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/lit/ - Literature

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6841094 No.6841094 [Reply] [Original]

is this a good translation?

>> No.6841437

I don't know I would assume it isn't simply because penguin.

The Richard Burton translation is the best one and I think it's public domain

>> No.6841465

wtf does everybody have with Penguin ?

>> No.6841473

Snipped from Amazon:

"A magnificent, unexpurgated edition of the greatest collection of folk tales in the world . . . The Arabian Nights is not a book to be read in a week. It is an ocean of stories to be dipped into over a lifetime. And this new Penguin edition is the one to have."
-The Sunday Times (London)

"The translation . . . ought to become the standard one for the present century."
-The Times Literary Supplement

"These magnificent volumes are the most ambitious and thorough translation into English of The Arabian Nights since the age of Queen Victoria and the British Empire."
-The Guardian

"This new translation of the world's greatest collection of folk stories restores their colour and verve."
-The Sunday Times (London)

So, yeah, probably not terrible.

>> No.6841477

Shit paper, poor typeface.

>> No.6841486
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Is that seriously what you base your purchases on?

>> No.6841501



If a translator is too scared to render a verse translation then you know he is a cake boy and should stick to rendering literal translations of technical manuals or some other useless autistic shit.

>> No.6841524
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Oxford World's Classics gang or die, pleb.

>> No.6841543

They have a reputation for using undergrad tier translations. For english works they are fine, but like this anon said>>6841477 they are cheap.

They're not as bad as some people make them out to be but they have put out some serious train-wrecks translation wise.

>> No.6841551


>> No.6841553

i always buy penguin so all my books match
they are fine to read for me

>> No.6841564

That doesn't sound like Everyman lad

>> No.6841570

low level meme, the paper thing is for plebs who bent their books and the thing about translations is total bluff
fucking PhDs you are guys

>> No.6841581

>For english works they are fine
I should amend that I have heard they released a version of Paradise Lost and changed some words around to a more modern vernacular, butchering Milton's prose. they are a shady publisher, but I have their Steinbeck and it's fine.

>> No.6841590

That's for hardcover, fam.

>> No.6841592

>If a translator is too scared to render a verse translation
>1001 Nights is almost entirely a prose work
>the few parts that are in verse in the original are translated in verse in that edition of the book
>this guy is trying to look smart by commenting on the quality of a translation when he don't know anything about either the translation or the original

>> No.6841595

Penguin is hit and miss for philosophical works, but otherwise they're good, or at least adequate. The hate is because they're the most widespread publisher of classics and, y'know, you gotta hate them if you want to appear to be patrician.

Translations aside, their binding has a reputation for degrading and their spines becoming "cracked," but I have not encountered this problem myself and, honestly, I don't even about this outside of /lit/. Their flexibility, however, is miles ahead of Oxford's, which is ridiculously stiff.

My only general complaint is that if too many of them are put side-by-side, the spines look atrocious and start to form a black hole on my bookshelf. Their covers and spines from '50s are GOAT.

so tl;dr some of /lit/ hates penguin because they want to be cool

>> No.6841600

>translations is total bluff
They hired a different translator for each volume of Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" when I was at university my teacher specifically told students to avoid penguin translations and said that all his colleagues in the english department felt the same way, they're not taken seriously in academia.

But if you're happy with them and you don't care about prose I'm sure they''re perfectly functional for you.


>> No.6841605
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>> No.6841614

they will call you pleb but this was an honest answer , thanks

>> No.6841615


If you think the literal translations of verse are adequate you are a stupid faggot and you might as well just use Google translate to translate poetry.

>> No.6841621

>i know every language fluently

>> No.6841642

I Would add to this that penguin is hit or miss with all of their translations, when they're good, they produce adequate translations of works, but when they're bad, they are god awful. Just do some research beforehand on a case by case basis and see what's what.

>> No.6841656

>Just do some research beforehand on a case by case basis and see what's what.

Yeah, I should have mentioned that. There's no reason not to. I'm even weary of buying books originally in English because publishers like to fuck things around all of the time.

>> No.6841660

>i always buy penguin so all my books match


>> No.6841671

I bought a Penguin Paradise Lost, and the "translator" (this was an English copy btw) had updated all of Milton's verse to be more readable to modern readers. I especially wouldn't trust them with a medieval text and wouldn't touch a text from a foreign language with them. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.6841846

I have this edition and I recommend it. Malcolm Lyons is pretty top notch for translations of classical arabic (see his new Tales of the Marvelous and News of the Strange, which I also recommend). It's less fun than Burton, but closer to the original. The verse is translated as verse, the prose as prose.

I have read it, over the past year+, and the thing to remember that is that it's a compilation. Some of it is good, like the tales of the fisherman, and of the 3 princesses, some of it is shit, like the animal fables, and some is so-so, like the interminable epic of Dau al-makan, which takes up a third of the 1st volume.

As for the book quality, it's not good, but its 3000 pages long (in 3 vols). You want a snazzy edition, expect to pay a lot more. Mine has not fallen apart, but it's less than 2 years old.

Btw, for anyone interested in translations of 1001 nights, Borges's essay on it is essential reading.

>> No.6842414

because /lit/ is a retarded hivemind. penguin translations are on par with oxford. norton has the worst by far.

>> No.6843120

Yes. You want unexpurgated: it's this or Burton. Get all three volumes.

>> No.6843126
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>> No.6843269

Shitposts aside, what's the best translation of 1001 Nights?

>> No.6843298


>> No.6843399


>> No.6843406

I have them and I think they capture the transition of Schehrezad's tales-within-tales quite well

>> No.6843640

Like half of my books for lit courses were Penguin classics.

>> No.6845104
File: 269 KB, 1600x654, penguindropcaps7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penguins are as commonly used as any other press's works in both English departments I work in, and in the ones I attended as a student. lit just likes parroting stuff.
These, however, are strictly for fun.

>> No.6846220

and you're a hivemind retard

>> No.6847186

what school do you go to?