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/lit/ - Literature

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6837123 No.6837123 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of lit class
>'tell us your name and the last book you read!'
>gets to one girl
>'i just finished reading this really interesting book about big brother, it was called 1987'

>> No.6837126

>what are you reading anon?
>moby dick
>oh I've never read him before, is he any good?

happened to me twice

>> No.6837127

have seen worse humour tbh. Did you answer that you are a huge Orson Welles yourself?

>> No.6837133
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>it's amazing how accurate orwell's writing is given he wrote the book thirty years ago

>> No.6837134
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>writing class
>half the students say they don't read
>find out they just took it because they thought it would be nice to "be a writer"

>> No.6837141

>yeah bruh i wanna be literate fam lmao

>> No.6837149
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>I love evelyn waugh, she's one of my favourite writers

>> No.6837150

>In lit studies
>our year has to select a department representative of some such nonsense
>everyone speaking about how much they love books.
>one guy stands up "i basically read a book a day"
>king is his favorite author
>everyone applauds how much volume he reads
>nobody cares about taste because that would be "elitist"
>the dumb fuck gets elected and and tries to get a petition going for English department to teach harry potter in modern classics

>> No.6837216

Is this memeposting or actually true in the (I assume) US? The people in my lit classes have all been relatively well read and most even have favourite writers that aren't pleb tier and are at least somewhat unique (Huysmans, Fontane, Turgenev, Byron etc.)

>> No.6837227

I think this is more than just a US problem, it's a pleb problem. An Oxford literature professor once told me she had a student apply who, when asked in an interview about what books/authors she had been reading recently, talked about Harry Potter

>> No.6837233

>in existentialism class
>2 hipster kids come to half the classes
>only like sartre
>hate on kierkegaard and camus
>start talking about Sartre finally
>isn't sartre's point about being with others that we shouldn't care what we think so much
>I say the point is how you react to their opinions
>Implicitly stating they give a shit and to stop trying so hard to be cool

>> No.6837244
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>existentialism class

>> No.6837280

I'd say that King is not a bad choice for a favorite author. The plots might be cheesy,but he knows how to develop actually realistic and interesting characters. I rarely see anyone spend so much effort to small details to paint a precise picture of almost every character.

>> No.6837299

ITT: ego stroking

>> No.6837302

but we're anonymous

>> No.6837305

Great and insightful comment my friend.

>> No.6837366


There are tons of plebs who take lit at universities over here. They're mostly in it for the "college experience" and take English because they can't into STEM and because it was easy to BS in high school.

>> No.6837437

How does that make a difference?

>> No.6837453

ask your mom

>> No.6837491
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>> No.6837620

It's true in Canada, too.

Most people I know who want to be writers have maybe read at most 50 books by the time they're 20, of which the Harry Potter books make up 7 of those.

These people have no life experience, no literary experience, abhor "elitism," yet demand to be writers. As a result, a lot of their stories or poems never rise above bland and banal navel-gazing. All of these people drink, smoke, and "omg looove coffee."

I even asked one guy why people should read him if he can't even be bothered to read more than a handful of books. He couldn't give a solid answer and even admitted that he hates reading.

There's only one girl I've met - a hard feminist - who I would call well read and can actually write poetry, but she's a bit of a snob and has a chip on her shoulder.

>> No.6837629


>be me
>be on 4chan
>see long green text
>don't read
>instead post my own
>it probably wasn't that funny anyway
>you just love to talk tbh

>> No.6837639

literally me

>> No.6837708

>I rarely see anyone spend so much effort to small details to paint a precise picture of almost every character.

King is the pinnacle of character development? Do explain

>> No.6837721

>Join writing club
>One of the admins writes chick-lit and fanfiction
>Other admin is typical harry potter/YA reader
>they both post constantly about being a writer and how much they love books

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

>> No.6837756

Get off of the computer tublub.

