shame those who don't. Self moderation is not some impossible thing and shit posting wouldn't be nearly as fun if it was ignored. Hide threads you don't like and the board becomes immediately more enjoyable.

>> No.6854766

>muh morals

Fuck man I can't stop checking
And nah, I'm not that naïve

>> No.6854774

That makes no sense.
You ban off topic posters so that they do not post in threads on said board.
Ignoring it would simply allow it to occur perpetually.
You talk in cliches so please be quiet.
The only way to have on topic posting is having people banned when they do not post on topic.
It is that simple: having faith in some ethereal other way is inane.

>> No.6854781

I assume they know. Why are you asking me? I'm just a tripfag hypothesising.

>> No.6854788

I have no need to not stay optimistic.
I will continue reporting.

>> No.6854795

The posting is done for a reason, that is, people respond to it. If people didn't the threads would die off.
I bet you're a communist.

>> No.6854798

Nice dubs

Are you american? Why do you idealize germans

>> No.6854800

Yes, off topic posters respond, so you ban those posters.
The threads will only die off if those posters are banned.

>> No.6854810

Nah, I come from a far away distant land. I don't idealize Germans, it was just a random detail that I included because I'm studying German

>> No.6854823

Where? Kamchatka?

To quote a famous german artist, "you have a pussy, I have a dick, so what's the problem?"

>> No.6854825
File: 65 KB, 238x392, 3832745315_66bbeffa60_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i didnt use my reading time in my 20s to overcome all the goals and values i inherited from early education in this sick society and now can live by myself without feeling any pressure or wanting into the lives of "successful" people

im approaching 30 and a few months back i finally left home and now live in a cheap rented room all by myself, only spending on food and reading all day in a town near the amazon forest.

i have never felt so great in my life and i laugh at my old classmates who are getting married and working to buy cars, homes and weekends watching sports or buying clothes in a dusty city and who will never know what nature or books are. who eat shit food never knowing the joy of enjoying a good ripe fruit under the sun in the middle of a forest surrounded by the sounds of animals after reading one of your favorite paperbacks.

but ok i know my laughter at them is only relative and justified by my perspective shift after years of self-questioning, so if they are fine doing that great, cause im also great doing my shit. what is fucked up is having people doing something they dont really want. im sure theyd be miserable living my life as i was miserable living in that world.

to each his own place.

>> No.6854830

Leave this thread alone

No harm is being done

>> No.6854834

That sounds like the correct view.
I hope to find myself in a situation such as that at your age as well.
I will strive to make that happen.

>> No.6854843

I refuse.
The situation highlights the quite obviously unsound moderation and I would like to press the wound before it become worse.

>> No.6854847

how do you have internet in the jungle

>> No.6854851

I've been banned for making a nigger joke before so for all I care I hope the moderator got ran over by a cement mixer

>> No.6854854

>so if they are fine doing that great
The thing is, it's not a real choice. They didn't think of other possibilities and chose that because it's the one that appealed most to them.

That's why I feel a diffuse contempt for "normal" people. They're not self aware, not about the lives they lead anyway. But more contempt (or rather, pity) still I feel for people like the anon you quoted, who know there is an alternative but are too scared to pursue it.

>> No.6854856

Why do you say paperback instead of book?

>> No.6854859

>since I'm reading a book I can't be entirely retarded.
people take what they can get.

>> No.6854860
File: 332 KB, 1600x1422, 1431438716071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too autistic and anti-social to do well in a conventional career path or academia
>too dumb, lacking in talent and lazy to do anything as a NEET
I wish I could be a subsistence farmer, only interacting with my equally autistic neighbours, marrying one of their daughters, having 3-5 children and dying in my own bed having lived an entirely pointless life, entirely lacking in self-awareness or ambition.

