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/lit/ - Literature

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6839090 No.6839090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's been a noticeable drop in board culture after the raid.
Is the /lit/ as we know it on its last breath?

>> No.6839097

Just remember it's summer.


>> No.6839107

Philosophy ruined the board tbh. It's easy enough to just read a wiki article or two and pretend you're a philosophy savant.

>> No.6839127

What raid?

>> No.6839130

there never was anything to ruin.

>> No.6839141
File: 969 KB, 756x9800, rip lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839147

I agree with this. Those few hours of spam yesterday has nothing to do with it.

Also the increase of /pol/ attitudes making it impossible to discuss female or colored authors.

>> No.6839148

All the boards are shit aside from /toy/, don't act as if /lit/ used to be good

>> No.6839149


I actually don't mind the Philosophy threads. I have found they (sometimes) have something to teach me.

Personally, I wish there were more History threads, or Pedagogical Literature (how to teach) threads.

What I dislike the most are the Theology threads. I have a degree BA in Religious Studies and a Masters in Comparative Religions (secular study of religion, you would be surprised how many people don't know that), and I'm bored to tears with the theologians. I mean, once you understand Religion from sociological, economic and psychological theory... it's not hard to understand why something like "religion" exists.
>Hint: needs.

The problem I have with the theology threads is they are ALL reduced to blind circular logic. This is annoying to say the least. I don't want to sound pretentious, but I roll my eyes every time.

It's like a climatologist listening to a bunch of politicians talk about climate... all the politicains have their agendas, and push them... but the climatologist is looking at the data staring him in the face and "really" knows what is going on.

I'm the climatologist.

>> No.6839151

that genuinely upset me

>> No.6839189


>> No.6839200

she sounds like a delusional crybaby tbh

>> No.6839206


I can't stop laughing

>> No.6839207

Oh this again

/lit/ is still the same after that. That was just a thing that happened

>> No.6839212

This place was always 4chan, which means it was always shit. If you want to romanticize your past at least do this with something that's not the Babylonian carving section of an international valueless antiquities storage center.

>> No.6839213

>it's not hard to understand why something like "religion" exists
Well it seems pointless and absurd to me. The most rational explanation of the origin of religion is the one that says it appeared as a consequence of psychedelic mushrooms.

>> No.6839221

takes one to know one

>> No.6839225

This board has been so fascinated with itself lately, I'm not so sure it hasn't went to the shitter as well.

>> No.6839235

>Well it seems pointless and absurd to me.
I originally thought this too, until I pursued my degrees in Religious Studies. Religious thought (and mind you it depends on the religion we are talking about; micro vs macro distinctions) can be both rational and irrational. To the religious minded, it clearly rational. To the purely secular, it is irrational. Then again, a religious minded person can come to realize the irrationality of their position and STILL believe. i.e. faith.

As for origins, scholars have been arguing this point for centuries, examples include, Hume, Durkheim, Freud, Plato, Aristotle, Auguste Comte, Marx, ..... just to name a few.

>> No.6839240

>used to like a board's culture
>board's culture changes to off-topic shitposting about politics and "who is that semen demon" posts
>listen to some faggot on a Sumerian ziggurat construction forum tell me I shouldn't care

>> No.6839248

I'm rather partial to the theory which states that they came to justify rituals. And, of course, we see priests as the first bureaucracies in many prehistoric cultures.

>> No.6839249

>nearly 2 years ago
>come on /lit/ for the first time
>why is /lit/ so shit, guys!? It used to be good!
>6 months later
>why is /lit/ so shit, guys!? It used to be good!
>6 months later
>why is /lit/ so shit, guys!? It used to be good!
>6 months later
>why is /lit/ so shit, guys!? It used to be good!

Meanwhile, I used to make a thread for every work of literature I finished, and asked for specific non-fiction works, and received maybe 10-20 replies per thread, all of them quality. A few threads even blew up to about 50 posts. So if you want your good ol' /lit/, make a thread about a book you've read and want to talk about instead of flooding it with shit like this.

>> No.6839253

interesting as fuck

>> No.6839256

So the board culture changed from a brand of annoying silliness you liked to another brand of annoying silliness you don't like. I guess it's a fucking tragedy and there's no other solution for you than to commit sudoku after you hundreth "why has /lit fallen so low ?" thread to uphold your honor as a proud warrior-shitposter and heroically protest about the darkening of that beacon of idiocy that is /lit.

Satisfied now ?

>> No.6839258

Well maybe people would talk about them if you liked them for reasons other than being female or colored.

>> No.6839259

That's deep as fuck, I've never heard that one before. Looks like your brief stint as a theologian has granted you mental affinity for the most trite sociological cogitations, congratulations mr cilmatologist. It's no wonder such a simple minded person thinks the philosophy threads are deep.

Thank you though. Posters like you remind me that, despite what people say about le marxists, le stirner, le christians, etc, this board has always been full to the brim with idiots who think only in cheap secondhand platitudes. Anyone who puts a bit of thought and effort into their study of the arts should leave this place. The arrogant idiot I'm replying too is the rule, not the exception.

>> No.6839264

Fucking migrants destroying our culture.

>> No.6839274

>Sumerian ziggurat construction forum

I think you're in the wrong place. This is an Eskimo Igloo appreciation consortium.

>> No.6839275

It was like that when I arrived in 2011, too. Probably the second post ever on the board was someone complaining that the old /lit/ was better.

