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[ERROR] No.6833592 [Reply] [Original]

>see girl about my age (24)
>realise that I've never had female attention ever, both all through uni and despite the fact that I lift
>realise that women are only attracted to the top 10 % of males
>realise that I won't get any female attention until I'm 30+, and that will only be women looking for beta providers
>realise that society is just a scheme to turn male sexual desire in to work

Why is this never talked about? I've even seen normies agree to most of the last three points on multiple websites, nevermind r9k etc.

Is young love and love based on looks the only authentic type of love?

>> No.6833599
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Every girl I meet considers me for at least a second, I can see it in their eyes.

>> No.6833604

thank god i don't live in america
jesus christ
what a horrid atomized society

>> No.6833610

Did you talk to her? Did you go up to her and say something? Did you do anything at all to make her think about you in any way?
If you didn't, why are you upset that you received no attention?

My advice is for you to stop being a pathetic faggot

>> No.6833612

Different women are attracted to very different guys, but they vet them through peer review to make sure the guy isn't creepy.

>> No.6833618

>I have no social skills: the thread

Unless you're completely hideous, it's your fault you're forever alone. Even very, very average guys get to score with girls if they're funny enough.

>> No.6833619

>only attracted to the [men who think they are in the] top 10 % of males

M8 they honestly don't know how to judge this, just stop believing in love and marriage as though it's an ideal to strive towards for you. It's for them to convince you. When you decide to put yourself on the market you should always be going after two hot girls to see which one will be willing to do more for you, they fucking love the challenge and so should you.

>> No.6833623

>realise that women are only attracted to the top 10 % of males

Would you want a woman who was attracted to the bottom 90%?

>> No.6833629

What the fuck is this? Can women not think for themselves?

>> No.6833632

as a man, i can say i did that until the age of 19. women just never grow out of that shit.

>> No.6833637


It's just not true, you are just trying to rationalize your own problems with a sociological explanation. Much shittier men have done far better with women. Allot of it is luck and chance honestly. Also, if you sat around and waited for the women to come to you then you fucked up, few men have that luxury. Men are expected to be assertive and do most of the work in these things. Now go read some manly literature and sweep a girl off her feet. No more sulking.

>> No.6833641


just be yourself anon

>> No.6833645

Weirdos can seem normal at first, and then it's too late and they won't stop bothering you

>> No.6833649

Women are worthless by your age, they're worthless by age 16.

>> No.6833655
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you have sentimental education

>Is young love and love based on looks the only authentic type of love?

the only relevant love is charitas/agape

>> No.6833656

kill yourself

>> No.6833660

most normies aren't the top 10% of men
most normie men have relationships
or else they wouldn't be normies

>> No.6833664

And let me guess, weirdos = non-conformists.

>Group ideals.
Good thing I don't care anymore.

>> No.6833666
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jus b urself

>> No.6833676

Weirdos = fedoras, guys who will kill themselves if you dump them, guys who have filthy dwellings, guys who force sex, and so on.

>> No.6833677

this is so badly and weirdly written

>> No.6833679

>24 (TWENTY-FOUR) and still suffering from these "problems"
I recommend you follow the footsteps of the protagonist in your comic

>> No.6833705

chad pls

>> No.6833706
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>> No.6833710

this is some stupid shit

>> No.6833717


>> No.6833724
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>shit drawing ability
>bitter autist
>mfw the only qualification to be a Chad on /r9k/ is to be a functioning human being

>> No.6833728

>posted on 4chan


>> No.6833737


>this is so badly and weirdly written


By a fedora who just discovered the semicolon.

>> No.6833738


>> No.6833753

I'm a kv beta autist, but I'm not butthurt about it. Manlets should be culled from the gene pool, so I'm glad they're not getting any either.