>> No.6837765
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>> No.6837806
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>join book club
>everyone is pretty cool, have an awesome time

>work at bookstore
>everyone is pretty cool, have an awesome time

>volunteer at library
>everyone is pretty cool, have an awesome time

>help edit zines
>everyone is pretty cool, have an awesome time

>go on /lit/

>> No.6837820

cool people are plebs and those that have an awesome time are also plebs

>> No.6837824

fuck yourself pleb

>> No.6837826

Have you considered that you too are a pleb?

>> No.6837842
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>all these people buttblasted that someone else had fun

>> No.6837844

why did you quote those last two posts out of order?

>> No.6837846

are you autistic?

>> No.6837849

you just answer my question first alright

>> No.6837852
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>tfw all my friends at uni are smarter than me
>one girl just finished reading War and Peace
>another can speak latin and is studying translation
>another is studying theology

It's a good feel to know my place and know that it's not above people.

>> No.6837860

>Star Trek desert survival manuals
>Dune is one of my favourite books

>> No.6837862

>she's a bit of a snob and has a chip on her shoulder
Sounds like /lit/

>> No.6837864
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Don't you know? If you become a critic you can be above people without actually being better than anyone. But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. You'll be surprised at how quickly you see results!

>> No.6837870

Thanks for the tip Bloomberg

>> No.6837875
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stop being a beta cuck and start being better than them
it's as simple as working harder and smarter

>> No.6837881
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>pleb is anally devastated about his inferior taste, and projects onto patricians

>> No.6837884

How about I give you the tip of my dick?

>> No.6837888

I am working hard and I'm doing well. Being comfortable and being a beta cuck is not the same thing lmao.

>> No.6837891
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are you coming on to me?
i certainly don't think i've ever done or will do something that would earn me a greentext reenactment if that's what you're asking

i just have the uncanny abilities to not surround myself with idiots and to allow people the benefit of the doubt

>admiring someone for reading
>admiring someone for being bilingual
>admiring someone for studying
mon ami, there is a difference between humility and lack of will

>> No.6837897

>there is a difference between humility and lack of will
prove it

>> No.6837905


Canada here as well and I can confirm.

I briefly attended a writers' club at school and what you said is very accurate. I should also note that most of them were pot heads.

I spoke with one guy who talked about how life changing his acid trips were and about how they're "going to be an inspiration on his writing." When I asked him why they aren't an inspiration now, he said he isn't writing at the moment because he wants to gain more "experience" before starting. And when I asked him what type of experience he was hoping to get, he just talked about all the drugs he hasn't tried yet.

>> No.6837906

>a bit of a snob
>chip on her shoulder
Sounds like any women in arts academia

>> No.6837917

What reason do you have to believe I lack will?

>> No.6837919

Two out of three ain't bad, but do try to compete with them. A friendly competition is how I've always seen it.

Some may equate the two as the same thing, but you really ought to separate them

>> No.6837945
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'humility' is one word and 'lack of will' is three
because you listed three things that don't really require much wit. what they do require is will, so if you find yourself in awe of that, it's more likely that you lack will than wit

>> No.6837948
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>liking being inferior to women

>> No.6837967

it actually is. hope this helps

>> No.6837975

Why do all you guys have such big egos?

>> No.6837992

>sit in lit and writing classes every week
>assemble elaborate stories about every student based only on their appearance and the questions/answers they offer in class
>during the rollcheck i memorize the names of the few interesting ones and go home and look them up on facebook
>try to convince myself i am better than them

>> No.6838019

>And when I asked him what type of experience he was hoping to get, he just talked about all the drugs he hasn't tried yet.
top kek

>> No.6838061

> he knows how to develop actually realistic and interesting characters. I rarely see anyone spend so much effort to small details to paint a precise picture of almost every character
Try Victor Hugo m8

>> No.6838069

>Is this memeposting
To an extent. The US has general education requirements in university, which means that even potential engineers and doctors have to take a basic writing course. Basically, the entry level classes in writing are purposely made as easy as possible so that asian would be engineers who don't speak English can still pass and pay their absurdly high foreign-student tuition. After that, the quality of a Bachelor's in Literature is up to the student himself. There are rigorous classes with great professors available for those with actual interest in the arts, but there are also filter classes for those people he was talking about, who are just there to waste time and get a piece of paper.

