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6838824 No.6838824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no Jewish gf

>> No.6838854


I mean, they are loud, money grubbing whores. Most of them have lifeless eyes; like a dolls eyes.

>> No.6838858


>> No.6838861

>Most of them have lifeless eyes; like a dolls eyes.


>> No.6838869

That is hot. You Jew description sounds like the average flat-faced asian supermodel.

>> No.6838882


Haven't you ever looked in a women's eyes (sometimes after getting to know her a little; listening and watching her idiosyncrasies) and you see nothing behind them?

Just emptiness, filled with being acquisitive, competitive, greedy, selfish, and vanity struck. Chalked and cloaked behind a materialistic mask, hiding her lowbrow narcissism.

Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.6838885

would have thought that to be a more apt description of gooks eyes but not jews eyes

>> No.6838889

I've looked into many a woman's bum holes, it made me fall in love once. I'd rather not talk about it though, thanks for bringing it up you cunt.

>> No.6838891

This description>>6838882 can apply to Asians too.

>> No.6838906

I've only really looked into two women's eyes, and both those women, one of whom is only part jewish, have sorta kept in touch with me by liking my stuff on social media. It's a very intimate experience that I've only experienced twice.

Jews are soulless, I guess.

>> No.6838939

>Jews are soulless, I guess.

Not Jews in general. Women (and most of them).

>> No.6838961

>inb4 someone screams "/POL/!" after an anon logically hates a race of people who have been exiled dozens of times for thousands of years all around the globe

>> No.6838971

Anti-semitism should be illegal

>> No.6838972

>tfw no Italian catholic gf


>tfw no swedish gf

>> No.6838973


Who the fuck said I hate a race of people? You are putting words in my mouth anon, I never said such a thing. I'm talking about women specifically Jewish and Asian women.

>> No.6838979

Lucky for you, Chaim, it basically is in many countries.

Notice my lack of a link to any one post. Realize that just means I'm speaking in general. Shitbird.

>> No.6838981

Go back to r9k

>> No.6838984


>> No.6838985

stfu bitch, I was thinking of you when I wrote all that. You are so god damn hated here it is not even funny anymore.

>> No.6838993

Newb. >>>/r9k/

>> No.6838996
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Somehow that only makes my dick harder.

>> No.6838998

I'm sure it did, you meme lovin fuck.

>> No.6839003

>>tfw no Italian catholic gf
I'd say this, but don't Italian girls get hairy arms and shit? Are Poles Catholic? If so, >tfw no Polish Catholic gf

>> No.6839013
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>tfw jewish gf

>> No.6839016

being jewish i also know that feel op. i'm getting cucked everyday by goys you could say :(

>> No.6839185

implying you're not some reform or reconstrctionist faggot who never went to shul
you cucked yourself

>> No.6839194
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>> No.6839244

Maternal ancestry or whateveer the fuck it is called makes you pretty much useless tbh.

>> No.6839247


>> No.6839427

I dated a jewish girl. She was a postmodernist and i used to make fun of her, she was cute when she was offended. We read borges and laughed at nazi forums together. She wasn't a whore, or at least she was a repressed one. In defense of jews, she returned money she owed me after our break up.

>> No.6839439

>In defense of jews, she returned money she owed me after our break up.

kek, trust me, she weighed the cost-benefit analysis in her Jew brain and found it beneficial and conducive to leave no strings attached whatsoever. It was not an act of kindness, it was calculated risk.

>> No.6839443

that doesn't make much sense, anon, sounds like confirmation bias

>> No.6839465

>she used logic
jew rat!

>> No.6839471

interesting as fuck

>> No.6839474

That's a nice little story, Anon.

>> No.6839478

ah, but is it interesting

>> No.6839491

It was indeed logical, cold calculating logic. Anon was trying to talk her up to be something more, something compassionate, untrue. Cold logic.

>> No.6839498

I don't think logical describes a postmodernist very well.

>> No.6839502


Jews invented postmodernism

>> No.6839593
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all these antisemites under the spell of YHWH's curse.