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6850308 No.6850308 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related worth reading?

I have read The Darth Bane Trilogy, Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader and Revan for the first time recently despite them not being canon. I'm not exactly sure why I'm putting off reading Plagueis though.

>> No.6850316

Fuck, I thought the ASOIAF and Green threads were the lowest we could go. I was wrong.

If this is the Sheev book, I'm sure it's worth it.

>> No.6850334

>Fuck, I thought the ASOIAF and Green threads were the lowest we could go. I was wrong


>If this is the Sheev book, I'm sure it's worth it.

I'm sure it is too but I'm afraid if I read it it will make my expectations soar for when Disney eventually tells Palpatine's backstory. I'm also afraid that they're ruin Darth Bane too.

>> No.6850335

As somebody who spent way too much time reading the Star Wars EU, read Timothy Zahn then get the fuck out. The prose is weak and the EU has more convoluted plot lines and poorly written, boring characters than any other series or collection of books

>> No.6850349


I think your nostalgia is blinding you. You honestly can't say that the Darth Bane Trilogy isn't worth reading. Or at least listening to the audio-book.

>> No.6850404

I did have a lot of fun with the trilogy, especially Rule of Two now that you mention it. It's probably just been too long since I've read them. I did find Bane a bizarre character though, but who really gives a fuck because the finale fight in Dynasty of Evil as well as the group cave fight iirc were very entertaining

>> No.6850534

Why do you find Darth Bane bizarre? I mean his viewpoint was radical but seeing as how Palpatine conquered the Galaxy that only reinforces his greatness.

Rule of Two was my favorite also. My favorite scene was when Zannah killed that family when she was a kid. My 2nd would be the fight with the Beast Riders

>> No.6850543


I'd agree. The heir to the empire trilogy was the best of the bunch....and even that isn't really that good.

>> No.6850545

Didn't read it myself, but some of my more literary friends thought it was good.

>> No.6850556

Was the Darth Revan book good, or should I stick with the KOTOR games?

>> No.6850573

Revan was good. I think it's worth the read/listen if you don't already know what happened to him.

>> No.6850575

He just seemed inconsistant for an extremist. I'm probably just unable to see it from his perspective due to a lack of faith

>> No.6850605

I don't see how. Everything he did after discovering Revan's holocron was in accordance to the Rule of Two. He even sought out immortality for the sole purpose of training another apprentice.

>I'm probably just unable to see it from his perspective due to a lack of faith

Palpatine proved the Rule of Two works though?...

>> No.6850606

Is this Reddit?

>> No.6850609

There's a Sci fi general for this shit.

>> No.6850612

Is this Mordor?

>> No.6850615

Even if there was this still counts as literature so fuck off and die.

>> No.6850617

Elitist scum, you're the reason this board is going to shit.

>> No.6850621

I just remember questioning character motives at the time of reading, guess I'll need to go through and read it again.

>lack of faith

I was just joking around with not getting the religious extremism then did a star was reference man.

>palpatine proved the rule of two works

Actually Lucas proved it works by writing the shittiest and most contrived turn of events with little justification or scope, and characters being used primarily as plot devices to tell the story he wanted about Vader

>> No.6850635

Well ruse'd

>> No.6850649

>I just remember questioning character motives at the time of reading, guess I'll need to go through and read it again.

I just got done with the trilogy for the second time 4 days ago and you should read it again. Time distorts the memory.

>Actually Lucas proved it works by writing the shittiest and most contrived turn of events with little justification or scope, and characters being used primarily as plot devices to tell the story he wanted about Vader

Lol fair enough. I reconcile it with the fact that the Jedi are overall incompetent. The Sith always did more harm to themselves then the Jedi ever did.

>> No.6850656

*are incompetent in a overall sense

>> No.6850663

go ask /r/books

>> No.6850681

Seriously, is this r/books? Might as well make threads about J.K. Rowing, Stephen King, Jack Kerouac, and other pleb shit.

>> No.6850714

You seem like you came from reddit, tbh.

>> No.6850725

Look all I wanted was to know is if this book is worth the read, Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's shit you generic anon. I don't need nor want your unwarranted condescension you fucking fuck