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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6829851 [Reply] [Original]

Your thought on Tolkien's work and legacy?

I find myself reading his books about once a year.

>> No.6829870

Pretty shallow. He tends to get carried away with the narrative as if it were of importance, the man clearly had no idea how to write.

>> No.6829878

Greatest fantasy writer in history.

LoTR is as classic fiction as you can get.

>> No.6829881

Uninteresting escapism and unnecessary worldbuilding. His books are a sandbox devoid of any interest.

>> No.6829889
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this is /mu/ levels of hispter

>> No.6829894

On the contrary. There is absolutely no point to alternative worlds apart from self-insert, make-believe fantasies.

>> No.6829897

Do you even know the purpose of writing?

>> No.6829909
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This kind of trolling could apply to every genre.

>> No.6829912

But I'm being serious. Why do you think I'm trolling ?

>> No.6829914

>asking about well known author
you dun goofed normie

>> No.6829921
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>> No.6829922

Well he created modern fantasy.

What else needs to be said.

>> No.6829930

Anyone who says Tolkein is just escapism is a dumbfuck dilettante criticizing things he knows nothing about. I can understand not liking his writing aesthetically, but dismissing it as escapism and nothing more is ignorant. Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were entirely built around expressing Tolkein's passion for languages, his experiences with World War 1 and World War 2, and the increasingly industrialized world he was living in. In other words, he actually wrote about something that mattered to him, not just to masturbate over things he thought were cool

>> No.6829931


I know you are just another retard, but Tolkien stated he wanted to give his country a proper lore, since most of Britain's lore was forieng.

>> No.6829940

He recycled it from old legends and polished them, bleached them, emptied and gutted them so well that they became so bland anyone can now make their own.

>> No.6829941

Okay, but that does nothing for his writing. Literature is about more than stories, much more. In fact, stories are superfluous vessels and nothing more.

>> No.6829945

You realize your entire post is nothing but name-calling and worthless rhetoric, right ?

>> No.6829950
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You obviously don't know shit about Tolkien.

He was a linguist and scholar of the subject.

>> No.6829952

>asking the king of hipsters about the most successful writer in history

this never works

>> No.6829955
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welcome to /lit/

>> No.6829960

Only the guilty take offense, buddy. And it isn't empty rhetoric, it's facts. He literally invented the language before coming up with anything in Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit, and used those stories as an excuse to express that language. The only reason why he built a world at all was because he believed a language isn't believable or convincing unless it has some sort of historical basis or context. In other words, it was a vessel for something else.

>> No.6829962

Please don't tell us you are under the incredibly stupid and deluded impression that being a linguist gives you mastery of prose rather than a mechanical and bleak understanding of grammar and philology ? That would be incredibly naive, even for you.

>> No.6829963

Then why did he write such shallow tripe?

>> No.6829966

Please refrain from posting unless you have something to say, much like Tolkien should have refrained from writing unless he had something to say.

You just admitted it is nothing but pointless worldbuilding and sandboxing. Uninteresting.

>> No.6829967

How can anyone not like Tolkien?

It's a fucking classic.

>> No.6829972

By being a grown man ?

>> No.6829981


>implying someone with the training tolkien had isn't more apt for suck skillful writing

choke on your $5 moccachino faggot

>> No.6829986


>i only play mature games for mature gamers such as my self

>> No.6829992

Why would he ?
Please refrain from empty insults, I'm not 14.

>> No.6830009

We are talking about literature, not games

>> No.6830089


You are not indeed. A 14 year old can analyze his work much better.

Shut troll / 10

>> No.6830235

He wrote decent stories that shouldn't have become as genre defining as they are, his legacy has been to influence many talentless fools to write derivative imitations of his work.

he is excellent at world building, plot and prose are mediocre.

>> No.6830305

Because every book is set in a make-believe world, you fool.

>> No.6830838

Great world.

Great stories.

Terribly written.