>> No.6838366

War and Peace is a hard one to read?

>> No.6838407

Sound like a total bro

>> No.6838484

>I just finished my first year of my MFA program
>pretty diverse group; I'm one of the youngest (22), though
>Mostly well read group
>a few people my age talk about YA a lot, though; which is a bummer

>In my fiction workshop; one older (60's) woman says she doesn't read anymore
>start to dislike her
>we workshop her piece; it's pretty good
>when we have a visiting author, she reads more of his work than anyone else in the class.

>> No.6838992

16 year olds like to pretend to be mature.

>> No.6839020

>Read's Keyes' 'Flowers for Algernon'
>Girl walks up
>"I love romance novels!"


>> No.6839068

>in lit class
>sat near group of qt girls
>teacher asks class what our first experience with literature was
>everyone says the Iliad or Appolodorus' Bibliotheca
>teacher asks me
>I expect the teacher to be impressed so I say Lolita
>he looks confused, almost laughing
>one of the girls looks at me
>I can see them all laughing at me
>'you didn't start with the Greeks?'
>they all start chucking olives at me; laughing
>one of the football players starts chanting 'PEDO, PEDO, PEDO'
>the whole class joins in, still throwing olives
>I run out of class, having already urinated myself (i wasn't scared it's anxiety related okay?!)
>a week later I recieve a letter stating that I've been dismissed from the literature class for not having the required literary experience and being boastful about reading 'inappropriate books'

>> No.6839069
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>tfw was an edgy teen who thought reading was for fags
>didn't read a single book from ages 14 to 19
>have read around 50 - 60 books in my life
>if I had read as a teen that number probably would be 4 times higher
>all that wasted time

>> No.6839123

Hell, dude, I wish I knew that guy. In my university in the US no one in my English classes ever mentions books outside those required for the class, and if they do mention reading outside class it's only ever Catcher in the Rye or John Green (actually I think it's always both). And no one even does drugs! 9/10 people I've met either identify as straight edge or just don't do drugs without labeling giving themselves that label. So people just want to read 4 books a semester, struggle with the final essays (because somehow writing 10 pages is hard work), and move on to the next class, until they get a degree in English with no specific end goal of a job in mind, or something.

I was talking with a girl once who claimed to be really invested in her English classes, taking loads of creative writing classes for practice or whatever. I once accidentally let slip that I just purchased Lolita, and she had never heard of the novel! A fucking English major near me never heard of one of the most infamous fucking novels in the English language!

I have no fucking hopes for the future of American literature. In fact, for about a year and a half, I so hated the English program and its inhabitants that I decided I was only going through with it to feed the flames of my hate. Then I read Stoner, considered how people actually gave a shit about literature a hundred years ago, and decided I must become a professor to try to fix the problem of literature programs in my country. I will be unsuccessful, of course

>> No.6839131
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Packin a bowl to my fellow potheads. I may not read genre fiction, but I've read more of wikipedia than anyone on the planet, and like I said, I smoke alot of weed.

By the way, I'm a better writer than any of you shitheads. Look for me in Reader's Digest.

>> No.6839135

I think it's different with /lit/, m8. We here are all making fun of our peers, but we are making fun of how our peers don't care about literature at all, or only read shit. If they were pretentious, we'd be making fun of them for namedropping the meme trilogy and shit

>> No.6839143

>go home and look them up on facebook
>try to convince myself i am better than them
I do this, but with the qts and I convince myself I am not attracted to them because they have John Green shit in their Books section and top40 in their music.