>> No.6833754
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>tfw you're a Chad by 4chan standards

>> No.6833815

i'm actually kind of afraid to love people, not because i hate women or anything but because i have a lot of problems and shit to figure out about my life and it wouldn't be fair to pour all of that on someone else

it's also partly why i try to avoid being friends with women, not because i hate them or anything but because then there will inevitably be a stage where they take interest in me and i have to let them down, then they misinterpret that as me being too good for them or some bullshit and never talk to me ever again

>> No.6833829

>Thinks women are only attracted to 10% of guys

Do you only care about super models or something? Normal girls are more than willing to get together with normal guys. You should focus less on working out, and more on dressing well, being independently minded and confident. Plenty of weak dweebs get a lot of female attention by having a cute face and a nice outfit.

However, the biggest assets to getting attention are social skills and approachability. If you obviously view women like a redpiller no sane girl will give you the time of day. It'd be like a woman trying to pick up men whilst spouting SJW man-hating BS, the only people you'll pick up with either methods would be self-hating halfwits who can barely stand on their own two feet.

This is pretty true. Waiting around to meet girls or make friends is foolish. You should be able to meet new people through friends obviously, thats how most do it. If you don't have a social circle, try and get one while you're still young.

It sounds a lot harder than it is. Trust me.

Everyone who isn't so autistic that they can't make friends is a chad by 4chan standards.

>> No.6833835
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>there will inevitably be a stage where they take interest in me and i have to let them down

>> No.6833841

This is why most civilizations villify homosexuals. They've escaped the game. They aren't beholden to society anymore.

>> No.6833842

I was with you til the second paragraph. Never claim you're own insecure behaviour is really out of consideration for others.

>> No.6833846

You're overthinking everything. If you're half decent friends with a girl, you'll be able to tell if she likes you pretty damn quickly. Most people are bad at hiding that they're trying to impress someone or get their attention. You'll pick up on it early on and can nip it in the bud before it's a problem.

Even if it becomes an issue, it isn't the end of the world. I'm still very close friends with a girl who liked me, and I'm still good friends with a girl who I liked. No need to give a shit about either so long as you handle it half-decently.

You'd be surprised how hard you have to drop the ball for people to hate you, especially if your friends genuinely like you.

>> No.6833847

>You should be able to meet new people through friends obviously, thats how most do it. If you don't have a social circle, try and get one while you're still young.

This is completely true, and now that I'm past the age where social circles come together easily, I'm realising I'm left on my own. I did have a social circle when I was younger, but it disintegrated - first there were arguments that split it into subgroups, and then the remaining people moved away one by one.

>> No.6833849

>>realise that society is just a scheme to turn male sexual desire in to work
Why do women work then?

>> No.6833851

sign me up

>> No.6833853

One of the major features of feminism has been the "whatever males can do, we can do" thing.

>> No.6833856

that's literally what happens, i don't know what the hell you or anyone else wants from me

i try to be honest and when i say shit like that that's when they assume i'm lying just to be righteous when i'm not intending that at all, it's all a bunch of fucking bullshit and i've grown convinced that no matter what i say someone will spin that as me having some nefarious ulterior motive

>> No.6833857
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>tfw your name is actually Chad

>> No.6833864

And how does that relate to turning 'male sexual desire in to work'?

>> No.6833871

It doesn't. It's just a "monkey see-monkey do" thing.

>> No.6833875

I can confirm. I'm a pudgy dude covered head to toe with unsightly hair and I've still landed attractive and interesting women.

OP, the trick is to take your sights off of the ladies themselves and focus on other things that are fascinating or validating to you. You won't only land more women, but you'll make more friends too! Good luck!

>> No.6833880
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So what you're saying is just be urself

>> No.6833883

>It's just a "monkey see-monkey do" thing.
If you absolutely want to be reduce society to a single determining factor, this is pretty good. But OPs reductionism is just absurd.

>> No.6833898

No need to despair anon. I've known people who have made new social circles in their late twenties, and I'm certain it's possible at later ages.

Generally, the best environment to make friends is one where you'll consistently run into the same people regularly. That's why most people have friends from school, university, work etc.

If you're older though, I've heard volunteering, travelling or going back to classes is a great way to make new friends.