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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6835822 [Reply] [Original]

Is this new interesting as fuck meme the end of lit?

>> No.6835828

I think it's just like 5 dudes spazzing out.
It'll die down in a few hours.

>> No.6835829

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835830

for sure brother is realitvely obscure /mu/ meme

>> No.6835832

No, because it's just one person posting it. They did it before for a few days, then stopped.

>> No.6835835

Katie was the end of /lit/

These memes are just the maggots writhing in the corpse brother

>> No.6835843

Can the mods hurry up and ban them before the cancer spreads?

>> No.6835844

It's just a group of people thinking they're some kind of meme culture warriors

>> No.6835846

no it's not your'e so computers its interesting as fuck tbh

>> No.6835849

How did this even start?

>> No.6835852

interesting idea, brother... for sure

>> No.6835854

there are no /lit/ mods, it's why the board is so shit.

>> No.6835855

that's a valid point lauryn

>> No.6835860

Just report them all and move on.

>> No.6835866

for sure brothers

>> No.6835867

Don't give it the dignity of being called a meme, brother.

>> No.6835869
File: 83 KB, 824x698, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must fight this oppression! And keep the status quo!

>> No.6835870

It comes from redditt, actually

>> No.6835872

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835873

thats a valid point lauryn

>> No.6835876

not as interesting as katie brother

>> No.6835888



>> No.6835889

gore sure brother

>> No.6835890

ugly as fuck brother

>> No.6835894

With a failed abortion

>> No.6835895
File: 45 KB, 406x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a clergy man. How low will you stoop?

>> No.6835898
File: 133 KB, 475x472, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man youre so computers

>> No.6835901

sometimes i feel like i'm too old for the internet

>> No.6835904

interesting as fuck, father

>> No.6835910

forced girl brother

>> No.6835911

thats a valid point, uncle

>> No.6835915

The interesting as fuck meme, I mean.

>> No.6835922

nice roastie mother

>> No.6835930

fuck, are you sure, brother? interesting

>> No.6835933

It started on lit a few months ago when some guy posted prose and asked for critique. Then someone else found the prose he posted on reddit and the top comment for the piece was "Interesting as fuck."
so you're wrong again dumbass

>> No.6835934
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>unoriginal memes
>shitposting this vehemently
>when there are genre books to read!

>> No.6835935

for sure brother?

>> No.6835941

How is he wrong? It's literally a reddit meme.

>> No.6835946

How does she end up your favourite, brother?

There are so many better

>> No.6835951

It's a meme making fun of reddit retard

>> No.6835952
File: 65 KB, 500x382, C8rbjFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6835954

Found it:


>> No.6835955

It's a garbage meme. Go back to r/books with this dumb shit.

>> No.6835957

Greenposting is the end of lit

>> No.6835962

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835963

It's shitposting you dip, your epic raid on /lit/ will hardly effect reddit

>> No.6835969
File: 178 KB, 809x987, john_green_by_jdraco723-d4mmh99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He rose and stood tottering in that cold autistic dark with his arms outheld for balance while the vestibular calculations in his skull cranked out their reckonings.

>> No.6835971
File: 832 KB, 245x245, tumblr_static_2oqcj1srgfuoco44kow4ssk0s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting as fuck tbh brother

>> No.6836000
File: 69 KB, 500x501, g5tv2CtA1t1tleao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got anymore bad John Green fanart?

>> No.6836003

Now this is actually a pretty good meme, or at least I think so. It never fails to amuse me to see supposedly well-read people sperging out over prose that's obviously not by John Green.

>> No.6836011

oh my god

>> No.6836024
File: 182 KB, 700x700, john_green_by_rezzmarr-d4b9mli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, did this few times with Yann Martel (whom I consider Coelho tier but see getting positive responses here sometimes)

>> No.6836034
File: 320 KB, 900x1350, john_green_quote_portrait_by_carriejoanna-d3bv5r0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836040

>taken from YouTube
/lit/ must be desperate for dank memes

>> No.6836060
File: 118 KB, 500x273, tumblr_m1mhva89qR1r1betp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836073


thats so computers, man

>> No.6836089

Don't fucking pin this on us.

>> No.6836102

Coelho is one thing, but I've seen it done with McCarthy's, Pynchon's, and I think even Melville's prose. If Green's picture is next to it /lit/ unthinkingly hates it. It's a great way to expose this board's underlying dilettantism.

>> No.6836104

This guy gets it. This shitposting was dormant for months, though. Some kid decided to spend his summertime trying to reanimate a dead meme.