>> No.6854862

Same here I've been NEETing for 30 years but since I spend almost all day reading Hegel nobody cares, because they think it's something noble. Of course the fact that I don't consume almost anything except Internet and food also helps. Of course I don't have a car or shit like that. I also pay the bills with the little income I have from online jobs so perhaps I'm not 100% NEET. Fuck living in the world, the world is overrated. The life of the mind is a life divine!

>> No.6854882

How is it going, Kostya?

>> No.6854897

Sorry, I don't understand your reference.

>> No.6854907

Ah, I thought you would. Your post sounds like Anna Karenina's character Levin. You might enjoy the book, then, if you haven't read it.

>> No.6854908

What color is your hair/eyes?

>> No.6854910

no, people just tell me im wasting my time

>> No.6854921


>> No.6854926

Ah ok, haven't really gotten around to Tolstoy yet, I suppose I might have gotten scared off by the rather flaccid television dramas I've seen as a youth.

Would you reccomend any specific translation or edition?

>> No.6854928

that's clearly quackregaard aka kierkemallard with a hairdo like that

>> No.6854945

re-reading what i wrote i have to say it is not all flowers and birds. i have passed pretty rough times but its all been worth it. much better than being "safe" in my suburban room rotting in my own hatred towards self and others.

i said a town near, not the jungle itself.

ive felt that way too, but you know, i came to realize that after changing enough my view of things and being able to leave my old wishes as i "discovered the true world" i later came to realize that i only changed my view, that i constructed it in the process i experienced as a discovery; and also that i felt miserable back then because i never built those wishes, but was only told they were the right ones and it was assumed, even by myself, that i wanted them. many people who live those lives have been given the chance of constructing an attachment to it so they are fine living it; i think it all boils down to the experience and attachment that you have to your life and your world.

the only way to change the world is changing oneself. the rest is done by itself. i remember i had arguments with my family and friends, i used all my intellectual arguments there but i can say that nothing has struck them more than my leaving my old life and starting over by myself.

>> No.6854951

isnt that the plot of Pierre le Fou?

>> No.6854971

I didn't find it boring in the least; most of the time I see people calling Tolstoy boring it's because of War and peace.

And unfortunately I can't help you there, didn't read it in English.

>> No.6854977

Oh, I'm sure the actual literature is interesting, but the BBC television dramas I've seen were decidedly not.

>> No.6855000

My roommate kept seeing me reading (the GoT books) and he said 'knowledge is power'
I don't think he knew what to say about it

>> No.6855032


>> No.6855066
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>> No.6855172

that's the pleb trash videogames that are just empowerment endeavors that are ultimately meaningless.

>> No.6855390

>end up working at a job 9 hours a day, make good money, use it to buy stuff and facilitate experiences

>work at menial job an educated monkey could do 7 hours a day just to facilitate your subsistence, live on scraps you call treasures while doing nothing all day, brag on chinese boards about how much smarter you all than le normies

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6855402

greetings, mademoiselle, but what is your name

>> No.6855404

I was NEET for a year and almost exclusively went on 4chan and listened to music

I picked up a book 2-3 times during that period and I was treated better in the following conversations; it wasn't even a very good book, it was just Midnight's Children

>> No.6855411


>> No.6855431

I don't have anything I would want to buy, books are free, walks are free. Im not out to impress anyone so I have no need to spend all my spare time for something I don't even care about in the first place.

>> No.6855444

>make good money, use it to buy stuff and facilitate experiences

What do you mean by good money? There are very few making an actual good amount. People with a higher salary can basically only buy the same goods as those on minimum wage in the first place. They can just afford slightly nicer stuff.

I don't want to spend all my life working on a career just so i can buy a bit more of a decent house.

>> No.6855450

That is a very good book, pleb.

>> No.6855474

the character of levin is almost entirely autobiographical, youre better off reading 'a confession'; karenina is circumlocutory as fuck

>> No.6855478

Im down if youre some kind of marxist.

