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6841184 No.6841184 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some authors that epitomize 'middlebrow?'

Steven Pinker for sure.

>> No.6841193

Who cares, honestly?

>> No.6841196
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Dostojevsky and most other 19th century moralists.

>> No.6841197


Jonathan Franzen has the middlest brow I've ever seen.

>> No.6841198
File: 29 KB, 460x276, Dwight-Macdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late Hemingway ofc

>> No.6841199


some basic ones:

- Sartre
- Camus
- Updike
- Franzen
- Zadie Smith
- Cheever (though he's probably the most talented on this list)
- Carver
- Naipaul
- O'Hara
- most nobel winners these days
- Saramago
- Bellow
- Hemingway
- Faulkner's later stuff
- a bit of DeLillo's stuff, especially White Noise
- Fitzgerald

I mean some of those authors are good (Cheever, Fitzgerald, Saramago) and some bad (Updike, Franzen, DFW) but they are certainly all middlebrow

>> No.6841201

this is bait

>> No.6841204


not him, but Dostoevsky really is not much other than the smoke and mirrors surrounding juvenile philosophy

>> No.6841205

Are you asking which are bourgeois cunts?

Basically most of them

>> No.6841210
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>juvenile philosophy

>> No.6841215

what's with the high school marxists on this board?

>> No.6841223


it's not his christian stance I'm talking about, but rather how he presents his ideas -- basically he just has characters that talk back and forth in oblique soliloquy until they end up spelling out a manifesto of his ideas. There's nothing creative, there's no allegory, it's just a thin veil over basic moral principles.

>> No.6841246

>being this entrenched in capitalist ideology and bourgeois values
top kek
oh and:
>le 'If you aren't an ardent capitalist adherent, then you must be 15!' meme

>> No.6841263

Much of what the majority reads, plain and simple.

Holy grail of middlebrow 'thinkers' aka read by those, and only those, that have never been in, or read, academic papers in their lives (feel free to extend the list if you wish): Pinker, obviously, Sam Harris, Neil deGrasee (or whatever it's spelled) Tyson, Sagan, Krauss, Dawkins, Hitchens, Coyne

I feel like I've missed someone.

If you look closer you can spot a pattern: we have formed a list with representatives that correspond to nearly all natural and special sciences, except of course for Hitchens who was merely a journalist and polemicist.

>> No.6841267

>this will trigger plebs
But you're absolutely right.

>> No.6841275

Who are the highbrow authors? Pinecone and Joyce?

>> No.6841286

le sophmore year

>> No.6841293

Chomsky tbh, even if his politics are stupid

>> No.6841299

>le 'I desperately have to reduce different views to a strawman to avoid having to confront my own beliefs and rationalizations'

I realize that you have to do this because it helps reinforce your pigeonhole based weltanschauung which provides convenient ad hominem attacks that you can use to silence opposing views with little to no effort.

It's cute.

>> No.6841303

Douglas Coupland

>> No.6841306

Aren’t you sort of concerned that your ideology is the stuff of 16-year-old boys?

>> No.6841311

see >>6841299

>> No.6841319

>It's cute.
Oh, you're a woman, ok.

>> No.6841330


>> No.6841334

>'arguments' consist entirely of strawmanning opposing position

You must be a woman :^)

>> No.6841353

I don't think you know what a strawman is. I'm calling you a faggot.

>> No.6841366 [DELETED] 

for sure brother

>> No.6841371

>I'm calling you a faggot.

That's so hurtful

>> No.6841709

Isn't that what Shakespeare did?

What is a better example of inserting philosophy into your stories? allegory? that shit is as old as the greeks.

>> No.6841718

So Sense of Style isn't worth a read then, I take it?

>> No.6841814
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>> No.6841819


>> No.6841826

Say what you will about Pinker, but the man is a damn good linguist

>> No.6841834

I know Pynchon is a fantastic meme but maybe read up on him more.

>> No.6842421

Joyce, Pynchon, Faulkner, McCarthy, DeLilo, DFW

>> No.6843418

>Aren’t you sort of concerned that your ideology is the stuff of 16-year-old boys?
That's objectivism, not Marxism. Marxism is for 19-21 year olds.

>> No.6843427

Damn wait till you read The Republic. It is so painfully obvious it hurts.

>> No.6843962
File: 17 KB, 230x307, 230px-Steven_Pinker_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844011

that's subjective

>> No.6844016

this tbh

>> No.6844025


>aka read by those, and only those, that have never been in, or read, academic papers in their lives
>omg i've read a paper with an anova in it now im smart gaiz

>> No.6844034

No way. Pinker is top tier intellectual material. Only higher are people like Perry Anderson or the late Christopher Hitchens.

You want middlebrow, read Adam Kirsch. Or maybe Paul Kennedy.

For lowbrow - or netherbrow - Malcolm Gladwell. David Brooks. Complete Shit.

But not Pinker. Pinker writes and operates at the highest level, engaging with science, philosophy, and other domains with the utmost seriousness. His writings are among the best in contemporary Anglophone literature. This doesn't mean that he's right. What it means is that he engages with the utmost seriousness, plays for the highest possible stakes, and acquits himself well.

He's a top dog in modern thought.

>> No.6844041

Steven Pinker

>> No.6844052


>> No.6844071

Is there anything wrong with middlebrow?

I mean you are likely to get a well-written, accessible and reasonably thoughtful book and you're likely to learn at least something from it, even if you cannot agree with everything

>> No.6844075

>even if his politics are stupid
They're his best aspect.

>> No.6844107

Are you serious? The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined is one of the worst books I've ever read.

>> No.6844110

Came in here to say Malcolm Gladwell. Ctrl+f'd and found >>6844034

I was trolled until
>Only higher are people like Perry Anderson or the late Christopher Hitchens

>> No.6844161

Grow up child

>> No.6844177

marxists aren't the only ones who hate the bourgeois. everyone hates the bourgeois. even the bourgeois hate the bourgeois.