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[ERROR] No.6835622 [Reply] [Original]

Male feminist here,

How do we fight white privilege and patriarchy if women keep rewarding privileged white patriarchs?

>> No.6835628

interesting for sure, brother, as fuck, so computers tbh

>> No.6835630
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>> No.6835636

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835638

so computers

>> No.6835651
File: 230 KB, 395x352, FatFedoraFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male feminist here,

>> No.6835690

Nice meme fella redditors:^]

>> No.6836517

The nature of feminism being as assertive as it is won't solve the problem. Address the issues when they arise, don't scream about things that aren't happening or don't have an aggressive nature.

If they reward them it's their funeral.

>> No.6836552

By destroying capitalism

Identity politics have no revolutionary power

>> No.6836577

define revolutionary power

>> No.6836585
File: 39 KB, 532x1370, LIBERAL UTOPIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after 40 years of feminazism, all betas are already enslaved

there is nothing left to be done

>> No.6836588

Hokey as fuck
Laughable as fuck

>> No.6836606

The ability to demolish oppressive heirarchies like capitalism and the patriarchy

Do you really think bourgeois feminism has the ability to to make real systemic change when it embraces electoralism and lacks class analysis

Anti-capitalism is the crux of intersectionality imo

>> No.6836612
File: 107 KB, 200x362, 2013-02-06-photios-of-constantinople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah! down with the patriarchs!

>> No.6836617

Identity politics are used by the radical intelligentsia to control education and groom a new revolutionary class, as the proletariat has no motivation to revolt in a functioning capitalist society.
People like OP are just being manipulated into brainwashed shills to subvert tradition, morality, and discipline in established institutions to enable said intelligentsia to create a new power establishment.

Ideology is literally a meme. A memetic virus that spreads from person to person. It's pretty useless and I shun all forms of it.

>> No.6836622

Just give it time.

Unless you're talking about a war zone where might makes right, a society will always cater to the desires of women. They are the more important sex when it comes to propagating genes.

>> No.6836629

Feminism can demolish oppressive patriarchal hierarchies. It's been doing that for the past century. Whether it does away with capitalism is irrelevant.

>> No.6836634

Is this the cultural marxism boogeyman?

And of course you adhere to ideology, just look at your post
"Tradition, morality, and discipline" are right-wing memes

>> No.6836645

Why are people responding to such shit bait?

MODS wake the fuck up

>> No.6836650
File: 89 KB, 622x455, porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not capitalist

top kek

>> No.6836661

what mods?
this is /lit/

>> No.6836679

Try to use sentences, idiot.

>> No.6836691


Would you rather have more female politicians or get rid of oppressive political structures entirely?

Would you rather have more female CEOs or get rid of oppressive corporate structures entirely?
The same corporate structures that dehumanize women and don't give them maternity leave or equal pay in the pursuit of profit? Would having women in upper management actually change the nature of corporations operating in a capitalist economy?

Would you rather have more female cops and judges or get rid of the racist judicial system entirely?

Feminism without class analysis is worthless at actually creating worthwhile change Instead, by integrating them, it makes them complicit in these institutions and turns them into oppressors of their own sex and of other marginalized groups.

Bourgeois feminism is looking at a slave-master and his slaves and saying it's progress if the slave-master lets some of his slaves become overseers.

>> No.6836694

Identity politics is replacing a collective sense of identity based on material social relations (I'm a labourer, therefore working class) with individualistic sense of identity based on sexuality, race, etc.
It sees liberation in terms of getting individuals to modify their behaviour, to make better individual choices, to be more individually conscientious in how they speak and what language they use, it has absolutely fuck all relation to the material relations of production.

Neoliberal identity bollocks is just capitalism trying to prepare itself for a non-gendered and ethnically diverse workforce.
Reproducing the means of production, making sure that the system can cope with the ethnic, gender, sexual, religous, (ie not directly economic) changes that society is undergoing so that capital can be accumulated in the future.
Speech codes, affirmative action, multiculturalism, and general ‘political correctness’ can best be understood as liberal mechanisms to regulate behavior in a manner which fosters racial tolerance while simultaneously solidifying the belief that capitalism’s class divisions are structured along genuinely meritocratic lines — meritocracy being the bourgeoisie’s principal self-legitimating ideological construct in the 21st century.

>> No.6836699

sorry you must be looking for the feminism boards


don't bring this shit to my precious /lit/

books or gtfo

>> No.6836711

>How do we fight white privilege and patriarchy if women keep rewarding privileged white patriarchs?