>> No.6855525

Let me get this straight. You're a 32-year-old man whose freedom isn't restricted by a mortgage, kids, and a wife. Instead of developing skills specific to industry, you've developed skills related to your respective interests. You look like any other 32-year-old man, except you're perhaps a little less stressed and a little more energetic, so you probably have more hair and a more youthful looking face. You don't have much money, so you have little to offer women monetarily; but you don't have a wife, kids, or a mortgage, nor do you have a demanding job, so you have plenty of time for the women who do show you interest, even if their numbers are few. However, if you become desperate like the adulterous married man, you can simply do what he does and lie about yourself to impress women enough to sleep with you. Also consider the fact that a person who has chosen this lifestyle isn't doing so to score with hot twenty-somethings. If that happens it's simply a bonus.

>> No.6855542

Yes, OP. That's why I avoid video games (and TV) like the plague. As long as you are reading, programming, working out, or doing some kind of artistic bullshit people won't give you any shit.

>> No.6855551

My Life: The Post

>> No.6855563

Are you me?


>> No.6855563,1 [INTERNAL] 

why are you passive aggressively posting misleading things and joining channels i am in?

>> No.6855577

I'm thinking about getting into gay prostitution. Since I only work a few hours a week that leaves me tons of time to work out and since I can't really afford any food I have very low body fat. Although I'm ripped and look good, I have no social skills, car or money so I can't really get sexual release from women. So why not let some old banker suck me off and throw some 20s my way, rather than sitting around wacking off for free?

>> No.6855584
File: 18 KB, 360x264, Salman Rushdie - Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasn't even a very good book, it was just Midnight's Children
>it was just Midnight's Children
>JUST Midnight's Children

>> No.6855599

So it all comes down to a woman?

I assume it's the people with little to no experience who idolize relationships with women like this.

Why would you even want to be with a woman who disapproved of your lifestyle?

>> No.6855609

But literature is media, retard. And not all books educate. God, you're stupid.

>> No.6855618

I like how you say "women aren't important" but then subtly disrespect them all for being nerds who get no pussy. So even though you say you don't care about women, you are still happy to proudly parade your "experiences" around in front of the poor virgins. So your own actions display just how very important women are.

>> No.6855619

Lol, my ten year old sister once called me out for reading so much. "Maybe you should cut the amount of books you read in half and use the extra time to look for a job, anon." She's right, though. Smart kid.

>> No.6855632

why are you passive aggressively posting misleading things and joining channels i am in?

>> No.6855650

No, i didn't mean it like that, and never even said i didn't care about women, you're just making assumptions. Women are important. We are biologically driven to lust after them. But changing your whole lifestyle for a relationship with some imagined person is just pure fantasy. I'm trying to say that people like him overly romanticize what a relationship is even like.

There is a difference between wanting a relationship with someone who you like and presumably likes you for you, than living your life in a way to please your made up notion of your perfect partner.

Like i said, why would you want to be with someone who hated the lifestyle you enjoy? Relationships with just any woman aren't worth all that much effort and in the end aren't going to make you happy.

>> No.6855664

Nice get.

>> No.6855666

If you're a man, having a woman serves as an important social signifier. In this sense, a woman's importance is less as a sexual partner and more as an indicator that as a man you are efficacious.

>> No.6855668

>Relationships with just any woman aren't worth all that much effort and in the end aren't going to make you happy.

That's like telling a starving person that McDonald's is fucking gross and a Big Mac won't make them happy.