I'd be so fucking happy if I could meet a qt with just basic tumblrcore taste in music and who has read even high school tier lit. But this is somehow impossible. I really do think I am in purgatory, man

>> No.6839146

>>one of the football players starts chanting 'PEDO, PEDO, PEDO'
But the Greeks were all pederasts?

>> No.6839150
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>stoner with a persecution complex and unwarranted self-importance
Seen one, seen 'em all.

>> No.6839154

>found poetry collective
>plebby but kinda cool, get to do interesting stuff, try cadavre exquis and shit, get money.

>work at library
>boring, everyone else is bored of their job, have an fairly okay time

>volunteer at bookstore
>feminazi whales
>it's cool, I'm minoring in gender studies [mostly because I'm a faggot and loved M. Butterfly]

>edit and publish
>holy fuck, how is everyone this pleb?

See recent thread about publishing college poetry.

>> No.6839167

You must have been reading that book for a long time.

>> No.6839172


>> No.6839178
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Actually, I'm experimenting with character dialogues on an unwary population. How does it feel to be poked and prodded like a Paris floozy?

I bet it feels nice.

>> No.6839180

>just pretending to be retarded
Whatever feeds your smugness, kiddo.

>> No.6839182

The people in this thread don't want to write well, they want power. I suggest you all get into politics or business, emotions and thoughts beyond "me big, you little" obviously aren't your strong suit.

>> No.6839191
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>have to take English 102 class at community college
>class ends up being myself and a friend of mine talking to the professor about our assigned reading while the rest of the class stares at the wall, only speaking in short sentences when prompted
>we were the only ones with any initiative in the class and between the two and the professor of us had enough intellectual diversity to carry a debate for the full time slot
>one day we both decide that we're going to skip class one day and go get something to eat
>find out later that professor literally canceled class for that day because he just didn't want to deal with it
>mfw we were both stem majors
>mfw there were probably several people in that class who went onto get english degrees

I can't complain about that course though because I wrote an essay openly stating that the author of one of the works we read was essentially performing the literary equivalent of erotic bondage and orgasam denial and that he, and anyone who enjoyed it, should be shot.

It was one of my professors favorite works.

I got an A+ for that essay.

>> No.6839192
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>> No.6839203

orson welles was pretty huge tho tbh

>> No.6839205

Only with boys, anon, only with boys.

>> No.6839218

Semi related. How many books/how much of the canon should I have read before starting a lit-related degree? I'm underageb& and have only read like 2 non-childrens novels. I'm trying to read a book a week from now on but even then I'd only be able to read ~70 books before uni. Pls help.

>> No.6839236

I do like to tbh

>> No.6839239

I took English because History is probably a more useless major. I don't even know what job I want out of it, I barely do the required reading for my courses and return to my room and practice creative writing.

Uni's fun and I'm making friends so I don't really care, this beats supermarket work anytime.

>> No.6839245

>Look for me in Reader's Digest.

Oh...Someone should tell him

>> No.6839246

do you have smooth sexy feet unruined by age

>> No.6839280
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I am apprehensive about reading Dune because I know it will never come close to the greatness of this pic.

>> No.6839285

Basically why i am planning to go to uni. Currently work in a supermarket and thinking of doing English just as an escape.

>> No.6839293

>tfw read the exact same books as my qt because we live in the same place and share interests

>> No.6839297

Work at manual labor you fucking pussy boys

>> No.6839315

Like reading manuals? For what?

>> No.6839328

I have done manual labour. Working at a supermarket is manual labour too. I work in the back unloading/loading the deliveries.

>> No.6839343

What's wrong with orgasm denial? I thought it was a pretty /lit/ fetish.

>> No.6839357

Denying your partner his/her orgasm, yes.

>> No.6839358

>implying it's not the other way round

>> No.6839366

Is Chesterton pleb tier or comfy tier?
Not even Christian btw.

>> No.6839367

>implying it is
>implying denying oneself pleasure can ever be Patrician
Just kidding, whatever rocks your boat.

