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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6833523 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most mindblowing concepts you've seen in a sci-fi book?

t. Non-sci-fi reader

>> No.6833530


>> No.6833532
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>sci fi

>> No.6833565

Is it really an oxymoron?

>> No.6833574

Probably in 2001: A Space Odyssey where it states that the extraterrestrials are a race's sentience converted into pure energy.

That's pretty much the end of Childhood's End, too.

>> No.6833584

>Should there be Catholic SF? Absolutely! Suppose we change that question just a little and say, “Should there be Catholic art?” Answer NO, and a lot of the world’s greatest art vanishes. Humanists would say the Divine Comedy is fantasy, but they are wrong. It is SF, based on the soft science of theology. Theology has just as much right to that word science as sociology and the rest do.
-Gene Wolfe

>> No.6833735

Oh, he's religious? D R o p p e d.

>> No.6833760

The Stars My Destination

At the end the protagonist rejects his role as a hero and forces normal people all over the world to take responsibility for themselves or die. I thought that that was pretty cool.

>> No.6833761

If you're older than 5 yes :^)

>> No.6833802

The Killing Star's solution to the Fermi paradox.
Really, read it.

>> No.6833884

>Civilizations achieving FTL travel then wiping themselves out of existence
>Highly advanced computer hidden inside a neutron star that could view its own past or future
>Weapons can remove segments of reality
>Rogue terraforming nanobots that nearly wipe out the entire Milky Way
Lots of crazy and zany shit.

>> No.6833903

>Lots of crazy and zany shit.

These are very superficial

>> No.6833918
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>dude gnosticism lmao
>dude travelling through time by ingesting various narcotic substances lmao
>dude you're a god but you've forgotten it lmao
>dude praying to gods via a machine lmao
>dude doing meth everyday so you can pay the bills lmao

>> No.6833983
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>ITT based realists

Seriously, you're not supposed to have fun reading. Place a mirror on the ground. Spread your sphincter. Think deeply about what constitutes REAL literature.

Don't stop until you sit in the cosseting brown warmth of your own super based examination of the human condition.