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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6834979 [Reply] [Original]

>too intellectual to attract women who take care of their outer appearance and who have god tier physical genetics

>> No.6834986

>too dirty and smelly to attract women who take care of themselves

>> No.6834991

10/10 women don't want you because you're the sort of person who would make this thread, not because you're too intellectual

(also you might be ugly)

>> No.6834993
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>implying patricianhood and physical fitness are mutually exclusive



>> No.6834992

-t knowers of women

>> No.6835007

How much do you have to hate yourself to get with anything that's not a ten

Seriously. It's like I'm living in a world of cucks.

>> No.6835008

finland please go

>> No.6835043
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>> No.6835047


Read Portnoy's Complaint anon. Mid twenties to thirties women, deep down, want to fuck intellectuals to prove they're not stupid. It's not attractive, but deeply "pure" women, women who are confident, moral, together, that are going to be hard to attract unless you are amazing in all aspects.

Mind you, in order to pull the insecure pussy, you still have to be confident, witty, decent looking, and in a position where you have intellectual credentials, like a professorship, consulting for the gov't, operating in a psychology practice, working for a highbrow magazine, etc. You're probably using "imma intellect" to slack off on your financial/social standing improvement and your physical improvement. Most people are very lazy.

>> No.6835050

Do we really need another /r9k/ thread on the front page?

>> No.6835118

once a beta, always a beta

>> No.6835135
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>tfw patrician writer to ugly fat bitches

>> No.6835147

so women are into intellect bros when they are rich successful alpha males.

somehow i think the "intellectual" part of that is extraneous

>> No.6835152

Interesting as fuck.

>> No.6835156

>Read Portnoy's Complaint anon.


>read a book written by a middle-aged, "intellectual", successful, arrogant guy, it proves that women are deeply into middle-aged "intellectual" successful arrogant guys,

>> No.6835172
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>too plebby to keep up with intellectual patrician girls
>not pleb enough to put up with YA fiction girls

>> No.6835188

>implying your so called intellect has anything to do with it
>implying they aren't repulsed by your lack of confidence, physical strength, and power

Sorry man, you're just a loser, not an "intellectual"

>> No.6835204

Nice implications, loser.

>> No.6835209

>sit next to a Chad at work
>casually tells me about his tinder dates and shows me his profile
>tells me about a girl he fucked over the weekend
>tells me the degenerate shit they did together (analingus)
>asks me what I did with my weekend
>tell him I read a book (I didn't)
>doesn't even ask what one, just says "awesome dude!"
>female colleague overhears and says "haha what's awesome!!!"
>he tells her about how I read a book this weekend as if he's my dad telling my mom I did well in a test
>girl just says "awww, I bet you wish you were out chasing girls like Chad, Anon"
>Chad says "nah, Anon's a good guy haha"
>she continues to ruffle his hair and giggle quietly as he jokes around
>pretty sure she gave him a blowjob in the disabled toilets last week

Why do pleb normies insist on fucking with my life?

>> No.6835222

That's interesting as fuck

>> No.6835225

>>pretty sure she gave him a blowjob in the disabled toilets last week

you watch people in the disabled toilets

now that is interesting as fuck

>> No.6835226
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>tfw you're not very smart but people keep asking you things because you try to compensate by reading long books

>> No.6835230
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You not smart enough.

>> No.6835239

I walked past as they were leaving. The girl just looked at the floor and the guy said "hey buddy!", probably thinking I was too autistic / naive to know what was going on.

>> No.6835247

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835248

>/r9k/ will never fuck off

>> No.6835284
File: 86 KB, 577x398, Gautama-Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so patrician that overcome female

>> No.6835322

>intellectual and weird looking
>somehow am like catnip for hot younger women

im not complaining im just confused

>> No.6835331

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835334

I am not liking this meme AT ALL

>> No.6835336



They're always underage and think I'm flirting when I'm actually insulting them.

>> No.6835337
File: 469 KB, 1000x664, nohope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most vocally literary person in friend group
>whenever some debate comes up I chime in
>friends just agree with me because I've "read lots of shit" and they're sure I'm right
>end debate and go back to silently chilling

I just want to have a conversation.

>> No.6835341

He sounds alright.

>> No.6835350

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835351

>see women outside
>misantrophy and misogyny kick in
>go home, read
>go on /lit/
>threads about women
>get anxious and close them
thanks, at least I can now go back to reading

>> No.6835354


same, tbh

>> No.6835355


>tfw so patrician i have become female

>> No.6835364
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not working out hard and watching frank yang videos and knowing you are intellectually superior to him and kind of thinking hes a little bit dim but his hearts in the right place


>> No.6835376

not interesting as duck

>> No.6835383


It's not a meme, it's fast-spreading cancer, virus. Although I suspect only one or two posters are using it

>inb4 interesting as fuck

>> No.6835395
File: 86 KB, 620x330, 1428047422660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when friend doubts you
>tfw you explain your thoughts on the matter and they understand and agree
THAT feels good, man.

>> No.6835397

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835444

women are not interesting

except for ass fuck

>> No.6835483


problem solved

(eventually, it feels the same)

>> No.6835488

interesting as uck

>> No.6835974

I want to but I am rubbish at stop wanking.

I know that I will have to cut wanking, but if I do not, I just think of plowing though women after ten days

any tips ?

>> No.6836147
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>> No.6836174

>tfw so patrician I have transcended gender

>> No.6836214

Who said anything about stopping wanking? Wanking is healthy in moderation, it flushes the pipes and clears the mind.

Just wank without the aid of pornography.

>> No.6836218

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836225

inb4 tile master

>> No.6836248

literally /r9k/ on my /lit/ jfc