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/lit/ - Literature

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6848378 No.6848378 [Reply] [Original]

Collection thread. Im a poor fuck and have moved a ton but this is what i have left.
>Complete Edgar Allen Poe
>Illiad & The Odyssey
>Isaac Asimov Foundation series
>Jules Verne Seven Novel Collection
>The Art of War
>Michael Chricton JP & Lost World
>Complete Sherlock Holmes
>Divine Comedy Dante
>Complete Works HP Lovecraft
>Inventions and Words of N. Tesla
>Steven King- N.M & D.S.
>Book of Cthulhu Collection
>Narcotics Anonymous
>Zombies: The Recent Dead
>The Madness of Cthulhu
>Philip K Dick- The Cosmic Puppets

>> No.6848388

not great, some genre trashed mixed with tacky cover classics from whatever that american bookstore chain is

>> No.6848390

>Acolytes of Cthulhu
>Adam Carolla- President Me
>Feed- Mira Grant
>Stephen King- The Tommyknockers
>Alcoholics Anonymous
>gay st. Joes bible. Tried reading it once
>Crime and Punishment- F. Destoevaky
>The Civil War: Complete History
>The hobbit
>Lord of the Rings Trilogy
>Speeches That Changed the World
>Grimms Complete Fairy Tales
>Tolkien Bestiary- David Way
>Cosmos - Carl Sagan
>Alive and Kicking- Chester Marcol

I've read all of these, more suggestions? I'm not really a /lit/ guy

>> No.6848391

bloody hell those covers are disgusting

>> No.6848396

Yeah lol I got those leatherbounds from gay barnes and noble but i read all of them minus Jules Verne and Nicola Tesla prior to buying them

>> No.6848398

The cringe is real.

>> No.6848405

I just wanted them and those were the complete collections. Its better than buying five separate books to have HP Lovecrafts full collection. Or buying all the Jules Verne novels separately. They were only $15 a piece. And too most of the retards that come to my apartment they're impressed by the leather bound ones, regardless of how hacky and stupid they look to me lol

>> No.6848438

I see you shop at Barnes and Noble

>> No.6848448

Sadly yes Im not privy to your fancy world of literature. Thats why Im asking for suggestions.

>> No.6848454

Don't stack books on top of hardbacks, you MONSTER.

>> No.6848457

It was only for the picture i keep the stacked ones in a shelf my camera isnt good enough to capture a super long chaon of books

>> No.6848462

Replace your Homer with the two Everyman Library editions. They have the Fitzgerald translation which is far better. And I also recommended getting at least the Theban plays of Sophocles and The Oresteia of Aeschylus.

>> No.6848473

thank you for the first suggestion lol

>> No.6848491

Yeah, I'm a bit of a Homer purist. I didn't want to suggest tracking down the original and learning Ancient Greek. :3

I mean, if you liked that translation then wonderful, but I personally wouldn't recommend them.

>> No.6848520


Check the sticky it has genre recommendations too. Find a good library so B&N doesn't steal your shekels. Or buy books used on Abebooks.

>> No.6848552

Continue your pursuit of knowledge my friend.

>> No.6848933

Confederate Goliath

>> No.6850400
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>> No.6850416

There's something deeply depressing about OP's photo. You can almost smell the spiritual impoverishment.

>> No.6850423

As a Homer purist, why would you recommend Fitzgerald over Lattimore?

>> No.6850432

Those B&N fancy editions are all works that are in the public domain. They're poorly bound and pretty tacky, imo. Don't waste any more money on them.

>> No.6850437
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r8 mine

>> No.6850445
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>> No.6850455


Since this I've added:

>As I lay Dying
>The Sound and the Fury

>Moby Dick

>Journey to the East
>The Glass Bead Game

>Crime and Punishment

>A collection of Chekov's short novels

>Dune and Dune messiah(I've already read, they were at my house)

>> No.6850456

Mathew Arnold wrote an essay in which he lists three things that typifiy Homers style: Simple, Rapid, Direct. Fitzgerald covers all three very well, I dont think Lattimore has the simplicity of language - I think the language is too artificially heroic. Heroic verse needs to be dignified, but it also needs to appeal to normal hearers, it was oral poetry after all. Lombardo's Homer has the same problem, only the other way, his is too colloquial and hip.