So feminism is literally fight against (specifically) white males?

I don't understand. Why? Please don't be a troll and let's have a civilized discussion without degenerating to the usage of memes and bait.

>> No.6836712
File: 512 KB, 543x417, hebrews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The huge majority of women will not be happy for long without "rewarding" men who the perceive as valuable. Even the most outspoken straight feminists I know have "standards" for their partners that somehow end up fitting the same mold of the successful, healthy white man but maybe with a nose piercing or slightly longer hair than average.

You as a male feminist are clinging to some feel-good nonsense you were told in the third grade to keep boys from pulling girls hair too much. Women have needs that aren't just a modern social construct, and you're trying to make it harder and harder for men to satisfy those needs while pressuring women to deny their own desires. You aren't liberating anyone, you're suppressing the closest thing each sex has to a "reason for existence" (inb4 only plebs care about sexual desire; most people are pretty simple) and then getting frustrated when the masses don't get with the program.

>> No.6836720

>The huge majority of women will not be happy for long without "rewarding" men who the perceive as valuable.
>Even the most outspoken straight feminists I know have "standards"

Feminism has gone fucking insane

Women should be objects of exchange again. This degeneracy is too much to handle

>> No.6836721
File: 292 KB, 1007x720, 1436716336919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male feminist here

>> No.6836731

Read: paranoia

>> No.6836739

I for one support OP, fuck your ainamu weeaboo jackoff image.

>> No.6836740
File: 120 KB, 647x533, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the cultral logic of late capitalism, mate.

>> No.6836744

Nice rebuttal

>> No.6836754
File: 157 KB, 1200x1156, pepej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring context this hard
>ignoring the other two statements that made up the actual argument
Not sure what else to expect from an internet feminist.

>> No.6836767

>muh 'I am entitled to get laid' meme

lel, you were born ugly and disgusting, deal with it.
Loneliness can't be that bad. It's nice that girls have standards.

>> No.6836770

It's the sort of assertion that can't be directly rebutted. It's asserted without evidence and therefore can be dismissed without evidence. Now, maybe the poster could have explicitly labeled his idea as nothing more than a theory.

>> No.6836782

>So feminism is literally fight against (specifically) white males?
Not exactly. It's WHITE women's fight against whatever males are the ruling majority in a particular culture. You can bet they hate darkies in the 3rd world more than the average KKK member would. Most of the upper echelon of feminism are white.

>> No.6836788

>It's asserted without evidence and therefore can be dismissed without evidence

*fips tehora*

You sound like some moronic 14 year old who has just stumbled upon a Chris Hidgens fedora video.

It's remarkable how morons like you genuinely do not see how feminism (and in general identity politics), diversity (migration flows, blurring of national identities, more open boarders and cultural appropriation, etc), anti-Western resentment (and terror), and 'degeneracy' (i.e. sex sells) have anything to do with capitalism.

>> No.6836792

If you're the feminist that I've been arguing with, can you respond to my post >>6836691

>> No.6836811

>It's remarkable how morons like you genuinely do not see how feminism (and in general identity politics), diversity (migration flows, blurring of national identities, more open boarders and cultural appropriation, etc), anti-Western resentment (and terror), and 'degeneracy' (i.e. sex sells) have anything to do with capitalism.

not him, but your broad statements really scream (citation needed) all over

>> No.6836812

The thing is you can blame anything on "capitalism". Economics is all-pervading throughout human society.

>> No.6836813

Have an open marriage with her. She needs to ground herself by exploring. Oh, and prenups are gross tbqh

>> No.6836817
File: 46 KB, 347x445, frogscream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you actually think the whole point of that post is that I'm mad that girls have standards? I'm actually one of the guys who sleeps with very outspoken feminist girls despite not sharing many of their beliefs, and yeah, it is great that they have standards because otherwise I might have to share more. The point is that for all the bitching and moaning about rich white men, most of the ones I know sure do enjoy an expensive night out with a tall white athlete from their extremely privileged university student body. Just pointing out the "how white guys for me, but not for thee" hypocrisy.

>> No.6836820

>functioning capitalist society
>cultural marxism
>ideology is just a spook guys
I don't even know is this bait or not, which frightens me.

>> No.6836834

How the fuck do people actually respond to OP in this thread, as if he actually was a male feminist wanting to fight white privilege and patriarchy?
Are you guys literally here the first week from reddit?

>> No.6836841

These days it's any ecuse for the /r9k/ crowd to scream about worthless whores and the feminist plot to cuck all non-Chads*

*I apologize for the buzzwords