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/lit/ - Literature

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6848171 No.6848171 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

My kid brother (he's 16) wanted some patrician-tier recommendations. Do you think this is too much red pill or will this set him on the right path?

>Fathers and Son by Ivan Turgenev
>The Red and the Black by Stendhal
>Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
>In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway
>Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
>A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor
>Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
>Silas Marner by George Eliot
>Ulysses by James Joyce (only once he's über-patrician)

>---The Books I recommend the most vvvv
>Hunger by Knut Hamsun
>Ask the Dust by John Fante

>---Honorary Mention vvvv
>American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

He's already read Crime and Punishment and Journey to the End of the Night. :^)

>> No.6848176

no such thing, you cant know what patrician tier is until you are old enough to be a patrician. At that point you realise there is no tier. Its a nice list of books but at 16 he should be reading stuff that interests him not stuff other people tell him is good, let him find his own way, discovering new books yourself is half the fun.

>> No.6848179

>no Greeks
>not even any romans

>> No.6848180

so by your definition, patrician-tier = boring

>> No.6848185

infinite jest
gravity's rainbow

>> No.6848187
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>romans are relevant
I should mention he's already read the playwrights and Plato. We think they're overrated. :')

>> No.6848192
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Yet he asks me for guidance, therefore this thread.

>> No.6848193
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>No Meditations

>> No.6848194
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He's shaking his head, though he wants to read Ulysses.

>> No.6848199
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True dat, Aurelius was a good Roamin. Thanks anon.

>> No.6848201

Well I think you're overrated anon >:(

>> No.6848210
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Don't be mad. I like a little classics myself. I nearly majored in it. But alas I'm a modern, dear anon.

>> No.6848212

>16 year old
>thick books
Shig dig dig
Give him some Lagerkvist

>> No.6848213

>We think they're overrated. :')

Neither of you will ever be patrician.

>> No.6848218

none o these are red pill

>> No.6848227
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There there, old chap, there are always expectations. I, for one, read Theogony and the Odyssey like they are my religion. The ancient philosophers, however, were supremely misguided.

>> No.6848233

There is no such thing as too much red pill

>> No.6848237
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My lil' bro' thinks The Dwarf sounds cool. Would that be a good start?

>> No.6848240

>The Red and the Black by Stendhal
I read this book when I was about the same age as your brother, OP. Good recommendation.
Add Martin Eden by Jack London on your list as well.

>> No.6848258

Any place is a good start. The Dwarf is stand alone and very good. Barabbas and The Sybil can be taken as stand alone or included in the pentalogy with Death of Ahasuerus + Pilgrim at Sea + The Holy Land, which are definitely a trilogy. The last two and Barabbas are my favorites; Barabbas, though, is the nobel winner.

>> No.6848264


>> No.6848311

>things actual historical patricians read are irrelevant or overrated

>> No.6848346
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What "actual historical patricians" read are probably lost to history with the little that remains being taught as canon.

>> No.6848366
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We're big fans of Jack London but we haven't read that book. Thx 4 the recc anon.

>> No.6848375

Give him The World as Will and Representation, The Birth of Tragedy and Thus spoke Zarathustra.

Tell him to read these in this order

>> No.6848406

Horrible list.

Homer - Iliad
Plato - Apology, Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, Republic
Plutarch - Morals
St. Augustine - Confessions, City of God
Virgil - Aeneid
The Golden Ass
Plutarch - Sonnets
Dante - Divine Comedy
Cervantes - Don Quixote

Here is a patrician list. Nothing modern can possibly be patrician because the modern period by its very nature is plebeian in that it saw the rise of plebeian subjects, themes, characters, etc. This includes Joyce's abomination, Ulysses, which is about a cuckold Jew trying to masturbate and a pretentious kid trying to convince himself that he's clever (no, the "literary" gimmicks do not excuse, rather, they condemn it further because it shows a distinct lack of taste to thrust in "literary devices" into your work as a "meta-textual commentary"). It's not that you have to write about aristocrats, it's that you have to write about important themes and advocate virtue and truth in order to be patrician, rather than writing soap opera garbage about the trivial lives of trivial people. This includes Tolstoy, for example, who wrote about petty aristocrats in a plebeian manner.

>> No.6848409

Overrated as fuck. If you are going to recommend the Stoics at all then recommend Seneca or Epictetus.

>> No.6848414


>> No.6848415
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Don't you think the essays would be better than The World as Will etc.? Sounds a lil' boring for a sixteen-year-old. :/

Your list is a nice imitation of how a pleb might imagine a patrician canon. Bait?

>> No.6848424

Not OP, but have you even read any of this? Golden Ass but not Satyricon? BEOWULF? kek. OP's brother's sixteen. This seems like bullshit.

>> No.6848431
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ROFL, don't you mean Petrarch's sonnets? GGWP.

>> No.6848480

Plenty of people itt seem to think you can't read "big books" at 16. Fuck that. When is your brother supposed to start reading literary fiction, then ? When he's graduated HS and is too busy partying and studying to care ? HS is the ideal time for a first contact with big cumbersome (but awesome) novels and oldfag fiction.

I'd say interesting list, despite your tongue-in-cheek tone, this is actually legit. i'd add more realist from earlier times (Dickens, Balzac...) and some shorter ficitons (short stories, try Chekov Maupassant, Zweig, plus sci-fi and horror short stories).

This should get him started.

>> No.6848485

I had read Dante, Cervantes, the Golden Ass and Virgil at 16. The Iliad probably makes for an entertaining read at that age, and so would Plutarch's Parallel lives (though I dunno about Morals).

This list was obviously intended in a contrarian fit, but I think it's actually pretty interesting. The 16 yo= incapable to read anything serious is a meme.

Also, what's with OP referring to himself and his brother as "we" like his brother is his authoritarian girlfriend ?

>> No.6848496

give him some hermann hesse, entry level teens love that shit

>> No.6848784

Picked up mediations and The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy, good places to start?

>> No.6848815

red and black: social climbing during french restauration, lots of soap opera tropes
tropic of cancer: midlife crisis in paris
both too boring and detached from world of a normal 16 year old.

>> No.6848835
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>all this idealistic dribble

patriciandom is a meme

>> No.6848836 [SPOILER] 
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>My kid brother (he's 16)
you mean your imaginary friend and >I'm 16
it's shit even for older people
>Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
>Ulysses by James Joyce
how can anyone put this together ?

confirmed for 16 new fag

>inb4 it's bait

>> No.6848846

Dude. I feel like some of that shit is way too complex for a 16 on entry level. Try and get him into some Greek and Egyptian mythology. Get him to read some of Julius Caesar's works on his campaigns and other exciting classical works. Finally get him into Homer and Virgil.

>> No.6849060
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I remember a few years ago I bought my brother "Sun and Steel" for his birthday. He was 17 and I figured it would be a good text for him. I returned home a couple of years later to find it in his room.

Turned out he never even opened it.

>> No.6849106

>choosing gifts for people that you think are "good for them"

>> No.6849124
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This was made for a reason.

>> No.6849187

>Not wanting others to rise up from the cave
No anon, you are the pleb

>> No.6849204

fiction is entertainment.

>> No.6849209
File: 28 KB, 234x400, Sun And Steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably thought it was Gay Porn.

You weren't subconsciously trying to turn him into a "manly" neo-reactionary homo-warrior were you?

>> No.6849318

Seconding divine comedy, I read it when I was 16 and really enjoyed it

>> No.6849437

>He probably thought it was Gay Porn.
All the more reason to read it, faggot

>> No.6849796

Do people really think this list is good?