>> No.6850499

>Fitzgerald covers all three very well, I dont think Lattimore has the simplicity of language - I think the language is too artificially heroic. Heroic verse needs to be dignified, but it also needs to appeal to normal hearers, it was oral poetry after all. Lombardo's Homer has the same problem, only the other way, his is too colloquial and hip
Fair enough. Why didn't Arnold out an emphasis on adherence to the original text? Also:
>For all their differences, they are in the long run both striving for much the same Homer. Both stick close to the Greek, especially Lattimore; both avoid language alien to real speech - though Lattimore can come up with some quirky phrases. Both have claims to meet those famous epithets set up by Matthew Arnold (one of those who pontificated without really trying it for himself): ''Rapid . . . plain and direct . . . noble.'' Lattimore is more direct, Fitzgerald more noble - but they are poetic cousins.

This is a good read: https://www.nytimes.com/books/98/11/15/nnp/fagles-iliad.html

As a homer purist, it just seemed that you would prefer the translator that demonstrates less creative liberties. Both are great though.

>inb4 NY Times

>> No.6850520

I don't agree that the Lattimore is more direct, though to be honest there is a bit of simple personal taste in what I'm saying too. I do rather like the Fagles version too - but yeah they are all great. I was told in uni to go with Fagles to get the taste, and then either go with the Lattimore or Fitzgerald until you learn Ancient Greek.

>> No.6850574
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>inb4 translations


>> No.6850596
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>> No.6850602

Ugh I hate how pretentious we sound on here.

>> No.6850633

Don't worry, you don't have to prove yourself to a bunch of pretentious assholes who shit in people rather than help mold better ones.

So fucking what? He wants to read and he is asking for advice, people like you scare people who want to read away.


Good advice see? People like you are what's needed here. It's why I come back.

Disgusting, shut up. What are you doing here?

>> No.6850644


Yes someone has Something Happened! Love that book.

Why is Gravity's Rainbow upside down

>> No.6850647
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>> No.6850654


Something happened partially inspired the novel I'm working on. It's such a brilliant and honest piece of work.

Also, i just went and turned it the right way up, thanks for noticing.

>> No.6850779

>le paperback man

>> No.6850782

Epic troll. 8/10

>> No.6850791


When I have the choice of buying old paperbacks for £3 a piece or buying hardbacks for a shit ton of money, which do you think I'm going to choose?

Also I have a few hardbacks now.

>> No.6850803
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My collection is pretty meagre, but what the hell. I'm relatively new to this whole reading thing, so please no bully.

I also have over a dozen run-of the-mill genre fiction books, but l felt l should leave them out.

I want your Pynchons.

>Gave Catch 22 to a friend three months ago
>Still hasn't returned it

At this point l'm too afraid to ask for one of my favorite books back.

>> No.6850820
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>> No.6850841
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I still haven't read V. or GR. But Mason & Dixon is my favourite novel of all time. Picked up these Picadors for about £3 each online from a used book store.

Probably going to read V. after I read Crime and Punishment.

I feel like it's not worth attempting GR until I've read something a little challenging.

>> No.6850863


I would sure as heck love a copy like that. Something happened is so hilarious, and sad.

>> No.6850896

>muh materialism

>> No.6850915


Show me the cover of V.

>> No.6850922


never mind its shit

>> No.6850928

>TFW I'm pleb and I don't really wanna read any of this in your collection

Sometimes I think I'm stupid because I just wanna read stuff that's fun, not something that makes me an intellectual.

>> No.6850942

Love all that Benjamin. I don't recognize many names in those right two stacks in this picture--anyone there you'd recommend to a Benjamin fan? I would recommend you Bachelard, if you happen to haven't read him yet.

>> No.6850949


I don't mind it, I don't think V. has any particularly breathtaking covers.

>> No.6850950

Lovecraft, Poe, bestiaries, zombies and Sherlock Holmes aren't considered fun?

>> No.6850957

you need to burn those tacky editions man,

>> No.6850968

I've never read any of them yet. Though I will say, I'm apprehensive. I've tried to get into /lit/ and read the classics before, and I couldn't dive into them.

>> No.6851016

That edgy Poe book is disgusting.

>> No.6851019

I know Bachelard but by name only.