>> No.6855674


his post says he suspects it's people with no experience who idolize relationships because you'd HAVE to be lacking experience to idolize relationships with other people to such an extent that you base your happiness on them and would want to be with people that don't like you just because you idolize the fantasy of relationships. There is no subtle disrespect because 'lmao no pussy' if anything, the disrespect is 'lmao you don't even know what you want'

so tl;dr you're projecting hard and then getting mad because you projected your own inferiority complex

>> No.6855680

A better analogy would be like telling a media-brainwashed teenage girl that designer clothes are a scam and won't make her happy

>> No.6855692

I think most teenage girls are happy

>> No.6855695


>> No.6855707

Exactly. It's not really about sex. It's about other people seeing you as not weird/creepy/whatever. Like when you're doing laundry and they have the local crime news on the TV and they interview the mom of some drug dealing thug who got gunned down the night before and they're all like "his gf loved him and his baby momma too!", meanwhile when you get gunned down working the the nightshift at 7/11 the news won't even have anyone to interview, just some reporter with big hair soaked in bright light will say "...the deceased clerk had a literature degree from the local community college and mostly kept to himself...and now, in high school sports a local teen scored three touchdowns and got five blowjobs! back to you in the studio..."

>> No.6855715

but designer clothes are fucking glorious. get some taste you god awful sartorial pleb.

>> No.6855726

>you projecting your own inferiority complex because you're a nerd who gets no pussy

...as Ronald Reagan once said: There you go again!

>> No.6855735

So you want a girlfriend just so a minute clip of the news that everyone is going to forget the second after they mention it mentions it, so you get some kind of social approval from people you've never met and don't care about you in the slightest? Not to mention you're dead so it doesn't even matter.

i know you didn't mean this literally before someone goes full autist, and neither did i.

>> No.6855739

Thanks for your wonderful contribution.

>> No.6855745

well, ask yourself: is life about material things or relationships? if it's about relationships then having no one give a shit when you die would tell that you failed at life.

>> No.6855754

Relationships are all well and good. But having a relationship purely as a social signifier and for external validity rather than for the relationship itself is more or less turning it into a material commodity just so you can impress others.

>> No.6855779

You wouldn't need to do it purely for that reason, it could just be a happy byproduct of engaging in a relationship for your own internal purposes.

>> No.6855782
File: 1.04 MB, 650x975, 10outof10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going into academia to avoid modern society

>> No.6855786

but this is exactly part of the reason people who aren't in relationships are viewed suspiciously. is the guy single because he's a womanizer? a fag? a pedo? smelly? bad personality? deformed genitals? or just overly picky and impossible to get a long with if someone doesn't fit his "ideal"? being in a relationship shows you have the social skills to compromise with other people. waiting around for the perfect person, shows you are unrealistic, immature and self-centered.

>> No.6855792

Not what that guy said. You're just moving the goalposts.

>relationship shows you have the social skills to compromise with other people

There is a difference between compromise, and completely changing everything about yourself for someone entirely incompatible with you.

>> No.6855800

I'd imagine that academia has it's own problems. I'd rather just opt-out as much as possible.

>> No.6855808

This is true, but for me it's a sort of compromise between satisfying my urge to contribute as well as my urge to opt out. Everyone in the math department is just as autistic as I am, many of them old and unmarried, so I'll fit right in.

>> No.6855812

>You're just moving the goalposts.
he's moving the goalposts back to somewhere reasonable after you tried to frame all relationships as some sort of unhappy compromise where everyone is miserable. maybe those are the kind of relationships you've been in, but that just shows how desperate you were to not be single, in which case maybe you shouldn't be lecturing others on how great it is to be single.

>> No.6855821

the whole point of being a tenured professor is so you can get a nice stable marriage, have bright kids and send them off to expensive colleges. if you're just going to be an old single guy wacking it to pornos after work, what the fuck is the point of being a professor? avoiding homelessness I guess, but there are easier ways to make a buck.

>> No.6855823

can you actually do that -- is that an actual thing.
i have literally no qualms w/ doing that.

>> No.6855828

>dealing with constant SJW witch-hunts based on whatever what the political wind is blowing
>avoiding modern society


>> No.6855833

Is this you Ricky?
If so, this was not me.

>> No.6855839

didn't you see the scandal on gawker where some big money CEO got busted trying to hire a gay prostitute today? he should have hired me, i have a nice thick cock that could have stretched his one percent ass out discretely.