Chesterton is great and comfy.

>> No.6839375


if chesterson is so great then why can't i find his books online

checkmate christophers

>please give me a fukin link i want to read some of his books

>> No.6839376

Reddit really is coming in hard.
Read the sticky, jackass.

>> No.6839379


fuck you i use bookzz and bibilotek usually i've read it before i refuse to use those as its too challenging.

>> No.6839380

You really aren't trying hard enough, it took me 5 seconds to find the Father Brown omnibus.
And stop meme'ing.

>> No.6839389


mate i can't find orthodoxy which is what i want. i did find father brown omnibus just now thank you though.

>> No.6839393

Orthodoxy is on Gutenberg, for Christ's sake.

>> No.6839398


god bless, thank you child. you've done me a great service.

>> No.6839403

Gladly. Have fun reading.

>> No.6839433
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>> No.6839437
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>> No.6839676

>muh conspiracy becoming reality

>> No.6839757

Norwayfag here. Most people in my literature classes were into Harry Potter, Twilight, other generic fantasy or shit like Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, or other popular "kiosklitteratur"-writers

>> No.6839791
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>lit class
>discussing my nigga Conrad and talking about some modernist stuff
>a bunch of hipster leftist girls say Conrad sucks because "Jim was an asshole'

>> No.6839896
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>I wrote an essay openly stating that the author of one of the works we read was essentially performing the literary equivalent of erotic bondage and orgasam denial and that he, and anyone who enjoyed it, should be shot.

sounds like your essay was juvenile tripe

>> No.6840722

90% of English majors in English classes are so dead-eyed and nonparticipant, it's fucking bizzare

>taking a poetry class for the hell of it
>professor is pretty cool, loves poetry and has published some of his own
>class of thirty or so, only two students and I ever contribute to his discussion prompts
>rest of the class gives the most surface-level reading possible, i.e. "I think the snow represented the coldness of death"
>Whenever it was time to discuss a work, the professor always looked expectantly at me
>Would call on me when no one else would offer any discussion
>I'm a CompSci major

Never got anything like that in calculus, everyone would ask questions or contribute equally. Are most English majors sensedead?

>> No.6840733

Majoring in English is just an "easy" way to get the university/college experience without having to really work or understand complicated stuff like advanced math

>> No.6840763

>not using project Gutenberg

>> No.6840769

At least you're aware. Stay humble and keep reading.

Why do you even want to pursue a lit degree? You should probably wrestle with that question. Again, at least you're aware of your shortcomings. Keep reading. I recommend checking out some of the Open Yale Courses.

I've been that guy who carries the class. It sucks because then people end up hating you for being that guy, but they don't do anything to contribute to the class anyway so fuck 'em.

I also hate those people who complain about the assigned readings and "can't wait to read what I want" over summer. Why bother taking Shakespeare if you don't want to read him?

>> No.6840773

Except for the fact that nearly every story ITT has been about university classes

>> No.6840801



>> No.6840802

If you're tight for time then you should read the greater works of the canon and then go from there. By greater works I mean Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, etc. More minor authors should be read relative to the length of their work(s) and influence. A special emphasis on classical Greek and Roman writers due to their influence. Star reading the Bible ASAP (couple pages/chapters a day alongside another work), or at least the major books of the Old Testament + all of the New Testament.

Here are some reading lists that you can reference:



There's also Harold Bloom's, but it's far too expansive and it doesn't even include philosophy.

>> No.6840807

>English major
>almost everyone is a Harry Potter Hunger games reading pleb
>there's one guy who likes good books
>he has read Paradise Lost
>we have a great conversation about romantic movement
>he's English lit and I'm German lit so our points complement each other
>there's also a guy who is a huge Nordic culture loving metalhead
>plot twist: he actually knows his shit
>goes on and on about philology and the evolution of languages, actually knows about Nordic languages and runes
>there's also a qt chick who fucking loves Musashi and is now getting into Vonnegut
>not one of them is a pretentious faggot
>not all is lost

>> No.6840817

Romanticism class, I said Infinite Jest and even the teacher hadn't heard of it. Few rows later Looking for Alaska is said.