I'd definitely recommend you Agamben and Castoriadis.

Agamben's starting point for his political and legal discussin is Benjamin's critique of the State of Exception, he also borrows heavily from the messianism and mysticism of Benjamin on his analysis of the Sacred and the Human (though I gotta admit I still haven't got to his main work on that, Homo Sacer).

Castoriadis is a great thinker, one of my favourites, in the gap between the Frankfurt School and the New Left. I also strongly suggest you try to find something by Michael Löwy, he's my favourite Benjamin reader, though I doubt you'll find anything in english (portuguese and french are easier, spanish a little less).

Also, from what little I know of Bachelard, he's in the same tradition as Ranciére and Barthes.

>> No.6851030

Which translation of Crime and Punishment do you have? I got the Garnett translation for $3, but am afraid to read it because everyone on here says that the translation is shit.

>> No.6851035

This. Do like what we do, buy ratty used copies that look like we actually read them even though we haven't.

>> No.6851040


I have the Magarshack one. I've heard it's decent, him being a native speaker, but nobody ever mentions him on /lit/.

>> No.6851057

All translations have their faults. There is no perfect translation. Garnett has been used for years, no shame in reading it

>> No.6851133

Thank you. You guys are very welcoming and have really encouraged me to get into lit.

>> No.6851361

I see you're beginning to take literature seriously. Good for you.
A few pointer:
Start with the Greeks
Kafka (learn German so you can read his books in German you dipshit)
Nabokov (lolita is good but he has other books too)
Don't buy in to meme writers like DFW or pinecone yet. You're not there yet.

>> No.6851415

different poster but this is what /lit/ should be about. this right here.

also i think the col49/james joyce/bram stoker/ breakspeare poster might have been david markson

>> No.6851435

What's wrong with paperbacks?

>> No.6851444
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r8 h8

>> No.6851482

when are you going to get some new books?

>> No.6851490

Yeah DFW is so deep and meaningful

Much moreso than plebshit like the iliad

>> No.6851497

maybe if we could see the titles m8

>> No.6851498

you wanna see my titties? go to /s/ for that baka

>> No.6851508
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pleb as fuck.

>> No.6851517


>> No.6851563

I like the way you've hung your shelves, mirrors are neat.


>> No.6851840
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>> No.6851929

God, I hate you so much.

>> No.6851934

>poor fuck
>buys those $40 over-adorned hardcovers

>> No.6851937
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>A Y N R A N D

>> No.6852004

they're $25

>> No.6852050

u jelly, dolan is clearly one of the most well resolved persons in this board, not giving in to maymay lichachure and reading only what he pleases

>> No.6852498


>> No.6852927
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Part 1

>> No.6852931
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Part 2

>> No.6852934
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Part 3.

>> No.6852936

Is haunting of hill house good? Have read MR James, Richard Matheson and enjoyed. Similar?

>> No.6852945

hohoho, was für ne knalltüte.

>> No.6852947

Why is that version of C&P so humongous?

>> No.6852952

What are those collections of CDs. I'm familiar with the composers, but most recorded performances I find are shit. Is that collection of better quality than most?

>> No.6852954
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>Nabokov hidden under the desk
We all know what you're up to

>> No.6852959

Those are the plebbiest you can get in Germany. Sound quality is terrible and most of them are played by average orchestras at best. But at least they are cheap.

>> No.6852961

I'll stick to spotify then, thanks tho.

>> No.6852969

elaborate, please.

>> No.6853524

I have the HP lovecraft one because I like the colors and the inside is really trippy but all those other leatherbounds are shit.

>> No.6853935
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inb4 comments on the Sherlock Holmes B&N edition. I hate the cover but it was a gift.

>> No.6853940
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>> No.6853948
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>> No.6854005

This looks like the bookshelf of a late teens girl who wants to be a writer.

>> No.6854038

Is that version of Lolita worth buying new? what extras does it have?

>> No.6854076

that is an awesome cover for GR.

>> No.6854077

I didnt ask for this

>> No.6854081

where 2 cop shelves?

>> No.6854091



>> No.6854101

This is a bad post.

>> No.6854174

where 2 cop shelves?

>> No.6855238

try actually reading some of those books some time.

>> No.6855675

Nice collection. Nice cosmos.