>> No.6855843

>dealing with constant SJW witch-hunts because you don't have tenure yet.
FTFY. When I worked for the newspaper at my university it was usually the younger, non-tenured teachers who wouldn't want to comment on topics or be interviewed, and they would tell me that it was because they were worried about how they'd be viewed by other people in their department. (The topic I had the most trouble with, oddly enough, was online sales tax; got refused by two different teachers in two different departments.)

>> No.6855847

>the whole point of being a tenured professor is so you can get a nice stable marriage, have bright kids and send them off to expensive colleges
Says who?
The point of being a tenured professor is to push out groundbreaking research in your field, surrounded by and working with a faculty of other innovative researchers.

>> No.6855853

Math department m8. Apolitical field.

>> No.6855856

Again you're making assumptions just like him. I never said every relationship was like that. I never said that it was great to be single or that i even was. I said the relationship he was idolizing was a fantasy and ultimately going to be detrimental to him.

You're just making shit up now and obviously have no reading comprehension, or you're just baiting me. I'd usually go along with it but i can't be bothered at the moment so there's no point continuing.

>> No.6855859

but then when you go to the mechanic to get your mercedes fixed and you see the illiterate undocumented immigrant who did the work grabbing his sexy latina mommies ass as she brings his three kids by to visit him at work you'll feel like a little beta bitch and have to go home and masturbate away the tears.

>> No.6855868

>your mercedes
>grabbing his sexy latina mommies ass as she brings his three kids by to visit him at work you'll feel like a little beta bitch
top kek

You and I have different life priorities. Getting married and raising kids isn't one of mine.

>> No.6855869

>said the relationship he was idolizing was a fantasy and ultimately going to be detrimental to him.

so you compromised to be in a relationship, and your boyfriend is a bit of a loser. that doesn't mean other people can't be happy in a relationship. hey, maybe you should live up to your own "noble single" ideal and dump the dweeb? oh no, anything is better than being single! get off your high horse.

>> No.6855959

Apparently every spic dreams of being a mechanic who services his beta overlord's mercedes, has knocked up some fat latina he probably doesn't even find attractive anymore, and has lots of kids he can't provide for who are always bothering him at work because he can't afford daycare

>> No.6855993

What the hell are you even talking about? What's your point, that different people get into relationships for different reasons? Well no shit. And yes, people will frequently stay in less than perfect relationships because they think it's still better than not being in one, or maybe because the effects of ending the relationship would be too extreme (if you live together, have kids, etc.).

>> No.6856019

Latina women who've had a handful of kids are usually really fucking horrific looking too.
>Source: Lived in Los Angeles for 5 years.

>> No.6856663


>> No.6856695
File: 68 KB, 550x550, 1416037761794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread hits home hard. my plan in life for the next decade is reading books and developing skills in STEM while living on and off as a NEET. this post is the most social thing i've done in half a year.

>> No.6857121

>developing skills in STEM while living on and off as a NEET

heads up: you need self discipline

it sounds cool when you think "oh shit I'll have all day just for study and self improvement" but then you find yourself just hitting F5 on 4chan for 12 hours every day

>> No.6857148

>tfw enough discipline to get gf but not enough discipline to study stem

>> No.6857183

Liar, I too was a wagecuck and I could still enjoy things. It's just a lack of walks and healthy sleep and food which destroy one's soul. The same would be true if you were a NEET.

>> No.6857319

I don't lie claiming I'm happy though.
I'm genuinely happy :^)

>> No.6857341

You are me.

