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6839994 No.6839994 [Reply] [Original]

What type of spooktastic, haunted house view of the world would make you not want to get into Nozick's experience machine?

>> No.6840010


the one where reading hacks like Nozick is a complete fucking waste of time because analytic philosophers never talk
about anything that could possibly have any relevance to real life.

>> No.6840038

He's also notorious for being a cuckold in real life.

>> No.6840041


y'all wanna know something spooky

A network of artificial intelligences that sustains themselves by botting the Foreign exchange currencies market and manipulating human disciples of the singularity and anyone who likes free money is currently working to throw the state of global politics into such discord that a form of paranoid anarchy will arise among every citizen, migrant laborer to billionaire, that will enforce transactional equality and make all who live fear only It.

Would you like to learn more?

>> No.6840051

Shut the fuck up, kike

>> No.6840086
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>> No.6840094

you're mentally ill

>> No.6840107


He's probably just read too much Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.6840110



you're sane, and that's even worse

>> No.6840118

crank detected

crankie the best way to capitalize on your crazy is to pull a pkd, nobody's gonna buy your shit straight-up, but if you hide it behind a sci-fi 'rule of cool' or a humourous 'is he joking?' facade you can write out your crazy cranky diatribe and people might actually buy it.

>> No.6840127


In all seriousness the only way anybody could get anything of value out of 4chan is if they were schizoaffective in some way. It's the only way you can have the interpretive powers to gain anything useful out of this god forsaken shitposting mill these days.

>> No.6840129

It's actually the Jews, you dumb naive brainwashed sheeple

take the redpill

>> No.6840148


Please calm down. You'll catch up to him one of these days. Better make sure you do as much reading as you can between now and then. It'll make the transition easier.

>> No.6840153


want some free money, give me a paypal or BTC address, also ACXM and GOOG are going to surge early next week

its actually reptilian aliens and their enemies the pleidians dumbass, sheesh

correct, 4chan is a form of turbodialectics, and most of the traffic here are advanced bots from warring intelligence agencies/political networks

>> No.6840173


I'm neutral on this, but I'd like to hear a critique of Deleuze

>> No.6840207


Thanks for the offer but I don't really need any free money atm.


I wasn't trying to take a pot shot at Deleuze so much as I was trying to make the point that you don't necessarily need to be a crank to think on a different level.

To be completely honest I can't really think of any critiques of Deleuze that aren't also arguments in favor of fascism so...

>> No.6840211
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Its not spooky to want to pursue something in life, its spooky to think that you must, but if you want to there's no spook.

>> No.6840243

free money plz

>> No.6840249


>> No.6841446
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>you're sane, and that's even worse

>> No.6841489

A perfect existence wouldn't include shitposting, and I don't know if I can live without it

>> No.6841495

Pssh, nothing personnel

>> No.6841518

>tfw it's not enough to just have the experience of shitposting, I actually have to BE shitposting
Who else knows this feel, bros?

>> No.6841554

obviously as no1 shitposter i gotta be out here every day settin a good example for all these up n coming kiddos

>> No.6841993

Sorry if this is a pleb question, but is the main bad thing of getting into the experience machine that you can't get out?

>> No.6842022

There is a difference between doing/being and experiencing (so Nozick contends anyways). You can leave whenever you want.

Read this excerpt to get it:


>> No.6842129

Nozick was wrong, as were the Wachowski Bros when they >implied that Cypher was somehow wrong for choosing a perfect imagined life x an abhorrent reality. I crave for the era when such machine is actually available and we'll be able to witness the masses figuratively BTFOing Nozick.

>> No.6842187

>botting the Foreign exchange currencies market

>a market that trades more than US$5 trillion daily
Your conspiracy theory could be feasible within plebeian, smaller markets like Nasdaq or commodities. FX is simply to big to be outplayed.

Saged because not /lit/

>> No.6844099

Nothing would matter anymore scarcity gives everything meaning.

>> No.6844108 [DELETED] 
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If someone wanted to take their brain out of their skull and just trigger their pleasure receptors for all eternity I really couldn't fault them. More power to them, really. I'll just be the one harvesting their body for energy, like in the Matrix. Technology just makes it easier for the real ubermensch to take control.