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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6834502 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>today in college
>reading book
>someone goes up to me and asks me for my name
>I give him it and ask for his
>we talk a bit about majors
>He tells me, 'hey Anon, you really like science huh?'
>"It's what you're reading, Anon"
>I was reading plato
>he thought my book's cover said 'pluto'
mfw a meme happened to me irl

>> No.6834506

i like protons.

>> No.6834510
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Amerian college, ladies and gentlesirs.

>> No.6834516

I'm not in America

>> No.6834521

>people think of you as an "intellectual"
>automatically think you love science and astrology when you really find it boring as hell.

>> No.6834528
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>> No.6834535

I meant astronomy, thats how boring I find it

>> No.6834541

this isn't /int/, fuck off with your abstract boundaries

>> No.6834557

lol. literature is pure jingoism, chld.

>> No.6835292

>And they aks you about every inane shit in their life because you have all the answers.

>> No.6835320
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STEM fags don't read anything besides fantasy and sci fi, if they read at all.

>> No.6835330

Ah, good ol' Pluto

>> No.6835333
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I'm a STEM fag and I have my copy of Zizek's Desert of the Real right here tbh

>> No.6835335

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835349


Change that to: STEM fags don't read anything that isn't contemporary. Weirdly true.

>> No.6835365

Whats motivates you to make this statement? Its clearly a stupid generalisation..

>> No.6835374

not interesting as cuck

>> No.6835375
File: 184 KB, 820x1004, Good ol' Pluto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6835377

Because airport fiction is contemporary.

>> No.6835386

>Yurocuck Uni
>mandatory privilege seminar
>five classes on radical feminism
>two on white privilege
>guest lecturer is a Muslim immigrant
>learn about his superior culture
>at lunch take my mandatory estrogen pill as prescribed by my socialist overlords
>order a ham sandwich
>get expelled for offending Muslims everywhere

>> No.6835496

op i like ur picture it reminds of estonia

>> No.6835499

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836183


I'm doing a masters in philosophy in a European university and things like that don't exist.

Don't confuse us with americuck or anglo univerisities, post-colonial studies don't exist here.

>> No.6836204

You seem to be confusing twitter with reality, memefriend.

>> No.6836212

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836232

Americunt who goes to university in England. This is entirely false.
From what I know by talking to American friends in college, they have done much more 'MUH PRIVILEGE' bullshit than us. The only thing we ever did at my school was talk about consent for an hour during naught week.