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/lit/ - Literature

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684560 No.684560 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guize.

I need help with my outline on my research paper. Its due in 10hrs, i have a tutors appointment in 8hrs so i have to be pretty much done by then.

I just need help with my outline and need ways to relate stuff....

>> No.684566

dont you think telling us what the fucking thing about would be helpful?

>> No.684571

Yeah no problem. It is the story of modern man's disconnect with nature.


it is the story of man slowly realizing that he is parting from society.

/lit/ rule 1

>> No.684574

Okay the paper i am doing is on how these 2 different people from 2 different texts use different ways to hide/disguise their true self identity.

With that said, how the fuck can i relate smoking cigs at a young age to wearing a mask for Halloween?

>> No.684578

Simple. Society outcasts.

>> No.684580

one point is the use of durgs and drinking.

other point is the way they dress

other point is the one i just asked here:


after that i just need to coralate 2 more thinsg i have written to get started.

once i get my outline and start typing i will finally get over this fucking pot hole. But for now its made me procrastinate to this point......

thanks niggers!

>> No.684591


to vague, but i might use this with some other points i have.

also, is there any way to relate enjoying physical pain and actually inflicting pain on someone else?

>> No.684595

what work are you analyzing?

Cigs and halloween masks are cultural symbols that mean different things in different contexts.

>> No.684604


its so hard to coralate shit.

one book its a guy that has friends and all kinds of shit.

other is about a girl who is a loner and doesn't have friends and not all kinds of shit that i can relate to the other book.

i might have to scrap what i have done to this point and change one of the main texts. fucking shit up even more.

>> No.684611

>>684595 here again.

give me titles!

>> No.684612


Tobias Wolfe _ this boys life

lucy grealy _ autobiography of a face

sorry shits are typos and im all over the place but im cracked out of coffee and ephedrine.

i might change this boys life for jeanett walls - glass castle, because i am getting no where right now.....

>> No.684613

assuming you are also >>684580, it isn't vague at all. Wearing a mask is the literal version of smoking cigarettes with harley jackets to fit into a subculture. In both examples, the characters are trying to "fit in"--find a place where people are like them but express their "uniqueness". Fuck this. I am trying to help you along and you have apparently isolated the one thing in each story you think defines the character. This is why none of us like homework threads.

>> No.684632
File: 236 KB, 650x520, Brilliant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related.

sorry, because of

>>sorry shits are typos and im all over the place but im cracked out of coffee and ephedrine.

you have to explain shit to me as if i were a midly retarded 12 year old.

Thanks, i didn't see it as "fitting in"

I might also use this in my thesis.

>> No.684671

wow i am so confused.

i want to jump the ship and use the other text, at the same fucking time i want to stick with what i have because both texts are so different it will be a more interesting paper.

i have to use Autobiography of a face, i have a choice of 2 only other texts to use to write my paper.

its a self developed paper based on a theme scene in both primary texts.

>> No.684672
File: 24 KB, 460x280, BernardBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you shitheads always wait until the last moment before you come to us with your problems? jesus christ, give us AT LEAST HALF of the lead time you get. asshole.

>> No.684673


theme >>seen

>> No.684680


Once i get my outline i can get the ball rolling and type straight to finish the paper.

Its only a 10 pager which isnt much. it is just this fucking hump.

As far as procrastinating, i parties this weekend for 2 fucking days straight i know i am a fucking idiot. And on top of that my fucking calculus class has been running my life lol

>> No.684698

Ditch your old shit. It is obvious that both disparate characters are trying to fit in yet be "unique". What they are fitting into is still a mold of subculture. It is like being emo and saying nobody is like you when your whole fucking generation is doing exactly the same thing. You aren't learning or expressing anything new...you're learning and expressing exactly the same goddamned thing everyone else who is trying to be "unique" is. Welcome to realization.

>> No.684703

and get a fucking haircut

>> No.684714


j00 have a point...

glass castle and autobiog of a face it is.

both are female, so thats one HUGEEE plus, and i can see a lot of similarities just by thinking of them.

I will use Wolfes memoir as a secondary source...

>> No.684718



i just did on sat right before the party in hollywood :/

>> No.684737

blank blank blank blank blank are all ways Walls and Greally both use in order to hide/mask/disguise their perceived identity that they are ashamed of.

This is there. now i just have to fill in the blanks. One is how they dress. I have to pu my thoughrts on paper before i forget.


ohh ya no need to brb this place isnt /b/ that moves so fast.....

>> No.684767

one blank is how they dress to "fit in"

other is hose they hide from people

trying to fiugure out 3 more. starting to get tired might have to chew on another caffeine pill shortly. Not ready for another ephedrine pill yet :/

>> No.684961

anyone else?

>> No.685460

The kid smokes to be cool, to look cool, to project an image acceptable to his milieu, to fit in. What he really is is hidden.
The other wears a Halloween mask to participate in a cultural ritual, to be made acceptable to persons who would otherwise reject his requests for candy. He hides what he truly is to be accepted.

>> No.687076


Anyone have more?

Teacher gave me an extension its due tomorrow.

I think i am going to write on how they mold them selves. Changing it yet again.

>> No.687079

But I would like to use the underlying data to avoid any surprises. But how many of you wouldn't see this as kind of a synthetic happiness? Real happiness is a continuous journey. (Applause.) Thank you very much. We truly have a choice although other people say it's bad et cetera, et cetera. But if you're creative and determined enough, you can see the beauty sink in once you take the time. Then all of a sudden it becomes easy for the brain to always think straight. I'll give you an illustration of this: In the middle of voyages, there are often beautiful places that you miss. I would like to compare this to a patient who hated art. I told him "you don't have to worry about it", because in the middle of conflicts, we tend to overrate overrating the differences at the side. If you look at the whole picture, there's a choice - but of course we also need surprises. How many of you believe that I could use only data to avoid any surprises.

>> No.687084


Oh lawdy.

>>She hides, what she truly is because its the only way she feels she will be truly accepted in this world.

Im getting somewhere now. I finally got sleep. Finally ate...

>> No.687085

You're going to spend another year transforming them into a design that's not popular with political leaders - especially in the United States. It is basically a theory of a computer who will solve the prevalence of disease in the United States. So I invested significant money in the United States. This will especially benefit girls that have access to what I can't have. This doesn't need much oxygen because otherwise we'd be in deep trouble. I don't understand why this is not recognized in the project that I like very much. I don't have to own a four-passenger aircraft that is absolutely desirable. What I can't have therefore is to be building around the issues. I got all the answers right here while there's thousands of feet working hard. This is to make sure that we don't have a problem comparable to tourism.

>> No.687091





>> No.687166


>> No.687225

anyone else?

>> No.687233


>> No.687260

>help me with my homework

>> No.687262


Its help, not do it for me niggers.

>> No.687265

So? My levels of giving a fuck are equally non-existant.

>> No.687268


This thread is not aimed at you faggot.

So keep sagen'

>> No.687298


yeah, we get it. we also know how easy it is to use your own damn brain with an assignment. go to yahoo answers or some shit and gtfo of here.

>> No.687305


You dumb nigger if you would actually read the thread i just need help with my outline. After thats done i can easliy finish the paper myself.

I just cant seem to figure out what to write about.

>> No.687389


I finally got it, i am using autobiog of a face and glass castle to show courage.