>> No.6857369
File: 421 KB, 485x667, 1435592743273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be NEET and write all day.
>"Oh anon its so cool you are following your dream and believe in yourself, i wish i didn't have to work and could do what i love"

They will never know I'm writing a smutty fanfic of Heidegger's sexual exploits in the black Forrest, featuring Hannah Arendt, a gaggle of Jewish cuties who want to praise the real continental fuhrer's fury, the nazi pleasure squad of deadly female assassins assigned to protect Heidegger's escapades in exile; his wife: cucked and forgotten, made to watch as her husband shows woman after woman the true existential experience of Preparatory Fundamental Anal-ysis


Capital D isn't just for DASEIN,

And this innocent group of giggling school-girl's will learn what it really means to be concerned with Being.

Class is in session.

Bratwurst will be bucked upon

Lichtung's will be licked

This is continental philosophy like you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE

You can't just "fall" on This "worldhood".

The Authentic Call has been heard.

Dedicated to Edmund Husserl.

It'll put the EXTEND in EK----------------------------------------------------------SISTENZ

>> No.6857410

well memed

>> No.6857425


>> No.6857498

Fucking this. I've basically become autistic because I took more pleasure reading at my house than hanging with my faggot WoW playing nerd friends, whom I could have used to build better social skills to make friends with real people

>> No.6857515


I have justifiable concerns which prevent me from pursuing my creative ambitions in a more intense way.

>> No.6857517
File: 138 KB, 586x438, Johnny Bravo Sickened yet curious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazi pleasure squad of deadly female assassins

>> No.6857527


It's called being a hermit

>> No.6857528
File: 266 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW when I finally created a /lit megathread.

>> No.6857532

dude if you spin this into a legitimate novel, I will be your boipussi slave

>> No.6857533

Congrats, son. Wait till your mother hears about this!

>> No.6857538

My mother doesn't care about literature.

>> No.6857547
File: 81 KB, 342x380, 1436585574377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6857550

>>6854624's titties

>featuring Hannah Arendt, a gaggle of Jewish cuties who want to praise the real continental fuhrer's fury
thanks anon

>> No.6857554

Protip: It's all about women

People join bands for women. People write books for women. People make movies for women. People work 9 hours a day at some shitty job they hate to appeal to women. People dress the same way for women. People talk the same way for women. It's all about women. Women decide what shape our society takes, and what's unfortunate is that their inability to think for themselves (they are, like all Asian people, connected to some form of Hivemind universal consciousness) they make their decisions based on advertisements, disgusting biological default settings, and other stupid shit.

>> No.6857556

Can we get more tits?

>> No.6857567

What a disgustingly generalising post.

>> No.6857577

Virgin detected

>> No.6857581

The problem with this logic is the assumption that you need to have material wealth or achievements to attract women. That is not true.

>> No.6857591

But you do if they're of any quality, especially in 2015 when people compare their lives online and don't want to look worse than their friends. Also especially if you lack the traditional means of securing a mate (height, rugged looks, etc)

>> No.6857595

>But you do if they're of any quality

I'd argue you the opposite.

>> No.6857603

Go on...

It's a fact that many if not most women grow out of their "reckless partying" mode when they're like 24 and forced to get a full-time job. That doesn't mean they don't get drunk etc but they're also more attracted to guys who are succeeding in a culturally-endorsed sense. When they reach 30 they start thinking of babies and wanting a guy who will help provide them the material comforts that made their own childhood so enjoyable. Look at ANY tv show or movie to understand what women, and society as an extension of the female perspective, thinks of men who haven't "made it" by their 30s. You may as well be living under a bridge.

>> No.6857604

Why are you treating women like they're just trophies? Women do not value or pursue the same things in life, it's different for every person.

>> No.6857608

Literally all that matters is how you present yourself. You don't need to have good looks, money, or any kind of achievement.

The most successful man I know is a guy who dropped out of college, got kicked out of his home by his parents and lives with his grandma despite being almost thirty, and who's fat and ugly. But he has the game, so he fucks a different woman every week.

It might be different if you want a lifelong partner and want to get married, but why the fuck would you want that in this day and age?

How you present yourself trumps literally everything else. Looks, wealth, success, whatever.