>> No.6840864
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i've never seen such few fat people as when i was working in that store. then again, we did not have an in-house cafe and why else would they be there
hook me up with that metalhead
>i'm glad you're having an all right time anon

>> No.6840898

just as easy to bullshit in college

>> No.6842827


>> No.6842834


>> No.6842909

for you

>> No.6842932

>honors lit class
>almost everyone in class is the type of overachiever who knows how to do schoolwork and get good grades but never had an interesting or novel thought in their life
>over 75% of them are girls
>professor is a feminist who marked us down for not analyzing texts with that lens, even though it's a general lit class
>there's this huge jock guy who somehow made it into the honors program
>turns out he's pretty smart, though not exactly eloquent
>he continually BTFOs the feminist prof with simple language and simple but sharp ideas
>she's never able to refute him, stumbles over her words trying to
>none of the girls in class try to challenge him because they know they're intellectual lightweights and would also get BTFO

He was a true bro. I talked with him after class quite a bit and he was a cool guy.

>> No.6842959

>1949 was 30 years ago

feels bad man

>> No.6843005

>filename and pic


>> No.6843014

>tfw I am that person
Its social anxiety and general introversion. I can really only speak for myself--most of what I say in that sort of social situation I immediately end up hating. But I hate just about everything anyone else says. But yeah I should speak up more.

But its definitely not because im sensedead or insincere about my studies.

>> No.6843243

I'm probably not even doing a lit degree, want to do philosophy. But we can do another course as an elective. Probably going with lit for that.

>> No.6843337

>not wanting to be a literal slave who wastes their days performing sisyphean tasks for minimum wage
>being a pussy

pick one, dude

>> No.6843352

being a literal slave who wastes their days performing sisyphean tasks for minimum wage is better than being a literal slave to whatever venture capitalists own 4chan by creating content for them 24/7 for free.

>> No.6843366

It's better than reading YA fiction as a teen.

I mostly read sci-fi and other genre fiction at that age. It wasn't until I was like 17 that I started to read seriously.

I thought that was kind of the point of that work.

Man, I've been trying to read paradise lost for forever. Is there an annotated version that could help me understand some of the antiquated language used?

>> No.6843379

You can't mossad the assad

>> No.6843623

sweet mary

>> No.6843654

>Huysmans, Fontane, Turgenev, Byron etc.)

Jesus, college freshman liberal students are fucking unbearable.

>> No.6843670

Good thing literature isn't about characters, plots, and description, pinhead.

>> No.6843682

none of those are bad authors.

>> No.6843685

They are terrible hipster tier shit.

"Oooh, look at this author I overrated because I never hear anyone talk about them. Yeah, I'm pretty intelligent. Way smarter than the average Chad."

Yeah, go fuck yourself, cunt.

>> No.6843702

> all these people majoring in lib arts
>Not attaining a liberal education in spare time with library books, for free
>Not learning the natural sciences to get a job/broader perspective
>Mocking the quality of discussion they themselves are paying for
>MAJORING in liberal fucking arts
Zenith kek. But seriously why? What are you getting out of a degree that a faggot with a library card and some common sense couldn't get? With the nat sciences you at least need the degree to get a job.

>> No.6843705

you sound like some weird /lit/ version of elliot rodger

>> No.6843710

Damn, why was Joyce so fine? Not even gay, but I'd let him sniff my arseful of farts

>> No.6843716

>>he's English lit and I'm German lit so our points complement each other
>tfw your school only has a general lit program
>tfw can't be patrician as fuck and major in Russian lit
I envy you, my friend

>> No.6843722

I'll choose to take that as a compliment. I have no drive to kill anyone who doesn't appreciate literature though lel

I kind of resent you for responding to my wall of text up there, friend. I was drunk when I typed that and I forgot how venomous I could be while drinking and thinking of my books

>> No.6843733


You are very mad and very stupid.

