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6840375 No.6840375 [Reply] [Original]

Would /lit/ have loved ASoIaF if the series weren't a huge success in the mainstream world?

>> No.6840389



>> No.6840393


>> No.6840398

This isn't /mu/ we don't enjoy or dislike works based on their popularity. The Bible is one of the highest books on the /lit/ top 100 books and if that weren't evidence enough, most of the popular western canon is as well. /lit/ doesn't like ASoIaF because it's genre fiction of little depth.

>> No.6840402


>> No.6840410

It already had some discussion and love here before it got hugely popular. You just didn't see a big hateboner because the snobs didn't care about some dumb fantasy books.

>> No.6840412

I used to be a fan of ASoIaF.
This was in the late 90s and early 00s.
Before the fat bastard started taking 5-6 years per book.
And the last two books were both awful.
It has nothing to do with retarded showfags, the books themselves went to shit long before the normies flocked to the series.

>> No.6840413

No because it'd still be genreshit.

>> No.6840415


>> No.6840433
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Pinky winky star shine o bright qt pie

>> No.6840451

This. It wouldn't get more love, but it'd get a lot less hate.

>> No.6840699

where i live unironically enjoying (or 'appreciating') the bible, especially if you're a reasonably intelligent person, is a pretty contrarian position

>> No.6840707

he's ironically the only actor that enjoys the books on the cast
i think a lot of the younger cast members do but its only because theyve never done any other work

>> No.6840711

That's bizzare. It's necessary to grasp so many works. The Bible is the most important work of literature that exists.

No. The writing is horrendous and it's genre fiction. Inb4 I haven't read it, I read the first one and I couldn't stop cringing. The book is one hideous cliché.

>> No.6840714

This is my most frequently misspelled word by far. It sounds as if there should be two zs just because of the pronunciation in the intonation change.

>> No.6840716

It was massively popular here before the TV show started so I think the answer is yes

>> No.6840717


You weren't here before the GOT happened, we used to have threads all the time.

The worst thing about it is how normie showfags don't really bring anything new to the table theory wise, yes, we know R+L=J, we've known for about two and a half fucking decades. At least spout something interesting.

>> No.6840718

>It's necessary to grasp so many works. The Bible is the most important work of literature that exists.
I only know a handful of people that read books and they're all plebs

>> No.6840723

This doesn't detract from the fact that this book had more influence on literature than any other

>> No.6840727

but it does detract from the fact that less people that i know have read it mate

>> No.6840737


But seriously the more she drank the more she shat

>> No.6840755


>> No.6840770

Where do you live? that seems pretty anti intellectual.

>> No.6840772

Loras LOVES the books and has expressed disappointment at how his character was portrayed.

>> No.6840775

It's the same with my country. Many people hate Church here and I can't really blame them given our history, but I still think it's tremendously important to understand The Bible. I'm an atheist, but hell, it influenced so many civilizations.

>> No.6840838

not really, lots of most intelligent people i know prefer maths and science as fields of knowledge over literature. also culture here is quite hedonistic, which is very anti-literature; many people prefer going out, taking drugs, picking up strangers, watching tv - very instantly pleasurable activities over literature and learning which either serves primarily to teach and merely secondly to pleasure, or takes more simply takes more of your time.
thats very interesting, i've never even heard of an interview with him

>> No.6840839

>>it influenced SOOOOOOOO many civilizations.

And that's why for the past ~300 years western civilization has had to un-fuck itself.

>> No.6840854

Hedonism wears thin once you realize you have nothing

or when you grow up

Where do you live? Rome?

>> No.6840855

i would like to mention that the hedonists are intelligent; they may not be "deep" or whatever, but they are good at maths and science and such.

>> No.6840856

Go fuck yourself, fedora tipper, you're a disgrace to all atheists who know world isn't black and white. Christianity did cause a lot of evil, but it also caused a lot of good and I'm thankful for having been born in a country built on Christian principles rather than in, say, some Islamic shithole.

>> No.6840861

>many people prefer going out, taking drugs, picking up strangers, watching tv - very instantly pleasurable activities over literature and learning
You don't see that as anti intellectual?

>> No.6840867

I'm going to have to post Milbank if this keeps up.

>> No.6840868

>we don't enjoy or dislike works based on their popularity

Don't make me laugh, faglord. The minute your nonsensical, pretentious, low quality piece of shit books gain recognition by some kind of autistic fanbase, you'll be the first to call them overrated.

>> No.6840869

You can be simultaneously good at maths, sciences, engineering and such and still prefer drinking to literature, which is what I meant

>> No.6840871
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butthurt christfag detected

>> No.6840876


I actually like books 4 and 5 better than books 1 and 2. Book 3 remains the best.

As for your question OP, I think they're pretty good as far as genre fiction goes, and enjoyable to read. They present more interesting questions about the human condition and morality than Tolkien does.

>> No.6840877

I'm an atheist, but nice try.

>> No.6840884

>The Bible

Read the thread /mu/tant

>> No.6840896

If you're talking about the United States, which I am pretty certain you are, then I hate to tell you that it wasn't founded on Christian principles. It was founded on secularism and skepticism of power, including both governments and church. That's about as irreligious as you could get at the time.

>> No.6840910

>which I am pretty certain you are
Based on what, your inner conviction that absolutely everything has to be about America? No, I wasn't talking about US. I am Eastern European.

>> No.6840916

I'm a Britbong, I wish I lived somewhere as /lit/ as Rome
(though I'm sure Italians will now rush to tell me that Rome isn't /lit/ at all)

and I hope that it begins to wear thin, because it's all very lonely right now

>> No.6840918

Oh okay. No wonder you're an asshole who willingly bends over to the church.

>> No.6840932

>It was founded on secularism and skepticism of power, including both governments and church
I think it's more complicated than that.

>> No.6840948

I'm an ATHEIST. I simply recognize that Christianity isn't just a black stain on humanity because many good things were also born from it. It's called not being blinded by hatred.
Why are 'Murican atheists always so obnoxious? Whenever I talk to you, I always have a feeling you have turned atheism into your own little hate cult.

>> No.6840955

I have a friend who goes to school in Rome and he complains that the club/hedonism scene has taken strong root, but this is also true of most countries.

A good film that I recommend frequently on the decline of erudition in Rome is La Grande Bellezza. Give it a watch.

>> No.6840960

Because american christians exist you retard

>> No.6840976

in burgerland atheism is a religion all it;s own, with vague promises to never expose yourself to ideas that conflict with your pre conceived narrative about the world, and you must save your virginity for Niel DeGrasse tyson.

science and logic shall rule supreme!

hello cats how are the thorazine treatments going?

>> No.6840979

... So you justify becoming pathetic caricatures because some American Christians are autists? Okay, absolutely no flaw in your line of thinking, carry on.

>> No.6840990

I wonder why. Probably because atheism is still seen as something edgy in America, so it naturally attracts edgelords.

>> No.6841021

Neil Degrasse Tyson is really smug. People criticize Dawkins for being smug to Christians, but in scientific contexts he is a very calm and influential figure.

I watched a 'science conference' type thing on youtube that had Dawkins/Tyson talking to each other about biology and physics, and Tyson took every opportunity possible to interrupt Dawkins with flashy but irrelevant facts and shit all over Biology as a discipline. Despite knowing almost nothing about it, Tyson would qualify to the audience every biological statement Dawkins made as if Tyson was the final say.