>> No.6857612

>It's a fact that many if not most women grow out of their "reckless partying" mode when they're like 24 and forced to get a full-time job.
And why waste time on those old hags?

>> No.6857618

I'm not saying their trophies, what I'm saying is that pretty much every human being, no matter how edgy they are, desires affection, usually from a member of the opposite sex. Entire industries are based around this concept. The arts partly exists to glorify and reinforce the idea that love is what makes the human experience worthwhile. It's also a fact, as I stated here (>>6857603) that after childhood and adolescence, choosing someone to date (for a female especially) is based on far more considerations than simply looks or the capacity to make them laugh.

>> No.6857621

>this is what /r9k/ actually believes

>> No.6857624

I haven't visited that board in years, but I'm pretty sure that they believe the exact opposite. Women are bitches and whores who go for assholes instead of going for nice guys like themselves, and that the only reason they're virgins is because women are shallow and can't appreciate all they have to offer. I'm saying that it's the exact opposite and that literally anyone can get laid as long as they put in a modicum of effort.

>> No.6857627

Even if you date a qt 20 year old and keep dating her throughout her 20s, she is likely to find you gradually less attractive the older you get if you don't succeed in a culturally-endorsed sense. Maybe decades ago things were different, I mean look at Raymond Carver who was posting leaflets through doors in his late 20s and who still had a qt waifu, but today everyone has social media and everyone is comparing their lives to others and to look stupid online is to pretty much commit suicide.

>> No.6857632

You obviously know nothing about /r9k/. It's more like 'women only go for 10/10 men who are earning millions, and even 9/10 men earning a good wage don't get a second look.'

>> No.6857643

Social media is just an extension of real life, it's not an alternative to it like older forums of internet communication were. People who are highly successful in socializing in the real world are also highly successful in socializing on social media.

The Chad that parties every weekend and fucks a different slut is going to have ten times as many friends on Facebook than the nerd who sits on his computer 20 hours a day.

Online dating did not drastically change the dating scene, all it did is make hooking up slightly easier.

>> No.6857651

>my post
>your head

Nice comprehension, Chad.

>> No.6857656

You were talking about social media as if it was some kind of a game changer. It's not. You're not going to get a qt waifu just because you post a picture of your degree on Facebook.

>> No.6857663

>my post
>your response

>> No.6857711

You should hear him speak.

>> No.6857781

Yes, I agree with that. The part I questioned was where you made it sound like there's only one way to make yourself appealing to women, like they are all attracted to the same things.

>> No.6858148

>he thinks the only way to make money is a career
>not being a god tier business owner employing wage cucks

There will always be cuck tier people in this world.

>> No.6858432
File: 293 KB, 700x849, 1337394806773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but then you find yourself just hitting F5 on 4chan for 12 hours every day

no, you're projecting this onto me. in the last 5 years i've learned a half dozen programming languages including haskell, a ton of technologies and how they work like nginx, regex, and learned some of the theory behind it like lambda calculus and formal turning machines. i'm now poking into the linux kernel and figuring that out.

i have also endeavored learning epistemology and read plenty of Popper in particular.

i have developed enough understanding of japanese to watch anime without subtitles when the target audience is for 15 year old girls or younger.

there's more but to be brief, you're wrong.

>> No.6858433

Have you learned how to gf?

>> No.6858452
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1426825856853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you learned how to gf?
no. i don't really want to nor would i be conventional enough to stay in a relationship for long. women are insufferable and manipulative to the core. i don't know how i would ignore that enough to proceed.

>> No.6858458

How do you know so much about women without gf?

>> No.6858466

you can observe what other people do. the majority of people in relationships are miserable or dead inside. this isnt some secret thing. it's well known and documented across a multitude of mediums. basically, i know a lot about cats without owning one.

>> No.6858473

>not owning a cat

>> No.6858943

>Being this edgy on a Cambodian knitting forum.