Stop buying into all of these identity politics vagaries they are swiss cheesing your brain.

>> No.6843745

I actually dropped out of my English program for this reason, though now I'm going to be fucking old by the time I graduate. Oh well.

>> No.6843754

fucking this

>> No.6843776
File: 2.41 MB, 500x325, 1409274939354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grocery store

I'd hate to see you do actual manual labour.

>> No.6843791

I've been told by exchange students from the UK that the depth of literacy in undergrad American English students is shocking. It isn't really a well-read-or-not thing, it's just that the level of discourse is just babby stuff.

Plus they aren't paying for a (three year) undergrad education.

>> No.6843798

>struggle with the final essays (because somehow writing 10 pages is hard work)
Writing essays is hard, cunt

>> No.6843833

>I thought that was kind of the point of that work.
Even if you say that's the point o the book it doesn't make the book or the author shitty.

>> No.6843848

I met a kid from the UK once, he was an elitist asshole who was only unique because of his English accent and now he tries to hold on to it even though he doesn't have it anymore

fucking hate euros
I was an exchange student in Sweden in their equivalent of highschool, and though they're just about better in every way - they're pretty damn autistic
literally no one knew the concept of a variable.. and they all legitimately had discussions on the illuminati

I know these are generalizations but they didn't leave good impressions, between that and their Euro elitism over America; zizek was right

>> No.6843872

The cool one was Scottish, and they're the redheaded stepchildren of the UK, so she was alright.

>> No.6843895


>> No.6843899


>> No.6843907

>the guardian
Not even once.

>> No.6843954

Confirmed for attending a shit college

>> No.6844251


Fellow Norwayfag here.

Dette kan jo ikke stemme, hvor studerte du? Jeg studerer filosofi ved universitetet i Oslo og alle mine bekjente der er beleste (Innenfor både filosofi og litteratur). Har truffet rundt 5 litteraturvitenskapstudenter via medstudenter og alle har lest intimiderende mye god litteratur.

>> No.6844265

Britfags are alright man, most just hold onto the accent because we think Amrican chicks will spontaneously wet themselves.

>> No.6844272

It's long and plebs can't commit to it.

>> No.6844420
File: 264 KB, 484x489, 1425708408227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of communications class
>everybody gets asked what book, movie, and album they would take on a deserted island as a way to get to know each other
>one chubby guy with a shaved head says infinite jest
>I laugh out loud
>everybody looks at me

>> No.6844516

>not proudly exclaiming 'Infinite Jest, Drive, ITAOTS'
>not being a living meme

>> No.6844527
File: 17 KB, 240x300, 1307908086009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one read a book
>one speaks a dead language
>one studying ancient myths

They aren't above you.

>> No.6844533

She's at least smart enough to bring ample toilet paper.

>> No.6844535

same guy; they do love it

the British guy I knew was kind of ugly but people seemed to find him really likable with it

>> No.6844606

>And no one even does drugs
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.6844613

Tell him what?

>> No.6844622

Please say more about this guy so I can tell if it's actually me.

>> No.6844623

England isn't European!

>> No.6844637

You suck dude

>> No.6844642

Dude totally lmao

>> No.6844646

He's probably too pleb to get to know the cool kids.
Or the university could be shit.

I'm doing philosophy at the university in Bergen, and although there is not a lot of participation, the people seem cool enough. I'm only studying part time and haven't had the chance to get to know many people at the university, but the ones I've talked to so far have been nice.

>> No.6844657

>...plots, and description, pinhead
If you're gonna insult someones intelligence and fain intelligence using grammar, I'd suggest using it properly.

>> No.6844720

Better late, than jobless for rest of your life. These fags are complaining about nothing; the real world is going to be harsh for most of them.