>> No.6839296


Why are you so angry? Strange.

>> No.6839301

Don't flatter yourself, your bland stupidity doesn't anger anyone, it only incites remote observation

>> No.6839312


I'm just trying to figure out how this>>6839149
could produce this>>6839259.

You really haven't said anything (nor I for that matter)... It's just strange for someone to get so upset over me confessing to not enjoy theology threads. So what's the problem here? I'm coming from personal experience, I'm not saying my words are law/God... Theologians do that... I'm just stating my opinion, and you seem like you can't handle that, like a angry teenager.

I'm sorry all I have to do is say one word like "needs" and it sets you off. Truly I'm sorry, for both us, because we both know where a road like this leads; lets just choose not to revert to such pettiness yes? I'm feeling rather grown up today, won't you join me?

>> No.6839317
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>you speak like your hymen is intact

>> No.6839318

I've been on /lit/ since 2011 and I've always made it a priority to shitpost in female and colored threads

>> No.6839319

There it is. The mandatory 'this board is turning to shit' thread. The board has always been shit, just like every board on 4chan. You don't exactly come here for the quality.

>> No.6839321

Please stop promoting the ellipses meme.

>> No.6839322
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>to discuss female or colored authors
he sees the world through sex and race

>> No.6839323


What would you recommend for a literature board & Quality?

>> No.6839337
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>It's like a genius listening to a bunch of people he doesn't agree with. All the people he doesn't agree with have their beliefs, and push them... but the genius is looking at the Bible staring him in the face and "really" knows what is going on.
>I'm the genius.

>> No.6839342

I'd recommend finding people to discuss literature with in real life.

4chan is just a meme factory. Other online forums just come down to taste but are shit in their own ways.

>> No.6839352

>This board has always been shit
you evidently weren't here two days ago, let alone two years
overall board quality for pretty much everything but /b/ has taken a massive hit within the past few months

reddit exodus, twicechan failing, news reports, people come in and shit up the place more and more every day
>Other online forums just come down to taste but are shit in their own ways.
Why are you even on 4chan if not to have genuine hobbyist discussion.

>> No.6839359

/lit/ had some good shit after that for a good 4 months. I agree with another anon, it's summer. All the boards have become hyper memey.

>> No.6839364

Never said I didn't agree with them. There are plenty I find agreeable, such as the ethical dimensions in theology. I rather enjoy reading the meta-ethics of theologian ethicist, they are, in face, very good reads.

People do push their beliefs, proselytism is often built into the very foundation of religious beliefs, and of course, I choose to study proselytism from a secular point of view (Max Weber & Rodney Stark).

I recognize my position to study religions from a secular point of view seems rather pretentious and, is most often, considered a threat to the religious minded; especially when placed into a working theory based on economics and psychology (mixed with some sociology but mainly ECONOMICS). I'm sure, many people have not heard of religious economies, but when you observe how religious groups shift and move members within these economies, it becomes very clear what is going on, and it rarely has to do with a "religious experience" or faith.

I mentioned needs, and I don't have time nor the energy to explain years of reading and study on the subject, however, I could, if anyone is interested, recommend books that address this subject.

Again, I recognize that my field of study is a direct challenge to the religious minded, which is why it is often aggressively opposed by them, this is to be expected (and in some cases hated).

>> No.6839368

>>I mentioned needs,
what are these needs ?

>> No.6839382

>and I don't have time nor the energy to explain years of reading and study on the subject, however, I could, if anyone is interested, recommend books that address this subject.

It's a poly-theoretical to construct, multi-disciplinary in collecting data. Looking at specific Sociological, Psychological, and Intellect human needs, and of course, all under an umbrella of economics that ties the theory together. Religions are indeed social, and a Business, This is where Rodney Stark's thesis on religious economies comes into play. Like I mentioned, I can recommend books, but to go into full detail (which is often required for such a touchy delicate thing like religion) would be extremely time consuming.

>> No.6839503

Board quality might have gone down, but this place has never been good. It's always been a memefest with little actual discussion.

I come here when i'm bored for some instant satisfaction. I don't delude myself in to thinking this place is anything other than mindless shitposting though. I kind of feel sorry for you if a board on 4chan is an actual outlet for a hobby you are seriously interested in.

>> No.6839526

I can't watch a movie in a theater in any urban area without having to experience the hooting and hollering of the coloreds ruining the movie.
So I guess things even out.

>> No.6839536

You know, just because you read a lot about religion and wasted a lot of time and possibly money studying religion, doesn't make your opinion the final say on religion

>> No.6839548

Well you don't become an authority on said subject by sitting around posting on /lit/. Degrees along side publishing works in academic journals with University recognition helps in becoming an authority on the subject. Specifically in secular academic circles. It's the 21st century, that's how it works anon.

>> No.6839583

>I kind of feel sorry for you if a board on 4chan is an actual outlet for a hobby you are seriously interested in.
/tg/ and a lot of the slower boards are great, though. Follow /ic/ and you will absolutely become a technically competent illustrator, for example.

>> No.6839605

Let's hope

>> No.6839616

/lit/ is slower than /tg/

>> No.6839635

>/lit/ supposedly hates /pol/
>/pol/ hates immigration
>/lit/ thinks /pol/'s hatred of others is close minded
>/pol/ immigrates to /lit/, /lit/ tells /pol/ to fuck off back where they came form
>/lit/ proves /pol/ right on immigration
