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[ERROR] No.6828717 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that talk about higher dimensional geometry? Like in depth mathematics surrounding multiple dimentions

>> No.6828739

Any book on calculus on manifolds, differential geometry, topology, functional analysis, algebraic geometry/topology, etc. If you want to learn mathematics do it properly.

>> No.6828750


>> No.6828759

This. If you don't learn mathematics / physics and you start talking about "higher dimensions", or - even worse - string theory or relativity, you'll look like a fool. Anyone who does that is instantly disqualified in my eyes. Know your stuff before you talk about it.

>> No.6828767

What is your grounding in maths?

>> No.6828793
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I wonder if /sci/ would know.

>> No.6828795

Passed Calculus in high school with no issues. I just have no idea where to start when it comes to shit like this.

>> No.6828800

There is exactly one sentence in flatland of interest about geometry, and that is (paraphrased)
>an n-dimensional object will appear as its (n-1)-dimensional cut in an (n-1)-dimensional world.

The rest is badly written sort-of-satire and religious allegory of 19th century england.

>> No.6828805

Any decent calc book will cover manifolds in its latter pages, however calc in HS is not the same as calc in univeristy.

>> No.6828809

So just take calc at uni and go from there? Is there anything worthwhile I'd be able to read before?

>> No.6828831

Well you can read those books. I don't really know about English/American textbooks, but /sci/ usually has recommendations in the sticky and stuff.

>> No.6828832

The wild world of 4-manifolds by Alexandru Scorpan is great but I know that your attitude is rather to find some mind-blowing-omg-got-stoned-by-math-stuff hence look for some visuals at https://sketchesoftopology.wordpress.com/

>> No.6829902

It's a book about enlightenment. Sort of like 2001 A Space Odyssey but less pretentious.